Do These Things Every Morning To Rid Any Joint Pain

By molly atherton 10 months ago
Welcome to the ultimate morning routine to banish those pesky joint pains! Imagine waking up feeling refreshed, ready to conquer the day without wincing at every step or creaking like an old floorboard. Bid farewell to the morning stiffness that makes you feel like a reluctant contestant in a slow-motion dance-off with discomfort. This article is your ticket to reclaiming mornings and sashaying through your day pain-free!

1. Take a hot shower

Rising and shining with a piping hot shower might just be the ultimate morning ritual for bidding adieu to joint woes! Imagine this: as the steam envelops you in its warm embrace, your muscles sigh with relief, unknotting themselves from the tension that used to dictate your mornings.
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Starting your day with a piping hot shower is one of the most effective things you can do to ease joint pain and stiffness. The heat will relax those tight muscles, allowing you to move more easily. You don’t need to stay in the shower for a long time – about ten minutes will do the trick. Just take care not to scold yourself!Original content sourced from

2. Use essential oils

Navigating the aromatic universe of essential oils is like stepping into a fragrant garden of relief for your joints. Picture shelves adorned with tiny vials, each containing nature's potent elixirs, promising to soothe your discomfort.
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Essential oils are great at relieving joint pain. With so many to choose from, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start, but we swear by oils like frankincense, ginger and rosemary, as they have warming properties that can help your muscles relax. You can also try CBD oil, which is said to provide relief to people with arthritis.

3. Do some stretches in bed

Picture this: as the first light of dawn gently peeks through your curtains, your morning routine becomes a sanctuary of gentle movements, a symphony of stretches in the comfort of your own bed. No need for fancy oils or elaborate equipment—just you, your cozy haven, and a series of movements that whisper relief to your protesting joints.
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If you’re not keen on splashing out cash for essential oils, try a few gentle morning stretches in bed. This will help ease your body into your day and relieve any pain or stiffness. It can be really helpful to start with some soft ankle circles and pumps, along with some wrist circles. You can then bring your knees and hips into your body.

4. Take turmeric supplements

Enter the golden remedy from the heart of holistic healing: turmeric, a spice revered not just for its culinary prowess but also for its medicinal marvels. Picture this vibrant golden root transformed into convenient tablets, offering a ticket to a pain-free world, particularly for those tender knees and achy joints.
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If you’re into holistic, all-natural treatments, taking turmeric tablets might be the way to go. Studies have shown that regular turmeric intake can significantly reduce knee and joint pain, as it contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Taking turmeric supplements every day will help you combat those pesky pains.

5. Take a walk

Imagine kickstarting your day with a gentle rendezvous with movement—a morning stroll that whispers to your joints and muscles, coaxing them into action. This isn't just any walk; it's your daily invitation to bid adieu to joint discomfort while embracing a surge of mental vitality.
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It’s really important to bring some activity to your mornings, as this will help get your joints and muscles moving. A really simple way to do this is to take a walk, as it will not only ease joint pain, but it will also boost your mental health too. Even if you can only take 10 to 15 minutes out of your morning to do a walk, it’s definitely worth it!

6. Eat anti-inflammatory food

Picture this: a morning spread that doesn't just tantalize your taste buds but also serves as a silent warrior against joint discomfort. While the thought of indulging in a kale and salmon extravaganza might not exactly set your morning alight, fear not!
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Let’s face it – you’re not going to want to eat anti-inflammatory foods like salmon and kale first thing in the morning. So make things easier for yourself and bring some nuts into your breakfast. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are packed with anti-inflammatories, which will help ease pain and stiffness in your joints.

7. Take your meds before you get out of bed

Imagine crafting a morning routine that’s not just functional but a strategic symphony for a pain-free start to your day. If joint discomfort and tight muscles often greet you at dawn, here's a tactical maneuver to ensure relief: medication before the day truly begins.
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If your mornings are full of pain and tight muscles, make sure you take any daily medication before you get up. It might be helpful to set an alarm for you to take your meds, and then go back to sleep. Set up a second alarm, which is your alarm for you to get up. This will make it easier for you to get up and start your day, as your tablets will already be in your system.

8. Add chilli peppers to your diet

Picture this: a brunch fiesta that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also serves as a secret weapon against joint discomfort. For those who revel in the fiery allure of chili peppers, welcome to a brunch rendezvous that packs a punch—both in flavor and in relief.The first haul of cayenne peppers for this first time grower : r/HotPeppers
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Ok, so we know this one isn’t for everyone. But if you like your chilli peppers and you’re happy to incorporate more of them into your diet, try and add them into a brunch dish. Meals like huevos rancheros (a Mexican egg dish) are not only protein-packed, but also improve joint pain thanks to the chili peppers, as they contain the ingredient capsaicin.

9. Use gentle and slow movements

Imagine the soft embrace of dawn as you awaken, gently coaxing your body into a ritual of movement—a dance of liberation for your stiff joints. It's not just about waking up; it's about inviting your body to unfurl like a delicate blossom, embracing mobility with tender gestures.
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When you wake up, move your stiff joints slowly and gently - without pulling or stretching. Making gentle circular motions, bending and extending the joints is helpful, as it will help get them moving. If you want to take this further and improve mobility all over the body, move all your joints, including the wrists, neck, shoulders, elbows, knees, and fingers.

10. Try heat therapy

A touch of luxury to combat morning stiffness, and no, it's not as fancy as it might sound! Consider embracing the warmth of a heated blanket as you bid adieu to the stiffness that often sneaks into your morning routine. Or, if you prefer a more immersive experience, slip into the comforting embrace of a bath.
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This sounds a lot fancier than it actually is! Try and use a heated blanket while you’re in bed, or if you don’t have one, take a bath instead. The heat will help ease stiffness and loosen up your joints, so you can go about your day with less pain. If you take bath, just be sure to moisturize when you get out, as high temperatures can dry out your skin.

11. Stock up on joint cream

Imagine having a secret weapon in your arsenal against morning joint discomfort—one that doesn’t demand much time and seamlessly fits into your on-the-go lifestyle. Welcome to the world of joint creams, the swift superheroes ready to tackle stiffness and pain with the swiftness of a morning breeze.This arthritis relief cream now comes with an easy open cap for those with…well… arthritis. : r/mildlyinteresting
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One really easy way to tackle that early-morning joint paint is to use joint cream. This is much quicker than taking a bath, so it’s ideal if you’re busy and on the go. Just dab a little bit on the joints that are affected, and let the cream do its magic. Just be sure to speak to a pharmacist if you need some help or advice.

12. Get plenty of deep sleep

Imagine your bed as a sanctuary, a place where the magic of deep, restorative sleep unfolds—a vital element in the symphony of relief for your joints. While it may seem counterintuitive, prioritizing quality sleep is a crucial step toward aiding your body's recovery from the day's trials.
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This might sound counterproductive considering your joints can get tight while you’re in bed, but it’s really important to get deep, quality sleep, as it will help your body relax and recover from your day. If you find that you’re struggling to get comfy at night, it might be an idea to switch up your pillow or mattress, as they can cause a lot of damage if they’re not adapted to your body shape and sleeping style.

13. Cut out sugar

Picture your diet as a tapestry woven with various ingredients, each holding a key to your body's comfort and well-being. Amidst this culinary landscape, there lies a silent villain—sugar—a seemingly innocent delight that might be weaving discomfort into your joints.
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If you’re dealing with consistent joint pain, it might be worth taking a closer look at your diet. If it’s high in sugar from things like sweets, chocolate and bread, do yourself a favor and cut this down. Sugar acts as an inflammatory, which means it can make pain in your body worse. Reducing your intake should help ease pain and stiffness over time.

14. Make arrangements with work

Imagine waking up to the unwelcome guest of morning stiffness, a visitor that overstays its welcome, lingering for hours, even days, casting a shadow over your routine. If this persistent discomfort becomes a frequent companion, disrupting your daily life with its severity, it might be time to consider advocating for accommodations that prioritize your well-being.
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Sometimes, morning stiffness can last a whole lot longer than those early mornings. It might last for hours, or sometimes days. If this is something you’re experiencing a lot, or your symptoms are severe, it can be helpful to ask for special accommodations, a flexible work schedule, or a chance to work from home more frequently.

15. Do some yoga

Imagine unlocking the gateway to relief with stretches tailored specifically for joint pain—a serene journey without the need for a full-fledged yoga session. These stretches aren’t just about contorting into elaborate poses; they're gentle invitations for your muscles to unwind and your joints to embrace relaxation.
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You don’t need to do a full yoga workout or flow to feel the benefits. There are tons of stretches and routines that you can do that specifically focus on joint pain, helping your muscles loosen and relax. If there aren’t any classes on offer nearby, you can find plenty of options on YouTube, which are completely free.

16. Invest in a heated mattress pad

Imagine slipping into a cocoon of warmth as you surrender to the embrace of a heated mattress pad—a silent ally in your battle against joint discomfort that transcends beyond a single affected area. This isn't just a luxurious addition to your bed; it's a therapeutic haven.
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If your budget will allow it, invest in a heated mattress pad. They’ve been proven to ease the symptoms of arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as lower back pain. And if you have joint pain across multiple areas of your body, don’t worry – the heated pad provides heat to the whole body, so people with more than one affected joint may benefit.

17. Take painkillers

Imagine a morning routine with a subtle addition—a painkiller like paracetamol—an ally in your battle against joint discomfort, offering a semblance of relief as you navigate your bustling day. However, this isn't a decision to be made lightly; it's a step that warrants the guidance and approval of a medical professional.
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An easy way to manage pain in your joints is to take a painkiller like paracetamol each morning. This isn’t a suitable solution for everyone, and you’ll definitely need to consult your doctor or a medical professional before you start taking them, but it’s a handy way to relieve joint pain if you’re on always on the go.

18. Go for a swim

Imagine the gentle embrace of water as you embark on a journey of relief from persistent joint pain. Swimming—an aquatic symphony for your body—isn't just a recreational activity; it's a therapeutic haven that beckons those grappling with arthritis or regular joint discomfort.
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If you’re suffering from regular joint pain, make sure you’re staying active. Taking up swimming can be a great way to get your body moving, and is particularly good for people who have arthritis. Swimming stimulates blood circulation, reduces muscle stiffness and eases pain, and also boosts your strength and cardiovascular health.

19. Sleep under an electric blanket

Imagine slipping under the cozy embrace of an electric blanket, a subtle but effective ally in your nightly battle against morning stiffness and joint pain. While they might not thwart swelling, these blankets work like silent guardians, preventing your joints from locking up overnight.
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Electric blankets work just as well as heated blankets. The heat generated by electric blankets will prevent your joints from locking up overnight, meaning they won’t be as stiff and painful when you wake up. They won’t prevent swelling, but they’re really good to have if you need some quick, effective pain relief.

20. Wear heated gloves

Imagine slipping your hands into the comforting warmth of heated gloves, a specialized remedy that targets the discomfort nestled within your hands and wrists. If these delicate joints are the source of your trouble, these heated wonders become your winter allies, offering respite from the chill and pain.
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If it’s the joints in your hands and wrists that are causing you problems, it’s definitely worth investing in some heated gloves – which are especially helpful during winter. You can also buy microwavable heat pad gloves and mittens, which should act fast to get rid of pain and stiffness. Warm them up as soon as you get out of bed.

21. Warm up your clothes in the dryer

Imagine turning your morning routine into a cozy, heat-infused delight with a simple yet ingenious trick—throwing your clothes into the dryer. As they emerge, warm and inviting, slipping into them becomes a therapeutic embrace, a secret hack to banish the chill and alleviate the stiffness that often greets you in the morning.
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One great hack for early morning joint pain is to throw your clothes in the dryer. When they’re heated up nicely, put them on, and you’ll be able to feel the benefits of the heat across your body. The heat will reduce stiffness, and allow your joints and muscles to relax. This might not be the best tip if you live in a hot climate, but if you’re in colder parts of the world, make sure you give it a go!

22. Ask your doctor about your current medication

Absolutely, addressing chronic pain is essential for overall well-being. If your mornings are a battleground with persistent agony, seeking professional medical advice is crucial. Your doctor becomes your beacon of hope in this journey towards relief and improved quality of life.
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If you’re spending your mornings in agony, make sure you speak to your doctor asap. You don’t have to put up with long-term chronic pain! They will be able to prescribe the medication you need to manage pain and inflammation, and check you over for any conditions. And this may well end up changing your life.

23. Try some Tai Chi

Tai Chi, with its graceful movements and focus on breathwork, offers a gentle yet powerful alternative to yoga. It's a holistic practice that nurtures not just physical mobility but also mental clarity and emotional well-being.
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If yoga isn’t your bag, it’s definitely worth trying Tai Chi instead. It uses breathwork and gentle movement to improve mobility, and is much more gentle on the body. It’s especially good for older people and those who can’t move very well. Try to dedicate a few minutes of your day to a session to reap the full benefits.

24. Apply a heat pad or compress

Harnessing the power of heat to alleviate morning stiffness and joint pain is a cost-effective and accessible strategy. Heat pads or compresses become your go-to allies in the battle against discomfort, offering targeted relief without the expense of more elaborate heating devices.
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Heat is great at boosting circulation in your joints, which can help ease stiffness and relieve pain. Applying a heat pad or compress to the affected area will help you ease into your morning, and it costs a lot less than an electric or heated blanket! Keep a stock of them to use as and when joint pain strikes.

25. Take herbal supplements

Herbal supplements like fish oil, evening primrose, borage, or blackcurrant oils offer a natural approach to tackling joint stiffness, particularly in conditions like arthritis. These supplements, known for their anti-inflammatory properties, could potentially provide relief from pain.
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Have you tried taking herbal supplements to ease your joint pain? Over-the-counter treatments like fish oil, evening primrose, borage, or blackcurrant oils may ease joint stiffness from conditions like arthritis, which means you’ll suffer less pain in the long run. Just be sure to consult your doctor before you take anything.

26. Moisturize with hemp lotion

Hemp lotion has emerged as a promising ally for those battling arthritis and joint pain, offering potential relief from discomfort. Whether sourced commercially or crafted as a home remedy, its soothing properties make it a popular choice for many seeking natural remedies.
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Some people who suffer from arthritis and joint pain find relief from hemp lotion. You can either buy this already made, or make it yourself if you enjoy home remedies. Mix a little hemp oil with your favorite body lotion, and apply generously. Make sure you do a patch test first though – we don’t want you breaking out!

27. Meditate

Stress, that pervasive companion in our modern lives, can significantly exacerbate joint pain and stiffness. Embracing meditation as a tool to tame stress not only benefits your mental well-being but also plays a pivotal role in managing physical discomfort.

Meditation and Mindfulness Tips to Combat Everyday Worries and Life's Big Questions

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If you suffer from stress (who doesn’t?) then it might be worth giving meditation a go. Stress can make joint pain and stiffness a whole lot worse, so be sure to control those stress levels to keep your muscles as relaxed as possible. Meditation will help you improve your breathing, and boost your mental health too.

28. Switch up your position

Breaking the monotony of static positions is key to managing joint pain and stiffness. Prolonged immobility can exacerbate discomfort, so incorporating regular movements throughout your day becomes a crucial strategy for alleviating pain.
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Make sure you’re keeping on top of joint pain and stiffness by switching up your position. Try and avoid staying in one position for hours at a time, as this will make your pain worse. For example, if you’re struggling to sit at your desk while working, take short, regular breaks and stretch your arms and legs.

29. Move your bedroom to the ground floor

Adjusting your living arrangements to accommodate chronic joint pain can be a significant step towards improving daily comfort and mobility. While it might not be viable for everyone, for those experiencing persistent joint issues, especially with stairs, creating a comfortable sleeping area downstairs could be a game-changer.
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This definitely isn’t feasible for everyone, but if you suffer with your joints long-term, it might be worth thinking about moving your bedroom downstairs – or a least setting up a comfy sleeping area when chronic pain becomes too much. Some people with arthritis struggle to manage the stairs, so it’s a good idea to make life a bit easier for yourself.

30. Work with an occupational therapist

Occupational therapy stands as a beacon of support for individuals grappling with persistent joint pain. These professionals offer personalized guidance, focusing on improving daily functioning and managing discomfort through targeted interventions.
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If your joint pain becomes too much to bear, it might be worth looking into some occupational therapy. They can help you with stretches and muscles that specifically target your problem areas, and advise on the best positions to sleep in. They can even provide splints if you need them! Your doctor should be able to help you find a good occupational therapist in your area.

31. Top tip: double check your mattress type

Finding the right mattress can significantly impact joint pain and overall sleep quality. Your choice of mattress firmness plays a pivotal role in providing adequate support and relieving discomfort. For some, a firmer mattress offers essential support.
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If you're struggling more with your joints, it might be that you need a different mattress type than you've been used to. You may need one that's more firm so you have extra support - and less pain when you wake up - or even one that's softer and less harsh on your aching joints.

32. Invest in a bed that's lower down

Making bedtime routines more manageable for individuals with joint pain involves considering the height of the bed frame. A lower bed height can significantly ease the process of getting into and out of bed, reducing strain on the joints and muscles.
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Climbing into bed should be a simple thing, but it can be surprisingly difficult if you're having joint pain - especially lifting legs or supporting yourself. The lower down your bed is, the easier this will be for you, so you might want to change your frame at the same time as your mattress!

33. Side sleeper? Buy a supportive cushion to go between your legs

For side sleepers dealing with back or hip joint pain, the strategic placement of a supportive cushion can make a substantial difference in alleviating discomfort and improving sleep quality. Visualize the cushion as your sleep companion.
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If you're a side sleeper, this can wreak havoc on your back and hip joints if that's where you're having pain. Having a supportive cushion propped between your legs will lift your leg a bit higher and lower the impact on your hip and back when you're too twisted about!

34. Don't forget a supportive cushion for your neck, too!

The right pillow for your head and neck alignment is crucial regardless of your sleeping position. A supportive pillow plays a pivotal role in maintaining proper spinal alignment, which can significantly impact various joint pains throughout the body.
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Of course, no matter which way you sleep, supportive cushions aren't just for propping up your leg better! It's essential to have the right cushion for your head and neck to prevent extra strain on your back. If your spine is twisted, this could also impact other joint pain you're having.

35. Make sure your bedroom temperature is right

Temperature control in your bedroom can significantly impact joint pain and overall sleep quality. Ensuring a comfortable and consistent temperature throughout the night becomes essential, especially for those experiencing increased pain upon waking up.
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Heat and cold will really make a difference when it comes to joint pain. If you're waking up with bad pain, it might be that your bedroom is too chilly during the night, no matter how many comforters or heated blankets you use. Try to upgrade the temperature control in your bedroom to make it nice and warm for you all night!

36. Get rid of any draughts in the room

Eliminating drafts in your bedroom is crucial for maintaining a warm and comfortable sleep environment, especially for those dealing with joint stiffness or pain. Drafts, particularly those directly affecting specific areas like the neck or other joints, can exacerbate stiffness and discomfort.
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With this also comes getting rid of any draughts to make sure your bedroom will stay warm. Not only that, draughts which are directly on you - like sleeping under a window that has a draught right onto your neck or other joints - will make your stiffness worse. So check for them, and seal them up!

37. Thicker curtains might also help

Thick curtains serve as an excellent barrier against drafts, especially when windows are the source of cold air infiltration in your bedroom. Their insulating properties create a shield that traps warmth and blocks chilly drafts, contributing to a cozier sleep environment.
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If your windows are the main culprits for draughts, thick curtains can also help to keep in the warmth of the room and keep out any breeze. This will also help your bedroom to feel warmer overall, as thick material curtains will be better than colder wooden or metal blinds.

38. If you have wooden floor, bedroom carpet might be better

The choice of flooring in your bedroom plays a significant role in creating a warm and joint-friendly environment, especially for individuals experiencing discomfort in their ankles or legs. Opting for a lush carpet over a cold wooden floor offers several advantages, contributing to both warmth and joint relief.
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To top of your bedroom's warmth and coziness to combat joint stiffness, you might also benefit from a lush carpet instead of cold wooden floor! Especially if you have joint pain in your ankles or legs, not only will carpet be warmer to step on, but the impact will be lowered when you step on soft carpet rather than hard floor. A bit of cushioning for you!

39. Get a regular massage

Massages can be incredibly beneficial, especially for individuals dealing with chronic joint pain. While it might not be feasible to have a massage every morning, incorporating regular massage sessions into your routine, such as once a month, can offer significant relief and potentially decrease overall joint pain.
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Massages have a range of benefits, but if you have chronic joint pain, they're a winner. Obviously you can't have one of these every single morning when you wake up - unless you're very looking - but scheduling in one around once a month might help to decrease your joint pain overall.

40. Give yourself a small one in the morning if you can

Self-massage is a fantastic way to offer targeted relief to specific areas experiencing joint pain. Utilizing body lotion after your morning shower becomes a therapeutic practice, allowing you to focus on those achy joints, be it neck, elbows, hips, or legs.
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That being said, that doesn't mean you can't give yourself a massage in the places that your joints are hurting! Neck pain, elbow pain, hip or leg pain - you can use body lotion after your morning shower to focus on extra care and attention in those aching places. Massage overall will help blood flow, which might also help aching joints.

41. Buy larger sheets

Making the bed can indeed be a strenuous task, especially for individuals experiencing joint pain, particularly in the wrists or hands. Choosing bedding that's a size up can be a practical solution, offering more flexibility and ease while fitting the sheets.
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We all know how much of a pain making the bed can be, especially when it's a double or a king, but it's even more painful for people with joint pain - and particularly wrist or hands. Buying a size up for your sheets means there will be more give and it will be easy to fit the sheets rather than pulling them tightly!

42. Use wooden spoons to tuck in your sheets, too

Using wooden spoons to tuck sheets into the corners of the mattress can be a game-changer, especially for individuals dealing with joint pain. This creative solution minimizes the need to bend wrists or strain joints while ensuring a snug and well-made bed.
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Another great bed changing hack is to use wooden spoons to tuck sheets in right down in the corner instead of having to wedge your hand down there or bend your wrists to pull. This can be really helpful for making your bed in the morning, too, when you wake up with joint pain!

43. Use lightweight sheets

While weighted blankets offer comfort and relaxation, individuals experiencing joint pain might benefit more from thinner, lightweight sheets. The thinner sheets reduce the additional pressure and resistance on joints, allowing for easier movement and minimizing strain on sensitive areas.
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We know weighted blankets are comfortable and warmth is important, but thinner, lightweight sheets will really help if you have joint pain in your body - this is because those weighted sheets will just add more pressure, which means more resistance when you're trying to move your limbs under them, making joints work harder!

44. Keep a throw pillow in arm's reach

Keeping a throw pillow handy near your bed can serve as a versatile tool for managing joint pain during the night or in the morning. It becomes a supportive aid, offering relief and additional comfort when experiencing discomfort in specific joints.
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Most of us hurl our throw pillows across the room when bed time comes, but keeping one handy can be helpful if you wake in the night with joint pain, or when you're waking up with it in the morning. This is because you can reach out a put a pillow against your aching joints for extra support or raising limbs.

45. Wake up an hour earlier just for meds

Keeping pain medication by your bedside and setting an alarm to take them an hour before you need to get up can be incredibly helpful for managing joint pain in the morning. This proactive approach allows the medication time to start working before you begin your daily activities, potentially reducing discomfort.
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If you have pain meds for your joints, you might want to keep them by your bed and set an alarm for an hour before you have to get up. This means you can take the meds and give them chance to start working before you actually need to get up and move, which could make it less painful.

46. Keep your home well-lit

Adequate lighting in your home, especially at night, is crucial for individuals dealing with joint pain and stiffness. Proper illumination helps prevent accidents, trips, and collisions with furniture, minimizing the risk of exacerbating joint issues.
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When you're suffering with joint pain and stiffness, moving around your home is going to be more difficult - especially if you live in a tiny apartment filled with furniture. Keeping your home well-lit at night will avoid any trips, bumps or kicking things that could exacerbate joint issues.

47. Consider a sunrise lamp, too

A sunrise lamp can be a fantastic solution, especially in the early morning when dealing with joint stiffness. It serves as a gentle and gradual way to simulate a sunrise, illuminating your room at a set time, providing enough light to navigate and start your day comfortably.
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This can be particularly difficult first thing in the morning, if you have blackout curtains or blinds and you need to get out of bed with joint stiffness and find your way over to the window or light switch. A sunrise lamp will light up the room on a timer when you're ready to get up, so you can see.

48. Try bed yoga that works for you!

Incorporating gentle yoga poses and stretches into your morning routine, right from your bed, can be incredibly beneficial for easing joint stiffness and discomfort. Visualize these morning yoga poses as a gentle way to awaken your body and alleviate joint stiffness.
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We've already recommended yoga for joint pain, but you don't need to wait until later on in the day to do it! There are many yoga poses and stretches you can do on your bed when you've just woken up to ease your joints. A good stretch is to tuck your knees into your chest and hug, or legs up against the wall.

49. Secure down your rugs!

Loose rugs in the bedroom, especially near the bed, can pose a slip hazard, especially for individuals with stiff legs or joints. Securing loose rugs becomes crucial to prevent accidents and ensure safety, particularly when navigating a space with limited mobility.
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Especially in your bedroom if they're right by your bed! If you have loose rugs that you're going to be stepping out bed onto with stiff legs or joints, it increases the risk of slips - especially if they're lightweight rugs on wooden floor. You can try rug tape, or putting furniture over rugs.

50. Lay out your clothes ready for the morning

Preparing your outfit the night before can be incredibly helpful for individuals dealing with joint pain, especially when navigating through an overflowing closet or heavy drawers can be challenging and painful.
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If you have an overflowing closet and heavy drawers stuffed with clothes, this can be painful for joints if you're rooting through, pulling and lifting heavy drawers or rifling through heavy clothing items like piles of jeans. If you get your outfit ready for the morning, you won't have to battle with that first thing!