Food Products You’ll Never Buy Again After Knowing What They’re Made Of

By molly atherton 11 months ago
Welcome to the eye-opening journey into the secret underworld of your favorite food products! Prepare to have your taste buds tantalized and your curiosity piqued as we delve into the clandestine ingredients that might just make you rethink your grocery list. From the shockingly strange to the downright unbelievable, get ready to discover the hidden truths behind the curtain of your go-to snacks and meals. Buckle up and brace yourself for a culinary rollercoaster.

1. Marshmallows: They Contain HORRENDOUS Animal Hide And Bones

Marshmallows, those fluffy delights that adorn our hot chocolates and sweet treats, harbor a rather unsettling secret. Brace yourself for the not-so-sweet truth: they owe their pillowy texture to gelatin, an innocuous-sounding ingredient that hides a rather grim origin story.Image Source/Do you rememberMarshmallows have a VERY gross connection to animals that you might have not heard about. But believe us, once you do, you'll NEVER eat one again. So marshmallows are made from gelatin, an animal protein also found in ice cream and Jell-O. Well, gelatin is made... by boiling hide and bones of animals. Yummy...Original content sourced from

2. 'Strawberry' Ice Cream: A Delicious Dessert Of Dead Insects

Ah, the allure of the color red in our food—a hue that often hints at indulgence and a touch of the forbidden. Red velvet cake and crimson-hued ice cream evoke a sense of decadence and whimsy, adding a playful pop of color to our plates.Image Source/ Daily TelegraphRed food is supposed to be delectable and delicious. Red velvet cake, red ice cream... there's just something about red feeling a bit naughty when it comes to food. But you might think about it completely differently when you hear this: the red dye used for red ice cream and other types of food is actually made from the female cochineal bug.

3. Chewing Gum: You're Actually Chewing The Skin Glands Of Sheep

Chewing gum, that ever-present breath freshener and oral pastime, seems like the epitome of clean and refreshing. However, prepare to have your minty-fresh illusions shattered as we delve into the unsettling truth lurking behind the seemingly innocent gum wrapper.Image Source/ CNNSo chewing gum, the thing that's supposed to be refreshing and keep your mouth clean, may now do the opposite and make you feel like you want to puke when you learn what it really contains. Chewing gum contains lanolin, which is a wax-like secretion from the glands of sheep skin.

4. Beer: Fancy A Bit Of Fish Bladder With That Pint?

Picture this: after a long day's toil, you reach for that frosty glass of beer—a sight that promises refreshment and relaxation. That crystal-clear, sparkling brew seems like the perfect end to a hectic day. However, the secret behind its pristine clarity might just leave you reeling.Image Source/ WikipediaYou might think that a beer which appears clear and bright means it looks like a good, appetising drink after a hard day's work. But the reason it's so clear and bright is because of something called isinglass - which is a gelatine-like substance that comes from the bladders of certain fish, which is dried and processed for breweries.

5. Ground Beef: Contains Ammonia (You Know, That Thing In Cleaning Products)

Ah, the kitchen—a sanctuary where you'd anticipate finding certain cleaning agents like ammonia to keep things spick and span. But nestled within the meat section lies a rather unsettling surprise: pink slime. This mysterious substance, a somewhat disconcerting filler in ground beef.Image Source/Do you rememberYou might expect ammonia in your kitchen or bathroom spray, but not in your fresh ground beef. Pink slime which works as a filler in ground beef is actually the result of using ammonia as a gas to get rid of all the germs in beef trimmings. It's technically still meat... but still.

6. Wine: A Large Glass Of Blood And Bone Marrow After A Long Day

Ah, the allure of switching from beer to wine after discovering the fish bladder revelation in brewing—tempting, right? Well, hold onto your wine glass because the world of vino isn't entirely spared from eyebrow-raising practices either.Image Source/ Taste HungaryWere you thinking you might switch to drinking wine because you just learned beer contains fish bladder? Sorry to disappoint but wine's a bit icky, too. When wine is made, it needs to 'settle' and then go through a process called 'fining' where anything unwanted is removed. Fining needs a protein to mixed in with the wine. And what's a traditional fining agent? Ox blood.

7. Shredded Cheese: Contains Wood Pulp (Basically Sawdust)

Cheese, the versatile companion to countless meals, from the humble sandwich to the comforting pasta dishes, often comes in various forms to suit our convenience. Shredded cheese, in particular, seems like a time-saving blessing for those hurried moments in the kitchen.Image Source/Do you rememberCheese is a go to for anything: your lunchtime sandwich, your toast or sprinkled on the quick bowl of pasta you whip up for dinner. Especially shredded cheese when it's already ready to go. But did you want sawdust sprinkled on your food, too? Most store brands of shredded cheese contain about 9 percent cellulose, which comes from wood pulp. Yeah.

8. Jelly Beans: Contain Lac Bug Secretions (You're Eating Bug Poop)

Ah, jelly beans—the colorful, shiny delights that seem to beckon with their vibrant hues and promise a burst of sweetness with every bite. However, the secret behind their glossy sheen and satisfying crunch might just leave you with a rather unexpected taste in your mouth.Image Source/Do you rememberJelly beans look so appetising because they're shiny, colourful and crunchy. Well the reason they're so shiny and crunchy is because they're coated in shellac - and yes, this applies to your nails, too, if you're eating jelly beans with a new manicure - which is a resin secreted out by a female lac bug.

9. Bread: Brown, White Or Human Hair?

Ah, the ubiquitous charm of bread—whether it's the morning toast, the reliable lunchtime sandwich companion, or that generously sized naan complementing your evening curry. Bread seems to effortlessly weave itself into our daily culinary routines.Image Source/ www.cliphair.comBread. Morning toast, lunchtime sandwich, or an extra large naan for your evening curry. There's no getting away from bread - it's delicious, it's filling... and it also contains human hair. Or, at the very least, a protein from human hair. The amino acid called L-Cysteine which comes from human hair is used to prolong the shelf life of bread.

10. Canned Mushrooms: Riddled With Maggots

Canned mushrooms—a seemingly innocent addition to countless dishes, versatile enough for both vegetarians and meat eaters alike. Yet, beneath their unassuming exterior lies a rather unsavory secret: the potential habitat for maggots.Image Source/ Deadline NewsWhat can, on the surface, be seen as a staple food item for both vegetarians and meat eaters is also the perfect home for maggots. To make it worse, the Food and Drug Administration are aware of it, and are allowed to let a certain amount of maggots go unremoved. They allow up to 19 maggots in every 3.5-ounce can of mushrooms before they need to do anything about it.

11. Coffee Creamer: It Could Catch Fire Or Even Explode

Imagine this: a serene morning, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and you reach for your favorite non-dairy coffee creamer to elevate that perfect cup. But wait, there's an unexpected twist to this seemingly ordinary ritual—the potential for a fiery surprise.Image Source/ YouTubeFancy getting your eyebrows burned off with your morning coffee? Non-dairy coffee creamer is actually highly flammable. The powder can easily get dispersed into the air, and because of its high oxygen content, it can easily set on fire if exposed to a naked flame or spark. In there's a lot of powder, it might even explode.

12. Fat-Free Milk: It May Have No Fat, But It Has Titanium Dioxide Instead

Ah, the world of milk—the creamy elixir that finds its way into countless cereal bowls, coffee cups, and baking recipes. Yet, nestled within the realms of dairy lies an unexpected ingredient that might prompt a reconsideration of your milk choices: titanium dioxide.Image Source/ Food and Cooking Guide - Fun Times GuideIf you don't drink semi-skimmed or whole milk, you might want to change your mind. The main reason for including titanium dioxide in skimmed milk (and, indeed, other dairy items) is because it's a whitening and brightening agent. It can also be found in some cosmetics and medications, too.

13. Cheese: It Contains Rennet, Which Comes From The Stomach Of Nursing Animals

Picture this: you're perusing the menu at a fancy restaurant, eyeing that tantalizing cheese board. But before you indulge in a delightful selection of cheeses, there's a rather unexpected component to consider—rennet. Rennet, an essential ingredient in cheese-making, isn't sourced from just any ordinary pantry item...Image Source/ The East London Cheese BoardThe next time you're ordering a cheese board in a restaurant, take a moment to think whether you want a bit of an animal's stomach, too. Rennet is the name giving to enzymes which are present in the stomach of nursing animals, such as a calf that hasn't yet been weaned. Rennet is used to set cheese when it's being made.

14. Citrus Flavoured Soda: Your Refreshing Beverage Has The Chemical Bromine In It

Ah, the effervescent delight of citrus-flavored sodas—the zesty, refreshing beverages that often accompany meals or serve as a standalone thirst quencher. Yet, hidden within these fizzy concoctions lies an unexpected ingredient that might leave you questioning your soda choices.Image Source/ The New York TimesSoda which is flavoured with citrus has a brominated vegetable oil in it, which is actually banned in some countries. Bromine is a chemical, and the reason it's added to citrus soda in small amounts is to stop the citrus from floating to the top of the drink. Well, I'd rather it float than have chemicals in it!

15. Vanilla Ice Cream: Straight From The Anus Of A Beaver

The world of flavors often carries surprising origins, and the vanilla flavoring industry has its own unexpected secret ingredient: castoreum, more commonly known as "beaver butt juice." Yes, you read that correctly—this curious substance is derived from the castor sacs.Image Source/ WikipediaA beaver's 'butt goo' is used for vanilla ice cream, alongside other food items. Its more official name is Castoreum (which of course doesn't change the fact it's beaver butt juice) and it's used for the vanilla flavouring. The FDA actually label it as 'natural flavouring'... yeah, naturally from the butt of a beaver.

16. Skittles: Taste The Rainbow (And The Insects)

Skittles—the colorful, bite-sized candies that burst with fruity flavors and bring a smile to many faces. However, beneath their vibrant hues and tempting crunch lies an unsettling revelation that might have you second-guessing your candy choices: the crunchy coating isn't quite what it seems.Image Source/ FoodlySkittles are another candy that has fallen under the curse of being made with beetle poop, just like jelly beans. Skittles are probably one of the crunchiest, shiniest candies you can get, which makes it even worse when you know that the crunchy coating comes from the secretions of female lac bugs.

17. Pringles: Once You Pop You Can't Stop Eating The Chemical Acrylamide

Ah, Pringles—the iconic, neatly stacked potato chips that tempt us with their perfect curves and addictive crunch. Yet, within these beloved snacks lies a contentious ingredient: acrylamide. This chemical, formed during the cooking process of potatoes at high temperatures, has raised concerns.Image Source/ Is It Bad For You?Pringle brand potato chips contain a chemical called Acrylamide. Pringles are amongst the most popular of potato snacks, and most people would reach for a can without even thinking about it. There have actually been claims that acrylamide is a chemical that can cause cancer as well as other health problems, but it's yet to be proven 100% true.

18. Toothpaste: Minty Fresh Or Full On Anti-Freeze?

The minty-fresh ritual of tooth brushing might take on a new level of intrigue when you learn about an unexpected ingredient lurking within your toothpaste: ethylene glycol. Yes, that's the same compound found in anti-freeze, the vital coolant for vehicles during frosty winters.Image Source/ WIREDRather than panicking that your toothpaste actually contains anti-freeze, the coolant necessary for vehicles to keep on running smoothly in the winter, it's more the fact that toothpaste contains an ingredient which is also present in anti-freeze for your car. It's called ethylene glycol.

19. Croissants: Fluffy French Pastry With A Side Of Hair Molecules

Indeed, the realm of delectable pastries—often associated with sophistication and indulgence—holds an unexpected secret ingredient: L-Cysteine, derived from human hair. While it might seem inconceivable, this amino acid sourced from human hair finds its way into various baked goods.Image Source/ YouTubeJust like your local supermarket bread, your favourite posh pastries aren't immune to containing hair molecules, either. It's one thing to find a hair in your food, but this takes it to a whole new level. The amino acid called L-Cysteine from human hair can be found in your flaky pastry.

20. Some Items From The McDonald’s Menu: Plastic (Polydimethylsiloxane)

It's a fact—our world grapples with an overwhelming plastic problem, and it seems that even our eating habits might inadvertently contribute to this predicament. The culprit? Polydimethylsiloxane, a compound used in some cooking oils, particularly those involved in frying up our favorite fast food.Image Source/ TripAdvisorAs if the world didn't have enough plastic problems at it is, you might now be eating it, too. We all know too much junk food is bad for you, but you might not have thought that pertains to plastic, too. The compound Polydimethylsiloxane (try ordering that through the drive thru) is sometimes added to cooking oils (such as those that make those delicious nuggies and fries).

21. Leafy Greens: May Get A Little Acidic With Dry Acid

It's a familiar tale—the praises of leafy greens and their stellar reputation for healthiness and vitality. Yet, within the crisp, vibrant leaves of these verdant veggies lies a surprising addition: Sodium Bisulfite, known colloquially as 'dry acid.'Image Source/ HIGHCHEM TRADINGWith all this talk about leafy vegetables and salads being so healthy for you, you might be shocked to learn that leafy greens actually contain Sodium Bisulphate, also known as 'dry acid'. The content has a limit, which means it can pass as long as it's under the safe amount.. but it doesn't mean it's not there, though!

22. Chocolate: Making Your Carbon Footprint Even Worse

Indulging in a rich, velvety bar of chocolate—ah, the guilty pleasure many of us succumb to every now and then. Yet, beyond the worries of an expanding waistline, there's an unexpected guilt trip awaiting: the carbon footprint hiding within that delightful cocoa creation.Image Source/ Kekolo CoffeeMost of us feel guilty from overindulging in chocolate from time to time, but most of that is to do with an unhealthy diet rather than a carbon footprint. But chocolate actually contains carbon. Around 200 grams of carbon footprint will be present in a 40 gram bar of chocolate. So that's something else to feel guilty about.

23. Cottage Cheese: Would You Like A Side Of Algae With That?

Algae—often associated with murky pond water and not exactly the most appetizing imagery. Yet, in a rather surprising twist, this aquatic wonder finds an unexpected connection to cottage cheese. Specifically, red seaweed, a type of algae, has made its way into the world of cottage cheese.Image Source/ Planet ForwardWhen algae is mentioned, you might think of that gross green stuff on the top of pond water, but you might never have thought about cottage cheese. Well you should, because cottage cheese is linked to algae and specifically red seaweed. Algae was added to cottage cheese to make a source of iodine.

24. Worcestershire Sauce: A Huge Dumping Of Anchovies

Ah, the enigmatic allure of Worcestershire sauce—the complex, savory elixir that adds depth and richness to countless dishes. But hidden within its depths lies a rather pungent secret: anchovies. Yes, those tiny, strong-smelling fish take center stage in the making of this beloved condiment.Image Source/ MongabayIf you don't already know, anchovies are a fish - but they're those really smelly, stinky, small fish, and apparently Worcestershire sauce not only includes anchovies, but a scarily large amount of them packed in during the sauce's making process. That, and a whole load of vinegar.

25. Packaged Meat: Carbon Monoxide Will Hide Spoiled Meat

Ah, the vibrant array of packaged meats adorning the supermarket shelves, each one seemingly uniform and appetizingly fresh. Yet, lurking within these neatly packaged cuts is a rather intriguing secret: carbon monoxide. Yes, you read that correctly—this colorless, odorless gas plays a pivotal role.Image Source / CheezburgerEver wonder why those rows and rows of packaged meat on supermarket shelves all look pretty much the same? And even though identical, they do all look appetising. But the reason for that is because they're packaged with carbon monoxide. This is to keep the meat looking red. As you know, meat will turn awfully grey when it's spoiled. Well, thanks to carbon monoxide, it can still be spoiled but still look red.

26. Chicken Nuggets: It's Basically All The Chicken Gunk Left Behind

Ah, the irresistible allure of those golden, crispy nuggets from McDonald's—a guilty pleasure for many. But the mystery behind what exactly constitutes a nugget might prompt a moment of curiosity. Unlike clearly defined cuts like thighs or breasts, nuggets are an amalgamation of chicken bits left.Image Source/ CheezburgerWe're all weak when it comes to a 20 pack sharebox of nuggies from McDonald's - they're just too good. But did you ever wonder what a nugget actually is? When everything else is clearly defined, like a thigh or a breast? Well, nuggets are made from whatever chicken bits are left from a processing plant, which are then packed with the nerves, bones and connective tissue bits.

27. McDonald's Apple Pie: It May Tickle You To Learn It's Made With Duck Feathers

Ah, the iconic hot and sweet indulgence from McDonald's—the beloved apple pie. Yet, hidden within its delicious layers lies a rather unexpected ingredient: L-Cysteine, sourced from a unique and perhaps surprising origin—duck feathers.Image Source/ KwokspotsThe delicious hot sweet treat Apple Pie from the McDonald's menu contains the amino acid L-Cysteine, which is found in many places (including hair, as mentioned on this list). But the source for this particular L-Cysteine for these apple pies is actually duck feathers.

28. Apple Juice: A Healthy Glass Of Arsenic

Ah, the perception that opting for healthy fruit juices like orange or apple juice should be a reliable choice for a health-conscious diet. Yet, the reality often proves more intricate, especially when it comes to apple juice. It's been reported that arsenic, a concerning element.Image Source/ Speyfruit LtdYou'd like to think that when you're actually making an effort to be healthy you can rely on healthy fruit juices like orange or apple juice. But it's a little more complicated than that. There is a presence or arsenic in apple juice, but not only that, it's been reported it's an unhealthy amount.

29. Honey: The Risk Of 'Mad Honey Poisoning'

Ah, the sweet, golden nectar that is honey—often celebrated for its natural goodness and the tireless efforts of our buzzing friends, the bees. Yet, amidst this reputation for sweetness lies an unexpected twist: the existence of a neurotoxin that can infiltrate certain types of honey.Image Source/ LoafUsually honey is absolutely fine, due to the fact that the hard-working bees want to make their best product for the hive. But sometimes honey can include a neurotoxin which wreaks havoc in many ways. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness, excessive sweating and nausea. It's known as 'Mad Honey Poisoning'.

30. Peanut Butter: Rat Hair And Jelly Sandwich, Anyone?

Peanut butter is one of those things you think you can always depend on, whether it's on a PB&J sandwich, in a dessert or eating straight out of the jar - the possibilities are endless. But sometimes contaminants can accidentally find their way into the product.Image Source/ YouTubeOne of these contaminants is rat hair. This can mistakenly happen simply from the peanuts being harvested and the machines not being capable of picking up specific contaminants that might find their way through.

31. Jell-O? More Like Jell-No When You Realise You're Eating Animal Bones

Absolutely, gelatin is the key ingredient that gives Jell-O its wobbly, jiggly texture, and it's extracted from animal hides and bones, predominantly from pigs and cows. The process involved in obtaining this gelatin can be a bit surprising, involving boiling and drying the collagen-rich tissues.Image Source / Peta2Just like marshmallows, the popular dessert Jell-o contains gelatin - in fact, it contains a lot of gelatin. And gelatin comes from the hides and bones of pigs and cows, which are then boiled and dried out. What's left is then treated to create gelatin - the thing you're eating when you eat Jello-O.

32. Orange Juice: Packs Of Chemicals

It's a common assumption that the orange juice we find so conveniently stocked in stores is a straightforward product extracted solely from oranges. However, the reality is a bit more complex. Whether labeled 'from concentrate' or 'not from concentrate'.Image Source / Tesco Grocery - £1.00You may have never questioned why orange juice is just always readily available, all year round. That's because orange juice, whether it's 'from concentrate' or 'not from concentrate' use flavor packs to give them their orange scent and flavour. Which means they're packs of chemicals to replace actual oranges.

33. Caesar Salad: The Dressing Comes From Smelly Fish

Absolutely, the beloved Caesar salad owes much of its tangy and robust flavor to its distinctive dressing, but for those who might prefer to steer clear of fish-based ingredients, there might be a surprising revelation. The flavorful punch in Caesar salad dressing often comes from a combination...Image Source / Simply RecipesOne notable thing about caesar salads - and the reason many people love them - is that distinctive dressing, and it's usually overloaded with it. Yum, right? Wrong. At least if you don't want to eat fish, anyway. The tangy dressing comes from anchovies and Worcestershire sauce.

34. Chicken And Beef Labelled As 'Enhanced': Injected With A Saltwater Solution

Absolutely, the practice of injecting or 'plumping' meat with a saltwater solution is a common technique employed within the meat industry. This process aims to enhance the meat's moisture content, extending its shelf life and potentially making it appear fresher for longer periods.Image Source / MashedApparently injecting or 'plumping' meat is known within the industry as standard, and it's where a saltwater solution is injected into the meat in the hope it will stay fresher for longer. The problem with this is twofold: one, it can make the meat heavier, and if you're paying based on weight... you're being taken for a little extra. Two, it can cause an extra sodium content, which might be way too much.

35. Honey: It's Bee Vom

Indeed, the creation of honey is an intriguing process that involves the remarkable efforts of our buzzing friends, the bees. You see, bees have a unique stomach dedicated specifically to producing honey, known as the honey stomach or crop.Image Source / Atlas ObscuraHoney is delicious, there's no doubt about it. But did you ever stop to think how those busy little bees make the stuff? It's actually a product of what could be referred to as bee vomit. Bees have a stomach specifically for producing honey. This is where the nectar is kept, until such a time when the bee needs to... regurgitate it.

36. Whey Protein: It's Curdled Milk You'd Usually Throw Out

Absolutely, whey protein has gained immense popularity among fitness enthusiasts for its role in muscle building and recovery. But the actual source of whey protein might surprise many—it's the liquid residue left after milk has been curdled and strained during the cheese-making process.Image Source / Cooking Revived'Whey protein' items are all over the supermarket shelves, and they're very popular - especially with gym lovers. But what is whey protein? Well, whey is the watery part of milk that's leftover after the milk has curdled. You might want to switch to another source of protein if you don't want to consume post-curdled milk juices.

37. Diet Soda: It Has An Artificial Sweetener Which Just Cancels The Whole 'Healthier Option' Thing Out

Indeed, diet sodas have often been a go-to choice for those seeking to cut down on sugar and manage their weight. Yet, the artificial sweetener Aspartame found in these beverages might give rise to surprising outcomes in terms of weight management.Image Source / Dallas Morning NewsA lot of the reason people go for diet soda is to avoid those full fat sugary drinks in the hopes of controlling their weight and sugar intake. (Or maybe you just prefer the taste). Either way, diet soda contains an artificial sweetener called Aspartame, and the way this behaves in the gut serves to basically block any 'diet' hopes you had.

38. Cheese In A Can: More Like Curdled Milk In A Can

Absolutely, canned cheese, a convenience staple in many households, offers a quick and easy way to add a burst of cheesy goodness to various dishes. However, the surprising revelation about canned cheese is that it often contains whey.Image Source / WIREDCheese in a can is only popular in the US, but it's a fantastic idea for those people living busy lives and just want a quick spray of processed goodness. But it's not just cheese in that can - apparently most will be packed with whey which, as you've just discovered, is the byproduct of curdled milk. So let's hope you're not siding your whey protein drink with cheese in a can.

39. Sausages: Pig Skin Or Plastic?

Absolutely, sausages, beloved for their flavorful blend of meat and seasoning, often encased in casings made from various materials. While traditional sausage casings are derived from animal intestines, particularly pig intestines, there have been instances where alternative materials have been used.Image Source / Melanie CooksThe gross thing about eating sausages isn't that it's pig or pig skin for the casing, because we all know that to be the case. The problem is that sausage skin isn't always pig skin. Sometimes, on rare occasions, it can be thin plastic or cellulose. This could be more of a risk with the cheaper meat options.

40. Caviar: It Contains Borax (A Booster For Household Detergent)

Indeed, caviar is often revered as a symbol of luxury, gracing the tables of high-end dining experiences and associated with extravagant indulgence. However, the surprising connection between caviar and household cleaning agents like borax might raise eyebrows.Image Source / WikipediaCaviar is something you might associate with luxury and posh food, but definitely not laundry detergent. Borax can sometimes be used to preserve fish eggs, and when it's not preserving fish eggs, it can be found used as a household cleaner known as sodium borate.

41. Canned Pineapple: Sugar And Calories In A Can

Absolutely, canned pineapple, marketed for its convenience and accessibility, offers a quick and hassle-free way to enjoy this tropical fruit. However, despite its convenience, some canned varieties may have added sugars or syrup to enhance taste and preserve the fruit.Image Source / VIET D.E.L.T.A INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTDCanned pineapple is there for convenience for people who want a healthy dose of pineapple but might be on-the-go. Unfortunately, like many things built for convenience, it comes at an unhealthy cost. Canned pineapple is chock-full of sugar and calories.

42. Margarine: Is It Really A Type Of Plastic?

The ongoing debate around margarine often revolves around its composition and its potential similarities to certain artificial compounds, particularly plastic. Margarine, positioned as a butter substitute, is crafted from a blend of vegetable oils.Image Source / WikipediaMargarine is the 'butter alternative' - for some reason, people want to substitute butter for margarine, but that could be an issue if the internet sleuths are anything to go by. It's been debated that, because margarine is an artificial food substance, it could be very close to being a type of plastic.

43. Instant Soup: Sand In A Packet

Certainly, instant soup packets are often hailed for their convenience, offering a quick and easy meal solution. However, the unexpected revelation that some instant soups might contain traces of sand might raise eyebrows.Image Source / Chargrace SoilsRemember when we said anything made for convenience is bad news health wise? Yep, instant soup in a packet counts, too. You may have noticed when you heat up a packet of soup that it has a bit of a gritty texture. Understandable because it's seasoning in the packet, right? Nope, that could actually be sand. Sand is apparently added to the mixture to stop it from clumping together.

44. Salad Dressing: A Side Of Chemicals With Your Meal

Salad dressings, often seen as the flavorful touch to a healthy salad, might contain unexpected additives, such as titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide, a common ingredient found in some salad dressings and various other food products, is a chemical compound used for its whitening and brightening properties.Image Source / Chemistry WorldYou really can't win these days - you opt for the healthy salad option and think at least you'll enjoy the tasty dressing, only to now learn that salad dressing (at least some of them, anyway) contain an ingredient called titanium dioxide which is a chemical used in paints and sunscreens.

45. Microwave Popcorn: The Non-Stick Coating Isn't Healthy

Absolutely, microwave popcorn, known for its convenience and quick preparation, has been a staple for many seeking a snack on-the-go. However, the health concerns surrounding microwave popcorn aren't primarily linked to the popcorn kernels but rather the packaging.Image Source / AllrecipesYou know where we're going with this one, don't you? Microwave popcorn is a convenient food option, therefore it's... yep, most definitely unhealthy. The issue with microwave popcorn isn't the popcorn itself, but the packaging it comes in. The inside is usually coated with a non-stick coating, and this has been linked to health problems.

46. Donuts: Why Not Shine Your Snack With Shoe Polish?

The tantalizing appearance of donuts, often with a glossy finish, has been a draw for many enthusiasts. However, the glossy sheen seen on some donuts can sometimes be attributed to the use of an ingredient called carnauba wax. Carnauba wax, derived from the leaves of the Brazilian palm tree, is a natural wax.Image Source / Newline EssexDonuts are delicious and their glossy sheen has drawn many people in. But that waxy appearance is actually the result of using carnauba wax. Not all donuts will have this, but some companies may use it. And carnauba wax is also found in shoe polish, cosmetics and some floor cleaners.

47. McDonald's Chicken Nuggies: A 20 Share Box Of The Chemical TBHQ

McDonald's chicken nuggets, often a guilty pleasure for many, contain a chemical called tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). TBHQ is a synthetic antioxidant derived from petroleum and is used in various food products to prolong shelf life and prevent spoilage by inhibiting oxidation.Image Source / NewsweekWe all know that McDonald's isn't healthy, but we don't usually care when the nugget craving comes along. However, McDonald's chicken nuggets actually contain a chemical known as TBHQ, which comes from the oil the nuggets are cooked in. It's put in to make sure the cooking process runs smoothly. A small amount of this chemical is fine, but large quantities would be a problem.

48. Cereal: Sprinkle Some Chemical Compound Over Your Cornflakes

Absolutely, the presence of certain additives or chemicals in food products can raise questions about what other unexpected substances might be found in various brands of cereal or other foods. BHT, or butylated hydroxytoluene, was commonly used as an antioxidant in certain General Mills cereals.Image Source / Bloomberg.comJust like the chemical TBHQ mentioned in the oil of chicken nuggets, General Mills cereal had a similar antioxidant ingredient, BHT, in their cereals before they removed the product in 2015. But it just makes you think what other random chemicals could be in your cereal if that was only one brand...

49. Oregano: You Might Be Sprinkling Spider Mites, Too

Absolutely, oregano, known for its delightful flavor and culinary versatility, can sometimes attract unwanted tiny visitors like spider mites and aphids. These insects are drawn to the leaves of oregano and other herbs due to their sap-sucking nature.Image Source / myGarden.comOregano is a very popular herb, and for good reason: it tastes great! But you know who else thinks it tastes great? Spider mites and aphids. These two are tiny little insects that can get onto the leaves of oregano - which means if you're picking straight from your garden, make sure to wash very, very thoroughly.

50. Shrimps: Pesticides, Chemicals Or Cockroaches... Take Your Pick!

Absolutely, shrimp cocktails are a popular and appetizing meal, particularly during warmer seasons. However, concerns regarding imported shrimp have arisen due to various issues in the past. Imported shrimp has encountered challenges related to the use of potentially harmful practices.Image Source / Proactive Pest ControlA shrimp cocktail is a tasty meal choice, especially on a summer's day. But what you should be thinking about is where the shrimp has come from. Shrimp that has been imported has run into a lot of problems in the past, including being sprayed with harsh pesticides or banned chemicals. If that isn't enough, some cockroaches have even been found in them.