Here’s What Happens To Your Body If You Watch Too Much TV

By molly atherton 11 months ago

1. It may shrink your brain

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Content Originally Sourced: Femanin.comIf you're watching too much TV, you aren't stimulating your brain; you are not having any sensory experiences as the only stimuli in front of you is the TV. So, the gray cranial matter may literally shrink - reducing the capacity of your brain and cognitive function.

2. You may have a low mood

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Although you may feel like you want to watch TV, it is not natural or healthy to be watching SO much of it. It means that other aspects of your life aren't being nurtured or getting the attention they should. It could lead to you feeling really low and down in mood.

3. Your blood pressure could increase

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Watching hours and hours of TV a day is of course, not a healthy way to live, and this kind of lifestyle could lead to an increase in high blood pressure which may develop into serious conditions such as a heart attack. You may notice that when you stand up and move your heart feels like it's racing.

4. Your bone density could decrease

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Your bones are not getting any stimulation. Bones strengthen from weight bearing exercises - things such as walking! You're not doing enough of this if you're watching so much TV. So your bone density could decrease. Also, due to the lack of blood flow around your body when you remain seated for such long periods of time.

5. Your memory could get worse

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Your memory relies on being used so that it can stay functioning. Memory generally improves the more we use it. So, when you're sat watching hours of TV, your memory isn't required. You could start to notice that your memory starts to get worse the more tv you watch.

6. Your risk of having a stroke may increase

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Because of the fact that your blood pressure might increase, and because you are sat for long periods of time with your blood flowing less, it could increase your likelihood of having a stroke. This is also because you are not exercising or decreasing the cholesterol in your arteries through a healthy lifestyle.

7. Your blood circulation may suffer

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Our blood flows faster when we move or when we are exercising. When we are sat for prolonged periods of time in front of the TV, our blood is of course flowing less. This means that your circulation could get worse because you are doing this as a regular thing.

8. You could be less fertile

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Not many people realize that some health studies have suggested that watching over 5 hours a day of TV might actually lead to a decrease in fertility for both men and women - but particularly men. This is one thing to bear in mind if you watch too much TV on the daily.

9. You won't be able to concentrate on anything else

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Your concentration may massively deplete when you watch hours of TV a day because you are not having to focus on anything. When you watch TV you can switch off and mindlessly watch a screen which puts all of the information out in front of you. So you are not practicing concentration - in fact the opposite!

10. You could get fatter

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If you're watching THAT much TV per day, then chances are you are not getting the daily recommended amount of exercise. And, you may be reaching for junk food because you are not spending the time cooking good, nutritious meals. So, it makes sense that you would gain weight.

11. You might get addicted

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If you are watching around 5 or more hours of TV a day then you could be addicted. If this is a regular thing, and you avoid doing other things or it gets in the way of other aspects of your life because you want to watch TV - then you may be addicted.

12. You're vocabulary will suffer

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Usually when we watch TV they use very conversational kind of language or even slang. So this is my no means stretching our minds in terms of widening our vocabulary or making it more sophisticated. In fact you'll probably end up speaking just like they do on the TV!

13. Your risk of cancer might increase

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Studies have shown that watching hours and hours of tv every single day can increase the chances of developing cancer. This is due to many things including the aspects that come with sitting and doing nothing for so long, which is not good for our health!

14. Your eyes might hurt

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We were all told that if we go on our screens to much or watch too much tv as a child we will get square eyes. Now this if course isn't true. But part of it is, because it will affect our eyes. Watching so much tv could strain our eyes and cause our eyes to dry out making them feel irritable.

15. It can increase social anxiety

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We are social beings, even if we don't feel like it or we're introverts we still need companionship and socialisation for a healthy and happy life. But if you're watching that much TV, you aren't used to socialising and so it could increase your fear of seeing people and going out.

16. You may have a higher risk of depression

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Sitting inside watching TV all day every day doesn't lead to a fulfilling life or a happy life. Our mental health may decline if we live in this way and it could lead to depression. This is because the TV is replacing other important elements in our life that we all need as people.

17. Headaches can increase

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Watching a screen for so long may really increase the likelihood of you having a headache or a migraine. Eyes are sensitive and the blue light can cause irritation and headaches because your eyes are strained having to stare at it for such long periods of time.

18. Your libido might decrease

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Studies have suggested that if we watch around 5 hours or more TV a day our libido will decrease. And, not only that studies have also implied that if you do decide to do the deed, your performance may not be as good as somebody with an active lifestyle.

19. Your posture will be worse

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Is this really any surprise? How do most of us sit when we watch TV? Slouched, comfy and slightly hunched up. Nobody sits with their shoulders back and straight when they're watching 5 hours of TV. So this can really affect your posture and leave you slightly hunched up.

20. Your eye function might diminish

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Not only could your eyes hurt or feel irritable, but their actual functioning could diminish. This could mean that even when you stop watching tv your eyes are not functioning well. You might experience blurred vision or your eyes may not feel like they can see as clearly as they once could.

21. You may not sleep very well

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If you're watching hours of TV sat down every day; day after day, then you are hardly going to be physically tired as you've not done enough physical exertion. Similarly, we sleep best when we have been mentally stimulated which makes us tired. So, you may find you do not sleep well at all.

22. Your lifespan could decrease

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Studies have shockingly suggested that watching 5 or more hours of TV every day can increase your risk of pretty much every single health issue. So, your lifespan could decrease. Your physical and mental health may not be as healthy as they would without this lifestyle.

23. Your risk of dementia increases

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Also, your risk of dementia may increase when we watch so many hours of TV a day. It can increase the likelihood of developing the horrible brain disease which works progressively. Brain diseases may be more likely in people who do not actively stimulate and nourish their brains.

24. It will limit your imagination

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Our imagination works when we are free from the bounds of something telling us what to imagine - which is exactly what TV does. Your imagination cannot think or get creative when images and characters are being put in front of you, taking away the need for your imagination.

25. You'll feel tired all of the time

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It's true isn't it - the less we do, the more lazy and tired and lethargic we feel. But, when we move our body and do some exercise we suddenly feel revitalised and energetic again. So if you're watching TV all day you'll end up feeling tired and completely demotivated.

27. Your muscle tone will decrease

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Your muscles are not being used if you're watching TV all day, every day, so of course you're probably going to lose muscle tone! You are not using your body in a physical way, so it will not carry on strengthening your muscle but instead it will start to decrease.

28. Your digestion could worsen

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Our digestion is linked with how much we move because our blood flow affects our digestion, and our digestion is affected by our blood flow which increases when we move. So watching that much TV means that your digestion could suffer and you may find yourself constipated.

29. You'll feel stiff when you move

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We've all had a sofa day for some reason or another whether we were sick or we wanted a day of relaxation. But when you've been sat or lay for some time and then you get up to move it feels like your body has seized up and you feel completely stiff and sore.

30. Your flexibility will get worse

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Being sat day after day in a chair of course, does not stretch your flexibility. And you may have noticed that when you don't stretch for a long time, you feel like you've stiffened right up and you can barely touch your toes anymore. So imagine this x10 when you're sat watching TV every day.