Spiritual Signs That Someone Is Thinking About You

By Sophie 11 months ago

They Call You Just After You've Been Speaking About Them

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It's freaky when someone's name flashes up on your phone straight after you've been speaking about them; it's as though you've lured them into consciousness. When you're on someone's mind they pick up on your energy, so speaking of them will prick up their ears and make them think of you.

You Suddenly Need To Stop Whatever You're Doing

image source: reddit.com
If a person is thinking of you it means they're either daydreaming or want you around. When your lives collide spiritually you will suddenly get an urge to leave wherever you are and follow them. You won't even know that this is the reason; their zest just pulls you towards them unexplainably.

You Notice A Butterfly Nearby

image source: reddit.com
Butterflies are intuitive little creatures and their presence means that someone is divinely nearby. Butterflies are the messengers of the spirit world and so they send for you if you're on someone's mind. If one sits on you then it's a sign of comfort, as someone is thinking of you lovingly.

You Dream About Them

image source: reddit.com
Dreaming about loved ones may lead you to believe that it is in fact you thinking of them, but spiritually it may mean the opposite. Fond thoughts are powerful things and they can infiltrate your dreams as a form of communication. Try and write down these visitations and see if you notice any patterns.

Your Skin Randomly Tingles

image source: reddit.com
Some people believe that this is a sign of someone walking over your grave (whatever that means), however it can also be a sign someone is thinking of you. The strength of the physical feeling depends upon the intensity of thought, so try to be mindful of this if there is a person you wish to pursue.


image source: reddit.com
It is said that we get the hiccups if someone is thinking about us, and we can get to the bottom of who it might be. If you start to visualize those you suspect and name them one after the other, the reflex will stop once you land on the correct person.

You Get Visions Of Them

image source: reddit.com
If someone is thinking of you then they'll want you to think of them too, and the spirit world knows this. You'll start to receive messages in visual form, and the person may appear directly in front of you! Do not fear, it's just a reminder for you to consider them as they consider you.


image source: reddit.com
Choking on your food without any explanation signals that someone might be thinking about you, and it's usually out of concern. When a person feels this way it is likely they'll experience anxiety, which can cause stress to the body. As you're energetically linked with this person, your body will adopt their stress and cause you to choke on your food.

Unexpected Memories

image source: reddit.com
Sometimes memories can appear like a flash in our mind, and we probably don't have any idea what triggered them. A thought on someone's mind has the power to force such memories upon you as your attachment means that your mental states mirror one another.

Their Loved Ones Contact You Out Of The Blue

image source: reddit.com
Even if you don't have any contact with their loved ones, they may still contact you to facilitate your relationship. Besides, had this person not thought of you in the first place then neither would any of their friends or family. Take this as an obvious sign that they've not only been thinking about you but talking about you as well.

Your Ears Get Hot

image source: reddit.com
You may not notice your ears warming up until you feel them or see them glowing red, but it is a sure sign you're a conversation topic somewhere. If both ears are hot then there's a heated discussion, but if just one is then it's easy to tell what kind of things they might be saying. There's an old adage that says "left for love, right for spite", so you can guess how they may think of you judging by your ear temperature!

Sudden Influx Of Emotion

image source: reddit.com
If you find yourself feeling suddenly overwhelmed at seemingly nothing, then it's a sign that someone has thought of you. Their imaginings act as a magnet to your feelings, so you may feel a strong sensation wash over your whole body. It's up to you what you want to do with this, but we think you should maybe call!


image source: reddit.com
Sneezing can be a sign of many things; you may be allergic to a pet nearby or maybe you're experiencing flu symptoms. If neither of these are applicable, then some cultures believe it means someone is speaking about you. In Poland, they believe it's your partner's mother and in East Asia, they believe you can decipher what they're saying by how many times you sneeze!

You Feel Their Presence

image source: reddit.com
Feeling someone's presence when they're not around is a sensation like no other; you know they're around spiritually but you can't explain it to anyone else. This is because only you can sense it as it is you that they're thinking about. Letting anyone else know would just make them think you're crazy!

You Notice White Feathers

image source: reddit.com
Usually white feathers will fall around you when you're in need of some extra encouragement or support, so seeing them can be a great source of comfort. They're like a warm embrace when you need it most, and they are sent by a person through spiritual lines.

You Get Rosy Cheeks

image source: reddit.com
We often blush when there's someone around who means a lot to us and they may cause us to feel nervous or flustered. This same sensation occurs when you have a spiritual connection with a person who isn't around, as they arouse this sensation when they think of you.

There's An Urge To Contact Them

image source: reddit.com
When you suddenly get the desire to contact a person, then it's likely that they have awakened a compulsion which satisfies their thoughts. If you're on their mind then they probably wish to see or speak to you, and will feel pleased when you contact them first.

They're Constantly On Your Mind

image source: reddit.com
If you're always in someone else's thoughts then it's probable that they'll be in yours too. You either feel the same as one another and so can't stop thinking about your connection, or their meanderings have spiritually brought your headspace in line with theirs. Either way, perhaps it's best to just talk to each other!

People Talk About Them Around You

image source: reddit.com
When a person thinks about another, then the universe will do everything in its power to connect them physically. If this means sending messengers in the form of people, then so be it. You'll find that if there's someone your friends talk about more than anyone else, then chances are that person thinks about you often.

You Feel Unusual Bursts Of Energy

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The interconnectedness of beings is a magical thing, and it can mean that energy is displaced from person to person. If someone starts thinking about you then it's likely your body will feel stimulated as the souls intertwine spiritually and become energized.

You Notice Angel Numbers

image source: pinterest.co.uk
Even if you aren't a believer, angel numbers are hard to ignore when they crop up in daily life. If a number catches your eye then look it up online; there's a meaning for most 1, 2 or 3 digit sequences, which act as messages from those who have thought of you.

You Get An Eye Twitch

image source: reddit.com
Your eyes twitching has a similar meaning to when your ears start burning; the left eye means someone is negative towards you and the right eye denotes love. It doesn't reveal who may be thinking of you, but perhaps you can gauge that yourself if you notice any other signs on this list.

They Interact With Old Social Media Posts

image source: reddit.com
It's a bit weird when someone likes a really old pic, but doing so makes it clear that they have thought of you in detail. In the modern age, we can compliment our ponderings with visual cues, and stalk the heck out of a person on their socials! When they start commenting on posts from an age ago, it's a sign they probably miss you.

You Feel Exhausted

image source: reddit.com
Harboring our own energy is tiring enough, but when it's linked with someone else's and we feel their emotions as well, then it can be utterly exhausting. Of course fatigue can be explained by a multitude of things, but please consider it may be because you're constantly in someone's thoughts.

You Hear Their Favorite Song

image source: reddit.com
Music has the ability to incite strong feelings, so when you hear a person's favorite song then you'll probably feel their presence engulf you. If you hear their song frequently, it means that their thoughts are trying to spiritually encourage you to think of them also.

You Bump Into Them All The Time

image source: reddit.com
Even if this person is thinking of you constantly, it's probably unlikely that they're stalking you. So when you see each other out and about randomly, it is probably the universe trying to merge your souls together. As your thoughts are connected so are your bodies so you'll likely be seeing a lot of one another in unexpected places!

You Have Auditory Hallucinations

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If you are strongly imprinted in someone's thoughts, then you may begin to hear their voice in your mind. It might be the case that it's their voice acting as your internal monologue, or you may hear clear messages that don't sound like your thoughts at all. Take notice of this as they're probably trying to tell you something important.

Everything Reminds You Of Them

image source: reddit.com
If your start being reminded of a person's existence by random items, even if they aren't things directly linked to them, then it's a sign that they're thinking of you. It is a desperate attempt to get you to act upon your linkage, so perhaps get in touch if this starts happening.

Your Smile Appears Randomly

image source: reddit.com
You may notice that you'll start smiling for no reason when you are constantly on someone's mind, as they may be sending you some positive vibes. Their soul will love getting this reaction from you, so it'll happen more often as you send good energy back with a grin.

Random Aching

image source: reddit.com
If your inner being is joined with another spiritually, then it's likely you will feel almost every sensation they do. Whenever they think of you, they conjure your spirit and so any aches or pains will be shared. They don't mean to do this, its just that your bodies have become one energetically so they'll be feeling your ailments too!