Dentist Reveals Food Most Likely To Harm Teeth

By Sophie 11 months ago

Pasta: Did You Know That Starch Is Bad For Your Teeth?

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You may not think it, but seemingly innocuous foods such as pasta can be terrible for your teeth, it's even worse if we eat lots of it thinking it's a healthy option. Which it is, by the way, it can just cause tooth damage if eaten in excess. The starch which is contained in the pasta turns into sugar when mixed with saliva, and the consequences can be tooth decay!

Condiments: Ketchup Is FULL Of Sugar!

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Ketchup and Ranch Dressing are an absolute must for some meals, but they too can cause a lot of damage in your mouth. Many of these condiments contain tons of sugar which as we know, rots your teeth. As sauces tend to be eaten with savory foods we can forget about their sugar content, so try and be mindful of portion size.

Breakfast Cereal: Know Which To Avoid

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We're sold on cereal being a healthy option for breakfast; it's often low in fat, filling and quick and easy first thing in the morning. Have a look at the sugar content when choosing which box to buy; even the healthy options are filled with the white stuff!

Yogurt: It's Not As Healthy As It Seems

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Yogurt has the potential to be friendly to your teeth, however all too often we are tempted to go for the colorful, flavored options. Unfortunately, just because they say they contain fruit doesn't mean that they're healthy, it just means they contain loads of sugar. Try flavoring your plain yogurt with honey or flavor drops if you can't resist the sweet taste.

Soda: This One's Pretty Obvious...

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Many sodas can be described as liquid sugar they contain that much of it, but did you know that even diet options can be equally bad for your teeth? The artificial sweeteners mean that diet soda is highly acidic which will over time cause your teeth to rot. Dentists recommend that you cut out soda from your diet entirely!

Salad Dressing: Takes All The Health Out Of A Salad

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Most of us would agree that plain salad is just not appealing, and what with all the tasty dressing options on offer, it's hard not to give in. Adding salad dressing is one way to turn a healthy salad into an unhealthy one, as many contain high contents of acid, lots of sugar, and tons of fat, which are all terrible for your teeth.

Nuts: May Cause Chipping!

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Nuts are such a tasty snack that it's always tempting to gobble up handfuls at a time, but try to be conscious of their texture as nuts have the capacity to chip your teeth! Once a tooth is chipped, it is open to the elements and more at risk of erosion, decay and even tooth loss.

Red Wine: No One Wants Red Stained Teeth!

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Red wine is bad for your teeth in more ways than one; not only does it have the immediate effect of staining, but it also can cause tooth decay. Red wine has a high acid content which is what makes it tasty! If you want a less acidic wine then you'll be missing out on some of the enjoyment, but heightening your risk of erosion, so it's your choice.

White Wine Might Not Stain Your Teeth But May Cause Tooth Decay

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White wine is actually more acidic than red, but many people choose white wine to avoid teeth stains when they're out socializing. If you really want to drink it but are conscious of its after effects, then do some research on the grape variety. If the grapes are grown in hotter climates then they tend to be less acidic due to their ripeness, so your chance of tooth decay isn't zero but it's at least lessened.

Salty Food Causes Brittle Bones!

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If you have a taste for salty foods then your teeth are more at risk of decay. Your teeth need calcium in order to be strong and healthy, however if you consume a lot of salt in your diet then the calcium in your body to lower causing your bones and teeth to become brittle.

Fruit (Doesn't Always) = Healthy

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Whoever invented tinned fruit may seem to be a genius, if you don't think about everything they added to preserve it. Fruit has the habit of going off in many households, so the longer shelf-life might seem more appealing. What isn't inviting however, is the likelihood of cavities caused by the syrups the fruit is conserved in.

Pasta Sauce

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Dentists don't advise you eat pasta sauce if you want to keep your teeth healthy, which is a bummer if it's a staple in your family! The acid in most sauces will wear down your enamel, revealing the under layers of your teeth which are usually protected by the hard stuff.

Chewing Gum

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Dentists do in fact recommend some types of chewing gum, as the extra saliva it encourages can give your teeth an extra clean following mealtimes. Many gums however, contain sugar and artificial flavoring which can cause tooth decay as they act as food for bad bacteria. Not something you want hanging around in your mouth!


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Like red wine, coffee can stain your teeth and make your breath smell, which isn't conducive to a fresh mouth. The acid contained in coffee will rot the surface of your teeth which offers protection to the sensitive undersides. You're more at risk of tooth decay and enamel erosion if you drink lots of coffee, so try to limit your intake if you can. We know it can be hard!

Citrus Fruit

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As refreshing as citrus fruit is, it does have a darker side. It can unfortunately be terrible for your teeth as it is highly acidic, and therefore has the power to rot away your protective enamel. It's a paradox really, as vitamin C is great for your gums; but you've got to take the good with the bad!


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You might be surprised to see cheese on this list. It's high in calcium so it's good for your teeth, right? Well, not entirely. Cheese is another food that is both good and bad, as despite its positive effects on your bones, the sugar and high acid content in cheese can also cause tooth decay.


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Maybe people who remove pickles form their burgers are onto something. The pickling process causes the food to become highly acidic, which doesn't bode well for your tough, yet also sensitive, enamel coating on your teeth. Once your teeth are stripped of enamel it can't grow back so its better to be safe than sorry!

Highly Processed Meat

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When meat goes through a process of preservation, it changes from something that was fresh and nutritious, to something that's unnatural and potentially unhealthy. They're even linked to cancer-risk! The curing process causes the meat to become more acidic which is detrimental for your dental health.


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It's always a surprise to remember that the tomato is a fruit, and it's an acidic fruit at that. Dentists suggest that you drink lots of water when eating anything tomato-based, as it helps to neutralize the acid in your mouth. It's a shame that there are so many health foods that have unhealthy elements to them, but we can't have it all!

White Bread

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White bread is a delicious little devil. It causes so many issues for the human body, so why does it taste so good?! We actually have an answer to that - it is probably the massive sugar content. When you munch on something so sugary, and so chewy, your teeth feel the full force of erosion so perhaps it's best to stick with an alternative bread that's better for you.


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Eating chips can sometimes give you the experience of eating them for hours. Just because you've finished a bag, doesn't mean there's none left! Unless you brush your teeth immediately after, chips get stuck in all the little crevices in your gnashers which can then harbor bacteria and cause tooth decay.


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Rice is a healthy side dish for many meals; it's cheap, filling, and provides your body with carbohydrates that it needs. Unfortunately, these carbohydrates turn into sugar in the mouth, and can contribute to a buildup of plaque which will eat away at your pearly whites.

Red Meat

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Red meat is known to be highly acidic which judging from this list, is one of the main causes of tooth decay in the mouth. Red meat spends a lot of time on and between your teeth as it requires a lot of chewing, making it a risky foodstuff if you want to avoid enamel erosion.


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Fries don't tend to be great for your health in general due to the way that they're cooked, but it isn't the fat content that makes them bad for your teeth, it's the starch. Upon eating, the fries get stuck in and between your teeth which encourages bacteria to grow, causing damage to your enamel.


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Dentists say that cookies are some of the worst foods for your teeth as they cause dental damage in more ways than one. The sugar content leads to the production of acid, and when that sugar is a chewy gooey cookie, it will get stuck to your teeth and rot them away until you brush.


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It doesn't matter whether you choose jam that is all-natural or not, every jar contains an insane amount of sugar. It's also really sticky so the process of consumption puts you in further danger as it will remain on your teeth much longer than other foods.

Dried Fruit

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Dried fruits may seem like a good snack and you may be keen to put bags of it in your child's lunchbox, however such a sugary foodstuff isn't great for oral health. The pieces tend to be quite chewy which will ensure the mouth bacteria gets a good feed, and the acid which follows consumption can be described as a tooth killer!


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It'd be cruel to advise against the consumption of chocolate, but that's what dentists do! Chocolate tends to be high in sugar which will contribute to acid erosion, and put you more at risk of getting cavities. If you must eat it (and we presume you do), opt for a lower sugar version which you can get on the market nowadays.


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Dentists reveal that caramel is potentially the worst food for your teeth. It is basically chewy sugar that gets stuck in every available space in your mouth, meaning that bacteria from plaque will have a field day! It will erode your teeth for a prolonged period and cause tooth decay quicker than many other foods.


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Alcohol comes in many shapes and sizes and it is all bad for your teeth. The acidity in these beverages will cause your teeth to erode whilst the sugar content will eat away at your enamel. It's important for many reasons to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum; you don't want the cost of implanting a new set of teeth!