This Is What The Reality Of Living Forever Looks Like

By Aaron Love 11 months ago

Evolving Relationships

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Although eternal existence seems to be something that sounds appealing to many of us, you have to look at it uniquely and completely. As one person navigates life alone they will have to evolve their relationships with people and constantly form new bonds as time moves forwards.

Uploading Our Brain To Computers

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Some scientists believe they'll be able to prolong people's lives mentally by being able to essentially upload their brain to computers. Basically, your consciousness would survive your physical body and live through a machine, although, would you really be alive here or not?

Having Vast Knowledge Of Fields

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Living eternally would obviously bring you the ability to widen your pursuit of knowledge endless amounts. You would be able to accumulate vast expertise in a load of fields from science to art and history to languages! You really would be able to push the boundaries of human understanding!

Witnessing Different Empires

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For an immortal observer, you would be able to (or have to) watch the rise and fall of various empires and civilizations throughout your lifetime. Centuries of human history would unfold and you would have front row seats! You'd have a whole new outlook on changing societies.

Needing Patience

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Patience can often be hard to come by for many of us, so imagine how difficult it might be when you know your life wouldn't end! There would no longer be any rush to do anything and you might have to master the skill of patience to adapt and plan for the long-term in your endless life.

Mastering Careers

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Not only could you navigate through various academic fields, but you could also explore countless careers at the same time too. With the ability of unending time on your side you could become a master of any career you ever wanted and go on a path of self-discovery all at the same time.

Learning Loads Of Skills

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As part of your development through various fields and having unlimited leisure time, you might be able to acquire a load of random skills. You might pick up random musical instruments and learn to play them or acquire the most random of skills your mind could conjure up at the time.

Never Finding Closure

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In a world without a visible end, you're probably never going to be able to find true closure, it will remain elusive from you. Thanks to the world always being open to you, there'll never be an end to anything except when it comes to relationships with other people who wouldn't be immortal.

Technological Advancement

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Eternal life would definitely bring you the opportunity to witness the incredible progress of technology across the centuries. One might become an eyewitness to the dawn of inventions and some other revolutionary technologies that might end up changing the path of humanity!

Overcoming Boredom

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Although people with no end of life in sight might need some patience, they will also become extremely bored if they don't manage their time correctly. You have to constantly try and find something new that won't bore you and stay engaged and fulfilled as life continues to fly by.

Changes In Identity

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Throughout the various eras and times you'd live through, it wouldn't be surprising that your sense of self identity might change too. You'd always be shifting to match what was going on around you and you would have to learn to embrace your mind's ability to change.

Loads Of Trauma

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Eternal existence is definitely not without its emotional burdens, that's 100% for sure! You would obviously accumulate lifetime after lifetime of memories and obviously some of these memories would be far from joyful. You'd go through loads of trauma and hardship as the years went by.

Cures For Dangerous Illnesses

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As well as the technological advances you'd see as the world developed past you, there would also likely be some advances in medicine too! There could be cures for life-ending illnesses like cancer that seem far from believable in the current day and age. You could even push for this yourself.

Travelling The Entire World

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Endless life obviously allows you to be able to fulfil any dream your mind could possibly imagine, one of these being able to travel the world. You'd have unlimited time to explore and traverse the hidden depths of the world; it'd basically become your own personal playground for life.

Travelling Space?

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Who's to say that if you live forever you might not be able to even explore out of our earth's atmosphere too? Tourist travel out of earth's orbit has already been discussed and plans are in place; in hundreds or thousands of years time you might be able to catch the next flight out to mars!

A Loss Of Privacy

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If your ability of immortality was to become known to the public eye then it's highly likely that your own personal privacy would be lost. The world would always be fascinated or fearful of you and your ability to outlive anyone and everyone you'd come across in life.

The Need To Find Meaning

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I suppose we're all out on the hunt to find the meaning of life during our short stint out here right? This might become even more difficult with endless life though, you'd only be prolonging the search for the meaning of life and life might become more difficult to find meaningful.

Appreciating The Beauty Of Earth

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Living forever would definitely foster a deeper appreciation for the beauty of our own planet. You'd see landscapes change for the better and for the worst and witness every inch of the world during different seasons. You'd really learn to cherish and guard the world.

Teaching The Younger Generation

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Although other people could be envious of you, you'd become a timeless mentor, able to guide the younger generation through various passages of history. All of the knowledge and wisdom you would have accumulated could be used to help shape the future generations as you watched them.

The Chance To Influence History

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If existence became eternal then surely you might be able to have to potential to influence the course of history. Immortal life would surely play a role in allowing you to try and steer events and innovations in a way that could help the earth continue on a positive path instead.

Physical And Mental Decline?

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Although you might have eternal life that doesn't mean you might be free from enduring some mental and physical deterioration as the years passed by. Over the years you might notice that the body shows some signs of wear and tear which could potentially lead to some struggles.

Dealing With Loneliness

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Although I'm sure not having the fear of death could fill you with hope and happiness, you would also discover endless loneliness! You would have to deal with outliving many people and enduring solitude with no end. There would be a constant quest for new companionship.

Witnessing The Deaths Of Many

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In an immortal existence, the experience of witnessing the passing of countless individuals could be a constant reality. It's hard to work out what the whole emotional toll this could have on someone; you'd always be going through periods of grief and mourning as people left your life.

Deciding Whether Or Not To Have More Kids

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One of the biggest struggles when it comes to living forever would be the choices you had to make when it came to family and even having children. Of course it would be nice to keep having kids and family around you but how would the toll of outliving children go down with you?

Managing Finances Across Eras

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One thing that will never be a constant across centuries would be the stability of the financial market. An immortal person would have to navigate controlling finances across eras; although, you'd think that having all that time you might be able to build up an empire of wealth.

Conflicts With Mortals

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Living eternally would definitely bring the risk of conflicts with other people who might be jealous or perceive their existence as a threat. It might be difficult for someone who couldn't die to remain peaceful and celebrated by the community when others would want the same.

Seeing Many Wars

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One of the worst parts about the world across ages, is countries' inability to work together and avoid conflicts. There's no doubt that, living forever, you would witness hundreds and thousands of wars. Let's be honest, there'll almost definitely be a third world war eventually!

Becoming Desensitized

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Endless life could also end up causing a person to become desensitized to the value of individual people and specific aspects of life many of us are scared of. You'd witness countless births, deaths, pandemics and wars which might ruin your sense of empathy.

Being Able To Pursue Passions Without Constraint

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One of the scariest aspects of our lives is that we know there is a time constraint to everything we want to do in life. We have to work alongside our passions, but, being freed from the constraints of time mean that we could pretty much just dedicate all of our time to being dedicated to our interests.

Being Multilingual

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One of the coolest things you could commit to doing with eternal life could be mastering all of the languages across the world and ages. You would be able to communicate with people off all cultures and this might even become quite a valuable asset given you had the skills. I don't know about you though, I might need 20 lifetimes just to master one other language!