These Full Moon Rituals Will Enhance Anyone’s Love Life

By Sarah M 11 months ago

Love Letters, The Ultimate Way To Show Someone You Love Them!

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If you feel like your love-life has gone a little stagnant, it's time to harness the emotional power of the full moon! It can be hard to communicate our feelings to the person we love, it can leave us tongue-tied and sweaty... try taking the time to write them down on paper instead.

Moon-Bathing With Your Significant Other Will Bring You Closer Together

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Don't worry, there's no need to haul your bathtub into the back yard to enjoy the powers of moon-bathing! Simply find a place outdoors to lay down, open your arms (and heart) and let the moon's energy empower you. Do this alongside the person you love to enhance your spiritual connection!

Partner Meditation Will Take Your Connection To A Whole New Level

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Meditation is the perfect way to clear your mind of everyday stresses and focus in on what truly matters. Doing this with a loved one will feel vulnerable at first (expect some nervous giggling!) but will ultimately deepen your emotional bond and help you to feel connected.

Crystal Charging... Do You Believe In It?

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Now, this might sound a bit woo-woo for some but why not give it a go?! Every type of crystal is said to possess different qualities and powers; stones like Rose Quartz and Emerald are powerful when it comes to love. Place them in the moonlight to recharge their sensual energy!

Burn Sage To Rid Of Any Negative Energy

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Burning sage is a useful tool to cleanse your environment or even your own aura. This spiritual practice, originated in the Native American community, is said to clear away negativity and bad energy. Do this with your partner to cleanse yourselves of past relationship traumas.

Create A Love Alter To Refresh The Love

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Whether you believe in the spiritual powers of the full moon or not, this is a lovely activity to bring a little romance back into your relationship. Simply fill a table with items that have meant a lot to the both of you like important photographs and mementos from holidays.

A Fire Ritual Will Send Your Concerns Up Into Flames

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Now, this one requires some real vulnerability. Set up a fire in your backyard (or a big candle on your balcony will do!) and get out the paper and pens. Write down your concerns for the relationship and share them with your loved one. Then, place these worries into the fire!

Joint Affirmations - Make Sure You Have The Same Ambitions For The Relationship

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Affirmations are a powerful tool to improve your outlook on life and strengthen your emotional bonds. Choose a few that are important to you and your partner and recite them to each other beneath the full moon; if you say something enough, you might start to achieve it!

Releasing Negativity - Carrying It Around With You Will Weaken Your Relationship

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In a similar theme to the fire ritual, this is all about letting go of the things that don't serve your relationship. We all carry negativity around with us, often as a result of failed relationships. Stand beneath the moon and offer this past sadness upwards with arms extended.

Moon Dancing! Sounds Fun, Right?

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This is a firm favorite of mine - any excuse for a good boogie! A full moon helps us to release and make room for positive energy; and what better way to open ourselves up to this than by dancing? Put on your favorite love songs and dance the night away!

Sharing Dreams... Even If It's A Little Awkward

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Admitting our dreams and aspirations for our life can feel very exposing and even a little embarrassing! A full moon is the perfect time to let go of your self-consciousness and speak out exactly what you want for your life (and be open to hearing the same from your loved one too).

Gratitude Ritual - Happiness Attracts Happiness

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Many of us have been told of the emotional benefits of making gratitude lists before bed; it is said to enhance our mental wellbeing and make us happier. On this full moon, write down the things you are thankful for in your relationship and read it aloud to your partner.

Vow Renewal Will Reignite The Spark

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Our wedding day is supposed to be the happiest of our life but in truth, it is often just the most stressful! Utilise the peace of the full moon to reconnect with your partner 1:1 and truly enjoy speaking out your vows to each other; this time without the pressure of your family and friends.

Pull Tarot If You Believe In It

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Investing in a beautiful tarot deck won't only provide you with a fun new hobby, it might also empower your love life! Sit cross-legged with your lover under the full moon and take it in turns to pull cards and interpret their meaning... Who knows what they will reveal!

Moon-lit Manifestation!

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The full moon is said to help you see life with more clarity, which in turn will help you plan for the future with clear eyes. Don't just discuss what you want to happen... declare that it WILL happen because you deserve it and you (and the moon) control your own destiny!

Rose Bath

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This is traditionally done with rose petals but can be achieved with whatever flowers are your partner's favorites (just check for allergens!). Add Epsom salts, essential oils and rose petals to your bath water and open the window to let the moonlight in!

Go on A Moonlit Stroll

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Walking is not only a great way to stay active but also encourages deep conversations. Carve out an hour of your evening to go on a moonlit stroll with your lover, holding hands and confessing your dreams and aspirations for the future... sounds pretty dreamy.

Raise A Glass

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When we raise a glass to a person or event, we are putting our love and support out into the universe. I suggest circling the next full moon in your calendar and saving up for a lovely bottle of champagne - pour yourselves two glasses and toast to your relationship.

Partner Yoga

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If you aren't yogis already, attempting to learn partner yoga poses will, if nothing else, be a good laugh! Get a YouTube tutorial up and work together to learn a simple routine of poses; you will quite literally be holding each other up below the full moon!

Love Jar Crafting

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Everyone who had a Pinterest account in the 2010's has heard of this trend and for a good reason! Simply fill a jar with small, folded pieces of paper containing things you love about your partner or personal encouragements. Then take it in turns to open them and share the love.

Moon Water

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Making moon water is a convenient way to harness the energy of the full moon and it can be used to bathe in, to clean your home with or even to drink! Fill a jar with water, set an intention with a prayer or affirmation and leave it open overnight in direct moonlight.

Connect With Nature

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We all know of the moon's power when it comes to nature; it controls the incoming and outgoing of waves and is even thought to influence our menstrual cycles. This full moon, get out in nature with your partner and appreciate the beauty of your surroundings in the moonlight.

Vision Boards

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We might have a million plans in our head but until we get them out in the physical world, it can be hard to work towards them productively. Sit with your partner, a pile of magazines, scissors and glue and get vision boarding! You will be amazed by how empowering it can be.

Read Love Poetry

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Some of the oldest texts we know of are declarations of love through poetry- even the Christian Bible has a whole book of it! Reading and writing love poetry helps us to access our emotions on a deeper level and might just help you realise how in love you are!


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Since human life began, we have laid beneath the sky and observed the stars and their formations. Re-connect with your true self and your partner this full moon by laying on a blanket and gazing skywards. Take a book of constellations with you, so you know what you are looking for.

Sleep Outdoors

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This one is only advisable if you are somewhere you feel safe and with a loved one you feel secure with; but if both those things are true, sleeping beneath the moon is said to re-energize you like nothing else! Take a camping mattress and stove and reconnect with nature.

Break Bread

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Sharing food with our loved one is a tradition as old as time. Set aside a couple of hours to slowly and thoughtfully cook your favourite meal and eat it together. I recommend lighting a few candles and putting your favourite music on to make it extra romantic!

Breathe Together

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Breathwork practice has been found to reduce anxiety, lower your blood pressure AND boost your immune system. Sit outside or by an open window with your lover and follow a breathwork tutorial. It will help you to re-align and reconnect with yourself and each other.

Try Self-Love

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We all know that learning to love ourselves will help us feel more secure in our romantic relationships; but that is easier said than done. Take the time this full moon to sit alone and journal or enjoy your favorite foods and music. You deserve love too!

Invent Your Own!

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The full moon is what you make of it and it's cleansing and empowering qualities can be harnessed in a million different ways. Similarly, every love story is individual to both of you; so why not create your own moon traditions and rituals that are entirely your own?