Foods That Cause Us To Bloat

By Sophie 11 months ago

Chewing Gum and Bloating

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This one may come as a surprise as you might think you're not actually ingesting anything, however chewing gum can cause you to feel bloated and have a stomach ache. Not only do you swallow a lot of air as you're chewing, your body prepares to receive food and when none hits your stomach, the functionality has been wasted and you'll feel the bloat.

Prunes and Fiber Overload

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The medicinal prune can help things along if you're feeling particularly constipated, however did you know that the overload of fiber can actually cause bloating? Prunes are a double threat as the sorbitol found in them may also lead to unpleasant digestive symptoms, so best to ration these as you eat them.

Onions and Fructans

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Onions are the base of many delicious dishes, so the fact they can have a negative effect on your stomach probably isn't great news. They contain fructans, which are a carbohydrate known to cause bloating, however it must be said that you'd have to eat a lot of onion to experience this side effect so don't panic!

Garlic's Digestive Dilema

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Another favorite ingredient we add to almost anything savory (especially if you're Italian), is the humble garlic. Garlic marries well with onion and rightly so, not only do they taste good together but they have the same bloating effects caused by the fructans, which sound like evil maniacs!

Cheese and Lactose Challenges

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Eating cheese is almost worth the gas and the bloat you may experience afterwards; it's just too delicious! Your body has a hard time breaking down lactose even if you're not intolerant, and causes some lasting, stinking effects. The effects of hard cheeses aren't as severe, but best not to risk eating any if you're going on a date...

Apples and Natural Sugars

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Even natural sugars have the capacity to cause bloating, so apples aren't off the list. The high levels of fructose mean that they're tricky to digest which causes a build up of gas and therefore bloating. They're also a good source of fiber which can make you windy, too!

Artificial Sweeteners and Sorbitol

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You may think you're making a good choice by selecting sugar free options, however these don't come without their own risk. The ingredient contained within these artificially sweetened products is sorbitol, which is so foreign to your insides that your body can't even break it down!

Broccoli and Fiber Effects

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With its zero fat and high vitamin content, broccoli is a good choice of vegetable to have on the side of any dish, but make sure you're prepared for a gassy evening. Broccoli is very high in fiber which, as we now know, causes bloating that can last all night!

Soda and Carbonation

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The bubbles in carbonated soft drinks don't disappear when you drink them, and they cause your stomach to fill up with air! That air has to leave somewhere and it won't discriminate on which side of the digestive tract it will escape through. You'll probably feel bloated until it's all been belched out so save these drinks for a private time.

White Bread and Digestive Challenges

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White bread can be so tasty, especially in the form of hot buttered toast, but did you know it can have a detrimental effect on your digestive system? Many people avoid white bread entirely due to its bloating effects and opt for an easier to digest loaf like sourdough. Buying high quality bread from a bakery can lessen the chances of bloating, so you really do get what you pay for!

Ketchup and Digestive Distress

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Ketchup may seem like a harmless condiment (who even checks the nutritional value of sauce anyway?!), but did you know it can cause your stomach to bloat? Ketchup has a high sugar content which make it difficult to digest, so gas can build up in your system and cause unpleasant symptoms.

Watermelon's Sugary Surprise

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Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that you may not realize has a darker side. As its name suggests, you'd think it was mainly water making it easily digestible, however the fruit surrounding the water is absolutely filled with sugar making it a culprit for bloating!

Almonds and Healthy Fat Challenges

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Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts you can eat in moderation; their high protein content make them a favorite of gym-goers everywhere, but we wouldn't want to be on that gym floor! They're packed full of healthy fats and have a high fiber content, making them difficult to digest causing a build up of gas.

Milk and Lactose Intolerance

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Lactose intolerance is more common than you think. So common in fact, that 68% of people around the world suffer with it, and many don't even realize! When your body is unable to break down lactose it produces an excess of gas which causes your stomach to bloat.

Mushrooms and Chitin Conundrum

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There are many different types of mushrooms which are edible, however despite them being safe to eat it doesn't mean they're easy to digest. There's a carbohydrate called chitin which is found in some species, which can have your gut in knots trying to break it down!

Cabbage and Sulfuric Aromas

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This one may come as no surprise as we all know the toxic effects that cabbage can have if served at a party. Cabbage has a high sulfur content which as we know, smells terribly, so don't expect to make any friends when said sulfur evacuates your body!

Rye Bread and Gluten Sensitivity

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Rye bread seems like the healthiest option when you're met with a choice between sugary loaves and fatty buns, but despite its nutritional value, rye bread can cause some serious bloating. Rye is packed full of gluten which can impact those with a gluten sensitivity terribly, and those without are struck by the high fiber content. It is recommended to eat in moderation or prepare for the gas!

Ice Cream and Lactose Effects

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Ice cream is a delicious treat, especially on a hot summer's day, but it can have some awful side effects that may not be worth the five minutes of pleasure. If you're particularly sensitive, go for the lactose-free option if your ice cream shop stocks it, although we can't be responsible for the flavor...

Beans and GAS!

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Beans are probably the first foodstuff that comes to mind when you think about what makes you bloated, as they are notorious for causing gas. Beans contain lectins which are great for keeping plants safe as they protect them in the wild, but terrible for the gut as they're tricky to digest.

Sprouts and Raffinose Challenges

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The controversial vegetable is a sucker for causing bloating, and you will find yourself gassy for days following consumption! Sprouts contain raffinose which is a difficult to digest carbohydrate, meaning your gut will have a terrible time trying to break it down leading it to emit plenty of the stinky stuff.

Pizza's Digestive Doldrums

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There are lots of elements to pizza which can cause bloating; whether it's the starch in the dough or the lactose in the cheese, you're sure to feel stuffed after a few slices. Experts say it can take up to 8 hours to feel 'normal' again, so consider your daily plans before you chow down.

Beer's Bubbly Aftermath

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A cold beer can help you relax after a long day in the office, but it's likely to cause some troublesome after effects. The bubbles in the beverage causes a bloating in the belly, and the carbohydrate content makes it difficult to break down. Just another reason to drink in moderation!

Candy's Sugar Fermentation

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Candy may not fill you up in the same way other foods do, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have similar bloating effects. Candy is filled with sugar which your body cannot break down, therefore instead of digesting, sugar will ferment in the bowels and cause some stinky accidents!

Flavored Yoghurt Is A Double Whammy

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Flavored yoghurts are the worst for bloating; not only do they contain lactose which most bodies struggle to break down, they also contain sugar or artificial sweetener. If you can handle the dairy element, nutritionists suggest to sweeten your yoghurt with fruit to avoid the dangers of unnatural flavorings.

Asparagus and Fiber Challenges

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Asparagus is a vegetable that can make any meal look fancy, however it doesn't make you look fancy as you're bloating and gassing all over the place! It is high in fiber which your gut will struggle with, and just to add the cherry on the cake it makes your pee smell, too!

Burger's Red Meat Residue

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It's clear to see that bloating is caused when our bodies struggle to break down an element of food, which is why we take issue to the digestion of burgers. Red meat cannot be absorbed efficiently which is why we bloat after a burger. Most burgers contain a lot of fat too, which slows down digestion so you're likely to feel bloated for longer.

Chickpeas and Raffinose

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Similar to beans, the carbohydrate raffinose contained within chickpeas make them difficult for our bodies to digest. Raffinose contains a plethora of sugars, which when in contact with our gut can cause a build up of gas which can be really painful, not to mention embarrassing!

Chips and Sodium Swells

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Although moreish, chips can caused your tummy to bloat due to their high salt content. Water retention is a side effect of a high-sodium diet, so although caused by the chips, your bloated belly won't be full of potato snacks, it'll be full of gas and water!

Cauliflower's Oligosaccharides Challenge

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Cauliflower cheese is a firm favorite in many American households, but did you know it may not be the cheese causing you to bloat, but the cauliflower? There's a group of sugars called oligosaccharides which aren't digested by your gut but fermented; a process which causes gas.

Lentils and Fiber Overdrive

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Lentils are so versatile, you can make hundreds of dishes with them; so watch out when you think you might be safe from bloating! The fiber contained within the legumes can be great for your Alimentary Canal (or more simply, your digestive system), however it's true that there can be too much of a good thing, especially when you find yourself letting one rip!