You Probably Shouldn’t Drive If You Have Any Of These Conditions

By Aaron Love 12 months ago

Alcohol Impairment

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It isn't just a crime that makes drinking and driving something you shouldn't do, it's also incredibly dangerous for your own and the health of others. If there's one thing you should always make sure, it's that neither you or your friends decide to get behind the wheel when intoxicated!

Extreme Fatigue

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Extreme fatigue can be a silent killer from behind the wheel as it can really affect someone's ability to drive safely. If you're feeling overwhelmingly tired then your reaction times can slow down and the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel will increase, only raising the potential of an accident occurring.

Prone To Seizures

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Individuals who are prone to seizures for a whole range of diseases or problems can always be at risk when they're behind the wheel. Seizures can be very unpredictable and they can often lead to some problems arising like losing consciousness or losing control of their muscles.

You're On Medication

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There are numerous makes of medication for a variety of illnesses that can often lead to someone feeling drowsy or dizzy and affect their general ability to drive. It's crucial that people always check the labels on their medication to make sure that their cognitive ability isn't diminished when they drive.

You Have Poor Vision

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Having poor vision is something that often stops a load of people from getting behind the wheel on a daily basis. Some people have issues regarding their long or short sight and will usually be told whether or not they can drive. Clear vision is ESSENTIAL for being able to check road signs.

You Have Epilepsy

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Epilepsy is one of the various conditions out there which can lead to people suffering some uncharacteristic and unpredictable seizures. Even if someone hasn't suffered one for a long time there is always a chance that the problem could reoccur at any given moment.

Extreme Stress

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High stress levels can come about with a whole variety of health conditions but whatever it comes with, it can usually cloud your judgement and affect your focus from behind the wheel. When stress is becoming overwhelming you might be better off taking a step back and relaxing first.

High Levels Of Anxiety

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Anxiety disorders are another condition that might severely impact your ability to drive. Being in a constant state of worry, nervousness or even being at the risk of panic attacks in your vehicle could be life threatening. Don't put other people at risk for your own convenience.


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Anaphylaxis is the condition in which someone has a quick and severe allergic reaction and if untreated can usually end in life-threatening situations. If this happens to you, DO NOT try and drive for medical help, you need to focus on getting some immediate care first.


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Narcolepsy causes people to suddenly and uncontrollably fall in to short or long episodes of sleep at random points of the day. I'm sure you can quite quickly work out how dangerous this is; it's imperative that people with this condition stick to the strict treatment plans they have put in place for them.


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Usually, by the time someone is diagnosed with dementia they are past the age in which someone is usually going to be behind the wheel. However, if not, individuals could become quickly disoriented and they might have even forgotten the rules of the road, putting all other road users at risk.

Alzheimer's Disease

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Alzheimer's is very similar to dementia in the fact it usually appears in the elderly and can also damage a person's ability to remember facts and make good decisions. Driving with Alzheimer's could be a terrible risk as it might make them feel disoriented and put others in danger.

Parkinson's Disease

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If Parkinson's reaches an advanced stage then the sufferer might begin to suffer from some severe motor function problems as well as tremors, stiffness and limited co-ordination. These challenges could obviously hinder their ability to control their vehicle safely on the roads.

Multiple Sclerosis

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Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, can often lead to numerous impairments to the physical body as well as the brain too. Sufferers might begin to see symptoms like muscle weakness and balance issues which could quickly throw someone off when they're trying to drive safely.


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I'm sure we all know someone who suffers from some form of arthritis and if it's severe in anyone then it might end up causing someone to feel some quite chronic pain and stiffness. Your joints might even get to stiff meaning your ability to drive and control a vehicle could be hindered.

Peripheral Neuropathy

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This might sound little too medical, but Peripheral Neuropathy can cause your nerves damage and ultimately result in some numbness and weakness in the limbs. People with this issue shouldn't be in the drivers' seat as they would be putting way too many other drivers at risk on the road.


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Low blood sugar levels can often cause a person to feel confused, dizzy or even lose consciousness at any moment. These could appear during a drive and the hypoglycaemic episode might end up posing a severe danger to anyone on the roads. Manage your blood sugar levels before getting behind the wheel!


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In a similar fashion, Hypertension, the condition in which someone's blood pressure spikes to high could lead to someone suffering from a stroke or heart attack. It is absolutely imperative for someone to make sure with medical stuff that they're fit to drive at all times.


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If a glaucoma is left unmanaged for an extended period of time then there is a chance that the person might end up losing their vision completely. Driving with an untreated glaucoma can be extremely dangerous as your field of vision will be narrowed and therefore your peripheral ability would be diminished.


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In a similar fashion to Glaucoma, cataracts can quickly deteriorate someone's ability to see clearly which is obviously an essential part of driving. They can cause a person's vision to become quickly blurred or clouded and therefore they might need to refrain from driving until it can be fixed.


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Although it's definitely more important for someone to be able to see clearly when driving, their ability to hear is also essential. When driving, you need to be able to hear any audio cues like horns or sirens. Deaf people can drive, but they have to remain 10x as vigilant with their other senses.


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Severe osteoporosis can often lead to someone's bones feeling fragile and increase the risk of someone fracturing them. The problem is that they don't even need to be big accidents for someone to hurt themselves, it could be something as light as them braking too hard and causing them some damage.

Severe Sleep Apnoea

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Severe sleep apnea can actually frequently cause daytime sleepiness as a result of someone not being able to get enough sleep during the night. It could be essential to undergo some treatment first and make sure you've had a full night before you choose to get behind the wheel again.

Amputated Limbs

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Obviously if someone has lost their limbs then it's going to affect their ability to control a vehicle. These days you can get cars that have been specially adapted to support those with artificial limbs but without these vehicles it might be best to avoid getting in the driver's' seat for the foreseeable.

Cerebral Palsy

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The impact of cerebral palsy on someone's motor function can vary depending on who it is that's suffering. Again, there are some cars that can be modified and adapted to support people with this condition, although it might also be best to contact a healthcare professional to assess your specific situation.

Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar disorder is quite a common condition amongst the world's population and it's one that can cause someone to go through some quite difficult mood swings which could affect the judgment and behaviour of a driver. Definitely avoid your vehicle in moments of manic episodes.

Severe Asthma

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Severe asthma can often lead to someone having some breathing difficulties which could be triggered by incidents on the road whilst driving. Maintaining control during an asthma attack can be difficult and you need to remain vigilant during certain periods of time.


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Vertigo is often characterized by dizziness and a feeling of spinning in someone's head. This could obviously impair someone's ability to maintain control of a vehicle and during episodes of vertigo it might be worth avoiding going anywhere near the driver's seat of your car.

Asperger's Syndrome

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Asperger's syndrome can obviously affect someone's ability within social interactions, but also some sensory sensitivities too. This can make driving quite a challenge, although most people with the condition should be able to get the appropriate support to benefit them.

Recent Concussion

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If you have recently suffered a concussion then it's absolutely essential that you take some time to recover before you get back in the hot seat. The effects of a concussion can continue for months and include dizziness and impaired concentration which is obviously dangerous when driving.