30 Things We All Forget After Marriage

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Date Nights

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Everyone loves a date night, and they are plentiful when you first meet your partner. Over time, the dates die down in favor of a quiet night in front of the TV,and saving money as a pair becomes more of a priority then going to fancy new restaurants.

Buying Flowers

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The simple act of buying flowers causes a lot of grief, as some people simply give up on it. If you want your relationship to be a long lasting one, then buy your partner flowers on any random day, not just special occasions like a birthday or other celebration.

What It's Like To Be Single

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If you are married, then chances are you have been with your partner for years, sometimes more than ten years. When you have been in the company of someone for this long, it can actually feel weird to think about being single, and you can't recall what it was like.

Valentines Day

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Valentines day is a love it or hate it affair. Some people love the romance and get swept away in the date, whereas married couples usually forget about this day as it is pretty pointless. Either way, if your partner is a fan, then you should make an effort.

Days Out At The Beach

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When you first get with your partner, cheap dates and days out are plentiful. This means you end up spending a lot of the time hitting the beach, either for the day or watching the sunset. This dies down, unless you have a pet who loves to run on the sand!


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Restaurants become just another expense, and are often the first thing to be cut from the budget when you start saving for a wedding. Because of this, they rarely get added back into the budget, and they become a thing of the past to married couples.

Cleaning Up

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If you get lucky, then you will end up with a partner who actually enjoys cleaning up and wants to do it all the time. This is rare, so get yourself prepared to clean up your own mess as well as your partners in a never ending cleaning cycle. Sounds fun, right?

Splitting The Bills

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No one enjoys facing a super expensive bill, like a vehicle repair or an especially expensive month of energy costs. Splitting the bills is a great side effect of having someone in your life who knows you inside out, and makes stressful times easier.

Making Dinner

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Making dinner is something which is usually left to one person in the relationship. Thankfully, one person is normally a little more handy in the kitchen, which is a winner for both people. Making dinner for two becomes the norm, and we forget how it was to be single.

Vacations Alone

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Once you get married, vacations are normally a couples affair. Going abroad on your own becomes a thing of the past, and sleeping or staying in the worst but cheapest hotels is no more. You need to make the effort, not for yourself, but for your partner.

Holding Hands

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Holding hands is the sign of a young, loved up, couple. Once you have been married for years, you notice that it is actually a bit of an inconvenience. You become more comfortable showing your love in other ways, and hand holding takes the back seat.

Looking After The Kids

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Lots of people get married after having children, or right before they are about to give birth. Looking after the kids becomes a joint effort, but after a few years they begin looking after themselves. You forget what it was like to be a new parent, and all the sleepless nights.

Taking Time To Yourself

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Taking time for yourself is super important for your mental health, and something we should all be doing every once in a while. Personal space is very important for both parties, and when you are married you tend to give yourself a little more space.

Going Camping

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Going camping is the cheapest and most accessible way to travel the country. Going camping is a peak activity for those in their twenties or early thirties, but for most married couples this is an activity which never really stands the test of time. Most couples stick to the once!

Cheap Days Out

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What is better than a cheap or even free day out, just you, your partner and the dog? Going and spending the day outside becomes less common, and many couples find themselves held up inside during their days off. This is no fun, so get yourself out there!

Getting Take Out

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Getting yourself a Friday night take out is like a ritual for a lot of single folks, and tends to either pick up massively or die down completely when you meet your partner. It always tends to die off after marriage however, in order to save money as a couple.

Being Home Alone

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Being in your home, alone, can be a little creepy if it is something that you aren't really used to. Being home alone is something that never really happens when you first move in with your partner, but it happens a little more often when you get married.

Spending Time Together

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When you get married, a common reason for divorce is due to one person not wanting to spend time with the other. Spending time with your partner is crucial to a healthy relationship, so you should give space when needed but make an effort to be with your partner.

Caring For Pets

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Caring for pets is difficult if you are single, but living with a partner makes the operation a lot easier. You both need to take equal turns caring for the pet, whether that be going for walks, feeding them or cleaning the area where they sleep or live.

Having Hobbies

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A lot of people are guilty of giving up hobbies when they get married, as planning a wedding is very time consuming. We forget about what we loved to do and this is quite sad, so if you are getting married, make an effort to keep up your solo hobbies.

Talking To Your Partner

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everyone has been in this boat, sometimes you just need a good rant and someone to listen whilst you get things off your chest. We often forget that this is what a partner is for, and after we get married we tend to shut off and keep things bottled up.

Being Patient

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Being married can put extra strain on a relationship, as it may feel different and more structured than it did before. This can cause frustrations to bubble up, and make arguments more prominent, so ensure that you try and be kind and patient above all else.

Making Single Portions

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If you are married, then you know exactly what I mean... The art of making just enough food for yourself goes right out the window in favor of double portions. When you do cook for yourself, you end up making grossly too much food, and chuck some away!

Going Somewhere Alone

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The only place you normally end up going on your own after you get married is too and from work, so when you need to travel solo it can either feel daunting or freeing! Personally, I think solo travel is great, you listen to your own tunes and enjoy the drive!

Wanting Privacy

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If you have never been in a relationship, then it is normal to want a bit of privacy at times. Once you get married, it seems like the need for privacy goes out of the window. Using the bathroom with the door open? No worries. Showing in front of a partner? Fine by me...

Not Speaking All Day

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If you are single, and work from home or have a free weekend, then it is entirely plausible and common to not speak to a single soul all day. We forget the feeling of keeping quiet once we get married, as you always have someone at home to talk with.

Going Out Every Weekend

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Hitting the town at the weekend feels like an activity for single people, and although you can do this when you are married, it tends to be something that is a once, maybe twice a year affair. Lots of partners don't mind the other half going out, you just can't be bothered!

Spending All Your Wage

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Gone are the days of being irresponsible with money, you have someone to keep you in check now! Spending your whole pay packet, every single month, is not only unsustainable, but extremely irresponsible. It never leads to a happy long lasting marriage.

Thinking About Someone All The Time

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Picture the scene, you have met that special someone and they are on your mind all the time. I'm not saying that no one who is married never thinks of their partner this way, but it happens less often as you see the person on the daily, which is never a bad thing!

The First Date Butterflies

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Again, not having the first date butterflies is not actually a bad thing, because chances are you and your partner have been on hundreds of dates before you end up married. It is just a feeling you tend to forget about after a while, as it never comes up anymore.