Signs Two Of Our Friends Have Secretly Hooked Up

By Lynsey 12 months ago

They talk every day

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Friends that are more than friends will make sure that they are talking every day, simply because they can't not. Everyone has experienced the honeymoon phase of a relationship where you are inseparable and want to know everything about your new love interest - your friends will be no different!

The chemistry!

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One of the most obvious signs your two friends are getting together is simply the chemistry between them. You'll have started to notice that they suddenly just gel like never before and there's something electric between them that you may not be able to put your finger on.

They touch all the time

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All of a sudden, you find your two friends touching more than they used to or more than you would think normal between two friends. Suddenly, hugging, holding hands or lingering touches that last longer than normal amongst friends start to increase, giving you the clear sign that they are connected more deeply.

They don't speak about each other like friends do

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Friends hooking up will have their rose-tinted glasses on and they will only see the good in one another. You'll find them defending each other or talking non-stop about each other in a group setting, making it really obvious to everyone around them that there may be something more brewing.

Others have noticed

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You might have been thinking it for a while but not saying anything because you're trying to convince yourself it's not happening, yet when someone else in the group talks about it, it becomes more real. Once more of the social group identify the two hooking up, it will be hard to miss.

They tell everyone they're single

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Overemphasis on the 'I'm single' statement and pushing it when in a social group, is a sign that your friend is hiding something and is trying to convince you and themselves that there's nothing else happening. They may even simply avoid the questions if they feel really uncomfortable.

They spend a lot of alone time together

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If you're wondering where your two friends have snuck off too or you're noticing they are always talking about being somewhere and doing something at the same time as each other, it's probably a sign they're been doing it together and actually they are spending all of their free time just together.

They have sweet nicknames for one another

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For two friends who are hooking up, having pet names for one another will come naturally. So, if you suddenly hear your friend calling another friend a name that usually is only reserved for romantic couples, you can bet they are indeed being romantic with one another.

They don't want to date anyone else

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Reluctance to date anyone or engage in dating conversations may be a sign that your two friends are hooking up. They might become weird when you try to discuss their love life and refuse to talk about potential suitors as they are already engaged with your friend... you just don't know about it yet!

They have private jokes

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When your two friends appear to have inside jokes that only they are in on, this usually means there's something more than friends going on there. It shows that separate from your friendship group, they have a social bond with each other that most certainly is leading to them hooking up, if they haven't already!

They have private conversations

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A sign your two friends are hooking up is when you're all together, socialising as a group, and you notice two friends sharing private conversations. They will usually be hushed and over to one side, separate from the group, only for them to quickly change the topic of conversation if you call them out on it.

They get awkward when asked

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An obvious sign two of your friends are more than friends is when you ask them about their relationship and they get awkward or evasive. Normal friends in a group will be able to justify why they have been spending more or less time together without feeling on the spot and criticised.

They are jealous of one another

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Looking after your friends is a normal behaviour trait if you are loyal and protective of them. When this loyalty turns to jealousy, it can suggest there's more going on than originally thought. You may notice that they step in more to protect one another or they defend one another almost too much, giving the game away.

They've met each others parents

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A significant sign that your friends are hooking up is when they start attending family events of one another. This will be even more obvious if it was usually YOU who attended with your pal only to be replaced by their new lover. You may also notice that their parents start to talk highly of you friend, showing their approval of this new relationship.

They constantly make eye contact

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Your two friends who are secretly hooking up will find it difficult to not make eye contact with each other. You may catch a glimpse of them giving each other a flirty look across the room or you'll notice that in a conversation with the two of them, you're pretty much non-existent.

Their body language shows it

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Two friends that are hooking up will sure to show you by how they are with each other. Guaranteed, their body language will scream more than friends as you watch them being unable to keep their hands off one another or they are leant in having their own private conversations so no-one else can hear.

They agree on almost everything

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It's nice when two friends agree and you don't have any fallouts due to major clashes in opinions, however it can also be a sign that your two friends are getting it on. You might find that nothing the other can do will be wrong and they'll agree with each other even if you know that that's not how they really feel.

The smile at each other

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That subconscious smile that appears when either of them sees one another; the one that says 'I'm so excited to see you here' is a sign they are hooking up. Usually it's a smile you won't have seen before: a little coy and a lot of excitement, genuine happiness to see one another that you simply can't fake.

They're fidgety

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We've all felt on the spot and interrogated at some point in our lives and one common sign to show we're guilty is to fidget a lot whilst you pray for the ground to swallow you up. Friends who are secretly getting together are no different and if they don't want you to know, they'll try hide it as much as they can.

They make more effort with their appearance when they are together

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Suddenly your friends are making more effort with their appearance: wearing more makeup, buying new clothes etc and it seems odd. They are either going through a change in identity and trying to discover themselves or they are trying to impress on of your other friends.

They ask a lot of questions about one another

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Friends who are hooking up, be that secretly or out in the open will want to dominate the conversations asking questions about each other. You may suddenly find that each conversation in the group is now surrounding either of them which will leave you wondering why?

They gravitate towards one another

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When you meet up socially with a group of friends, if two of them are hooking up, you'll notice that they will be the first to go over to each other before they talk to anyone else. They may be overly excited to see one another or display a shy interaction but either way, they will be inseparable from the moment you all get together.

They post a lot of new content on socials

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When you notice two of your friends changing on their social media, it's sure to make you raise an eyebrow. If you think you're two friends are hooking up, you may notice that their social media pages start to look more affectionate and desirable with some of the same posts cropping up on both of their pages.

Either one of them doesn't reply

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Ever tried to get hold of your friends and they are both mysteriously unavailable? This could be a coincidence... or it could mean they are together and they don't want anyone else to know. Friends who are secretly hooking up will disappear at conveniently the same time - suspicious hey?!

The goodbye hug

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Goodbye hugs amongst friends are a normal social interaction. However, if two of your friends are hooking up, you may notice that that goodbye hug is a key sign that there's something more going on. Simply put, if they linger in that hug, longer than expected, to a point any normal person would feel awkward, it's because they are that much more comfortable with each other.

They've both become annoying

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The constant teasing with one another is a sign that they are much more connected that you first thought, but it can become highly irritating if it is every time you all hang out. They also may have become louder and more obnoxious to try peacock in the group, showing off to impress each other.

They arrive and leave at the same time

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If you start to notice that both parties start arriving to events together or suspiciously leaving gatherings at the same time, each with their own questionable excuses, you can bet they're ending up together but just don't want to out it and tell you all yet.

They are overly convincing that they haven't

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When you decide to pluck up the courage to ask your friends if there's something going on, and they decide to overly try to convince you there's nothing between them, it can be a sign that in fact there actually is. They will feel on the spot and uncomfortable so you might find they struggle to stop talking in a bid to convince you otherwise.

They are on their phones at the same time in a group setting

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It's annoying when you're socialising to have people sat there on their phones because it can come across rude. Two friends hooking up won't be bothered about looking rude amongst the group as they'll be too busy texting one another, sending memes perhaps or being secretly flirtatious.

They leave personal items at each other's places

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So you go around to each of your friends houses and you start to notice familiar items being left there, not your but those items that you can easily recognise from a close friend. This is a sure sign that they have been getting up to more than they were originally letting on.