This Is What Happens To The Body During IVF

By Rylee 1 year ago

1. Swelling up of the abdomen

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The first step of IVF involves stimulating the ovaries to produce more ova. However, this treatment can lead to the accretion of edema fluid in the woman’s abdomen, leading to a massive swell-up that is sometimes painful. Moreover, a woman’s weight is bound to increase when these changes occur.

2. Decreased urine output

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A woman who has undergone IVF will hardly visit the toilet for a short call. The capacity of urine she excretes will also decrease. This is because stimulation of the ovaries leads to the vascular system storing more water than normal. Even if a woman drinks a lot of fluids, her urine output will remain low because water will be stored elsewhere.

3. Bleeding

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The second stage of IVF ensures that the doctor follows up on the production of oocytes after ovary stimulation. The process is done using an ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicular aspiration on both ovaries. The needle track fitted on the device can rupture the organs, which would cause internal bleeding.

4. Allergic reaction

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While inspecting the oocytes' production, a patient has to be anesthetized to numb the nerves and prevent pain. However, various types of anesthetic agents can react differently to the body. Before the process, ensure that your doctor administers mild anesthetic agents that will not cause an allergic reaction like vomiting.

5. Extra-organ damage

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If the tracking process is done poorly, it may damage other organs around the female reproductive system. The needle must be inserted carefully because a slight misdirection could harm the bladder and the kidney. Some cases have been recorded of women with their bowels injured during IVF.

6. Emotional instability

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IVF treatments are meant to increase the level of hormone production in your blood. These hormones are important in preparing you to handle pregnancy and sustain the embryo. However, they can also have negative effects on your emotional state. A woman undergoing IVF will feel overwhelmed and psychologically disoriented.

7. Getting Distracted

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A woman undergoing IVF treatment will feel distracted every time. It would be difficult to focus on a single task, and cases of forgetfulness have been reported. The body is made to prepare for an embryo; therefore, much of the brain's functions are redirected towards the reproductive system. It is normal, therefore, to experience low concentration.

8. Heightened appetite

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IVF treatment may involve using substances that will require a woman to eat more food. The process will drain a substantial amount of energy, so it is normal to feel hungry between short intervals. Moreover, the appetite could result from an emotional impulse to ingest certain foods.

9. Constipation

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During the IVF process, much water is retained in the vascular system due to the ovary stimulants taken regularly. For this reason, patients have complained about constipation. Experiencing difficulty during egestion requires a woman to drink more water and ingest more fiber supplements that will ease the biological process.

10. Stress

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A woman experiences a lot of mental stress when undergoing IVF. The process is tedious because every activity needs to be tracked with care and with the keen eye of the doctors. These treatments can be extremely frustrating when done repeatedly. Moreover, a woman is not always sure if the IVF will be successful, increasing anxiety.

11. Breast tenderness

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A woman’s breast becomes tender during the first stage of IVF. During follicle suppression, the doctor intends to ensure that the ova production begins at the same rate. By taking oral contraceptives, a woman’s body can quell the dominant follicle and activate a higher yield of eggs. When this happens, mild changes can manifest in the breasts.

12. Headaches

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IVF treatment involves a litany of injections and oral medications that intend to influence higher egg retrieval. In the process, these treatments could incur side effects on the woman’s body, including splitting headaches. A doctor must evaluate the types of painkillers she would take to prevent sabotaging the stimulation process.

13. Cramping

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The process of egg retrieval during IVF involves surgery. The doctors will need to anesthetize a woman before performing the surgery. However, the after-effects of this surgery could include cramping. A woman will likely feel suffocating pain in the lower abdomen due to the procedure. However, the pain is likely to fade away after some time.

14. Pain in the leg

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A slight discomfort in the legs when undergoing IVF is to be expected. It could occur because of the abdominal cramps accompanying ovary activation or progesterone levels surging in the blood. However, it can be eased by painkillers given by a doctor and plenty of rest. Moreover, leg exercises can be done to alleviate the discomfort.

15. Hot flashes

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IVF can cause sudden warmth in a woman’s chest, neck, and head. It is especially noticeable during ovary stimulation and egg retrieval, and a woman may exhibit redness on the skin or even sweat profusely. However, the phenomenon lasts for a short period and dissipates after some time.

16. Pelvic pain

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It is common for women who undergo embryo transplants to experience pain in the pelvic region because of instant expansion. The pain is caused by the stretching of the uterine walls to accommodate the embryo. Doctors advise that medication could be administered to relieve the pain or therapy done on women immediately after the implantation.

17. Rising body temperature

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Congratulations! A rise in temperature after an embryo transplant can indicate that it was a success. It is called the implantation dip, and it can be registered as a slight rise from 37°C to 37.5°C on the clinical thermometer. The basal body temperature rises because progesterone levels have surged in the blood in preparation for the fetus.

18. Cervical mucus production

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After the embryo transplant, the membranes of the lower reproductive system release mucus in preparation for the baby. The estrogen hormone is responsible for this change. However, mucus secretion may be a problem when undergoing IVF. The woman should take plenty of fluids to aid the production.

19. Missed periods

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Say goodbye to your periods if the IVF process goes on successfully. Menstruation is simply the ejection of the thick lining of the uterine wall when pregnancy does not ensue. However, if the transferred embryo during IVF implants itself on the walls of the uterus, the process is halted, and no periods can occur.

20. Nausea

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This mostly happens when the embryo transplant is successful. During IVF, morning sickness might be a sign that the embryo has cemented to the uterine wall. It could indicate that HCG levels have accumulated in your system in preparation for the baby. However, it could also be a result of side effects from medication.

21. Increased HCG level

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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the ultimate hormone that ascertains whether a woman’s IVF process was successful. After 12 – 14 days after embryo transplant, the doctor tests a blood or urine sample for HCG. A value above 100 mlU/ml strongly signals that the implantation was done exceptionally.

22. Hypertension

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When an embryo is transferred to the woman’s womb undergoing IVF, it is advisable to implant multiple embryos to minimize failure. However, sustaining more than one embryo can affect a woman’s cardiovascular system. High blood pressure has been common in more than half of the IVF embryo transfers that have been undertaken.

23. Hydramnios

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IVF can lead to the accumulation of excess amniotic fluid in the uterus during pregnancy. This is especially common after multiple embryo transplants. When a woman’s uterus is filled with too much amniotic fluid, the membranes become distended, and natal complications ensue. The fluid can also negatively affect the fetus.

24. Complicated delivery

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Women undergoing IVF must be assisted at every step of their pregnancy. Due to the peculiar circumstances that unfold during their pregnancy journey, experts are debating whether it is safe for these women to deliver children through the vagina. The risks of perinatal mortality, gestational diabetes, and placenta praevia are high in women who go through IVF.

25. Preterm birth

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The treatment administered to women who undergo IVF can lead to body changes that make it difficult for them to give birth at the required gestation period. According to studies, women who go through IVF are four times more likely to give birth prematurely than women who do not take the process.

26. Ectopic pregnancy

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Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition involving the embryo implanting itself outside the uterus and developing near the fallopian tube. Cases of ectopic pregnancy have been known to lead to maternal mortality during the first trimester of pregnancy. Women who undergo IVF are at a high risk of ectopic pregnancy if the embryo transplant is done carelessly.

27. Fatigue

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After the embryo transplant, a woman’s body will produce high amounts of Progesterone to stimulate breast milk production and blood volume for fetal sustenance. The implantation of the embryo in the uterus can cause pregnancy exhaustion. A woman will feel tired after doing light tasks, and resting becomes a priority.

28. Multiple pregnancies

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IVF embryo transplant could result in multiple births, including twins and triplets. This is because Assisted Reproductive Technology requires the transfer of more than one embryo to maximize the chances of implantation. However, the risks involved in this phenomenon could outweigh the benefits because carrying multiple fetuses to term could cause maternal death.

29. Cancer risk

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Many fertility drugs are administered to women undergoing IVF treatment to manipulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Some medical experts have speculated that these treatments could exacerbate women's risk of Ovarian and Uterine cancer. Though the debate continues, such a possibility in the body cannot be ignored.

30. Acne

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The hormones used during IVF treatment can cause various skin problems, including dehydration and acne. According to dermatologists, the hormones can interfere with oil production, eventually leading to an acne breakout on your face. Women should understand their skin peculiarities before embarking on an IVF journey.