Signs Our Loved One Needs Help

By Sophie 1 year ago

They Become Isolated

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If someone is in need of help and won't ask for it, then it is likely that they will isolate. They won't want their loved ones to notice as they may not want to worry anyone. It may also be that they genuinely don't want help as those feeling so down may wish to self-destruct. This is a sign they do need your help no matter how difficult it is getting through to them.

They Start Hanging Out With The Wrong Crowd

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We don't want to sound judgmental here, but there will probably be people that you'd prefer your loved one to not hang out with. Whether it is a crowd that will lead them astray, or a group who have done them wrong before, there are always undesirables that someone in need of help will stray towards.

Their Demeanor Changes

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You know your loved one better than most people, and you know when something isn't right with them. You don't even have to know exactly what it is, if something feels off then it probably is. Trust your gut with this one as it may be a sign that they some familial support.

They Stop Telling You Things

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Usually conversation between loved ones is open and honest, and you can discuss your individual lives without hesitancy. When these conversations stop and they refuse to talk about their life then they are most likely hiding something. It's good to ask questions here while they're still willing to converse.

The Phone Calls Stop

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When you're used to regular phone calls with your loved one, it feels weird when they suddenly stop. People don't just stop calling for no reason so something is probably up. Try calling them and see if they pick up; if you can't get through for a while then be sure to offer them some help.

They're Abusing Substances

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Substance abuse may go unnoticed for a long time, but it'll make itself known eventually. If you suspect your loved one is drinking too much or using drugs, then try talking to them about it. If they don't want to talk then educate yourself about the support in your area and signpost them to it; it might just save their life.

They Lose A Lot Of Weight

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Significant weight loss is always a sign that someone needs help, as its cause will need investigating. If a person isn't eating then there's something serious going on with them, and if they are eating but still losing weight then they're probably poorly somehow. Unexplained weight loss always requires attention.

They Gain Weight Quickly

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Any kind of weight change means that something significant is happening for a person, so if your loved one gains weight quickly then they may need support in other aspects of their life. It's best not to address the weight gain directly as it may make them feel bad, instead try to work out what else is going on to see where you can help.

They Stop Looking After Themselves

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Not looking after yourself is a symptom of depression, so it's a sure sign that someone needs some support. You may notice this lack of care in their hygiene or their eating habits, so try to keep a close eye on where they are meeting their own basic needs.

Their House Is Unclean

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If your loved one stops caring about the cleanliness of their house then it is probably a sign that they need help. It may just be help with the chores if they've found themselves too busy to get on top of them, however it could be a sign that something more serious is going on for them.

Their Friends Are Concerned

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It's always a worry when multiple people are concerned for a person, as it means that others have noticed that there is something wrong. If you are particularly close to this person then their friends may call you to ask for help, which is really great for them to have so many people who care.

They Become Unreliable

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If your loved one is usually quite reliable, in that they commit to plans and are always there when you need them, then for them to suddenly stop being someone you can count on may be a cause for concern. It's a change in personality trait that is often triggered by something, so try talking to them to see if anything has happened.

They Cancel Plans Last Minute

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Everybody cancels plans at least one time in their life, however if it becomes an ongoing thing then it is definitely a sign that something is up. Your loved one may really want to attend the things that have been planned which is why they agree to come, but whatever it is that's going on for them may get in the way of them turning up.

They Don't Answer Your Messages

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We get that sometimes answering calls can be anxiety-inducing, but ignoring texts is a whole other ball-game. They're so easy to respond to, that by not doing so they are actively avoiding you. It can be frustrating as you become desperate to get hold of them, but try to be patient as they will reply eventually.

They Miss Work, Or Are Late More Often

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Going to work is really good for routine; it's a commitment that you need to be on time for in order to keep your life moving. If suddenly your loved one becomes less committed and is late or skips work entirely, then the alarm bells start ringing. This behavior could get them fired so it is important to address what the issue is.

They Forget Appointments

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When someone is in need of help then their brain will stop functioning properly. They may find themselves feeling scattered and disorganized which causes them to miss important appointments. A person in this position needs help to function as missing appointments may have dire consequences.

They're Nervous

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You know when a loved one needs your help when they seem as though they're nervous to be out in public. They may even seem nervous just being around you, as though they have something racing around in their brain. It's important that they talk about what it is that's bothering them as holding onto it will cause more problems in the long run.

They Seem Sad

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It's obvious that when your loved one seems sad then they need some help, however it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly how to help them. It may be that they just need to know that you're there, and they'll reach out when they're ready. Just ensure they know you have their back.

They Stop Doing What They Enjoy

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If someone is having a hard time then they'll usually stop doing the things that they enjoy. They may not have the energy or may feel as though they don't deserve to be happy so they don't show themselves this kindness. Whatever the reason, they'll need your support to get their spark back so they can get out there and do what they love.

They Start Taking Risks

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Risky behavior is often a byproduct of someone who is in a dark place. They might do crazy things to distract them from whatever it is that is going on for them. It's hard for people to live in reality when they're in this state, so they'll need some help with logical reasoning to pull them back from the abyss.

They're Always Asking To Borrow Money

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You may not mind lending a loved one money every once in a while, however if it becomes a common occurrence then it is a sign that someone is in trouble. It may be that they stop being able to pay you back which can be even more alarming. Be sure that they genuinely need it before parting with your money, otherwise, you may be enabling something nefarious.

They Won't Invite You Round

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If you live nearby, then it is likely that you visit your loved one's house quite often. If they stop inviting you round then it's a sign that something has changed for them. Maybe they don't want company or maybe they're hiding something. Whatever it is, it's a sign that they need your help.

They Make Excuses

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You can usually tell when a loved one is being dishonest, so you'll know when they are making excuses for things. These excuses may be minor or they might be extravagant, and they always make you wonder why they just can't be truthful. Being deceitful in this way is a sign that something's up and they need support.

They Ignore Important Letters

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If you do manage to go round to their house then you may notice a stack of old letters that they've been ignoring. This indicates that they are either avoiding something or that they're super anxious to the point they can't even open their mail. Maybe they just need you to sit with them while they do.

They're Always Negative

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Depression will make a person see the world in a bad light, and they'll have a hard time thinking positively about anything. You'll notice this in the way that they speak; they will have a negative opinion on everything and not show very much happiness. Maybe they need a bit of a poke out of the whole that they're in.

They Stop Opening Their Curtains

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A sign that someone needs help is when they stop opening their curtains. They may want to shut out the outside world and sit in their pit of depression, however this will only make them spiral further. Encourage them to take baby steps to re-enter the world, they'll thank you for it eventually.

They Stop Getting Dressed

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A person who stops getting themselves dressed for the day is a person who needs help. It shows that they don't care enough to make themselves feel nice and presentable, and it's a message for people to leave them alone. Help with this simple act of self-care can do a whole load of good.

They Stop Leaving The House

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Staying indoors all day every day is a killer for your mental health, however the longer someone stays in, the harder it is for them to go out again. If your loved one exhibits this behavior then try and gently coax them out for a walk, you'll find that they'll start to go out on their own eventually and their mental health will improve.

They Become Secretive

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If a loved one is hiding things from you then they probably need help but don't wish to ask for it. It's important not to seem like you're prying when you're offering support, as it could just push them away further. Just try to be kind and hopefully they'll come to you in their own time.

They Look Tired All The Time

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Needing support but not receiving it can be exhausting, especially if the thing that's bothering you is keeping you up at night. If a loved one is chronically tired then it's best to get to the bottom of why it is; maybe you can relieve a burden while providing the care that's needed.