30 Signs Someone Has Digital Dementia

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Memory Problems

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Digital dementia often begins when you start to see some memory problems. If you or someone you know begins to struggle with recalling basic info like dates or numbers it could be a sign they're using their digital devices a little too much. Relying on tech can really damage our brains memory processes.

Short Attention Span

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Within our fast-paced world, it can be quite hard to keep our focus on everyday life. If you're beginning to find it more difficult to concentrate on a single task without checking your phone this might be a problem. Try and stick to one thing at a time and don't go back and forth.

Decreased Critical Thinking

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Digital tech can be both a positive and a negative when it comes to your own critical thinking. Yes, you can turn to relying heavily on search engines for instant results, but by being able to do so, you're turning off your own mental ability to think critically for yourself instead.

You Can't Concentrate

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The modern digital world can often absolutely overload our minds with constant things on our screens; this means we can become challenged when it comes to keeping our concentration. Are you easily distracted by notifications and messages? You might lose some productivity increasingly!

Low Problem Solving Skills

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It isn't just your critical thinking skills that can deteriorate by using technology too much, but you can also lose the ability to tackle your own problems too. It's actually good for us to have to work things out for ourselves, but instead we'll just choose to google it to make things easier.

Bad Decision Making

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All of the information we can get via social media and online can often overwhelm our decision making, even in scenarios where it's very important. You might end up making some dangerously impulsive choices without actually weighing up the pros and cons thanks to a lack of patience.

Decreased Creativity

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Creativity is important within the human body, we usually thrive when we have a free mind that can't be stifled. If we over-expose our minds to digital content online and we endlessly scroll we'll quickly narrow our own original thoughts. Maybe rethink some of your own digital habits.

Poor Posture

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The digital age has also brought about a pandemic when it comes to the posture of many people, especially the younger generation, all the way around the world. Not only will this damage your own physical health but it can make you feel tired and incredibly uncomfortable too.


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One of the worst things you can do to your eyes is staring at screens for some extended periods of time. If you're noticing that your eyes are beginning to feel incredibly dry or tired then you might want to take a break. The blue light from phones will only make an impact on the health of your eyes.

Difficulty Maintaining Conversation

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Although digital devices have allowed us to be able to connect with others thousands of miles away, they have also had a negative effect in person. You might notice that you're struggling to engage in face-to-face conversation which could be a sign you have digital dementia.

Can't Read Social Cues

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Excessive usage of your digital devices can actually end up hindering your ability to interpret and actually respond to social cues effectively. If you find it quite difficult to gauge other people's emotions or reactions, particularly face to face, then your habits might be damaging your awareness.

Increased Stress

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Stress is something that all of us probably go through something a little (or a lot). The pressures of staying updated with everyone can often make us feel even more stressed or burdened. Let's be honest, there is a never-ending stream of info fired at us when people spend too much time on their phones.


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The blue light I mentioned earlier can actually also interfere with our body and it's natural sleep cycle. Emittance of this light will eventually damage your sleep pattern eventually making it incredibly difficult for you to get a good night's rest! Insomnia really isn't worth going through!


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Digital distractions and the allure of the online world can actually end up causing us to end up procrastinating even more than we might do without them. Students and workers alike will know what I'm talking about, you end up delaying your important tasks to scroll through social media instead.

Social Isolation

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If you'd rather choose some digital conversations via various social media applications or phone calls over some real life, in-person chat then you might end up bringing yourself to the point of social isolation. You might even end up experiencing withdrawals if you didn't have it!

Feeling Anxious

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If you often find yourself feeling a little uneasy, restless or even on edge when you're using your phone or laptop then you might be making things worse by being glued to your phone. Digital habits can actually force anxiety to rise through the roof if used too often.

Feeling Depressed

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Not only can you fuel your own anxiety, you can also end up making yourself feel inadequate within life and depressed too! You can see people living the best lives online and comparing this to your own can often surround you in a bubble of sadness, completely ruining your well-being.

Impaired Handwriting Abilities

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The practice of handwriting in the current age is already in freefall, mainly thanks to digital technology pushing people to using tech instead. Many people these days actually claim to struggle to write properly or comfortably on pen and paper thanks to their overwhelming digital habits.

Poor Navigational Skills

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Have you found yourself being over-reliant on your GPS or your phone for directions these days? Supposedly, if you struggle to use traditional maps or use visible landmarks to travel then it's quite a clear sign that digital dementia might be having an impact on your sense of direction.

Less Hobby Engagement

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Unfortunately, spending an absolute load of time on our phones can also lead to us lowering our engagement in our favourite hobbies. Maybe you've recently abandoned a hobby or interest that you used to enjoy more than anything? Re-evaluate the necessity for your phone when you pick it up!

Obsessive Phone Checking

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If you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone, even if there's no signs you need to, then you might have some kind of obsession with your phone. Turn your sound on and wait for the notifications to buzz, that ways you can try and get on with your work without the wait!

Reliancy Of Digital Assistants

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One of the craziest additions to technology as phones and household items have developed is the use of digital assistants like Siri or Alexa. Having these guys available to us instead of thinking for ourselves can be a sign that we're becoming way to reliant on technology.

Always Multitasking

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The digital age actually should make our ability to multitask much easier, and although for some of us it does, it can also really negatively impact our productivity too. If you're juggling screens, apps and outside tasks then you're reliance on tech might outweigh your own ability.

Spending No Time Outside

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Not only can our digital addiction end up keeping us from doing our favourite activities, we might even end up avoiding the outside world entirely too. If you find you're spending all of your time inside then it might be a sign that our digital life is actually overwhelming our real life.

Oversharing Online

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In a world now where so many of us are hell-bent on trying to get as many likes, comments and shares as we can, people can end up oversharing too much. If you notice your letting everyone know all the little details of your life it can signify digital dementia and a skewed sense of self-worth.

Being A Part Of Cyberbullying

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Participating in cyberbullying yourself, or even being the individual who's being cyberbullied can also be a sign of your mind becoming controlled by the digital world. Harmful online behaviour or struggling to cope with harassment can increase tenfold with even more usage.

Reduced Exercise

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Excessive use of technology has long been associated with people not getting enough exercise, and they're pretty much right aren't they! Your exercise routine and overall physical health might decline and you could notice that your digital routine is ruining your overall well-being too.

Excessive Gaming

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Whilst gaming is a really fun hobby for many of us, doing so excessively will only end up being detrimental to all of us in the long run. If you find yourself still gaming through to the early hours of the morning then you might want to begin to try and reassess your own digital priorities.

No Stimulation To The Brain

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Digital devices can often give us some quick and easy entertainment and although they help fill the time, they can also lead to us feeling a lack of mental stimulation at the same time. If you've noticed you don't feel mentally challenged enough then you might want to try and keep your screens off.

Everything Is Online

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If every aspect of your life is now controlled via online platforms then it might be time that you try to expand your network to the real world too. Too many of us are now working online, socialising online and gaming online meaning we actually feel to reliant and unable to detach.