12 Everyday Things We Didn’t Know Were Illegal

By Aaron Love 1 year ago


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In pretty much every state across the US jaywalking is illegal, whereas across many countries around the world they'll just turn a blind eye. And to be honest, even here in the US the enforcement of this law is quite low; if you're in New York for example you'll probably get away with it.

Feeding Wildlife

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Were you aware that in some US states it's actually illegal for you to feed wildlife! Whilst it might seem like a kind gesture, feeding wild animals could lead to some disruption in their behaviour and even cause health problems. Respect the laws of the state you're in just to be safe!

Not Registering Your Dog

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In most European countries once you buy a dog, you quite simply, have a dog! But over here, as all you dog owners probably know, most states require that we need to register our dogs too! This is to make sure that their shots are updated online and that everyone knows about it.

Driving Without Shoes

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In the US there are several states that will charge you if you're found to be driving your car barefoot! It might seem quite minor, but supposedly the concern is that it could affect your own ability to drive safely. Again, it might be best and safest if you just check the rules of your state to be careful.


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Whilst we all have the right to freedom of speech, if you're seen or heard cursing in public spaces, cops could see this as a minor offense in certain states. Supposedly if you're swearing too much you might be breaching and disrupting the peace of the area you're in.

Public Intoxication

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Public intoxication is probably well known by now and I'm pretty sure that all of us will have done this at some point in our lives. The law can vary depending on what state you're in but in some places you could be looking at fines or even worse, a few months behind bars too!

Drinking In Public

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It turns out you don't even need to be fully drunk in public to be breaking the law, just holding a bottle might be enough to have the cops chasing after you! I'm sure you've grabbed a drink from the bar and took it to the sidewalk even if it was just for five minutes or so before!

Sleeping In Your Car

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Although this might not be an everyday thing for some people, for others it becomes their way of life for one reason or another. Sleeping in your car can actually be deemed illegal, especially if you're doing it in a more urban area. Try and find a secluded spot if you have too.

Sneaking A Sweet From The Pick n Mix

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Whilst it might seem like a harmless thing that all children do, sneaking a small piece of candy from the little draws is actually still considered theft! Although i'm sure that those days are probably past you by now, you would have technically been shoplifting at a young age!

Selling Homemade Food

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This has become quite the grey area in the legal world, many people don't know where they stand when it comes to whether or not they can or can't sell food. To ensure safety, most food vendors have to go through health regulations and have specific permits and licences, so be careful.

Placing Items On Windshields

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You might have had a job like this back when you were younger possibly, but placing flyers and ads on car windshields is actually illegal in certain areas of our country. Supposedly this is because it could obstruct the drivers vision, as if they wouldn't take it off before they drove??

Bike Riding Without A Helmet

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Several states have actually enacted laws here in the US that make it illegal for cyclists to ride their bikes without wearing a helmet. This means that EVERYONE who gets on their bike could be liable if found not wearing one. It's all done to try and protect them in the long run though!

Not Cleaning Up Dog Poop

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It's one of the worst parts of having a four-legged friend right? None of us want to have to bend over and pick up their poop do we? However, if you choose to leave it on the floor you'll be heading towards getting yourself a fine for failing to help maintain a clean and safe environment.

Carrying A Permanent Marker

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One of the weirder things that happen to be illegal in the US, mainly in states like Florida and New York are being found with a permanent marker on your person. Yep, that's right, unless you can give a suitable reason for them you might be suspected of wanting to write graffiti!

Streaming Online

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There's probably a load of us who have chosen to stream or download a movie or television show off of a website right? Sometimes we just don't have the right subscription available to us or it's too obscure. You probably already knew this was illegal, but you definitely shouldn't do it!

Singing Happy Birthday

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I know what you're thinking! I must be crazy! But technically, the original tune that we all sing annually for our friends and family is actually copyrighted! Therefore any public performance of the song should technically allow them to claim royalties on you. You'd be in debt for thousands!

Eating Something In The Store Before Buying

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Have you ever been so desperate for a drink or a snack whilst you're shopping in a store that you've opened it for a quick go? Although most places will be fine with you doing this, technically this will still count as theft. Be careful to choose the right time and place to do this if you really have to?

Using Someone Else's WiFi

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Did you know that if you're caught using free public Wi-Fi from an establishment that you're not actually attending you can be arrested? Certain states call this a crime known as piggybacking and it's usually punishable by fines. Maybe just pick somewhere that offers some free Wi-Fi instead.

Using A Fake Name Online

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Have you ever bought something online and not used your real name, maybe you're embarrassed for anyone to find out? This is actually against the law in pretty much all states thanks to the computer fraud act. You'll probably be safe though, don't worry about it.

Selling Online Without Declaring Taxes

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Have you ever sold some of your unwanted goods online before? If it was worth quite a bit of cash or you've sold a lot then you might actually have to declare the income for tax purposes. If not you could actually be violating some state and even some federal laws in the process.

Playing Poker With Friends

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Did you know that your poker night at home could actually be illegal? Although technically, you'd have to be inviting people to earn a LOT of money! You'd have to have earned more than $2,000 in revenue a day for the law to be broken. We don't all have that much expendable cash for fun do we!

Sharing Subscription Passwords

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I'm sure there's a load of you out there that have done this and not realised it's actually illegal to do so! If you share your subscription passwords for apps like Netflix or Disney + you've actually been breaking the law! It's supposedly a federal crime to share them, but I'm sure you haven't...right?

Using Your Phone In The Car

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I'm sure we're all aware that you shouldn't be using your phone whilst you're driving, but did you know that this goes for any time your engine is running? That's right, even if you use your phone to pay for your food through a drive-thru you'd technically be breaking the law.

Throwing Away A Phone

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Did you know that when you're disposing of a phone you should be making sure that they're safely disposed of and not just thrown in the trash? If someone spots you chucking your phone you could be charged with e-waste as they produce a load of chemicals over the long run.

Not Updating Your Driving Licence

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Most states require that you let the DMV know you've moved states when you relocate for college or you're just upping and moving. Always check the requirements for the state you're moving too and make sure you aren't going to be getting a fine whilst you're out on the road!

Sharing Your Medication

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Have you ever had some pills prescribed to you but you haven't finished the whole packet? We all have that drugs draw in our house right? But did you know, even if it's pain medication and someone else is hurting, it would be illegal to give them any! That's even if they really needed it!


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Okay well, you probably know that this is illegal by now, but you might not realise the severity of what can happen to you if you're caught doing it! Hopefully you're not the sort of person that does this regularly, but if someone sees you drop a wrapper they'll probably just ask you to pick it up first!

Driving Too Slowly

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You usually think about the police getting involved when you're spotted driving too fast right? Well they can actually pull you over and charge you with dangerous driving if you're driving under the speed limit too! You'd probably have to be going way under for anyone to catch on to you though.

Turning Right On A Red

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Although in the majority of states here in the US say this is legal, there are also some that don't allow you to do this. You should always be careful when you're going on a road trip to make sure that you aren't going to catch the attention of the police whilst you're out on the road.

Running A Stop Sign On A Bike

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If you're common mode of transport is a bike instead of a car then you might have found yourself doing this before. Bike riders often find themselves to be unbeatable and if they spot there's no cars coming from both ways they might just go! Be careful in case a cop spots you though!