Here’s Why We Should Always Pick The Nice Guy

By Lynsey 1 year ago

Nice guys are kind

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I mean it's all in the name really isn't it? Nice guys are really the good guys. They are the sort of guy who spots an old lady struggling to cross the road and rushes over to help her, or the kind who sees a young family with a blown tyre on the side of the highway and has to stop to help - being nice comes naturally to them because they are, well... nice.

Nice guys lead by example

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The nice guys of the world lead by example. They are the ones who want to stand out for all the right reasons. The ones you can find shaking the hand of your father on the first meet and greet or buying your mother flowers just because. They want to impress and be the true gentleman.

Nice guys are dependable

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Dependable may sound boring to some of you, but we all know its dependable we really want when push comes to shove. No-one wants to be trying to settle down into life's roller coaster with the party boy who only thinks of himself! The nice guy is the one who will be there through it all and genuinely have your back.

Nice guys are great listeners

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We all want to be heard when we're in a relationship. That's regardless of whether the conversation is deep and meaningful or whether it's about the day's gossip... either way, you want your guy to offer an ear, or at least pretend to! Nice guys will do that and try to offer support too without making it all about them - what a bonus!

Nice guys pay you attention

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The nice guys are the one's actually out there wanting to pay you attention; wanting to buy you a drink; or wanting to take you out for dinner. The no-so-nice-guys are doing the good ol' faithful 'playing hard to get' and let's be honest, who actually wants to entertain that these days? No-one! it's all about being made to feel like the most attractive person in the room when you've made all that effort.

Nice guys remind her of her dad

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Now that may sound weird, but it's not! We all look to our fathers as a wholesome, positive and loving relationship where we have been made to feel special since we were little. Dad's are often protective of their daughters and expect them to be treated well, so why not look for those traits in your guy too?

Nice guys make you laugh

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Laughing really is the best medicine. It can brighten your day and the day of those around you - it is said to be highly contagious. A guy who has a great sense of humour will instantly be more attractive to you. So, celebrate those nice guy personalities and allow yourself to belly laugh at their jokes!

Nice guys buy you flowers

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Coming home to a fresh bouquet of flowers is one of life's special moments that isn't praised enough. It's a simple nice guy gesture of 'I was thinking about you'. They don't need to be the fanciest of florals so appreciate the garage bought flowers too - it's totally the thought that counts!

Nice guys are available

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There's nothing worse than finding yourself attracted and invested in a guy who is actually not available. Nice guys won't have a secret family on the side, or a desire to continue clubbing rather than spend their Friday evenings with you on the couch. Nice guys will show up and be present whenever you need them to - take advantage of that!

Nice guys believe in chivalry

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Chivalry is not dead, let me tell you! It's only dead for those not-so-nice-guys who tell you it's dead because they can't be bothered to go out of their way to out you first - blame the ego and entitlement! So, find a nice guy that subconsciously opens that door for you or pulls your chair out - you don't need to be a strong independent woman all the time you know!

Nice guys will be liked by your friends

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That moment you bring the guy you're seeing over to see your friends is a nerve-racking one. Your friends know you best and they will know if you're falling in to the same toxic traps as past relationships. But don't worry! If you're bringing home 'The nice guy', they will be sure to welcome him with open arms - it's about time!

Nice guys will like your friends and want you to socialise

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Once the nice guy has met your friends, they will make effort to get to know them and actually enjoy doing it too. They won't make seeing your friends a chore or make you feel bad about catching up with them - they should push you too if anything as they know it'll fill up your cup.

Nice guys take your needs in to consideration

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Whether that's cooking you dinner after your stressful day at work, or surprise ordering you a takeaway when they know it's not yet been payday, the nice guy is there for you. Often they will think of these little nuggets of love themselves, without needing hints. They will have listened to you and sought out a way they can help meet your needs in the best way possible - what a guy, right?

Nice guys want to help you

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A nice guy will go out of their way to make sure they are there to support and help you with anything you need. It might be a tire that needs changing or simply helping you decide what shoes goes with your favourite dress, either way... if you need them, they'll be there - a little like Batman.

Nice guys will be concerned if you're upset

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Seeing you cry or being upset will tug on the heart strings of a nice guy. They will find it very hard to see you in distress and may even become distressed themselves! That said, they will be emotionally mature enough to realise that you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on. Don't be surprised if they join you with the Ben and Jerry's on the couch, binge watching your series, just for moral support!

Nice guys will want to spoil you

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The nice guy will always want to make you feel like a million dollars. They will think of you when they are out and want you to know that. They will go out of their way to bring you little tokens of their love and appreciation so expect lots of little gifts! Even if it's just your favourite chocolate bar - how cute!

Nice guys will want to make you happy and smile

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We all want our loved one to be happy and full of smiles. So, choose the guy that prioritises your happiness and who goes out of his way to make you smile. The nice guy will take the time to know what makes you tick and try his best to do those things, without you having to ask (or that defeats the purpose!).

Nice guys will be protective

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The nice guy will defend you no matter the circumstances, and even if you're wrong because he sees you both as a team. He wouldn't want to put you on the spot and call you out but he may discuss it with you later. Either way, he will have your back so take comfort knowing you can rely on him and he'll look after you in any situation.

Nice guys will run you a bath after a long day at work

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The idea that someone will run you a bath; maybe order you your favourite takeaway; or even manage your feet after a long day, doesn't have to seem like a far fetched idea. Choose the nice guy and you'll be guaranteed this as they will always be thinking of ways to improve your day.

Nice guys will plan a date night

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Dates are exciting and fun in the beginning. The nice guy will want to wine and dine you and make you feel special in the early days of your relationship but also consistently throughout your relationship! So, there's no honeymoon period to come to an end, just a consistent guy, consistently showing you he appreciates you.

Nice guys won't forget birthdays and Christmases

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Your birthday is a day to celebrate you and only you, so to have someone forget it, can be heartbreaking! Never fear though, if you're dating a nice guy that won't happen. Instead except to be spoiled and celebrated every birthday and have Christmas made special too - they really are the thoughtful guy you've been dreaming of!

Nice guys are family orientated

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The nice guy will want to meet your family and get to know them as they are an extension of you, the one they admire. They will make effort with your family and constantly push you to see them to keep that bond close. They also won't be afraid to plan ahead and openly discuss the fact that they want a family for themselves too.

Nice guys will want to show you off

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It's always nice to go out with someone who is proud to have you on their arm. You want to walk in to the room and feel like you're a dream team, not that you're the accessory to your extremely outgoing partner. So embrace the fact the nice guy actually 'likes' dating you and show him off in return too!

Nice guys will support you

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The nice guy will be there for you physically when you need or want him, but he will also be there for you emotionally. It can be rare to find a guy who is truly willing to support you and all of your crazy hormonal days, without making you feel like you've lost your mind, so embrace it!

Nice guys will motivate you to be the best version of yourself

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We are constantly trying to be the best versions of our-self to make the most out of life. So make sure you're with someone who doesn't put you down and make you feel insignificant and rather be with someone who pushes you to challenge yourself to reach your goals and who motivates you to succeed. We all need a cheerleader in life!

Nice guys will compliment you

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Compliments can be awkward and make us blush. But, compliments are actually essential in making us feel valued. The nice guy will be sure to notice when you've had your hair done and tell you he loves it, or comment on your outfit before heading out. Take the compliments, it's a welcomed change.

Nice guys are not selfish lovers

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No-one wants someone who focuses on themselves during intimacy, leaving you feeling dissatisfied and frustrated: a sure trigger for an argumentative relationship. Not the nice guy! He will focus on himself but your intimacy needs too, often making it okay to have conversations about what you both like in the bedroom to make sure you're both happy.

Nice guys will be a nice change to your dating past

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Everyone has a past. Some worth remembering for the stories they came with and others, most certainly worth forgetting. The nice guy will come in and sweep you off your feet making all those past relationships seem irrelevant. A negative relationship makes every area of life exhausting so be prepared for this new energy you'll have after dating the nice guy where things are much easier.

Nice guys will add to your life

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When dating someone, you in a sense choosing someone you hope to share life with. Whether that is for a short stint or for the long run, that person should add to your life and make it that much more enjoyable. The nice guy will do that and you'll find instead of battling life's challenges alone, you'll have a partner in crime to battle it together - the nice guy is simply good for your soul!

Nice guys can be a little not nice

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It is notoriously easier to coax a nice guy out of his shell to be a little naughty or friskier when you'd like him to be than it is to push a not-so-nice-guy back in to his shell when he's being unpleasant and making you feel rubbish. The not-so-nice-guy may be exciting but just give the nice guy some time and guide him and he will be sure to tick all of your boxes!