Dark Days We Will All Experience In Our Lifetime

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Death Of Your Mom

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Your mom is one of the most important people in your life, so losing your mother is obviously a dark day in the life of anyone. When your mom passes away, you can feel rocked to your core. Even if you weren't close, it can be a harrowing event to deal with.

House Fire

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A house fire can start for a number of reasons, from a cooking accident to an electrical fire. A house fire is one of the fastest ways for your home to be destroyed, and the remains of a house fire are usually painful and difficult to search through.


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The feeling that someone has been rummaging through your stuff makes you feel pretty grim, like someone has invaded your personal space and privacy. Being robbed is a horrible experience and leaves people on edge for many months or even years to come.

Putting A Pet Down

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A fury companion is often in our lives for over ten years, so when the time comes to say goodbye it can often be pretty heart wrenching and difficult. At the end of they day, it is a decision that all pet owners need to make one day, and it's the worst!

Getting A Bad Diagnosis

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A bad diagnosis like a terminal illness or a cancer returning is a lot to deal with, so if you can try and process this with close friends or family as well as with your doctor. A terminal illness is of course tricky to deal with, but there are experts who can help.

Death Of Your Dad

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Your dad is one of the most important role models in your life, so losing your dad is of course a horrible day in the life of anyone. When your dad passes away, you can feel empty inside. Even if you weren't close, it can be a harrowing event to deal with.

Falling Of A Bike

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Falling off a bicycle can result in some pretty nasty injuries, but if you fall from or are knocked off a motorcycle the results and injuries can be a hell of a lot worse. Falling from your bike knocks your confidence and makes you fear going back to the roads.

Losing Something Special

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Throughout our lives we obtain a number of sentimental objects that mean an awful lot to us. These items may not be expensive and might just mean something special. They could be something that was costly like a wedding ring, which makes losing them even worse.

Locking Yourself Out Of Your House

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If you leave your keys inside your house, it can just be a bit of a pain to call a locksmith, unlock your house and get all new locks. Why do you always seem to lock yourself out when you are going somewhere important, or when you are in a rush though?

Loosing Your Car Keys

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Similarly to locking your keys inside your house, losing your car keys always seems to happen whenever you are busy and need to get somewhere in a rush. Loosing you car keys is an expensive mistake and it can take a while to get some replacement keys.

Breaking A Bone

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There is no other feeling quite like breaking a bone. If you have broken a bone, you will know the warm sort of pain that washes over you, alongside the gut wrenching feeling of knowing that you have done yourself some serious and substantial damage.

Death Of A Child

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There are few things more precious in life than a child, and when you loose one of your children it can be a traumatic event for any parent to deal with. Children passing away before they are born is fairly common, but it is understandable why it is so traumatic.

Terrorist Attack

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Thankfully, terrorist attacks do not happen all too often, but when they do we all know the impact that they can have. The attack normally makes headline news instantly, and the worry and fear that a loved one has been hurt overwhelms thousands of people.

Having An Allergic Reaction

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If you are allergic to something you know about then it is easy to avoid it. The issue comes when you are allergic to something, but did not know this before hand. Figuring out that you are allergic to something is a really painful and stressful experience.

Getting Scammed

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The feeling of getting scammed by someone is gut wrenching. It can be really upsetting to know that someone has taken advantage of you, and scams are normally done with financial benefit for the scammer in mind. This often leaves you sad and out of pocket.

Loosing Some Cash

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Loosing a dollar or two is no big deal for a lot of us, it is annoying but there isn't really any reason to worry about it too much. If you have ever lost a substantial amount of cash, the you know that feeling when your heart drops and you know what has happened.

Realizing You Are Old

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It happens to all of us, but one day it just seems to hit you like a bus... the realization that you are now old. Kids seem to be getting younger and you are able to connect with them less, and you find getting out of bed a chore more and more each day.

Sinking Into Debt

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Getting into thousands of dollars worth of debt is something that has affected more than 50% of Americans. Getting into bad debt, like credit cards or car payments, causes a great deal of stress for the person in debt and can lead to depression and anxiety.

Seeing A Loved One Hurt

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When a loved one like a close friend or family member gets hurt, it can leave us feeling super empathetic and sad for that person. When someone gets hurt in your company it can also leave us with immense feelings of guilt, like we were responsible for their pain.


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Weather you are the person doing the dumping or the person being dumped, a breakup is difficult to deal with for both people involved. If you have got close with your significant other's family, it can also be hard and upsetting to deal with the loss of them too.

A Child Leaving Home

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When your child leaves home to go to college or perhaps travel the world, it is normal to feel like you have failed as a parent. The day comes in every parents life when you realize that your children is now a grown up and a person who makes their own choices in life.


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Getting sick is never a good day for anyone. Feeling under the weather generally affects our mental health as well as our physical health, especially if the illness lasts for weeks or even months. Try your best to get some rest and put your feet up.

Finding Out A Dark Secret

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Finding out a dark secret goes one of two ways. Either it is a super juicy secret, and finding it out makes no difference to your life or the secret directly impacts you. If it is the latter of the two, then this can change your life for good and for the foreseeable future.

Death Of A Friend

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Some friends are less like friends and more like brothers or sisters we never had. When a friend passes away, it can feel exactly like losing a sibling. This is difficult for anyone to deal with, but especially hard if the person who has died was young.

In A Car Accident

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Being in a car accident is one of the worst things that can happen on the road, and in life in general. As well the the general massive costs that come alongside being in a wreck, the emotional and physical pain will likely stick with you for months to come.

Being Stabbed

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Any physical injury can cause emotional stress as well as physical pain, but this seems to be heightened if you are attacked with a knife. The chances of surviving a knife injury are often slim, so the stress of this knowledge weighs heavy on your mind.

Getting Cancer

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The word cancer fills us with dread, as years ago it was pretty much a life sentence. Thankfully, a lot of cancers have become a lot more treatable and therefore a lot easier to cope with, but it is still quite a dark and gloomy day for anyone to cope with.

Held Up And Robbed

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If you work in a convenience store or a gas station, then chances are you have been held up, or at least heard tales from colleague who have experienced it. It is a stressful and scary situation, and the event can replay itself over and over in your mind.

Getting Run Over

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I wouldn't ever really advise getting hit by a car to be honest, the whole experience seems generally time consuming and not worth the effort. If you can, try and avoid getting run over. The physical pain and emotional stress are on a whole new level.

Shot At

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Guns are a major cause of death and injury throughout the United States, so it is little wonder that getting shot at, or even just caught in some crossfire, can but a bit of a dampener on your day. Getting shot at is obviously dangerous and potentially deadly.