12+ Signs It Could Be Twins

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Two Fetuses On The Ultrasound

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Obviously the most definitive sign that you could be having twins is by seeing two fetuses on the ultrasound when you're getting checked out. During your prenatal check-up you'll quickly find out whether or not there might be two little ones growing inside you instead of just one.

It Runs In The Family

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Your family history is cruical in determining whether or not you might be about to have twins. If your family tree is adorned with sets of twins then your chances of having them increases tenfold. Genetic factors can influence the amount of eggs released during ovulation!

Increased Morning Sickness

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Morning sickness is obviously common throughout pregnancy, but it can be even more intense for someone carrying twins. Elevated levels of pregnancy hormones (which we'll get on to soon...) can often cause some heightened levels of nausea and your morning vomiting could be worse.

Rapid Weight Gain

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Unsurprisingly, twin pregnancies will result in the mother gaining some additional weight, after all there is a second human being living inside her! The rapid increase in weight during the early stages can often be an early indicator that you're about to have twins.

Larger Uterine

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Your healthcare provider will regularly be measuring the size of your uterus during pregnancy and if it begins to consistently measure larger against the expected size this could be a sign. The extra space required for twins can result in a more significant increase to the uterus.

Increased Appetite

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Pregnant people often start to get weird cravings and their appetite usually shoots through the roof. Mothers of twins often report that they feel hungrier than usual and might end up eating even more. They are providing for two babies instead of one though so that might be the reason why.

More Foetal Movement

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Again, unsurprisingly with an extra fetus hiding away you're probably going to be experiencing some additional movement within your stomach. These two active little ones will be kicking and wiggling around each other which there's no doubt you'll be feeling; it's a unique bonding experience though.

Extreme Exhaustion

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Pregnancy fatigue is more than common and that's totally understandable, but twin pregnancy fatigue is on a whole other level. Two babies might end up leaving you feeling a little deranged as the physical exhaustion can begin to take it's toll. It'll all be worth it at the end though!

Higher Levels Of hCG

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hCG is a pregnancy hormone produced during, you guessed it, a pregnancy. Within a twin pregnancy these hormone levels will be extremely higher than they would typically. You'll probably find out about this following some form of test like your bloods or your urine.

You Have A Gut Feeling

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Sometimes the intuition of a mother is second to nothing, if you have a deep and unshakeable sense you're carrying twins then you might be right! This gut feeling, although un-scientific has often turned out to be true! Trust your instincts and discuss this with your healthcare provider.

Swollen Veins

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Swollen veins, especially in the legs, is a common sign of a twin pregnancy. As there is an increased need for blood and oxygen to flow around the body, the pressure on the cardiovascular system also increases. These swollen and often bulging veins might indicate twins are on the way.

Darker Areolas

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Your breasts will often change when throughout a pregnancy and one of the common changes in darkening of the areolas. Within a twin pregnancy this can become even more pronounced. If you're noticing these darker breasts it's likely a hormonal change thanks to your pregnancy.

Two Heartbeats

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Another sure-fire way to confirm you have a twin pregnancy is by hearing two heartbeats during the prenatal check. Your healthcare provider will use a device known as a fetal doppler to listen to their heartbeats and obviously if there's two fetuses inside you, you'll hear two heartbeats.

Increased Back Strain

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Those that have had kids before will know all about the back strain that comes with carrying a baby. So imagine that doubled as your belly grows and two babies continue to grow. The back discomfort can get much worse and you might find yourself grappling with backaches.

Increased Levels Of Swelling Around The Body

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Swelling is obviously normal within a pregnancy, your limbs can often balloon a little. Twins can often cause the swelling to be more pronounced and your hands feet and face can become noticeably puffy and bloated. Don't worry, it's natural and can definitely be a sign of twins.

Higher Blood Pressure

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Your blood pressure is at a much higher risk of being elevated during a twin pregnancy and this is known as gestational hypertension. This will be monitored by your healthcare provider to ensure it remains healthy, but it's expected to be higher when it comes to birthing twins.

Severe Constipation

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Constipation is quite a common complaint pregnant women tend to have and those with twins can find this more severely. The hormonal changes they go through and the pressure on the intestines can lead to some quite unusual and painful discomfort within the digestive system.

Uterus Ligaments Stretching

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As I've already mentioned, the uterus will expand during a pregnancy and you might not notice straight away. However, the ligaments attached to the uterus stretch and this can often lead to some sharp, aching pains in and around the pelvis; you'll get used to it (kind of!).

Higher AFP Levels

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AFP (or Alpha-feroprotein) is a protein produced by a fetus and released in to the bloodstream of a mother. Having some elevated levels of AFP, above the expected, can often indicate a twin pregnancy. An AFP screening is often part of a prenatal check-up to assess for defects or twins.

More Frequent Contractions

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The dreaded contractions, they're a more than natural part of a pregnancy although they are incredibly painful and annoying. If you're having twins then you might notice that these contractions can become more frequent and (unfortunately) more noticeable than they usually are.


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Anemia is often a condition that pregnant people suffer from as they fall pregnant as the red blood cells within our body can deteriorate. The increased demand for nutrients and oxygen can often cause this and you'll want to keep an eye on this with your healthcare provider throughout the pregnancy.

Excessive Salivation

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Experiencing excessive salivation during a pregnancy is common and is known as ptyalism. This is actually more common in twin pregnancies and also occurs thanks to hormone changes in the body. The increased production of saliva can cause you to swallow more often which can be annoying.

You Have Gestational Diabetes

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Gestational diabetes often occurs to mothers who are carrying twins within their womb as the two babies can affect the insulin resistance of the body. This is usually a sign that you might be carrying twins, although by the time you find this out you'd probably already know!

Strong Positive Pregnancy Test

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Pregnancy tests aren't always the most conclusive of devices which can lead to periods of stress amongst possible mothers. The elevated levels of hCG which I mentioned before can often cause stronger lines on the test and this can be an early indicator you might be having twins.

Breast Tenderness

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Breast tenderness is always going to be an early symptom within pregnancies, but like with many other signs, it can be more pronounced with twins. The hormonal changes within the body can cause your breasts to feel more sensitive, tender and quite annoyingly uncomfortable all at the same time.

Frequent Urination

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Frequent urination is another classic symptom people come across in their early pregnancy. But in a twin pregnancy you might be finding yourself heading to the toilet even more often as the two fetus' grow and press against your poor bladder. Some nice pregnancy exercise though!

You're Over 35

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Being part of what is known as the 'Advanced Maternal Age', which is pretty much people over 35, can mean you're more likely to have twins. As women age the likelihood that they'll increase the amount of eggs the release during ovulation also increases. Could this be you?

You Had Fertility Treatments

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Many people who go through IVF treatments in order to have children can often become over-stimulated and the chances of having twins if successful is much higher than natural. They can often cause the woman to release multiple eggs meaning that twins are more common.

You Have A High BMI

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The reason for this one isn't fully understood yet, but supposedly women with a high BMI might be at a greater risk of having twins. Scientists believe that this is related to hormonal factors; if you know your BMI is high and you're pregnant then you might want to make sure you get this checked out!

You've Had Twins Before

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Finally, one of the most common and reliable indicators that you could be having twins is if you've already had a set of twins in the past. Once you've had one set your chances of having another duo increases significantly and this is again due to genetics as I mentioned at the beginning.