20 Things That Should Be On Everyone’s Bucket List

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Climb A Mountain

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Spending a Sunday morning or a lazy weekday afternoon climbing a mountain is a great way to spice up the week. There is a great sense of achievement in being the highest person for however many miles around, and is something to be really proud of too!

Dye Your Hair

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So many people want to dye their hair a crazy color but become too scared of what people will say and think. If you have always wanted to go for a crazy color, then just do it, you might not get to keep your own hair for your whole life so take that chance!

Bake Bread

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Baking a loaf of bread takes time, patience and a lot of trial and error. This is a skill you will need to work on and develop over time, and you will see your efforts getting better and better as time goes on. Plus, you get a loaf of bread when you are done!

Eat At A Fancy Restaurant

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Eating at a super fancy restaurant can be a fairly costly affair, but saving to treat yourself and a partner to a fancy meal is a great way to remind yourself that life is short and you should experience new things as well as the nicety's of life as well.

Go Back To School

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If you have always fancied a career change or maybe just working on a subject that has always interested you, then going back to school can be a great way to improve your quality of life. School as an older student is more engaging and ends up being more fun too.

Forgive Someone

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Forgive and forget is a phrase that is tossed around a lot these days, but it is something that we should really focus and work on whenever we can. By forgiving someone, you open your heart and it allows you to grow into a better and more well rounded person.

Go On A Cruise

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What could be better than cruising around the med, or even around Norway and Finland? Taking vacations on a cruise ship is a fantastic way to see the world, and is a really eye opening method of travel. This is definitely one that you have to try one day!

Get A Tattoo

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Nowadays tattoos are a lot more common and more accepted in western countries. What could be a more scary but life affirming thing to do that getting something that means a lot to you personally etched into your skin permanently to show off to friends and family.

Go On Safari

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Going on a safari is the only way to experience the wildlife of Africa in the most authentic way. You will see amazing creatures hunting and raising their young in their natural habitat, something that cant be witnessed anywhere else on the planet at all!

Learn A Language

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Spending your time learning a new language is a great way to improve your memory skills and train your brain. It is also a very handy skill to have in your back pocket should you visit a country that speaks this language, as you will fit in better with the locals.

Go Sailing

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There is nothing like the freedom of setting sail and letting yourself drift off into the wide ocean. Sailing to a new destination is a great way to see the sights, as you will be able to hug the coastline and sample some of the best fresh seafood on offer.

Play An Instrument

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A great way to show off your skills and impress your buddies is by learning to play a musical instrument. Taking just 15 or 20 minuets from your day is enough, and if your persevere with it you will be able to learn some recognizable tunes fairly quickly.

Move House

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Moving house is one of the most stressful things you will ever do in your life, but it is one of the most satisfying and worthwhile things to invest your money and time into. There really is no other feeling like buying your first home or moving on up.

See The Northern Lights

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The northern lights is one of the most spectacular and jaw dropping natural phenomenons. In order to see this majestic natural sight you will need to travel somewhere northern like Iceland or Norway and wait for the sun to set. It can get cold, but it's worth it!

Overcome A Fear

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Many people share the same super common fears and phobias, but learning to overcome them shows that you have matured and grown as a person. Over coming your fear is the way to prove to yourself that you are growing and helps with future phobias you may have.

Read 100 Books In A Year

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Reading a book a month is a great goal to have, but 100 books in a year is something to be seriously proud of. Reading 100 books per year is over 8 books per month, and reading this much will seriously expand your vocabulary, mind and your creativity.

Run A Marathon

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Being able to run over 40 kilometers is a serious feat of endurance, and is something that not many people will manage in their lifetime. Running a marathon takes some serious physical and metal strength, and many people trains for over a year to complete the marathon.

Repair Something Yourself

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Learning to repair things that have broken rather than paying someone else to fix them is a great way to save money. Repairing items is also really good for the planet, as many objects can be repaired for little money and easily thanks to online tutorials.

Drive Route 66

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Taking a road trip across America wouldn't be the same without driving for a while on route 66. This iconic road connects one side of America to the other, and is littered with iconic stops like amazing statues, diners and people with crazy stories too.

Remodel Your Home

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Taking the time to do a bit of remodeling is a great way to freshen up your space. By taking a couple of days to re-decorate, your home will feel brand new and will help to breathe new life into your home. This is great to do if you like in a smaller apartment.

Watch Your Favorite Band Live

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Live music is something that everyone should go and see, and watching your favorite band play live is like nothing else. Nothing compares to seeing your favorite band rocking out within touching distance, so if you haven't already, get yourself to a show!


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Jumping out of an plane goes against all of our natural human instincts, which is what makes it such an unmatchable adrenaline rush. Jumping from over 20,000 feet is not something many people are comfortable with, so push yourself give it a go, and I think you'll surprise yourself!

Sleep Under The Stars

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Sleeping under the stars really highlights how small we are compared to the rest of the universe. If you can get out to the sticks, the light pollution will be low and you will be able to see the stars clearly. This is the perfect way to reset your demons.

Take A Dance Class

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Spending time with your partner by taking a dance class, or even trying this new hobby on your own is a good way to push yourself out of your comfort zone. This is a skill that is great for spicing up a relationship, so why not try this with a partner?

Travel By Train

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Travelling by train rather than by plane or in a car is the best way to soak up the scenery. Sure, it isn't the fastest way to travel, but going by train lets us enjoy the process of travelling and if you have never experienced it, you should add it to your bucket list!

Visit A Dream Destination

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Everyone has that dream destination in mind. It could be the beaches of Bali, or the Swiss ski slopes. Saving up to experience your dream destination for yourself is something that we should all aim for, and is truly one of life's greatest pleasures!

Teach Yourself To Paint

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Teaching yourself to paint is now easier than ever thanks to a myriad of online tutorials. Artists like Bob Ross made painting at home a lot more popular, and thanks to this wave of artists, teaching yourself to paint is more popular now than ever before.

Go To A Museum

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Visiting a museum is a great way to learn about history in the flesh. There are now museums which explain most subjects, so it is literally a case of picking whatever subject interests you, anything from natural history to fine art is on offer nowadays.

Visit All 50 States

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If you live in the United States, then you have no excuse for this one not to be on your bucket list. Visiting all 50 states is the best way to learn about where you live, meet interesting people and see amazing sites. This is one that you need to try!

Watch The Sunrise

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Getting up early to watch the sun come up may seem like a chore, and you may wonder why you would want to do this. Watching the sun come up makes us feel at one with nature, and makes us feel a warm glow deep inside, like the sun is rising within us too.