12+ Signs Of A Dangerous Cyclist On The Road

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Running Red Lights

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When a cyclist runs a red light, they may think that they will be able to beat the oncoming traffic. This puts the cyclist and the other road users in danger, as the red lights are synchronized and there is never enough time to cycle across the junction safely.

Being Aggressive

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Being aggressive on the roads is a sign that a cyclist might be a danger to you or other people on the road. Being overly aggressive, shouting and swearing at other people on the roads could lead to violence, so make sure to steer well clear of these people.

Broken Bike

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Someone who rides a broken bike may just be getting home after an accident, but if you see the same person on a broken bike then chances are that they don't really care for it. They are likely to treat other vehicles the same way that they treat their own.


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Being drunk and using the roads is a combination for disaster, and it is also illegal. That's right, if you are drunk when riding a bicycle, it counts as drink driving! This is of course dangerous, especially for the person who is riding the bicycle.

Ignoring Signs

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If a cyclist chooses to ignore a road sign, then they may be missing out on vital and important information. This may relate to them or other road users, so if you see a cyclist ignore a sign then give them a wide birth and prepare for an accident to happen.

Riding Through Busy Places

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This is a bit of a jerk move, but some cyclists believe that it is their right to ride through super busy and crowded places. These cyclists rarely slow down, and cause danger and sometimes injury to themselves and innocent people walking around them.

Flat Tires

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Flat tires create more rolling resistance, which slows down a cyclist. Being slow on a public road is dangerous to the cyclist and the people in cars too. Bikes with flat tires are also difficult to steer, so they may be weaving all over the road too.

Eating While Riding

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Of course, sometimes a cyclist needs to eat something when they are on the move, especially if they are going long distances or riding for hours. However, trying to eat a full blown meal behind the bars is dangerous and stupid, so avoid these people!

Using Substances

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The use of dr*gs in any situation makes you less aware of your surroundings, something which should be paramount to a cyclist. Under the influence of dr*gs, a cyclist may make rash and explainable decisions which may put them and others in danger on the road.

Dark Glasses

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Some cyclists swear by dark glasses so they can ride in bright sunlight and see where they are going. This makes it difficult for other road users, as you may not realize but eye contact is one of the key ways we communicate with one another on the roads.


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If you have a friend who crashes a lot, they may try and play it off like it is nothing, but it actually a telltale sign that they are dangerous on the roads. Crashing of course puts them in danger, as they are literally a sitting duck on the highway!

No Helmet

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Maybe it is their ego, or maybe some people just assume that they are tougher than a moving vehicle, but the amount of people who ride on the roads without a helmet is staggering. Head injuries are lethal and common when falling from a bicycle in a crash.


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A good pair of noise cancelling over ear headphones are great for work or listening to music, as they block out all external sounds. This makes them terrible to wear on the road, as we use our sense of hearing to make a mental picture of what is going on around us.

Not In A Bike Lane

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Some cyclists prefer to ride on the road rather than a bike lane, when in fact the bike lane is a lot safer for them to ride in. Not riding in a bike lane is selfish and pointless, as it is actually quicker to ride in a dedicated bicycle lane rather than the road.

Overloaded Bike

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Bicycles are designed to very specific tolerances, so overloading a bike with unnecessary stuff can drastically affect its balance. The bike will also be a lot wider in places, and the size of the bike may be new to someone who normally rides a skinny road or racing bike.

Not Looking

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This one is fairly obvious, but if you aren't looking where you are going, you are going to have a crash sooner or later. Looking around as well as where you are going is crucial to anticipating what is going to happen in front of you, so keep them eyes up cyclists!

Overtaking Closely

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Overtaking closely is super dangerous for cyclists, as traffic can move quickly and they could easily be knocked off. A cyclist overtaking you closely could also hit your wing mirror, or even scratch your paint work, so try and leave a little space for them.

Reading A Map

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If a cyclist is riding somewhere they have never been before, then they might need a map to help them get around. However, if you see a cyclist reading a map on the move then try and give them a wide birth, as this is a crazy and dangerous thing to attempt.

Riding At Night

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Riding a bike at night is absolutely fine and safe, so long as you make yourself visible to other road users. Cyclists should use bright head and tail lights, as well as reflective clothing and should stick to the bike lane or inside edge of the road.

Jumping Off Curbs

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Seeing a cyclist unleash their inner Evil Knievel is just a recipe for disaster, so make sure to get round them as soon as you can. Some bike riders treat the street and curbs especially as their little obstacle course, which obviously puts them in danger.

Sudden Braking

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Braking suddenly puts the vehicle immediately behind the bicycle as well as all the other vehicle behind in danger of a pile up. A cyclist braking suddenly is also super dangerous for them, as most bicycles do not have their own brake lights to show they are stopping.

Riding On The Sidewalk

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Riding on the sidewalk puts pedestrians in danger of being hit by someone travelling far quicker then them. This can cause people walking or running on the sidewalk great injuries, and can result in some pretty nasty and bloody crashes and accidents.


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If someone chooses to smoke while they are cycling, then they will not be putting their full attention into the road and what they are doing. They will also have one hand off the handle bars, which makes the bicycle more difficult to handle, steer and stop.

Rubber Necking

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You have all seen people do this, and a lot of people are guilty of it too. Rubber necking is when you see a car accident and look round when you should be watching where you are going. It is dangerous, and actually leads to more car accidents and pile ups.


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Pulling the rear brake hard and locking up the rear wheel causes a bicycle to skid, which can cause danger. When skidding, the tire does not have as much traction as it should, so braking, balance and steering is made a lot worse and the bike is a lot harder to handle.

Wrong Shoes

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Most road orientated bicycles have pedals called clipless pedals. Although the name suggests otherwise, clipless pedals actually have small clips in them, that special shoes hook into. Without the right shoes, your feet are prone to falling off the pedals.

Using The Phone

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Just like using your phone behind the wheel of a car, using your phone when riding a bike is a dangerous distraction. Your eyes are focused on something else, which results in more frequent accidents and scrape to yourself and others on the highways.


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Undertaking is the name given to passing someone in a slower lane. In theory, you should overtake in a faster flowing lane of traffic, but many cyclists prefer to stay on the inside and undertake. This can become dangerous when a large vehicle is turning.

Taking Up The Whole Road

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A bicycle is substantially smaller than any other mode of transport on the road, and can not keep up with the flow of traffic like a car, truck or motorcycle. Some cyclists believe it is safer to sit in the middle of a lane, but it is actually far more dangerous.


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You might see a cyclist in your rear mirror stuck to your bumper. They do this to get out of the wind and save a little bit of energy, but the practice puts them in grave danger. If you need to brake suddenly, chances are that they are going straight through your back window!