12+ Little Known Benefits Of Wearing No Socks

By Sophie 1 year ago

1. Fashion

image source: reddit.com
Seeing your socks poking over your pumps when wearing a skirt or shorts can be a little unsightly. Want to know the solution? ... No socks! You could even add a cute ankle bracelet to really make the look pop. Think cutesy surfer chick or bohemian babe.

2. Freedom

image source: reddit.com
There's nothing quite like feeling free within your body, and removing socks could be a subtle way to feel that freedom. Just make sure you also wear appropriate shoes like sandals or soft pumps so you don't feel restricted by them. Or even better, none at all!

3. Less Smelly Feet

image source: reddit.com
If you're wearing quite thick, inflexible shoes that foot odor may actually be increased when you're sockless. However, if you're wearing breathable shoes the foot odor will dramatically decrease due to your feet getting the air which they deserve. Nobody wants smelly feet!

4. Less Chance Of A Fungal Infection

image source: reddit.com
Making sure that you're feet are properly aired will reduce the risk of getting a nasty fungal infection. These types of infection can be painful, smelly and not to mention ugly, so it's best to avoid them where you can. Allowing your feet to breathe is a great way of doing this.

5. Save Money

image source: reddit.com
Socks can surprisingly be quite expensive, especially if you're losing them all the time. Constantly buying new pairs for the whole family can cost a fortune, so maybe it's best to not buy any at all! Just imagine how much you could save if you weren't picking up a pair with every shop...

6. Strengthens Feet

image source: reddit.com
Think about all the muscles, bones and tendons that we have in our feet...now think about how little they get to move around if we're always wearing socks that keep it all together. Going sockless means that all of these elements get a work out every time you walk, which is great for foot strength!

7. More Space In Wardrobe

image source: buzzfeed.com
It's sometimes difficult buying clothes, and even harder getting rid of them. Imagine if you had enough space that you didn't have to? Getting rid of your sock drawers might free up enough space for those jeans you've always longed for - or at least give your spouse one less reason to talk you out of buying them!

8. More Laundry Space

image source: reddit.com
The laundry load when washing your undergarments is significantly sock-heavy in the average American household. Then you've got to find space to dry them all! Why not get rid of this issue completely by going sockless? As the amount of laundry decreases, your happiness will increase!

9. Comfort

image source: reddit.com
Soft shoes, sandals, barefoot - they're all very comfortable, so why do we feel the need to squeeze our feet into little socks that may be completely unnecessary? Providing your shoes are comfortable, skipping sock-wearing will provide you with even more comfort, and who doesn't want that?

10. Flexibility

image source: reddit.com
You have toes for a reason, and wearing socks can stop them from doing their job. As your toes keep you balanced, the rest of your foot will flex which will create more flexibility within your feet so that you can walk with much more ease. Flexible feet cause for better balance!

11. Better Circulation

image source: reddit.com
Socks are notorious for restricting circulation, which can cause all sorts of problems for your feet and legs. They might become cold, numb, and you may experience a tingling sensation. All of which can be eradicated if you get rid of the socks and opt for foot freedom.

12. Show Off Fancy Feet!

image source: reddit.com
What is the point in getting a beautiful pedicure just to hide it behind your socks and shoes? Feet can look so pretty with a bit of decoration, and they can be great to include in your outfit. Nail polish, foot jewelry, tattoos (fake or otherwise) all look cute!

13. Grip

image source: reddit.com
Whether your wearing shoes or not, your grip will be affected if you're wearing socks. Your skin is textured to offer friction so you'll slip less, and it happens within your actual shoe as well. Your balance will be impeded if your feet are slippery, so take off those socks to avoid this.

14. Don't Have To Worry About Losing One

image source: reddit.com
One of life's greatest mystery is where the odd sock goes in the laundry. You may never be able to wear your favorite socks again! By eliminating sock wearing altogether you won't have to spend half of your life looking for the pesky escapees - just think of what you could do with all that time!

15. Quicker To Get Dressed

image source: reddit.com
Speaking of looking for things, how many times have you got dressed and spend ages trying to find the right pair of socks? By choosing not to add them to your outfit, the time spent getting ready will reduce significantly and allow you a bit more time on your hair!

16. Save Time Repairing

image source: reddit.com
If you're one of those people who repairs clothes rather than buying new ones, then you'll know how many times you have to repair socks. They must be the most damaged item of clothing, they're always getting holes in. You wouldn't have to fix them if you didn't wear them!

17. Make Feet More Resilient

image source: reddit.com
Walking around barefoot all the time will cause your feet to acclimatize to the environment. This means that when you go in the sea, on the beach, or walk on stones, your feet won't hurt like they used to, giving you more freedom to go and explore the world.

18. Feeling Grounded

image source: reddit.com
Many people enjoy to take of their shoes and feel the earth on their feet. It gives them a feeling of calm, like they are connected to the earth in ways which they wouldn't be if their skin was covered by socks. Try it out next time you're near grass, it's wonderful.

19. Stretch Muscles

image source: reddit.com
The muscles in your feet are like any other muscle in your body, they're just a lot smaller. All muscles need to feel a good stretch in order to feel at their peak, therefore walking without the confinement of socks is great way to get a daily workout.

20. Reduces Straining

image source: reddit.com
Having inflexible feet can have a detrimental effect on the rest of your leg, as your muscles, tends and joints aren't supported properly. Walking without socks means that your whole lower system is working together to help you to move better and keep you stable. What better reason to go sockless?

21. Acupuncture

image source: reddit.com
Acupuncture is really popular at the minute, and you don't have to spend loads of money to experience it. Simply walking barefoot will provide the effects of this popular Chinese medicine, as you will feel the ground pressing the pressure points in your feet.

22. Reduces Inflammation

image source: reddit.com
Inflammation is a common complaint in our world of shoe/sock wearers! It can be caused by having our feet ankles and legs restricted, and may cause swelling, itching, and general feeling of irritability. It's been suggested that setting your feet free will help to reduce inflammation as your body can do what it needs to to keep you comfortable and mobile.

23. Moisturized Feet

image source: reddit.com
When your feet aren't experiencing correct breathability, then your skin is likely to dry out. As well as underneath the skin, the outer layer needs to circulate and go through a sweating/drying cycle so that they stay moisturized. It's amazing what your body can do if we don't interfere.

24. Toe Nail Health

image source: reddit.com
When your toes are always covered, their health is likely to suffer. They don't get the air they need and the growing may become restricted so that nails become ingrown. It's always best to let them grow in the direction they need to so that they can be cut appropriately, leaving you with less chance of infection.

25. Walk Like You Were Designed To

image source: reddit.com
The human body is amazing and perfect in its creation. We interfere so much in the modern world and don't let it just do what it is designed to do. By walking barefoot you are honoring your body, as you're allowing it to function as it should do. In turn you may feel more connected with your true human nature, which is a beautiful thing!

26. Toe Freedom

image source: reddit.com
If you have a loo at your toes when walking without socks, you'll notice that they part in order to keep you properly balanced. Wearing tight socks will not allow our toes to do this, which might actually affect the shape of them. You'll find that you can walk in a more relaxed manner if your toes are able to fulfil their purpose.

27. One (Or Two) Less Thing To Think About

image source: reddit.com
Getting everyone ready for a family outing can be an absolute nightmare, and it's always good to find shortcuts where you can. Removing the need for socks will give you less things to remember, and less things to think about when you are out - they seem to always go missing!

28. Better Posture

image source: reddit.com
If your feet and legs are working correctly then the effects on the rest of our body will be massive. A good balance will in turn give you correct posture, which isn't always achievable if you're wearing socks that hinder your foot performance. Getting rid of them entirely will do wonders for your spine!

29. Regulate Temperature

image source: reddit.com
Sometimes we can feel just too hot and not work out why! Well, it may be due to what's on our feet. We lose heat through our feet which is hindered by the addition of socks, causing your core body temperature to remain overheated. Sleep is especially affected by this, so it's a good idea to be sockless in bed.

30. Positive For Nervous System

image source: reddit.com
As the soles of your feet experience varying pressure depending on what you're walking on, your nervous system is positively affected. Everything is connected within the human body, so your nervous system will benefit from a gentle interaction, which in turn can relieve pain.