12+ Signs Of A Good Neighborhood

By Lynsey 1 year ago

Low crime rates

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When you're looking to move to a new neighborhood, one of the first things to consider is whether it is a good neighborhood or not. You can view the crime rates of the area as they are usually published online. When looking in to a new neighborhood, look out for the crime statistics and if they are low, you're on to a winner!

Limited police presence

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A good neighborhood will have the perfect balance of police presence. If you research the area or visit and find yourself experiencing police on every corner, it's probably a sign that the crime rate is high and it might not be the safest place for you and your family. limited vandalism..

Safe atmosphere

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To really get a feel for whether a neighborhood is safe, it is a good idea to simply take a drive through it. Driving through will give you a sense of what it might feel like to live there. You can scope out the people, houses and see what your gut has to say - they always say trust your gut!

Security cameras

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A clear sign that a neighborhood is safe and secure is looking up at the houses and surrounding area to see security cameras. Although some might see it as a little like Big Brother, others find comfort in knowing that their homes and belongings are protected and there is hope that it would be a deterrent for criminals.

Well-lit streets

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Street lights may or may not affect the levels of crime a neighborhood experiences, however they are said to make residents feel comfortable and protected. Street lights are also said to encourage people to walk more during the week, providing a healthier lifestyle too!

Gated communities

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Some good neighborhoods will be enclosed by a gated entrance which may, or may not have security. These entrances are designed to keep the residents living within them safe and offer a feeling of comfort knowing the gate is an added deterrent to criminals.

Clean streets

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Clean streets is always a sign that people who use them, care about them. There's nothing worse than walking or driving through a neighborhood that's covered in litter! It is a clear sign that either the residents do not take pride in where they live, or that their values may not match up with yours.

Tidy neighbors

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A sign of a good neighborhood is living next-door to neighbors who take pride in the presentation of their house and their garden. Together, neighbors who care about having beautifully presented houses and well manicured gardens create a street that looks neat and tidy, giving off the feel of a safe community.


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Windows covered in bars would suggest an unsafe neighborhood where residents are protecting themselves from intruders. A safe, good neighborhood is more likely to have well-designed shutter or snazzy curtains draping the windows. This is much more welcoming and definitely fits in better with the aesthetic than bars or broken windows do!

Neighborhood watch

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Neighborhood watch is a community driven initiative that involves an organized group of civilians devoted to crime and vandalism prevention within a neighborhood. The aim of neighborhood watch is to educated other residents on security and safety to ensure together the safest neighborhood is created.

Nice houses

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Driving through a neighbourhood and seeing picturesque houses and immaculate gardens, will immediately give you a sense of security that it is a nice neighborhood. The houses will look welcoming and gardens enticing, giving you the feeling of being at home.

Rising property value

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When looking to move to a new neighborhood, a good thing to look in to is the property market and what the houses have sold for previously. This will give you an indication as to whether the property market in that area is increasing or devaluing. If house prices are rising, it suggests that the neighborhood is popular and therefor extremely sought after.

Limited rental properties

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In a good neighborhood, houses will be on the market for 'sale' and you will often find limited 'rental' properties. For an area in high demand, residents will be more likely to want to purchase their house and live there on a long term basis. Housing developers and anyone selling their house would also prefer new residents to buy their houses as opposed to having multiple residents coming and going.

Close amenities

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A good neighborhood will have close amenities such as: local shops, restaurants, doctor surgeries, police stations and more. They will be local to the area and thriving as a result of the bustling community. Each should be easily commutable from your residence and all should be of a standard you'd expect for a good neighborhood.

Good Schools

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A good neighborhood will offer you and your family good schools to send your children too. They will be in your catchment area and have raving reviews. Ideally the teachers will be synced with your community and you'll find comfort in meeting other parents in the same situation as you.

Community events

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A community that organizes, plans and delivers community events, is one that you should want to be a part of. These events could be fetes, church services, street parties and more! The idea behind them is that the community comes together, bringing homemade treats and helping one another to set up, to create occasions where you can all feel as one.

Children playing

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A good neighborhood will be full of children laughing and playing. The community will be a safe environment for them to play in their gardens and on the street without any concerns. Each neighbour will be happy to watch over the children and be trusted to do so by the community - they say it takes a village to raise children and a good neighborhood will certainly do that!

Walkers walking

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Walking out of your door and seeing other residents walking their dogs - whether it be morning, noon or night - is a great sign of a good neighborhood. It shows that the community is active, is safe at all hours of the day and that people have care and compassion for their pets.

Lack of graffiti

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Graffiti can be found in some neighborhoods, however it is uncommon to see it in a good neighborhood. Many states have made it a crime to spray graffiti on public property. A good neighbourhood will have low crime rates and therefore you should not see any graffiti.

Public services

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A good neighborhood will have efficient public services like regular buses to get your children to school or to get you to local amenities if you do not drive. These public services should also include taxi services, takeaway services and more. A good neighborhood will have many public services that you can reply on.

A simpler life

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In life, you should always aim to make decisions that make your life an easy as possible - moving to a good neighborhood should be one of those decisions. The move, the house, the neighbors and the local amenities should all add to your life in a positive way and not make your more stressful.

Friendly people

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In a good neighborhood, your neighbors won't shy away from getting to know you and your family. We've all hovered in the car to avoid talking to the strange neighbor next door or come up with an excuse to end the conversation with the over-friendly neighbor across the way. However when your neighbors have a genuine interest in getting to know you, they can be like an extended family!

High employment rate

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In good neighbourhoods, the employment rate will be high. Residents will be upon early and out to work and place overall importance on the drive to be successful. In deprived areas, employment rates will be significantly lower and you'll see a decline in the state of the neighborhood as a result.

Limited homeless people

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Due to high employment rates, you'll find a limited presence of homeless people in a good neighborhood. This is due to the high security presence and the fact that people aren't sat around unemployed but rather are off out to work. If there are homeless people, they will be ushered away as to not become a nuisance.

Families out and about

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Seeing parents playing with their children and accompanying them around the neighborhood is always a wholesome sight to see. It can be sad to see children wandering on their one, looking for things to do and it can lead to them causing mischief - not something you want in your neighborhood!


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A curfew is a restriction put in place to avoid late night disturbances or excessive noise during unsolicited hours. Some parents give their child a curfew to ensure they are not roaming the streets for causing trouble by disturbing neighbors. Curfews are welcomed in good neighborhoods as they ensure the evenings will be peaceful.

City involvement

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In a good neighborhood, the city will be as invested in ensuring it is well maintained as the residents will be. The city should organize dustbin collection, streets clean and tree protection. They should also ensure all communal areas are well looked after and that the street lights are working as they should be to ensure the utmost safety of the residents.

Diverse population

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In a good neighborhood, there will be no prejudice as to who can live there and you should see a diverse range of residents. A diverse community offers experience of different cultures and ways of life and creates a more wholesome community to live within.

A good feeling

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Waking up in a good neighborhood should make you wake up feeling great yourself. You should want to seize the day - 'Carpe Diem!' and all that! It should be a case that no matter the weather or stresses of life, waking up in your dream home, on your dream street, surrounded by a supportive community, should make you feel simply wonderful!

Never-ending fairytale

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The right neighborhood for you will feel so perfect that you'll be reluctant to ever leave! It will feel so much like home that nowhere will ever compare to it. You'll make lifelong friends and feel so settled that the thought of moving wouldn't cross your mind. Call it a gut feeling and go with it!