If We See Any Of These Things Call 911 Immediately

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

You Find Someone Unconscious

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If you come across someone who's unconscious it can be quite the terrifying experience, especially in moments when the person is someone you know and love. Whilst you're waiting for help to arrive you should always ensure that they're breathing and that they're lying on their back.

Someone Is Struggling To Breathe

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Similarly, if you encounter someone who is struggling to breathe then it's crucial you try to act quickly. Whilst the paramedics are on their way you should try to assist them in sitting upright and try to help them take some slower and deeper breaths. You could quickly become a lifesaver.

Someone Has Had A Heart Attack

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It's extremely important that you're clued up on the signs of a heart attack as a rapid response is extremely important to increase the chances of survival. Try to encourage the person to sit down and be prepared to perform CPR at any moment if the patient becomes unconscious and loses their pulse.

You Notice Some Sudden Numbness

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If you or someone you know begins to claim that they're feeling a little numb then you might want to ring 911. This can be a sure-fire sign that the person is about to suffer from a stroke and time is of the essence. Try and keep an eye on the time that the symptoms of a stroke might have began.

Flames Coming From A Building

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This one seems obvious, but if you start to see some flames rising from a building then you need to call 9111. Whatever you do, don't attempt to distinguish the fire yourself unless you've been trained too AND have the right equipment. The fire brigade will be on their way, just make sure you evacuate.

There's An Armed Assailant

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Encountering an armed assailant can be a highly dangerous situation and if you do unfortunately find yourself in such a scenario then you NEED to call 911. Whatever you do, don't try and confront the assailant and find a secure location in which you can lock yourself away, keeping as quiet as you can.

A Violent Fight In Progress

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If you witness a violent fight then you should never attempt to intervene physically as this could just escalate the entire problem. Instead report it to the police and try to provide as much detail as you can. Try to stay at a safe distance and try to protect the others around you too.

A Serious Traffic Incident

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In the event of a serious traffic incident occurring, you need to call 911 immediately. Try and provide details about the location and nature of the incident as well as trying to remember what caused what. If you feel that it's safe to do so then you can try and assist some of the injured individuals.

Flooding Issues

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Flooding can pose quite the risk to human life and although we're usually warned when flooding might occur, sometimes they can take us by surprise. If you encounter some flooding then you need to try and evacuate. If the water is too high don't risk your vehicle becoming trapped.

You Find Someone Depressed

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Whilst it might not be an immediate emergency like some of the previous points, finding someone depressed on the street is still quite serious. If you're concerned for their well-being and they might be at risk of damaging themselves then you should try and help them when it comes to reaching out.

Someone Is Drowning

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If you come across someone who's drowning, your swift action could be the difference between life and death. If you're a confident swimmer and know the correct techniques the you can attempt your own rescue. You can also throw in any flotation devices to help them until the trained help arrives.

Witnessing Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence is quite the serious crime and one that needs to be intervened with as soon as possible by the police. Again, you need to be careful when it comes to intervening yourself as you don't want cause any further potential harm to yourself or the person suffering from the violence already.

You Witness A Break-In

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Although it's rare that anyone will witness a break-in, if you do or you suspect someone is about to break-in then report the incident to 911. You can then try and observe the incident from a distance in order to try and provide the authorities with all of the information they need about the intruders.

You Find A Suspicious Package

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If you find yourself stumbling across a suspicious package anywhere then you should immediately consider calling 911. Even if the package might not have anything dangerous within it, a backpack left alone could be the sign of an attack. Let the police know and they'll investigate to make sure you don't have to.

There's A Wild Animal In The Neighborhood

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In certain countries, including the US, we can often find some wild animals roaming the streets and some won't think twice about turning to attack us. For example, if you look out your window or your drive past an animal like a bear or mountain lion you should immediately contact someone to protect others.

Buildings That Look Like They Might Collapse

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Although you might not necessarily know what it is you're looking out for here, if a building looks like it might be about to collapse then you should contact 911. They will send out some people to come and see if there's any need to be worried and then evacuate the area if your concerns are proven to be right.

A Large Explosion

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In the event of an explosion it's extremely likely that 911 will have been contacted more than a handful of times. It's essential that you still avoid the explosion site in case that there could be some additional explosions or some hazardous materials that might end up causing you more harm.

You Find A Lost Hiker

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If you enjoy getting out in to the wilderness, I'm sure there's always that brief fear within you that you might end up getting lost, especially if it gets too dark. There might come a period of time in which you actually come across someone who's lost themselves and you might need to help them.

You Find A Missing Person

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It isn't just a lost hiker that you might come across, on some very rare occasions you might be approached by someone who's been missing, or you might spot someone who has been claimed to be missing. It's essential that you provide the authorities with information about the identity and location of these people.

Someone Suspicious Is Around You

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You can usually work out who is and who isn't a suspicious person, your gut instinct usually gives you some form of understanding of what's going on. The behaviour that raises your suspicion might be related to them hanging around your home or wearing some hooded clothing and loitering.

A Young Child Without A Parent

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If you're a parent I'm sure there's nothing that would terrify you more than losing your child, even if it is just for 2 minutes at the store. If you ever encounter a young child walking around on their own then you need to try all you can to help return them to what will be a worried family.

Any Issues When It Comes To Your Child

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In a similar fashion, if you ever notice that your child is suffering with any form of illness or injury, especially if they're under the age of five or so, you'll want to get them checked out. If the emergency requires some immediate assistance you'll be doing everything you can to protect your offspring.

There's A Chemical Spill

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Chemical spills aren't particularly common in the current day, but it's still important that you know what to do in the case of a spillage. You're only likely to ever do this when around a lab or if something like a tanker has spilled out during a traffic accident. Try and protect our environment!

Someone Loses A Finger Or Toe

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Okay, well this is perhaps even more uncommon than a spill, but if someone ends up having one of their limbs accidentally amputated you need to call 911. You should also try and save the limb that's been amputated by keeping it in ice, you might just be able to save it.

Someone Is Having A Seizure

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Witnessing someone having a seizure can be incredibly distressing, but by ensuring you respond quickly you'll be doing all you can to help save the patient. You need to try and protect them by removing any objects they might break or could damage them as they seize.

A Tree Has Fallen In To The Road

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Again, this isn't all too common, but during periods of high winds and bad weather it's very possible that a tree could be blown in to the road. Not only could this be dangerous by landing on someone's vehicle, but it could also cause some quite severe traffic if it isn't resolved quickly.

Someone Coughs Blood

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Coughing up blood is obviously quite the severe medical issue and someone who does so will probably need some form of medical help pretty quickly. Once you've contacted them you need to make sure that the sufferer is okay and although it might be tempting for them, don't let them drink!

The Start Of A Riot

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Riots can often result in numerous injuries, disturbances and property damage, especially in periods where they can get out of control. If riots can be nipped in the bud before they can really get going then it might save some lives, avoid some injuries and protect many buildings too!

People Are Trapped In An Elevator

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I'm sure there'll be millions of people around the world who's major fear would be finding themselves being trapped in an elevator for long periods of time. Although this usually isn't too dangerous, it can be. The elevator could fall, so it would be best for the fire brigade to have a chance to help!

An Elderly Person Wandering Alone

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If you or someone you know has a parent of grandparent who suffers from illnesses like dementia or Alzheimer's then you might be aware of what I'm talking about here. An elderly person who looks disorientated might need some assistance to find themselves back where they belong.