Burgular Reveals Biggest Weak Points On People’s Homes

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Ground Floor Windows

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Windows on the lower levels of your property are one of the most common ways for a burglar to enter your home. Many seasoned burglars look for unlocked windows which are large enough to squeeze through, as they are usually not alarmed and left unlocked.

Front Door

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If your front door is in bad shape or left unlocked, then you are essentially inviting a burglar into your home. This is a major security issue, and for only a few hundred dollars you can buy a brand new front door with modern security features like dead locks and security glass.

Patio Doors

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Patio doors are a double whammy for security risks. They are normally located to the rear of the property, making them more secluded than a front door. Because they are mainly glass, they are easy to smash into, so consider upgrading to harder to break security glass.


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This is part of your home which is often overlooked, but actually can play a key role in security. Gravel driveways make a lot of noise when walked on, so the sound actually puts burglars off. It is also harder to steal a vehicle quietly from a gravel driveway or parking spot.

Large Windows

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A large window is great for bringing light into your property, and living rooms almost always have large windows for this reason. Unfortunately a large window means more possessions are likely to be on show, so make sure to hide anything expensive or valuable.

Flat Roof

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If the lower floor of your property has a flat roof, it can be easier for criminals to access the upper floors as they can simply walk over to the upper windows. Criminals want to get into the upstairs of the property as this is where most valuables like jewelry, vehicle keys and cash are stored.


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A working alarm is a great way to put off burglars from targeting your home. Make sure you switch on the alarm whenever you go to bed or go out for the day. A house with even a fake alarm box on the wall is a lot less likely to become a target of a criminal break in.

People Inside

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People inside your home is going to make it a poor target for a burglar, as 9 times out of 10 they won't want to deal with any hassle and get in and out as quick as possible. Even if you aren't in, using lamps and timer switches is a good way to make it look like someone is settling in for the evening.


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Your garage may contain a lot of valuables, and this is exactly what goes through the mind of a burglar. Keep your garage closed and locked, even when you are at home. Using good strength padlocks and even a garage door bar is also a great way to keep it secure.

Unlocked Doors

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An unlocked or even open door is of course a welcome bonus to someone looking to burgle your property. Even when you are at home, keep your doors closed and locked unless you have a good line of sight around the perimeter of the property. If you do not, open a window instead.

Upstairs Window

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The upstairs windows are more of a difficult way to access a home, but still not out of the question. If a burglar believes the climb to a second or third story is worth it, they will try and break in this way. Keep these windows closed and crucially keep the locked when you are out.

Back Door

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Your back door is more of a target than any other entrance to your property, as it is normally out of sight from other neighbors and any passing pedestrians or motorists. Keep this door locked and invest in a secondary lock if possible, or a security bar which stop the handle from moving.


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If you have a shed in your garden, this may also be a target of an attack. Keep your shed locked with good quality locks, and make sure to keep valuables like tools locked away within the shed. Leave things out of sight, as if they are on show you are more likely to be targeted.

Sliding Doors

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Sliding doors are becoming more and more common nowadays, but unfortunately they have a major design floor. The sliding mechanism can be easily preyed apart with a long bar, meaning a burglar can easily slip in between the gap between the two doors! Ensure you keep these doors locked at the least!

Hidden Keys

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Everyone has done this at one point or another, which is why it is such a bad idea. A burglar is going to check under plant pots and other outdoor ornaments for a spare door key, so don't leave one here. If you can, hand you key to a trusted neighbor, family member or friend.

Back Yard

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Unfortunately your backyard is where a lot of burglars will do their planning, as this is the place they are least likely to be disrupted. Surround your back yard with nice high fences, as the level of effort to climb them may put off someone who is thinking about a break in.

Flood Lights

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A large bright flood light is going to put off a burglar, as they mostly work under the cover of night. If you can, try and go for a flood light which has a motion sensor. This may be set off when animals walk past, but it is much better for security and a big deterrent for criminals.


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When you go on vacation, try and make your home as secure as possible. Lock all of your windows and doors, close your curtains and set timers for your lights. Hide all of your valuables and let your neighbors know that you will be away so they can keep and eye on things.


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As soon as you move into a new property, you should replace all of the door locks. You do not know who the previous owners may have given a key to, so replacing the locks gives you some peace of mind that no one is likely to wander in with their own set of keys!

Old Doors

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If your house is an older property, chances are the doors will be wooden and no longer meet modern security standards. Replacing these doors can be necessary, as in some instances a burglar has gained access to a home simply by using enough force to break the door down.


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Believe it or not, your neighbors are actually one of the best defense mechanisms at your disposal to help prevent break ins. Chances are that when you are asleep, one of your neighbors is up, and visa versa. This means you can look out for one another and raise the alarm if needs be.


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Having a well set up camera system is not only off putting for potential burglars, but also a great way of collecting evidence if you do get targeted. A good quality camera can be pretty expensive, but can pay for itself if you end up using your recording in a court hearing.

Guard Dog

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A guard dog is like a natural burglar alarm, as they will bark and kick up a fuss about any potential intruders. They are also off putting to someone looking to break in. As the old saying goes, the bark is often worse than the bite, so many thieves don't bother risking it in case they get attacked.

Expensive Cars

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An expensive car on the drive is a great advertisement to thieves that you may have more valuable inside the house. This might make you a target as burglars will try and rob your car keys. Keep your keys well hidden and expensive cars out of sight if possible.

Tempered Glass

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Tempered glass is a product mainly used in the automotive industry, but it is becoming more popular in homes. When hit hard enough, it shatters but stays in place, almost like the glass is suspended in a plastic coating. This makes it much harder for people to smash and grab.

Key Rack

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Leaving your house keys or car keys by the front door is asking for trouble. A burglar is likely to either smash a window and grab them, or reach in through an opening using a long pole with a hook on the end. This way, they can come back at a later date to steal what they want.

Unlocked Windows

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An unlocked window is actually a lot more common than you think, as people open them up and simply forget to lock them again. As a result, a burglar will try your windows first to see if they are unlocked. If they are, a thief can simply jump through and exit the same way.

Connecting Doors

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A connecting door does what it says on the tin, it connects your home to (usually) an outbuilding like a garage. These doors are normally the same as interior doors, so not as secure as they should be. Consider upgrading these to proper outside security doors with good locks.

Weak Padlocks

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If you do have a garage, shed or workshop, make sure it is locked with either proper locks or very high standard padlocks. Even the sight of a thick and beefy padlock will put a burglar off, as it can take a long time to cut through them or smash them to pieces.

Secured Items

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Wherever you can, try and bolt things down... Literally. If you use your garage to store a motorcycle, invest in a good, strong ground anchor with a large padlock. Got some tools in a workshop? Use long floor bolts to anchor the thing into the floor, making it near impossible to steal.