10+ Signs A Lawn Needs Urgent Care

By Sophie 1 year ago

1. Dry Grass

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Dry grass is a dead giveaway for an unhappy lawn. It can be in patches, small or large, or span across the whole space. It's common that the grass will dry out during the summer months when there is less rainfall, so it might be worth while investing in a sprinkler system.

2. Brown Patches

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Brown patches are a sign of lawn disease which can happen for a number of reasons. The fungus Rhizoctonia can cause this particular issue, and can be treated quickly with a fungicide. The best way to treat it however, is prevention. Simple lawn care can stop the fungus from growing so make sure to organize lawn upkeep with the changing seasons.

3. Weeds

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Weeds are hardy little things and can sprout quickly if your lawn isn't maintained properly. They can withstand a lawnmower and seem to grow as soon as your back is turned! Some people decide to keep some weeds in order to protect important insect populations, but they can be a bit of an eyesore.

4. Random Growth

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A lawn growing faster in some parts than others could be due to a mixture of seeds being sown at the point of laying. Birds may also have a part to play in spreading random seeds, or the seeds might've been sown at different times. These patches can easily be forked out and re-sown, however general maintenance will keep it looking tidy if the patches aren't too large.

5. Fairy Rings

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Mushrooms growing in circles, or fairy rings as they're known, can inspire your imagination due to stories of fairies living below them, however they can be an unsightly addition to your lawn. It's not known why they appear, however can be removed by digging the area, re-soiling and re-sowing. It's super important to get rid of the spores to stop them from growing back.

6. Lawn Thatch

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Lawn thatch can sometimes be difficult to spot as it may be covered with green grass blades. It is a layer of dead grass that clumps together, blocking any essential nutrients that your grass needs for growth. It's crucial to regularly check your lawn for thatch so that you don't risk the whole thing dying.

7. Thinning

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You may find bald patches of grass in your lawn if you haven't managed to regularly maintain it. It happens, but the good thing is that it can be fixed by some revised enthusiasm for lawn care. Using a fertilizer is a great way to get started, then going forwards ensure to give it the love that it needs.

8. Yellow Patches

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Yellow grass may be caused by a number of things; dehydration, drowning and lawn disease just to name a few. It might be obvious which one of these that your lawn is suffering from, in which case it is simple to fix to problem. If you can't work out why your lawn is suffering, a good sprinkling fertilizer will help your lawn get back to it's luscious green self.

9. Puddles

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Poor draining is a common issue for garden lawns. It causes puddles to form which are like a mosquito's heaven! Doesn't help if you've got a dog either as they'll be more likely to walk mud into the house and your grass won't grow. If you can't put a fancy draining system in to control water run-off then adding compost could be a good solution.

10. Pests

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Some bugs and creatures are good for your lawn even if you don't like them there. It is good to attract bees and butterflies, for example, however there are some crawlies that could cause damage. Ants are very common and you'll probably see them frequently, but if they come in the thousands they may build nests and dig up half your soil. It's best to keep an eye out.

11. Moss

image source: reddit.com
Moss is quite easy to spot as it's a different texture to most grass. It's dense and spongy and will probably be found in your lawn at some point. Too much growth, however, can cause problems. It's important to keep up with lawn maintenance so it doesn't take over - it's caused by poor conditions so general upkeep should keep it at bay, and it's easy to rake out should you find it.

12. Burnt Patches

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Ever been a been a bit too enthusiastic with the fertilizer? I'm sure we all have, and it's likely to cause burnt patches in your soil. Luckily it's simple to rectify, you just have to rake out the affected area(s) and give it a good water to flush out the product. You may have to re-soil and re-seed if it's particularly affected, and try to follow the guidelines next time!

13. Footprints

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Footprints aren't something you'd want to wake up to in your lawn, but it might not be as sinister as you'd imagine. Consider the season and how much water the grass is had, as it's likely caused by drought. Grass takes less time to go back to its original shape once stepped on if it's too dry, so just make sure it's getting enough water.

14. Hardened Grass

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You may notice that some parts of your lawn are harder than others, which could be down to the sun. If you've got shadier places in the yard, check the difference in textures as the tougher bits may be due to too much heat. Good watering practice can help with dry spots, as well as good aeration. Use a garden fork to poke and prod around to get some good oxygen in there and your lawn should go back to being luscious!

15. Shriveled Appearance

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It's not always easy to keep an eye on grass texture as it may require you being closer to the blades. Sometimes, especially during the summer months, the grass can shrivel up and start looking a bit sad. Just as dehydrated plants wilt, grass will lose its vitality and must be watered regularly, even more so when there's less rainfall.

16. Cats

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If you or your neighbors have cats then your lawn will need extra care and attention. Cat's like to use grass as one big toilet which can wreak havoc on the sensitive eco-system, let alone your shoes! A good way of stopping cats pooping on your lawn is to make your lawn smell like something repulsive to them - coffee grounds, cinnamon and citrus peels are all good, natural repellents.

17. Blue Grass

image source: reddit.com
The idea of blue grass may sound a bit weird, and it's not going to turn a bright color, but you may notice some bluish-hues to your lawn which will require your attention. Luckily it is a simple fix as this is a sign of dehydration, so a good guzzle of water will do the trick!

18. Incorrect Grass

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If your grass is particularly troublesome and struggles to grow into a healthy green lawn, then maybe the grass seeds weren't the right choice for your location. Some species thrive in warmer temperatures whereas some become dehydrated very easily. Unfortunately you may need a whole new lawn if this is the case, but it'll be worth it!

19. Dry Soil

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This may be a simple case of underwatering, in which case you might want to consider changing up your watering routine. Just be careful not to overwater as, paradoxically, overwatering can actually increase the chance of dry soil as it isn't getting the right nutrients.

20. Slime

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Slime is not something you would have asked for when you envisioned a gorgeous lawn. Some people call this Witches Butter due to it's ghastly appearance, and isn't the easiest to kill. The best deterrent is prevention, as it cannot grow if your lawn is healthy, however if it has already grown, then digging everything up in the area and re-planting, is the only way to get rid.

21. Dead Patches

image source: reddit.com
Quite often your lawn won't die all at the same time, which is good news as it means you'll only have to treat small sections. It is good practice to consider the conditions of the dead areas, as they may be neglected or over-treated. It may also be caused by disease which can be prevented by having a good drainage system and aerating the area frequently.

22. Lawn Rust

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Lawn rust looks exactly how you'd imagine it to, so it might require you to get out the knee cushion so you can have a close look at the grass if you suspect it forming. Feeding your lawn regularly can help to prevent lawn rust, as well as regular mowing and preening.

23. Dogs

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Dogs just love to be out on the lawn, running free as they do, however it is a perfect area for digging. Their clawed paws can be damaging for the sensitive surface, so it's a good idea to keep your dog under careful supervision while enjoying the outdoors.

24. Lawn Damage

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You may think that you're doing everything right with your lawn, so why does it look so dead? They say a good workman never blames his tools, but in the case of lawnmower care, this could be exactly the problem. Always make sure that your blades are sharp so you get a clean cut, otherwise you may cause stress to the plants and make for poor growth.

25. Needing More Frequent Watering

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You lawn can actually require more care if you give it too much too often, and so it is important to be organized with your watering schedule. Less regular waterings using a larger volume of water is more beneficial for your lawn, as the nutrients can soak deep into the soil allowing it to do its work more efficiently.

26. The Shady Areas Suffer

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Not all lawns need the same care all over, as some areas may be in the cool darkness all year round and therefore will need different support that the parts in the glaring sunshine. You may need to re-sow sections that struggle with the climate, and you can buy specialist seed for such areas so that your whole lawn grows healthily.

27. Overgrown

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One of the more obvious signs for your grass needing attention is that it's overgrown. This can be a haven for bugs and insects, but it's hardly nice to sit in on a summer's day! If you haven't kept up with regular mowing and the growth has gone to far, get at it with shears to begin with, making sure to apply that insect repellent to your skin!

28. Weird Growth Angles

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For lawn-owners, mowing the lawn should be part of their routine. It is important to have routine within this routine, so that the grass doesn't grow at funny angles. What we mean by this is that grass shouldn't always be cut the same the way as it'll cause it to lean to one side. Ensure to note which way you mow each time so that the next time, you can do it differently.

29. Clumps

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You may find that in the wetter months, clumps of grass gather and could potentially kill parts of your lawn. If the grass is wet, then cutting it could leave behind soggy mounds, which in turn will starve the grass underneath of oxygen causing it to wilt and die.

30. Crabgrass

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Crabgrass is another sign of an unhappy lawn and can be easily identified as it looks like crab legs. This sturdy weed might be tricky to get rid of, however it doesn't tend to spread very easily, which is positive! You may need to use a herbicide eliminate growth, but good maintenance can easily prevent it.