The 30 Most Heartbreaking Events We All Have To Live Through

By Lynsey 1 year ago


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We've all be there, heartbroken when a relationship comes to an end. Often this is the first experience of heartbreak we go through and it is often the hardest to navigate. Whether you're in your teens, experiencing your first love, or later on in life, a breakup is never easy on the heart.


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No-one ever goes in to a marriage expecting it to fail - hence the vow 'til death do us part' if you're in to the traditional vibes. However, all good things can come to an end for one reason or another and marriage is no different. This is often a complicated heartbreak situation as often there is more at stake: houses, possessions, money and children etc.


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Nothing feels quite like heartbreak than finding out your loved one has been sharing the love with someone else behind your back. Not only is a major trust barrier been broken but it also leaves lasting affects on you going forward. Heartbreak from cheating will either leave you feeling like you're not good enough to spur you on to find someone worthy of your love.

The ex...

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Seeing your ex with someone new can be a huge heartbreak mountain to climb. There may be feelings of anger, jealousy, hurt and maybe some happiness - a true rollercoaster of emotions! And not to mention, the inevitable, 'why them?' comparison until you eventually move on yourself.


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Putting yourself out there - albeit on the latest dating apps, or attempting to go old school to meet people in bars - it can be a daunting process. Dating can feel very vulnerable and when it doesn't end well, can leave you feeling rejected and heartbroken. A combination sure to leave you reaching for the large tub of ice cream and a chick flick, vowing to never leave the house again!

Death of a beloved pet

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Whether your choice of pet is a cat, dog, hamster, snake - or all of the above and more - it can be heartbreaking to find out they are unwell or they have passed on. Often pets are like family members and their passing takes a huge toll on not just you but those around you that knew and loved the pet too.

Family death

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Passing of a family member is to be expected as no-one can live forever, however that doesn't make it any easier to experience. Whether its peacefully passing of old age, or being taken too soon from accidents, illness etc, the passing away of a loved one can be heart-wrenching and extremely painful to process.

Loss of a child

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No matter how it happens, the death of a child can be very traumatic for everyone involved. They say it takes a village to raise a family and when a children passes, it is the whole village who are affected. The agony of losing a child of any age, is agonising.

Long term illness

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It is common to have many different emotions when you're told you have a long term or incurable illness. There is no right or wrong way to feel, however often heartbreak form hearing such news if often made more comfortable by trying to be positive, especially when it feels really hard to be optimistic.

Being broken in to

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A heartbreaking moment to experience is waking up in the comfort of your home and realising you have been burgled. The feeling that someone has entered your private space - be that your house or your car - is a violation and can be very traumatic, having a lasting impact on you, depending on the circumstances.

Seeing someone in distress and not being able to help

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For many people, seeing someone in distress ignites something in you that makes you want to help - sort of that fight or flight feeling. However if for any reason you cannot, this moment can sit on your conscience, making you feel heartbroken that you couldn't do anything.

World conflict

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The news seems to be always filled with conflict in some shape or form, alongside promotional adverts and news articles that are designed to tap in to your emotions. You can be left feeling helpless and heartbroken to the devastation happening around the world, wondering what you can do to help.

Adulting - being unwell and having to adult

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Being a parent is hard enough as it is, let along being a parent when you're feeling under the weather. When all you want to do is curl up into a duvet burrito and binge watch a TV series, it can be a heartbreaking realisation that instead you have to be an adult and parent.

Watching your baby become independent

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The first roll; the first stand; the first steps. Watching your little bindle of joy grow and develop can be a bittersweet moment. You are filled with pride that they are thriving yet heartbreak that your baby is growing up quicker than you'd like - oh how time flies in those early months and years!

Saying goodbye - university/ college

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Before you know it, your children are off to University or College. A huge milestone for them and an immense feeling of heartbreak for you. Lots of planning as a family goes in to making this important life decision so when the day finally arrives, it can be an emotional one!

Moving out of your childhood home

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Growing up and growing older means outgrowing your family home. This immense move can be heartbreaking as your family home is usually a place full of memories and pivotal moments in your life. Usually these moments have assisted in making you the person you are today so saying goodbye to such a place can be hard.

Learning the truth about childhood characters

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The moment you learn the truth about the big guy in red, the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny, can be a heartbreaking day where your childhood comes crashing down into a ball of lies your parents told you. A day that marks the end of the 'magic of childhood'.

Your first day

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Your first day of school, a new job, in a new town etc can be a great moment in your life and a day that marks change. However, it can also be heartbreaking as you reflect on all that you have left behind. Change is always a good thing, however that doesn't mean it is easy.

Best friend getting to a relationship

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Your best friend. Your partner in crime. Your ride or die. Until they meet someone and find themselves in a love bubble meaning they no longer have time for you. Yes, you're happy for them, but there's a part of you that can't help feeling heartbroken, like you're mourning the loss of something great.

Best friend getting married

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Standing beside your friend on the greatest day of their lives is a true honour. However it can come with feelings of sadness and heartbreak if you have reached that milestone yet yourself, or if you are the jealous type who thinks that's the friendship forever changed. Just remember, no matter how you're feeling, smile! It's their special day after all!

Best friend talking behind your back

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When the rumour mill starts spinning and out pops a topic of conversation that you're at the centre of, this can be mortifyingly embarrassing and hard to swallow. Let alone finding out, your best friend, the one you confined in most, is at the centre of it. A hard conversation to have and a heartbreaking moment of acknowledging that your friend may not be your friend after all!

Being fired

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The daily grind comes with lots of benefits, like money of course! However, we've all been guilty of fantasying about being fired: any excuse to not work the mundane cycle of 9-5, allowing us to live our best lives. But when reality hits and you actually get fired, it can leave you feeling heartbroken and in despair as you start to worry about how you'll manage life without a job.

Socials not popular

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Happiness in life for some is all about the likes they get on social media - plus they can earn some influencers a lot of money! If you're one of those people living for that little heart jumping out at you to say 'Susan from next door liked your photo', and it instantly makes your day, then you're probably also one of those people left feeling heartbroken when you get no interaction too.

Favorite restaurant shutting

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Date night: weekly tradition: family celebrations and more. We all have that favorite restaurant that always produces the goods. So, when we rock up and it's shut - hopefully not for good! - it can be a heartbreaking moment. Remember to always call ahead to avoid disappointment.

Dropping your new phone

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You've done it. You've finally caved and decided to upgrade your phone after it's become painfully slow and now has zero storage. This can be a great day..until you walk away and drop it, smashing the screen before you've had the chance to put a screen protector on it!

Favorite series ending

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There is nothing better than sitting down to binge watch your favorite TV series. A nice piece of comfort to end your day. So, when the series comes to an end, always quicker than expected, it's heartbreaking! Not only do you now have to find something else to watch, you also have to actually do the adult jobs you've been procrastinating over.

Favorite shoes falling apart

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Everyone has that trusty pair of shoes that just fit perfectly. You were them constantly, they match every outfit perfectly and they are comfortable. When the time comes where they give up and start to show their wear and tear, it can be a heartbreaking day, especially if you haven't bought multiple pairs and now you have to search for a replacement!

Realising there's no milk left for your morning coffee

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Needing that caffeine kick, only to realise you're out of milk, is a soul destroying discovering. If you're lucky and have a shop or cafe around the corner, it's not the end of the world. But for those in the middle of nowhere, it is a heartbreaking start to your day.

Breaking a nail

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You've just spent your hard earned money on a nice set of gels or acrylics, only to walk to the car and instantly stub a finger and break a nail. A truly heartbreaking experience - one that will stay that was for the reminder of the week until you can get booked back in!

Feeling lonely in life

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One of the biggest heartbreaks in life that you can experience is that of feeling lonely, whether you're surrounded by people: their love and support, or whether you are in fact alone. Life is busy and without people to share it with, it can feel really empty.