12+ Reasons Why We Should Never Buy A Tesla

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Remote Locations

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If you live in a remote part of the country or like to travel to more remote areas, a Tesla might not be the vehicle for you. Electric charging is not as widespread as gas or diesel, so in remote areas filling the tank with electric can be a lot more difficult.

Cold Weather

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Batteries do not work as well in the snow as the chemical reaction is not in the optimal temperature to take place. As Tesla vehicles are totally battery powered, the vehicle might not work right or lack power if the outside conditions are too chilly.


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Owners of Tesla vehicles have complained that their interior quality is not up to the standard of the German and Japanese luxury car counterparts. People complain interiors are more sparse than other luxury cars and the build quality isn't really up to scratch.

Loading Problems

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Due to the large lip on the truck, loading cargo into a Tesla can prove difficult. Heavy items need to be lifted over the lip, and if you are trying to remove heavy or dirty items, chances are you will drag them over the lip and scratch the rear bumper.

Trunk Space

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The space in the trunk of a Tesla isn't much when compared to that of other similar sized saloon cars. Due to the limited size of the trunk and back seat, loading a Tesla doesn't take much time, but means you can't really carry much stuff when you need to.

Charging At Home

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If you have owned a petrol or diesel car for years, then charging at home can be a tricky habit to get into. Tesla owners recount tales of coming home from a long day at work, going inside and only realizing the car hasn't been charging when they use it again the following day.

Tricky To Modify

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Many people like to modify their vehicles to put a personal spin on them, or suit them more towards their personal needs. With the lack of an engine, modifications under the bonnet are a no go. Many companies also do not support Tesla vehicles at the moment.

Can't Maintain It Yourself

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The battery power unit in a Tesla is an expensive and complicated piece of kit, so maintaining the vehicle yourself is out of the question. Unlike a diesel or petrol car, chances are you will need to pay for an expensive technician to work on your vehicle.

Create Emissions

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If you are buying a Tesla to lower your impact on the environment, then maybe think again. The parts for the vehicles are flown for thousands of miles in freight planes, which are terrible for the planet. A used petrol car might actually be better for the planet!

Tesla Chargers

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If you need to charge your Tesla in a pinch, then you can use a Tesla supercharger to get it charged up quickly. The superchargers are however super hard to come by, and you now actually have to pay to charge, just like a conventional gas station pump!

Hard To Get Out

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The gull wing style doors on a Tesla are large and heavy, meaning if you have to park in a busy or full parking lot then it can be a pain to leave the vehicle. It is easy to dent other cars or scratch your own doors due to how big and in the way they get!

Purchase Price

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The used car market is not exactly flooded with Tesla vehicles. This means you either need to wait for ages until a used one comes up for a good price, or you need to buy one brand new. New prices can top a hundred grand, so they aren't for you if you are on a budget.

Utility Bills

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Charging at home means your electricity bill is going to rise. In summer this may not be too much of a problem, but in the winter months your household bills may sky rocket. This is of course offset by gas savings, but still something to think about.

Battery Replacement

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After you have put a few miles on your Tesla, you may have noticed that the battery life is dropping rapidly. Similar to a mobile phone, you may eventually need to get your battery replaced. This is a costly repair and has to be done by a professional.


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Burglars like to target Tesla vehicles as they are a popular car and easy to shift across the county. Due to the number of Tesla vehicles being on the rise, they blend in easily, so you may need to go to new lengths to make sure yours isn't a theft target.

Roadside Assistance

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Although Tesla does not have a reliable roadside assistance service, the problem can not be solved by going elsewhere. Many mechanics can not work on such large batteries, so broken vehicles need to be towed away, which can lead to a very expensive recovery bill.

Mining For Batteries

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The large and expensive batteries used in Tesla vehicles are very difficult to mine, and leave the miners with poor health for life. The environmental impacts of the mining also negates the benefits of having an electric car, so consider this before you purchase.

Tesla Commercial Vehicles

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If you need a vehicle for work purposes, a Tesla isn't the right tool for the job. Tesla do not yet make a van or pick up truck, so loading the car with tools and supplies can be a problem. They are also too expensive to get dirty inside, as they will cost a fortune to clean up.

No Spare Wheel

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If you hit a pothole in your Tesla, then you may need to call a recovery truck rather than just throwing a spare wheel on. Tesla vehicles do not come with a spare wheel and tire, so calling a buddy to collect you is the cheapest way to get yourself home.

Used Market

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The used market for Tesla cars is very slow at the moment, so buying used can be a tricky ordeal. Used cars also suffer from worse battery life, so they may not be as reliable or hold as much charge as you might have researched or hoped for initially.

Only As Green As The Source

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Tesla vehicles need electricity to run, meaning if the area you live relies on fossil fuels to power the electricity grid, then the Tesla is only as green as its petrol counterpart. Eventually when we run the world on renewable energy, they will be pretty much carbon neutral.

Over hyped

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Since Elon Musk took over twitter and became one of the world's richest people, the hype around Tesla products has gone through the roof. They are expensive compared to most other vehicles, and most owners say that they don't like up to expectations.

Online Purchases

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If you want to purchase a brand new Tesla, you will need to speak to someone else that owns one if you want to try before you buy. Tesla do not have physical dealerships, so you need to order online and just see if you like the vehicle once you own it.

Poor Build Quality

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Many Tesla owners complained of poor build quality both in the interior and exterior of the vehicles. Panels do not fit up properly on some vehicles, which makes it difficult to close doors and can even let wind and rain into the passenger seating areas.

Paying For Charging

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The first batch of Tesla vehicles to be released came with free charging for life to help sweeten the deal. Now Tesla owners need to pay to use a Tesla or third party charging station, just like how you pay for gas or diesel at the regular fuel pump.


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If you are looking to go super far distances in your vehicle, then conventional fuel sources may be better suited to your needs. The range in a Tesla is only a couple of hundred miles, which makes it great around town but not as good for longer trips.

Ground Clearance

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If you like in a more remote part of the world, then the road quality might not be as good as the bigger cities. This means that the low ride height of a Tesla might mean you get stuck more often or even damage the front bumper or wheels. Make sure to go slow and take care!


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Some owners have documented that the quality of paint on the Tesla exteriors is poor compared to the paint on other vehicles. Paint is more likely to chip, discolor and is more prone to swirl marks. The swirl marks are carved into the paint by improper washing.


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Tesla vehicles have been subject to a number of recalls in recent months, both for reliability and safety reasons. As a relatively new company, it is expected that their will be some teething issues, so just bare this in mind if this is the car you fancy.

Tyre Wear

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As all Tesla vehicles are fully electric, they do not have gearboxes. This means that all of the power is delivered to the wheels instantly. Due to this power delivery, tire wear is likely to be increased, meaning you will need to pay for expensive new ones more often.