30 Hacks To Avoid Getting Caught Cheating

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Don't Cheat

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The best and easiest way not to get caught cheating is just to avoid it altogether. If it is something you have considered, it suggests there are deeper issues in your relationship, so consider talking to your partner and considering if you really want to be with them.

Be Careful With Makeup

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Makeup marks on your clothing or face is a clear giveaway that you have been seeing someone else, so make sure you are careful with makeup. If possible, get the other person not to wear any, if they do ensure none of it stains you or your clothing, like the collar of a shirt.

Monitor Your Appearance

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You don't want to give yourself away by changing your looks too much. Although you may want to impress your new partner, a complete wardrobe revamp is a pretty obvious sign that you are looking to impress someone, so keep it on the down low and buy just a couple of new items of clothing.

Don't Smell Like The Bar

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Unless you have someone to cover for you, going to the bar is a big no no. Not only will you smell like alcohol, you may be more likely to blurt something stupid out and get yourself into trouble. It is best just to avoid this risky situation altogether

Getting Mad

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If you get accused of cheating, getting angry at your partner is as good as an admitting your guilt. Try and remain calm and talk things through, as this seems less suspicious and is likely to be more believable. Ensure you do not get defensive whatever you do!

Prepare To Stop

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If your long term partner gets too suspicious, be prepared to halt your affair at a moments notice. This could stop your partner from digging and subsequently finding out. Both parties stopping when needed is the best way to ensure the affair will last.

Don't Use Your Card

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Using your bank card is always a risky move, so be prepared to use it for non suspicious purchases only like fuel, groceries or work supplies. If you start spending lots at places like the movies or restaurants, your partner will realize what is going on.

Clear Your History

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If you are using a computer to have your affair, ensure that your clear your browsing history when searching on websites that will grass you up. Make sure not to clear your whole history, and just cherry pick the suspect sites, as an empty history looks equally suspicious.

Do Things With Your Partner

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Make sure that you do not completely abandon your current relationship if you want it to last as well as the affair. Doing things with your partner ensures they will think everything is normal, and means they wont be likely to look into what you are doing in your own time.

Check Underwear

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If you have an affair in your own home, make sure your new partner does not put their underwear into your washing. This may seem obvious, but if your long term partner finds another man or woman's undies in their draw, chances are they will fly off the handle!

Check Your Bank Statements

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Obviously be careful when you are spending on a bank card, but to make sure you don't miss anything take a little time to go through your bank statements. Try not to make this into a huge deal, otherwise your partner may want to look into them as well!


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If you want to have a good shot at starting an affair, then be prepared to travel. Leaving your neighborhood will ensure that none of your neighbors see what you are up to, and everyone else will assume you and the person you are seeing are just friends.

Get A Burner

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Getting a burner phone is the best way to ensure you do not mistakenly leave any evidence on your main mobile phone. Make sure to keep your burner in a safe and private location, don't give the number to anyone but the person you are seeing and keep it on silent!

Don't Smoke

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If the person you are sleeping with is a smoker, then you will of course need to find a way to cover this up. The smell of smoke lingers on clothes, so maybe say you were out with some friends who smoke. Maybe even consider taking up smoking yourself?

Using The Joint Account

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This should go without saying, but if you have a joint bank account with your long term partner, make sure you do not use this to fund your cheating. The other person will get notifications of your spending, which will prompt them to ask difficult questions.

Keep Receipts Hidden

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Make sure that any receipts you get are paper and not sent to your email address. Paper receipts should be put into the bin away from home, certainly do not keep them in pockets, bags or the car. And make sure you do not put them in your own trash can.

Pay In Cash

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Paying in cash is the best way not to leave a paper trail. If you can, try and get your boss to pay your wages in cash too, this way you wont need to go to the cash machine and make regular withdrawals. This is an easy way to help not get yourself caught.

Laugh Off Accusations

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There is a large chance that you will be accused of cheating, so laugh off accusations. Try and make it seem so ridiculous that it could never happen, laugh it off and change the subject. This might be your first major warning sign to halt the affair.

Keep Quiet

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Keeping quiet is something that you have to do, no if's or but's. Don't get yourself into trouble by talking too much, say what you need to and then shut up. Do not answer any questions that have not even been asked yet, you will get yourself caught!

Hide Your Computer

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If you communicate via email or a discreet dating site rather than using your mobile phone, then make sure to hide your computer. If you can, remove the battery and hide that elsewhere and change the password too, this will make it more difficult to get in.

Use A Marker Pen

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Getting a permanent marker pen to cover up transactions on bank statements is a good idea. If your partner asks about it, you can just tell them you were covering sensitive information. This is a common practice so shouldn't arouse too much suspicion.

Don't Be Nervous

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Do your best to try and manage nerves and worries, if you are stressed it will show, so keep yourself in check. This is a lot easier said than done, so talk to your affair partner about this as you will most likely both be in a similar or the same situation.

Do It At Night

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A common tactic used by the Batman, working under the cover of night means there is less of a chance you will be spotted and subsequently less chance your partner will find out. You will however need to make a good excuse for going out late at night.

Don't Call Too Much

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Try and use your phone minimally around your long term partner. If you are glues to a messaging app, or constantly on phone calls, you partner will want to know who you are talking with. This is another good reason to invest in a cheap burner phone.

Reassure Your Partner

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Try and reassure your partner if they get suspicious. Of course, if you do not want to be with this person then this could be the time to break up, but if you think the cheating was just a blip reassure them that you aren't interested in anyone else.

Go Incognito

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Using your phones incognito mode is a good way to make sure that no evidence or messages get left behind. Your phone will automatically wipe your history, and won't make it look super suspect. Just make sure to close your incognito tabs when you are finished.

Use Protection

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The last thing you want is to contract a sexually transmitted disease or get your new partner pregnant. This is the number one way people get caught, so for goodness sake wrap it up. It is the least you can do, so for the good of everyone's health make sure to get protection.

Pre Paid Mobile

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A paid sim card is a good addition to your burner phone. This means that extra phone calls and messages will not be included on your main phones monthly bills, meaning you won't need to make up excuses if you get asked about all the extra phone calls.

Use Work Time

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Cheating on works time is a good way to make sure you don't look suspicious. It will appear that you are at work, when you could be seeing your new partner. Make sure not to use all of your holidays though, otherwise it will be a tricky one to explain.

Make A Strong Password

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If you do not have a pass code on your mobile phone, put on one. The same applies for a password on your computer. If your long term partner knows your passwords then consider changing them or adding more layers of security like facial recognition too.