Signs That Someone Has Worms

By Nick Hadji 1 year ago

1. What are intestinal worms?

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Intestinal worms are a type of parasite that lives in human intestines. They're also referred to as parasitic worms. If you live in a subtropical or tropical region, you're more at risk, but they do exist within the United states as well. There are a lot of various symptoms and signs to tell if you have worms.Original content sourced from

2. This is a big indicator that things are not right

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Okay, it's totally possible for you to have worms for YEARS with no symptoms. Which is... terrifying. But if you're experiencing dysentery (diarrhea with blood and mucus), this is a sign you might have worms. We'll warn you now, none of these symptoms are particularly pleasant.

3. If you have abdominal pain, you may wanna go to the doctor

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Considering that these gross little parasites live in your intestines, it makes perfect sense that a common symptom is abdominal pain. If you're having intense pain or if your stomach is tender to the touch, it might be time to visit a doctor and see what's up!

4. Vomiting and diarrhea are signs

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We already talked about dysentery. But even if you're experiencing prolonged diarrhea without any blood or mucus, this could be a sign of worms. The same goes for nausea or vomiting spells. If it's an ongoing issue, it's the sign of a bigger problem, and it could be worms!

5. Your belly is always bloated

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Most people experience gas and bloating just from normal life, so it might be more difficult to detect worms off of these symptoms alone. But if you are experiencing a lot of gas and bloating that seems to never go away, you could have some pesky friends in your intestines.

6. People with worms complain of this

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A lot of people have said that the first sign that they noticed that something wasn't right was feeling constantly tired or fatigued. Others mentioned they were losing unexplained weight fairly quickly. This is because the worms are literally using you as an energy source and food.

7. You can look for this sign of worms

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If you have worms, they'll eventually pass through your body and come out in your bowel movements. So even if you don't have any symptoms mentioned above, you might see worms in your stool. Depending on the type of worm, you can quite literally see them in your bowel movement. There are some worms that will even lay eggs on the skin surrounding the anal region. I'm so sorry to be the bearer of this news!

8. There are different types of worms

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A doctor can obviously help you analyze your symptoms and even take samples to give you a more firm diagnosis. There are different types of worms that can end up infecting you, so it's important to know what you're dealing with! Let's take a look at some of the common ones.

9. Tapeworms

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Around 1,000 people are infected with tapeworms each year. They're typically acquired from eating raw or improperly cooked pork or beef. There has been records of tapeworms as long as 82 feet found in humans! Eek. Common signs are weight loss and fatigue.

10. Flukes

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There are more than 70 different types of flukes that can end up latching onto your intestinal tract. They say these can range from a fraction of an inch in length to several inches. Humans usually get infected from eating contaminated food or water unknowingly.

11. Hookworms

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Hookworms aren't as common as pinworms, but they still infect around 750 million people. They used to be more common in the United States, but as living conditions have improved, they have died off. The thing to know about hookworms is that most people don't have any symptoms!

12. Pinworms

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Okay, pinworms are way more common. They infect more than 1 billion people in the world. This is the most common worm that will likely live in a human, especially in North America. Children are more susceptible to this particular worm, and they can easily be passed between people who live in under the same roof.

13. Ascariasis

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Ascariasis affects 800,000 people around the world. It's very rare in the US, but there have been reported cases in the Southeast. As with the others, the infection comes from contaminated food or water. These worms can grow to be more than a foot long. And like others, it's possible to have this worm and show no symptoms!

14. In children, these are also symptoms

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Particularly with pinworms in children, a few additional symptoms to be on the lookout for are a loss of appetite and bedwetting. It may also be more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. These symptoms can occur in adults too. But they should be taken seriously, because it's possible for the worm to move from the intestine into the urinary tract or liver, or even the uterus and vagina in women.

15. How are they spread?

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Warning... this is pretty gross. Worms lay eggs around an infected person's bottom at night time. The worm also secretes a mucus that will likely make the person itchy in that area. If the worm eggs get stuck on someone's fingertips when they scratch, they will be transferred to their mouth, surfaces and clothing. Then other people may touch those areas and become infected.

16. Literally not going to be able to sleep tonight with this information

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Pinworms can survive up to two weeks before they start hatching. If the eggs stay on and hatch around the bottom, then it's possible that the new worms will re-enter the body. Any eggs that have been swallowed will then hatch inside the intestine. Worms reach adulthood in 2 weeks and then begin the reproduction cycle again.

17. Other ways you might get worms

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Overall, the most common way of getting parasites is from eating undercooked meat where the animal is infected. But you can also get them from contaminated water or soil. If you live in an area with poor sanitation or if you have poor hygiene, you're also more at risk. If the worms go unchecked for a long time, you're more likely to show symptoms because the number and size of the worms will increase.

18. Who's most likely to get worms?

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Children are more susceptible to getting intestinal worms. This is because they play in environments like sandboxes and playgrounds that are often contaminated. Senior and elderly adults are also at risk, because their immune systems are not as strong.

19. A lot of people have them and don't realize it

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The World Health Organization has said that approximately 24% of the world's population has worms. These infections are very common in tropical regions. If you are traveling to or live in a developing country, you are at a much higher risk, especially if you drink the water in these areas.

20. There are complications to watch out for

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If you have worms, you are more at risk for anemia and even intestinal blockages. Because the worms are literally feeding off your body, you might find yourself extremely malnourished. If you are pregnant, speak to your doctor to see which medication is safest for you to take during your pregnancy.

21. Should you call your doctor?

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As mentioned, there are a lot of worms that will result in no symptoms or very mild symptoms. However, it's super important to contact your doctor if you have any suspicion you might have worms. The earlier you get treated, the less complications and side effects you'll have.

22. Definitely see your doctor for these

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If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. Blood or pus in your stool, vomiting daily, elevated body temperature, extreme dehydration and fatigue., weight loss with no explanation, red and itching skin with a worm-shaped rash.

23. Let's talk about that for a second

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We've said that these worms primarily live in your intestines and make their way through your system. This is true, but it's not unknown for a worm to find its way to the surface of your skin. If you're having extreme itching and a rash that's worm-shaped, then it's possible the worm is near the surface of your skin. My classmate experienced this first hand with a cut on her arm. She picked at a white spot in the cut and pulled out a 3 foot worm! I have never recovered.

24. If your bottom is itchy, not a good sign

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If you have pinworms, you'll likely notice redness and extreme itching around your bottom. As mentioned, these worms can cause loss of sleep and appetite. Another common sign is irritability. Pinworms actually come out of the anus at night to lay eggs, they look like small white threads. You can see them if you look with a flashlight. This article is causing me so much stress.

25. There's a pork tapeworm

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Pork tapeworms have their own unique set of symptoms because the eggs enter your bloodstream and hatch in your tissues. They will form fluid-filled cysts. These cysts may cause vision changes, lumps on the skin, brain function changes, and even seizures!

26. Symptoms can sometimes be severe

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Some types of worms can affect the central nervous system causing harsher symptoms and consequences to your health. As mentioned, there can be sensory issues, vision and cognitive issues, and even mobility issues. This is why it's so important to keep an eye on anything that seems abnormal and see a doctor sooner than later!

27. Just a few more symptoms that might pop up

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Another sign you might have worms is if you're experiencing insatiable muscle aches or joint pain. If you have swelling of your face or eyes, or if you're having difficulty breathing, these could all be signs. We discussed diarrhea, but constipation can also be a sign, depending on where and how the worms are moving through your body!

28. You can do the Scotch-tape test

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There's a test known as the Scotch tape test. As we've said, these worms lay eggs around your bottom. You can apply a piece of tape to the anus multiple times and see if there are pinworms on the tape. These will need to be identified with a microscope.

29. The doctor can test for these

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Your doctor can also do a blood test to determine if you have a parasite. X-rays are also an option if needed. So if you have any of these symptoms, especially if you've traveled outside the US, then make a doctor's appointment for a stool evaluation.

30. How to prevent getting worms

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Okay, all of this sounded truly terrible. So if you want to avoid worms, then wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water, and practice good hygiene. Avoid eating raw fish (yes, even sushi) and other meats. Make sure you wash all of your fruits and vegetables, and if you drop something on the floor, wash, reheat or toss it.

31. Wash your hands before preparing food

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We know washing your hands more in general is a must to prevent worms, but definitely take more care to wash them for longer and more thoroughly before you prepare food! You might think because you went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago and washed your hands it's all good, but you could've touched more than you think since then!

32. Wash your hands after touching soil

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Of course, the most obvious place for worms to be prevalent is the soil, and things are easily spread if you're not washing your hands properly. So if you're very green-fingered and you spend a lot of time tending to your garden, make sure you're washing your hands every time they come into contact with soil.

33. Only drink bottled water in certain places

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There are certain places in the world that don't have modern sewage systems or toilets, like certain countries in Europe, and these can be high-risk areas for drinking water from a tap like you would at home. So make sure to drink bottled water only from these places.

34. Or boil your water first

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If it's not possible to drink water directly from a bottle and your only choice is water from a tap - or maybe a natural source of water if you're out camping or in an emergency situation - you should boil any water before consuming it to help prevent worm infections.

35. Make sure to keep on top of your pet worming

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Even though you might not think it's a risk for humans, pet worms can also be a problem for humans. It's very rare for it to happen, and it only applies to getting a certain type of worm, but it's still a risk, however low. So stay on top of your regular worming treatments for pets where applicable!

36. Get rid of pet poop as quickly as possible

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If you have a garden where you let your dog or cat poop, a litter box in the house for your cat or even puppy training mats where your dog is still doing their business in the house, make sure to be keeping on top of the cleaning routine to help prevent the risk of worm problems spreading!

37. If your grow your own veggies, take extra care washing them

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This applies to both washing your hands after you've been touching the soil and harvesting your veg, and washing the vegetables and fruit themselves after they've been in the ground. A thorough washing will make sure you can reduce the risk of worms as much as possible.

38. Be careful where your kids play

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If you're in a public place where there is a high percentage of dog or cat poop - which can easily happen in public parks and playgrounds, either from people not picking up after their pets, or stray dogs and cats doing their business wherever they want - them make sure your kids don't play near those areas to avoid the risk.

39. Don't walk barefoot in certain risky areas

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The same applies to the areas that you might be walking bare foot, as you also don't want to be kicking your shoes off in a place that could be wrought with dog or cat poop either, even if you think it's a nice day to take your socks off in the park or at the local beach!

40. Be careful with undercooked beef or pork

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There is a certain tapeworm that can be a risk to humans if they consume it, which comes from undercooked beef or pork. It's a condition called Taeniasis that can come from a tapeworm. So make sure to always double check how you've cooked your meat, and you may want to switch it up a few levels if you like your meat on the rare side!

41. How can you catch worms? Certain surfaces

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It's important to understand fully how you can actually catch worms, because it's not something many people think about being a risk during their everyday lives! If certain surfaces have worm eggs on them - such as unsanitary surfaces you've touched - this is a way you could get them.

42. Someone else who doesn't wash their hands

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The sad reality is no matter how much you're washing and scrubbing your hands until their shining clean, it only takes someone else with worms who hasn't washed their hands properly to still infect you! So you might want to be careful of whose hand you're shaking!

43. Touching soil with worm eggs

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As we said, soil is also a big risk if the soil is infected with worm eggs, but it's important to think about any soil being a risk. It's a very low risk if it's your home garden or garden center soil, for example, and bigger risks come from soil in countries without modern sewage systems.

44. Swallowing water with worm eggs

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Be sure to think about how you're drinking water when you're in other countries, too, as it also applies to restaurants and cafes if you're not ordering bottled water and these places don't have modern toilets or sewage systems. Do your research about the water supply before you visit a new place.

45. Baby worms from undercooked food

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Baby worms can also get into food even if it's been cooked correctly if it's a part of the world - or restaurant - that has very poor hygiene standards. Though undercooked food will be the biggest risk for baby worms being present, it's all the more risky if you're ordering meat out at a random restaurant in a different country that doesn't look very clean...

46. From pets

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As mentioned, pets are also a risk, even though it's a very low one - but it's not just your own. Make sure to be aware of all the pets you're spending time with, such as pets of friends and family who might not be up to date with the worming schedule, or even strangers' dogs at the park.

47. Keep your feet clean as much as you can

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Not only is keeping your feet clean a good practice for washing away any dirt or risk of infection, but it's also a good opportunity to check that everything looks okay down there! How often do you actually look at the bottom of your feet if you're not giving them a good wash? This will let you know whether there are any signs of worms.

48. Wear shoes as much as possible

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This might sound like a no-brainer but there are certain areas you might be a bit more 'free' with not wearing shoes - think public swimming pools, public lakes or ponds, walking through parks, or even if you're getting involved in runs or marathons that go through mud and dirt and gets in your shoes!

49. Treatment from a doctor is possible

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It's actually relatively easy to treat the worm problem once it's been diagnosed by a health professional. Usually, this will just be some medicine to take which can then take a few days to kick in before you'll naturally pass out the worms when you go the toilet - and you might not even see them!

50. Get other people in your household tested too

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It's important to remember that if you live closely with others - like sharing a bed with a partner or you're around children in the house - it's always worth them getting checked out too if you've been diagnosed with worms, because it's very easy to pass the infection on within a household.