10+ Signs It’s Time To Stop Drinking Coffee

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Ruins Your Sleep

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We all enjoy starting our mornings with a cup of coffee, but for many, this might be the reason behind our restless nights. The caffeine in coffee is notorious for disrupting our sleep patterns, especially if you're enjoying a cup during the afternoon or within the evenings.

Increased Anxiety

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Once you have consumed coffee, the feeling of being on edge isn't no coincidence. For some individuals coffee can trigger anxiety due to the high amount of caffeine. Reducing your coffee consumption can make you feel more relaxed and less likely to feel on edge, during the day.

Impacts Bowel Movements

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If you regularly drink lots and lots of coffee it can have adverse impacts on your digestive system. The harsh acid in coffee products, could lead your stomach feel twisted therefore disrupting your bowel movements. If you feel like this you should stop drinking so much coffee!

Causes Heart Palpitations

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Do you feel like your heart is beating fast after you drink coffee? The amount of caffeine in coffee is the reason, heart palpitations can be really uncomfortable but more concerning for those who suffer from heart problems. For those with those problems, it is important you reduce your coffee consumption.

Blood Pressure Rises

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When coffee is consumed it gives you a well needed boost but it also increases blood pressure, this may not seem like a big issue but for those who suffer from hypertension it is very important. You should always keep an eye on your blood pressure and act accordingly to keep safe.

Can Cause Dehydration

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The properties in coffee can lead to increased urine production, making you dehydrated. If you rely on coffee as your only source of hydration it can again, leave you feeling thirsty throughout the day. A small cup of water with your coffee can reduce the feeling of being dehydrated.

You Can Become Dependant

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When you don't have your coffee in the morning, do you ever feel tired and more unbalanced? This could be a sign that your body is dependant on coffee. Regular coffee has addictive qualities that can often leave you missing it, if you do not regularly consume it you'll probably be fine.

You Have Energy Crashes

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The feeling you get after having a coffee or the boost in energy, is down to the high amounts of caffeine. like with most energy drinks, the high point of energy always comes with a low point. The crashing feeling you experience is a sign that you should reduce your coffee consumption.

You Get The Jitters

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Shaky hands are just one common side effect of coffee. This can impact the way you go about your morning. To prevent this it is better to have a healthy breakfast, resulting in a calmer and steadier nervous system and therefore a much more enjoyable morning without the need for coffee.

Adjusts Your Mood

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As well a fluxes in your energy levels it is important to notice the sudden adjustments in mood. Coffee can have really bad effects on your mood throughout the day causing you too be angry or irritated. Noticing this is a good sign that you need to stop your coffee consumption.

Your Teeth Are Stained

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One of the most notable and visual effects of drinking coffee too frequently is the gradual staining of your teeth. The pigments within coffee can diminish the whiteness in your teeth, but also the confidence you have in yourself and your smile. Maybe cut back or keep very up to date with your oral hygiene.

It Can Cause Stomach Ulcers

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The acidity within coffee is well known to be quite harsh on the lining of your stomach. Over time, with constant consumption, this can actually lead to the development of stomach ulcers. These can make you incredibly uncomfortable so cut back to protect your digestive health.

Bone Strength Can Become Weakened

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You might not immediately associate the strength of your bones with coffee consumption but excessive caffeine intake can actually decrease your bone density. This can be even more concerning when it comes to you growing in age as maintaining strong bones in your older age is important.

Headaches Occur

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If you find yourself frequently suffering from headaches it might have something to do with your caffeine intake. Many people who choose to start their day with one or more cups of coffee can leave them feeling a little off. You don't want to have to be taking a load of drugs to sort yourself out!

It Could Decrease Fertility

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It's quite an unknown fact that high consumption of caffeine has actually been linked to reduced fertility in both males and females. If you're trying to conceive then you might want to reconsider some of your coffee habits; this could be the difference in safeguarding your own reproductive health.

Acid Reflux

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As you've probably worked out, coffee can actually have numerous issues when it comes to drinking too much coffee. One other form of discomfort that coffee can cause the body is acid reflux and heartburn which can be incredibly disruptive to the quality of your own daily life.

Bladder Irritation

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Another potential downside to drinking too much coffee is that it can irritate your bladder, especially in people that already have some existing issues. Cutting back on your coffee intake might mean you can lower the amount of trips you need to take to the bathroom throughout the day.

You Start To Become Stressed

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Ironically, even though coffee is often seen to be a stress-reliever, excessive consumption can actually lead to some heightened levels of stress. The jittery feeling you might have can end up leaving you pretty overwhelmed and that won't get any better if your heart rate keeps rising.

Gaining Weight

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So no, if you're just making coffee at home then you don't really need to worry about gaining too much weight. But, if you're always out buying them and adding extras sugar, creamers and flavored syrups then you probably aren't doing yourself any favours. Stick to a black coffee next time maybe.

Interfering With Nutrients

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Coffee can actually interfere with the absorption of some of the essential nutrients we need in our body. This interference can actually end up leading to you gaining some deficiencies in things like calcium and iron in the long run. If you value a well-rounded diet you might want to be careful.

Weakened Immune System

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Excessive caffeine intake, often as a result of too many coffees, can actually end up weaken the body's immune system. As you're probably aware, a weakened immune system can end up making you more susceptible to suffering from infections and illnesses which won't do you any favors.

Bad Breath

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While coffee might actually smell really good, especially as it's being made, it doesn't really smell too good when it's coming back out your mouth. The compounds in coffee can actually linger and then contribute to quite the unpleasant odour coming out of your mouth. No one wants bad breath!

Expensive to Buy

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If you're a coffee buyer, instead of a coffee maker, then you might realise that your indulgence is ultimately costing you quite a lot of money. The cost of buying coffee from cafes and even buying the beans to make coffee at home can actually end up causing a lot of strain on your budget.

Cholesterol Level Increased

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Coffee, especially coffee that is unfiltered, can actually contain a load of compounds that have the possibility to increase your cholesterol levels. These elevated levels can actually be very dangerous when it comes to health of your heart; so maybe you want to re-evaluate your intake.

Imbalance In Hormones

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For some people, excessive coffee intake can actually lead to some imbalances in hormones. This can appear in many ways such as disrupted menstrual cycles in woman or some altered levels of cortisol (which affect your stress levels). Reducing your coffee consumption might be the right choice here.

You're Pregnant

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Pregnant people need to be very cautious about what they let into their body and this includes caffeine. High caffeine intake during pregnancy has often been associated with some adverse outcomes like low birth weight or premature births. I'd probably recommend avoiding coffee or going decaf!

You Take Anti-Depressants

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There are some medications that don't mix well with caffeine and one of these are anti-depressants. The interaction they have can affect the effectiveness of the medicine or maybe even lead to some uncomfortable side effects. Always check the packaging or with your doctor if you're unsure.

Flavour Isn't Noticeable

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Sometimes, people actually end up drinking coffee every morning out of habit for a routine rather than for it's taste. If you notice you're drinking coffee for no reason and not really savouring the flavour that it offers you then you might want to re-evaluate the reasons behind what you're doing.

You've Already Had Three!

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Moderation is absolutely key when it comes to your coffee consumption. Whilst one or two cups can provide some form of a boost in energy, too many will only end up causing you some negative consequences. If you've already had too many cups in the morning then keep the coffee machine away.

A Cleaner Environment

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Caffeine addiction has an impact on more than just your body! It also places a strain on the natura resources in the world too! Imagine the amount of bottles, cans, cups and straws that have to be produced every single year to meet the demands of the caffeine addicted around the world!