Things Men Do That Women Actually Appreciate!

By Rylee 1 year ago

1. Helping around the house

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While most women believe it is their role to perform household tasks, men who help them with these chores have a special place in their hearts. House chores are stressful and repetitive. When your woman does the laundry, you could help her by doing another task like cleaning the dishes or cooking meals.

2. Commemorating special dates

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Women love memories. Special events that define sweet moments in their lives should never be forgotten. Always be alert. Mark your relationship anniversary date and her birthday. Set reminders to ensure that when these dates arrive, you’ll be able to inspire delight from her. Little details bring greater joy.

3. Immediate texting

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Sometimes, we are so busy and occupied by our tasks that it becomes difficult to respond to every message delivered to us. Although some women are understanding enough to withstand a little delay when texting you, being too detached makes them feel unimportant to you. Promptly replying to your girl's text makes her feel special.

4. Dancing together

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They say that dance is the poetry of the body. A subtle connection exists between two dancers who passionately enjoy a song together. Women love men who can dance. It shows that you are a free spirit. When you dance together with a woman, barriers break between the both of you, and the link is stronger. That’s it! Take salsa classes.

5. Public Displays of affection

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Holding your woman’s hands as both of you walk in public helps to affirm your affection for her. Sometimes women are plagued with doubts, wondering if you truly love them. Showing this love in public helps cement honesty. Do not shy away from hugging her in public or making lovely eye contact with her when others are watching. It warms her heart.

6. Respecting other people

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Respecting other people around you communicates your general character. How you treat waiters in the restaurants you visit or the random man on the street; your girl observes you. She will analyze your character to determine if you’ll behave well towards her. Furthermore, being respectful of others keeps you out of trouble.

7. Surprise her!

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Furnishing your woman with memories should not just be done on special days or events she expected. Valentine’s Day is a good day to organize a date, but there is a golden quality in surprising her on random days for no reason at all. Your woman least expects ultra-affection on boring days. Seize that moment and make her eyes dilate when the surprise comes.

8. Getting fascinated with her hobbies

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Women are repulsed by men who sneer at everything they love doing. One mistake men make when courting a woman is bashing a woman’s hobbies and making them mundane. Be different! You are probably not passionate about what she does, but you should take a little interest. Allow her to bother you with her passions.

9. Amazing recipes

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Men who can cook are amazing in ways they would not imagine. However, what makes a man glow brighter in his affection is cooking meals that are difficult to prepare. Exotic recipes need extra concentration and precision during preparation to discover their unique taste. Dedicating special recipes to your girl is a perfect way of impressing her.

10. Constant reassurance

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It may sound tiring and unnecessary, but affirming your love through words and constant expressions would further cement your relationship with a woman. Sometimes, your girl may feel like you are drifting away from her, even when that is not true. For this reason, communicating your feelings repeatedly helps foster her calmness.

11. Being honest

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Many relationships crumble because of lies. We may think there are degrees to this vice, but that’s not the case. Every lie is capable of ruining a relationship. The worst thing about lying is that another lie would be spun to protect an earlier one. And the chain reaction begins. Always tell the truth and never be tempted to conceal facts.

12. Being Cordial with her friends

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Women love boundaries and their friends are an important asset in their growth. For a woman to introduce you to her valued friends, it means that she is already in love with you. She wants you to join that web of her social support. The best thing you can do for her is acknowledge her friends and treat them warmly.

13. Listen attentively

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Do not erupt in a one-sided conversation every time you are with your girl. Sit calmly and pay attention to what she has to say. A lot of men miss a lot of details their girls express because they are not listening. For proper communication to occur between the both of you, learn to listen to what a woman says. It could save your relationship in the long run.

14. Sharing secrets

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Gaining the trust of someone remains a complex reality, even for lovers. Our past is riddled with embarrassing memories and things we would not share with anyone. Fear overwhelms us. What would they think about us if they learned about it? Whenever you disclose some of these secrets with your woman, it dawns on her that she needs to be responsible and never let it out.

15. Bedroom affairs

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Making love should not be a selfish affair. Many women reveal that the relationships they are involved in fail because they derive no sexual pleasure from it. And trust me, sexual matters will determine the emotional reality of your relationship. Be open-minded. Try out something else and see if she would like it. Add more skill to your resume until the act becomes special to her.

16. Warm kisses

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Let’s face it! Many guys out there suck at kissing. And if we are honest enough, kissing is not an easy skill. It requires emotional investment and proper technique. Do not consider it weird to check out videos that teach you how to do it properly. Men who can kiss their women passionately are unforgettable. Make it an art!

17. Getting along with her family

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Family is an essential aspect of a girl’s life. Why shouldn’t it be? She has grown up with these folks, and she adores and respects them despite their little weaknesses. But some men find some of their girls’ relatives overbearing. You could be tempted to disrespect them or demand dissociation. Don’t! Those folks matter to her; you need to be in their good books.

18. Celebrating her achievements

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In the modern world, women have progressed considerably in fields initially associated with men. It does a woman great injustice to snuff out her dreams just because a man she loves feels insecure. Supporting your woman’s lofty dreams endears you to her. It doesn’t matter if she achieves more than you; be there for her and show you are proud.

19. Being mindful of your hygiene

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Body odor, ashy skin, foul breath, and untidy hair are abhorrent features in a man that women don’t like. A man who is not mindful of his hygiene appears to be a careless individual. No serious person can disregard his health in this manner. Eat a proper diet and invest in sanitary products to keep you in the good books with your girl.

20. Cuddling her

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Cuddling your girl in bed at night is an underrated skill. Holding her at night communicates affection and body attraction. Men love intimate physical touch with women they adore. On the other hand, women love being touched intimately. Cuddling helps to keep her warm and safe too. Practise it!

21. Understanding her feelings

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Being emotionally connected to your woman inspires her utmost appreciation. Your woman experiences situations that distress her a lot. Observe her mood and attitude. If she is in low spirits, inquire what bothers her. Make assurances to her so that you can assuage her melancholic disposition. You should always know when something is not right.

22. Being intelligent

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Conversations with your girl require a clear mind and aptness in different affairs. Don’t be a daft man! Keep up with the news, current affairs, world events, and other topics you are not passionate about. It helps you to contribute fascinating ideas on the topics you discuss and platforms you as a dependable human being.

23. Gifts! Gifts! Gifts!

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Selecting gifts to offer your woman is a tough thing to do. We are anxious about not impressing them enough or getting something invaluable in their eyes. Our greatest wish is to get them gifts that resonate with the deepest part of them. For this reason, you need to be invested in a relationship to know what your girl would love. And gift it to her abundantly.

24. Respecting differences

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While it is true that love brings out the similarities between two people, it is incontestable that we differ on many other things in life. This includes politics, musical genre, religion, and culture. These differences must be respected. If your girl believes something deeply, it is condescending to demand she abandon it for her worldview.

25. Introducing her to your social support

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Women know how important friends and family are to their boyfriends. These are individuals who have nurtured us since we were young, helped us through tough times, and made our lives meaningful. Introducing a woman to your friends and family helps to affirm your attachment to her. She knows that you’ve linked them to other valuable people because she too, is valuable.

26. Protecting her dignity

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Women know how important friends and family are to their boyfriends. These individuals have nurtured us since we were young, helped us through tough times, and made our lives meaningful. Introducing a woman to your friends and family helps to affirm your attachment to her. She knows you’ve linked them to other valuable people because she is also valuable.

27. Being Hilarious

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It is good to be serious and sober during important discussions, but being too grim kills the vibe. Be light in your conversation once in a while. Employ some wit in your remarks, dig in some jokes when your girl least expects it, and be open to her funny statements. Humor keeps your relationship interesting and colorful. Use it!

28. Taking charge

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Women need someone they can depend on financially, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Being a man demands that you make crucial decisions in difficult affairs. For this reason, you need to be wise and calculative. Observe situations keenly to determine if they require your input. Women love problem-solvers who stand out when tough times come.

29. Being stylish

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This is obvious. And yet, few men take it seriously whenever they are in a relationship with a woman. Dressing properly instills confidence in your woman. She will not be afraid of going out with you, challenging her to blend with your style by improving her elegance. Have a unique theme that will identify your character and suave.

30. Artistic expression

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Art is an invaluable way of expressing our feelings for those we love. Paintings, poetry, music, even sculpture. Women love beautiful objects, and there is no better way to show your love for them than crafting something artistic. Unveil your poetic prowess, compose songs in her honor, and gloriously paint her on canvas. She will never forget it!