30 Things We Only See At Night

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Stars In The Sky

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As the day turns in to night one of the most striking things that we can see in our night sky is that of the glorious stars that illuminate it. Across what looks like canvas of darkness, we are given these little specks of light that could show us a path in to the past, whilst reminding us how small we really are.

The Moon

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Not only do the stars appear at night, but also our earth's loyal companion, the moon as well. Throughout the stages of a month you will also see the moon in it's various phases too. It really is one of the wonders of the sky and one that we pretty much never get bored of looking at.

Other Planets

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It isn't just the moon that we can see in our skies either, although seeing other planets can be quite uncommon. If you're incredibly lucky, or you keep up to date with astronomy, then you'll know that sometimes you can catch a sight of some of the other planets out there alongside our moon, like Venus and Jupiter.

Meteor Showers

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The night's sky really can throw up some beautiful sights and ones that people wait decades to see for themselves. If you're lucky, you might be able to catch this crazy cosmic event, when a load of shooting stars streak across the sky surrounded by one another, it's mental!

Street Lights Turned On

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When our day turns to night and we no longer have the daylight to support our vision, we have to rely on some additional lights to keep us moving. These urban lights might seem mundane, but they help ensure that we can navigate through the streets without getting lost.


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One of the most recognisable symbols of those late summer nights is nature's own living lanterns, the Fireflies. These insects, emit some of the most amazing bioluminescent lights which creates this mesmerizing effect. It can be quite the nostalgic experience for someone who enjoys looking out in to their garden at night.

Owls (Kind Of)

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We all associate owls with being creatures of the night and although you might spot them in the day, they really come out during the darkness. Although their hoots can appear quite ghostly and eerie, it's their elusive nature during the day that makes spotting them at night so rewarding.


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Owls aren't the only flying creatures that like to creep out at night, bats thrive in the darkness too. Thanks to their reliance on echolocation they don't have to worry about navigating without light and although many people are frightened of these little guys, they aren't that bad.

The Northern Lights

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If you live in the northern hemisphere then you might be lucky enough to feast your eyes on one of the most breathtaking natural spectacles. These lights are able to travel all the way across the sky and remind us that even in the outer reaches of our planet, in the obscure north, earth is still beautiful.


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At certain periods of the year you might notice these large fires in and around your local towns and villages. There's something about a bonfire that just seems to bring people together as the high flames crackle amongst the backdrop of the dark night sky. It's quite the nostalgic experience too.


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Another type of fire you might spot in the late hours of the day is that of a campfire, the true sign of a night-time gathering. Whether it's at a campsite around a tent, or just in the back garden to watch the day fade away, we can all connect with one another whilst we're huddled around one of these.

Firework Displays

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I've mentioned a few natural things that light up the night sky, but fireworks are typically are best man-made efforts to do so. From simple firework displays to the amazing new year fireworks we see around the world, they can come in all shapes and sizes and leave us in awe.


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As you look up into the night sky, if you're lucky, you might be able to spot the international space station floating out in space. It's quite the sight and shows you quite simply how crazy it is that we managed to travel out of the earth's atmosphere in such a way. I wonder if they look down on us?

Car Headlights

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Although some neglectful people choose to not turn their headlights on, these car beams become incredibly important in regards to our own safety at night. They help drivers navigate through the darkness whilst also allowing other drivers to adapt appropriately to keep themselves safe too.

Reflection Of Lights On Water

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Although bodies of water can be quite terrifying for many people as it is, they can become even more menacing at night. As the image above shows, certain sources of light, like the moon, can create quite mesmerizing images upon the surface. Some might be nice whilst others can be daunting.

Airplane Navigation Lights

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Have you ever looked up into the night sky and spotted those plane lights flying through the sky? These are very important as they are useful in guiding the aircraft as the beacons could be visible from the ground. It's also show us how small those 'huge' planes are in the grand scheme of things.

Lighthouse Lights

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Along the coastlines around the world we'll see these huge flashing towers, acting almost as guardians of the seas. Their sweeping lights are beautiful but are more importantly essential in ensuring that ships stay away from areas of shoreline that could be treacherous in regards to their safety.


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Yes, I know that this telescope is out during the day, but if you want to see anything useful using one, you need to look through it at night. They are great little gadgets that can be used to reveal some of the more intricate details of our universe that the naked eye just can't see.

Glow In The Dark Toys

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Although us adults (most of us) won't be playing with toys at night, many children enjoy playing around with glow in the dark toys. These cool little creations often emit a weird glow that can come in the form of a handheld toy to something you stick on a child's wall to make sure their room isn't TOO dark.

Night Blooming Flowers

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Did you now that there are some flowers out there that actually awaken in the darkness instead of during the hours of sunlight? The cereus flower, pictured above, is one of those flowers that unfurl their petals and release their fragrances during the hours in which the moon is in charge.

Lit Up Billboards

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Billboards have long been used around the world to advertise products or productions and at night a lit up billboard can be quite the sight. Illuminated giant billboards can actually illuminate large areas including cityscapes and create quite the vibrant colour scheme to light up the night sky.

Neon Shop Window Signs

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Although some neon signs in shop windows can look a little bit tacky, if they're done right they can look extremely appealing. The electric vibes they are able to give off might be just what a passer-by needs to be drawn in to enter the establishment and secure whatever it is they offer.

Open Nightclubs

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When the moon is high, and the darkness takes over, the availability of nightclub entrances become all the more possible. Night-time is truly when the party people can get outside and enjoy themselves. You might be drawn in by any of the bright lights or loud music you see coming from the place.

Openly Drunk People

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As the night progresses and people are out on the drink, it becomes all the more likely that you'll run into some people openly drunk on the street. Most of the time they're absolutely harmless and just can't stop having a laugh, but you should always keep yourself safe around the drunk.

People Urinating On The Street

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One of the regrettable things that people choose to do when they've had a drink or when they think no one is looking is urinating. You don't tend to see this during the day, but at night people tend to think that they have full reign over what they can and can't do when they're enveloped in darkness.

Empty Roads

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In the quiet hours of the night, one of the most calming things you'll notice is that there isn't the constant sound of revving engines and cars zooming around the roads. For the most part, roads get much quieter and less busy during the hours in which people are usually getting some z's.

Botts' Dots

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You know those weird little reflective markers that line the highway and some roadways? That's a Bott's dot. Some other countries like the UK call them cats eye but either way, you'll only see them in full effect once the sun has gone down and people are driving with their lights on.

Queues For Takeaways

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If there's one thing I know all of us can agree on, it's that we all get those late night cravings and want something to eat. These cravings often result in hefty queues building outside of eateries at night as groups of people patiently (or impatiently) wait for the comfort fix.

Lots Of Uber's

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Although the roads can be very empty in the late hours of the day, one thing you might see on the roads a LOT are Uber's. Transport can become a little more difficult at night and Uber's have become quite the popular mode of transport when it comes to returning home after a couple of drinks.

House Lights On

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If you're walking down a dark street at night, even if the streetlights are on it can be quite frightening. But there's just something about seeing the warm glow of a house light (inside or outside) that just seems to offer more of a sense of security than anything else could do so.