The Dirtiest Corners Of Our Homes That We Never Would Have Guessed

By Jessica O'Neil 1 year ago

Behind the fridge

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When was the last time you moved the fridge? Depending on where it is in your kitchen, probably never. The small areas can collect dust, old food scraps, paper, coins, and even mold. Moving it once a month prevents buildup that can cause a horrific smell when left for too long.

Around the toilet

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The inside of the toilet can be a real-life nightmare, but the floor around and behind the toilet is likely filled with the most bacteria in the whole bathroom. Sweeping and mopping frequently is crucial and shouldn’t be skipped in this room especially.

Under the bed

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Eating a few Reese’s before bed and can’t seem to find the wrappers when you wake? They’ve probably collected under your bed, amongst other items you’ve been missing for quite some time. Whenever you’re missing something essential, this is likely the place where it resides.

Between the couch cushions

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The couch cushions hold a bounty of treasure. Expect to find at least ten dollars, a few forks, your old driver’s license, and plenty of hair ties. This spot can get extra grimy, so be sure to vacuum the area thoroughly during your weekly cleaning session.

Your toothbrush holder

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Spit, toothpaste, you name it. It’s all collected in and around your toothbrush holder. Bacteria that collects here can easily get in your mouth, so check it for mold and other dirt flecks and clean it often. It’s also recommended to change out your toothbrush every three months.

Air vents

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The vents in your home, especially in your kitchen, can be full of dust and harmful grease. If your ceilings are on the higher side, you may not clean them as often as necessary, making this one of the most dirty, neglected places in your home. Vent covers should be wiped down at least once a month.

The kitchen sponge

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The amount of bacteria that can form on a damp kitchen sponge can make your "clean" dishes just as dirty as before you washed them. You should consider changing out your sponges every week, with two weeks being the maximum amount of time you should keep it around.

The showerhead

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The showerhead isn’t always recognized as dirty because you don’t end up moving it too much. But, this item can collect a fair share of mold, which is terrible for your lungs, skin, and hair. Be sure to clean this thoroughly whenever you tend to your bathroom.

The bathroom drain

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The bathroom drain has seen a lot, and it’s likely pretty clogged with hair, dead skin, and more. This is yet another spot in your home that can allocate mold if not cleaned regularly. Consider getting a cover for the drain to prevent hair from getting stuck in it.

The coffee maker

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Since you’re regularly drinking the liquid from the coffee maker, don’t forget to make sure the water is actually drinkable. Some people who don’t use the coffee maker all the time can forget that mold easily grows in warm, wet environments. Don’t get caught up drinking poisonous java first thing in the morning.

Around the washer and dryer

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The things in your home that provide the most sanitation can also be ground zero for grossness. Errant half-wet socks are found under the machine, dried detergent clings to the floor, and dryer lint is definitely collected in piles you can barely reach.

Above the cabinets in the kitchen

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Remember those box tops you were supposed to take to school 16 years ago? Well, they’re perched happening atop your kitchen cabinets, waiting to be put to good use. Now that box tops are virtually extinct, it’s time to clear off the area once and for all. There’s probably a ton of stuff up there you don’t need, including immeasurable amounts of dust and dirt, so get to cleaning today!

Under the stove

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This is definitely one of the filthiest places in your home. The ghost of breakfast, lunch, and dinner’s past is lurking in the shadows of your most used kitchen appliance. This can attract insects, so it’s important to reach under the stove with a vacuum and extract all the dirt that is hiding there.

Around your game console

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Your PS5 hasn’t been turned off or moved since you purchased it, which means there is probably an insane amount of dust and other debris around the console. Roaches and other insects have been known to hide in the machine as well, so regularly keeping the area clean will save you a headache or two in the long run.

Your bookshelf

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Let’s face it, your bookshelf is full, and you sure aren’t flipping through every single one of those pages every day. This means the shelves and the books are probably covered in dust, and if you aren’t able to control the humidity in your home very well, the paper can get moldy as well.

The stair railing

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Dirty fingers and germs galore cover every square inch of your stair railing. This is especially true if you have kids since their hygiene isn’t exactly perfect. Wiping down the railing every day is an easy way to prevent you and your family from getting sick.

The shower curtain

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This filth is pretty visible, but you may ignore it because it appears pink or red rather than a gross brown or green. Nonetheless, these items get moldy, and as soon as you notice it, its best to get a new one. It looks better and it is much healthier than having a moldy item in a humid area.

Your laptop

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Your computer follows you every, and during transport, it collects dirt and debris just like any other item. A laptop can gather debris between the keys and in the crevice between the screen and keyboard. Try to wipe it down every day, especially if you use your computer for multiple hours a day.

Your pet’s eating area

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Dogs slobber, and they do it in large quantities. The food and water bowls and probably covered in slime and chewed up food by the end of the day, and you’re probably not washing the bowls out after every use. This makes the eating area of your pet a pretty nasty zone most of the time.

The shoe rack

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Your whole week is on the shoe rack. This includes every bathroom you’ve stepped in and every train station you’ve walked through. Regularly washing your shoes and cleaning out the rack prevents you from tracking potential poop and other hazardous things into your home.

Window blinds

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The blinds are a hugely neglected part of your house that you might not even think twice about. Since they tend to be tucked behind the curtains, it’s easy to not realize just how dusty and unkempt they can get. Wiping them off every month or two will keep them fairly dust free for a while.

Your vanity/makeup area

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Your full face beat is a dirtier task than you’d expect. Your mascara tubes may be filled with lash mites, your foundation has been picked and prodded at with unclean hands, and those brushes haven’t seen the sink since last spring. This area deserves more than an occasional wiped-down.

The dish-drying rack

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Clean dishes can create a pretty big mess. If you have a towel or mat under the rack, the area may be damp frequently. When the towel or mat does not dry fully or is not cleaned properly, you can expect a putrid smell to arise or some unfriendly growth to appear.

Around and on the bathmat

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The floor is a dirty place in general, and the fibers of the bathmat collect all the debris your bathroom holds throughout the day. Litter can get stuck in the mat, which means urine and fecal matter is definitely present. Switch it out often or toss it in the washer at least once a week.

The hamper

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Since the hamper is full of dirty clothes, it only makes sense that it is not exactly the cleanest place in the house. You should avoid putting clean clothes into a hamper that has stored the dirty ones. Instead, have two separate hampers for your laundry needs.

Your garbage disposal

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Raise your hand if you remembered to clean out your garbage disposal this week! Don’t feel bad if you didn’t even flinch a finger. Many people forget that the garbage disposal needs regular emptying, which is why this is probably the most gunk filled part of your kitchen.

The light switches

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You touch these without thinking every day, and you could be missing these spots when you clean your home. A simple disinfectant wipe will do the job. Don’t forget to do this after handle foods like raw chicken, since salmonella can make you terribly sick.

The microwave

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Ah, the microwave. It’s been there for you when you have a late-night popcorn craving or to heat up your lukewarm cup on tea on a stormy night. The splatter of your leftovers creates fickle grime that is pretty hard to clean and requires a good amount of elbow grease.

Your fan

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Have you noticed your fan hasn’t been working to the fullest capacity? Before you toss it in the trash, it may just be dusty and require some cleaning. It is good to maintenance this appliance weekly so you aren’t breathing in harmful particles or getting inflamed with allergens.

The kitchen faucet

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Washing your dishes or cleansing your meat in the sink flings bacteria and old food around, which can cling to your kitchen faucet. If you tend to drink from the tap, you can be consuming a concerning amount of bacteria if you don’t take care to wash the faucet often.