Things Only People Who Wear Glasses Will Understand

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Hot Foods

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Hot foods like soups, stews and noodles are just a pain when you have your glasses on. You go in for that first bite and suddenly, the fog descends. There are many products designed to stop glasses from fogging up, however they rarely ever work properly!

Issues In The Dark

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Imagine you hear a noise in the night, so decide to jump out of bed and investigate. The only issue being, you can't see a thing because you've taken your glasses off to get some sleep. This is a real nightmare that plagues us all too often to be honest.

No Masks

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Face mask? Balaclava? Forget it. As soon as you slip on any form of face covering, your breath causes your specs to fog up, rendering them useless straight away. This is such a pain, made even worse for people who often wear face coverings, like motorcyclists.

3D Movies

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Unless you are lucky enough to live near a cinema that offers the clip on 3D glasses, then 3D movies are just a no go. No one likes sitting there wearing two pairs of glasses, it's super uncomfortable and does make you look like a bit of a real weirdo!

Eye Makeup

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Some classy eye makeup looks great under your glasses, but how do you apply eye makeup if you can't really see what you're doing? You end up sitting an inch from the mirror, and can only judge your work properly once it's done and there's no going back.

Face Filters

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Face filters or facial recognition systems and glasses do not go hand in hand. Although some facial ID systems do allow you to wear your glasses, they sometimes just completely forget your face. We all know the hell of getting new glasses and waiting for your phone to relearn your face.

Fake Lashes

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Is there a more irritating feeling than spending an age applying some false eyelashes, only for them to constantly catch and brush against the frame and lenses of your glasses. This is made even worse when you have paid for false lashes, it seems such a waste.

The Fear Of Contacts

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So many people who wear glasses agree, contact lenses are super freaky. How can anyone just willingly stick their finger into their eye? What if the contact lens gets stuck? If I sleep in them i'll go blind? No thanks, i'm definitely not taking any chances.

Flash Glare

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This is a major issue for those of us who like a selfie. The glare from the screen reflects back onto out glasses! It is even worse in a group photo, especially when the camera is taking pictures with the flash on, you stand out even more if you're the only one in glasses.


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A new pair of glasses is ridiculously expensive! And why do some people get the gift of perfect sight for free, when some of us literally have to pay money to be able to see! It seems super unfair, and the money that is charged is absolutely mind bending.


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Fancy doing a bit of home cooking? Good luck opening that pot. A face full of steam leaves you blind for the next five minutes, unless you take them off to give them a wipe. When you have been cooking, this normally leaves them streaky, so maybe it's best to go in blind.

Forgetting They're There

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Everyone who wears contacts has done this at one point or another. You have your contacts in, but completely forget, so put on your glasses. For a brief moment, the world is in hyper high definition, but you need to take them off again to save your eyes from damage. Damn it!

In The Way At The Gym

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When you hit the gym, glasses just get in the way.When you run on the treadmill, they bounce around and threaten to leave your face. If you are on the weights, they get all sweaty and you can't see a thing. It really is a lose lose situation, maybe try contacts at the gym?

Night Glare

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A night time drive down the highway is actually pretty peaceful... unless you wear glasses to drive. The glare from passing headlights and the tail lights up ahead can be more or less blinding, sometimes the drive ends up as mostly guess works and it's a miracle we make it.

In The Way At Work

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When you work a manual job, glasses are such a hindrance. They get in the way when you lift stuff up, when you need to move quickly you're paranoid that they're gonna fall off and the last thing you want is to break them and have to fork out a fortune for a new pair.

Lying On Your Side

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Yeah there is just no point even attempting this is there. Lying on your side should be left to those lucky enough to have perfect vision, or the blind. We all think we have found a way round the glasses slip, but be honest, it always ends up the same way.

Too Big?

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Its super natural to wonder if your glasses are too big for your face sometimes, but other times a new pair just end up feeling way too massive. Sometimes they fall off your face or just don't feel secure. Sometimes the actual lenses just feel like huge TV's!

OMG You Must Be Blind!

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OMG YoU aRe So bLiNd..... says the person who has asked to try your glasses on, even though they see you in glasses every single day and know that they are worn to improve eyesight. If I was able to see well enough, why would I need glasses Einstein?

People Ask To Try Them

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People 'asking' is a bit of a rarity. Normally, people say 'oooh can I try your glasses on' and before you get to chance to answer they are ripped from your face, leaving you feeling like a mother bird who has had her chick cruelly taken by a bird snatcher.

New Glasses Feeling

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Ahh that new glasses feeling. It's like getting a fresh pair of trainers, but even better. Your confidence is at an all time high and you feel like your glasses turn you into the style icon you always knew you had the potential to be. Absolutely bliss.

Finding The Right Color

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Finding the right color is a bit like walking a tightrope. You do not want to go for the standard black frames like you always do, but in the same breath, you don't want to pick something too outlandish that is going to clash with all of your outfits.

Scared To Put Them Down

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Due to the costs and inconvenience of getting a new pair of glasses, it just doesn't feel safe to leave them anywhere that isn't your face. Going for a shower is always an ordeal filled with the thoughts of the worst possible scenarios... what if they suddenly just catch fire?


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As soon as the rain starts coming down, you know that you are in for a world of cleaning, cleaning and re cleaning. The rain not only blocks your vision, but also leaves streaky rain marks on your lenses. It's just such a faf, someone should do something about that rain!

Prescription Sunglasses

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Okay, so this is a win for the glasses wearer. Prescription sunglasses, although expensive, prevent us from having to wear glasses over glasses and make the whole ordeal of going out in the sun far better. This is a product definitely worth the investment.


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Picking the right style can be a pain, and everyone will have different opinions on what suits you best. When you decide on a new style, go for something timeless, but make sure most importantly that they are a pair of glasses that you love, you'll be in them every day!

Eye Doctor

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Going to the eye doctor is never fun. You get a host of bright lights shone in your face, followed by an (undeserved) grilling. And after the whole painful process is over, you get a hefty bill. Thanks very much doc, shall I beat myself up on the way out too?

Wrong Lenses

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Although they might just seem annoying, the wrong lenses can actually cause some serious damage to your delicate eyes. If you are given the wrong strength, your eyes become lazy, meaning they will never get stronger and you'll always need to wear glasses.

Whose Vision Is Worse?

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This game is a classic between glasses wearers. You all swap specs and decide once and for all who really does have the worst eyes. All the glasses tend to be quite similar, until you get round to that one friend who has effectively been wearing jam jars!

Too Tight

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Although it is annoying and uncomfortable, glasses that are too tight are a pretty easy fix. You just need to heat up the arms of the glasses and mold them into a wider shape. Best to get this done professionally rather than over the kitchen gas stove though.

You Look So Different

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Every glasses wearer knows how different you look without them. It can be strange to think about, but they become such a permanent feature on our face, we look weird without them. Also, anyone else think their eyes look really small without? No, just me?