30 Things To Consider Before Hiring A Lumberjack

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Nesting Birds

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Birds nesting in your tree is a special treat, as many of them chose to nest in more quiet and remote locations. Make sure you do not disturb birds and their babies by chopping down trees or using loud equipment, you wouldn't want to injure a baby bird!

Blocking The Light

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Are the trees outside your home blocking the light and making your interior space feel gloomy and dark? If so, it is worth considering if a lumberjack could help rectify this situation and bring some natural light into the home in a quick and easy way.

Could You Do It Yourself

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A do it yourself attitude goes hand in hand with being a homeowner, as if you don't work on the house yourself you have to pay for someone to come in. Consider the cost vs whether you could do the work yourself, and see if it is worth trying yourself.

Hand Axe

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A hand held axe is cheaper than a large felling axe and certainly cheaper than an electric or petrol chainsaw. Hand axe's are also fairly self explanatory to use, as in you swing and chop. Consider buying a good piece of kit so it will last you a lifetime.


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Before you hire a lumberjack, make sure to weigh up the cost. Lumberjacks are specialists in what they do and require lots of expensive training. Although they may be costly, the price is often reflected in the work so can be worthwhile in the long run.


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Lumberjacks will often leave a lot of mess behind, as scraps of branches and bark tend to go flying left right and center. Consider keeping the scraps, for a bonfire or even for a woodworking project, they could prove more valuable than you think. Be mindful of waste in this modern world!


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Although a good chainsaw can be costly, they save you time in the long run. It is worth not skimping on brand and type of saw, as cheap chainsaws often leave messy cuts and the blades tend to wear down much quicker than the more expensive counterparts.

Ear Defenders

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If you decide to go for a chainsaw, or even a large axe, then ear defenders are a must. No matter what, you can not pay to have your hearing repaired, so look after it. A good set of ear defenders will last for life, so invest in a good quality pair.

Eye Protection

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Wood chippings are like tiny, eye destroying grenades. Do not, under any circumstance, start attempting to take down a tree without eye protection. Lumberjacks use specialist goggles, so it might be worthwhile getting the pro's in to save your eyesight.

Hidden Dangers

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A hidden danger in the tree could cause your chainsaw to get snagged, or even backfire and hit you! A lumberjack will know what to look out for and know how to deal with dangerous objects lodged in the trees. If in doubt, arrange for a lumberjack to have a look.

How Long Does It Take

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A professional lumberjack works at height and with trees all day everyday, so no matter how keen of a gardener you are, you wont be able to work faster than a lumberjack. Why not work from home and let them crack on during a working day, that way you don't lose your weekend!


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Working up a ladder is scary and dangerous. A professional lumberjack works at heights all day, so is used to the sensation. They also use professional standard climbing equipment, to limit the dangers and catch them in case they slip and fall from a height.

Fruit Tree

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Is your tree a fruit tree? If so, why not keep the tree, or relocate it to somewhere else in the garden. Fruit trees are tricky to grow, so if you have one that regularly bares fruit why not reconsider hiring a lumberjack and hang on to it for a while?

Wildlife Haven

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Many trees offer food, shade and protection for wildlife, so have you considered the impact removing a tree may have? Many unseen insects and animals live in the trees, so make sure that its removal is for the greater good of the eco system in your garden.


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Some plants and trees are particularly rare, and may even be protected. This means that even if you want to remove a specific tree, you may be prohibited by your local government. Make sure to check this before you hire a lumberjack to avoid disappointment.


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A tree is a symbol of the years gone by, and some trees just seem to be so full or character and life. A tree might seem stagnant, but many are the heart and soul of the neighborhoods, so consider this before you take to it with an axe and cut it down.

Too Close?

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If a tree grows too close to your property, it has the potential to damage foundations, walls, windows and even the roof of your home. Make sure to get your home assessed by a surveyor before hiring a lumberjack to see if their services are really needed.


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Cultural significance can be overlooked when it comes to garden maintenance, but it is one of the most important things we need to consider. Think about if your tree is the best for climbing, and if people have formed core memories around it. Consider then if it is worth removing...

Is It Yours

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Before you do anything, make sure the tree is actually located on your property. If it is not and you still want it taken down, check with your neighbors and local council to see who owns the tree. Once you have contacted the owner, then you can arrange its removal.


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If a tree looks like it could be due to fall soon, make sure it is properly assessed by a lumberjack. They may recommend removing the tree before it falls naturally, as they can control the fall and make sure it does not damage property or belongings.


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Any good and reputable arborist or lumberjack will check which parts of the tree are healthy before they start any type of removal. This is because lumberjacks do not want to remove a tree if it can be helped, as they know the value of leaving them be!


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No matter which way you cut it, a lumberjack is going to make a bit of a mess. This can not be helped and is just a part of the process. If you are a keen gardener, ask if you can keep the chippings as they are a great addition to top soil and borders.

Power Cables

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You do not want to get yourself caught up on the power cables. If you have a tree that runs anywhere near them, make sure to hire the professionals. They may be able to talk with the city to have the power turned off, as it is not something you want to take a chance on.


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Sitting in the shade is a great way to relax with a picnic or a good book. Have a think about if you want a tree removing, as although it will flood your garden with light it may remove that little patch of solace and rest-bite that we all sometimes desperately need.


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Some lumberjacks will not remove the stump of the tree, and you may need to hire a stump removal specialist. Make sure to consider the stump, as they can often have small sharp branches which could pretty easily injure pets, small children or even you!


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A lumberjack will bring all of their own kit to ensure they do a professional and safe job. Considering the amount of kit they use, and the cost of all of this, it might well actually work out cheaper to hire someone to do the work than to buy all of the kit yourself.

Damage To Cars

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A dead or dying tree is likely to topple at any moment, so make sure you assess this risk and move your car out of the way if needs be. A lumberjack will likely warn you if there is going to be any issues with your car in the way... but best to move it just in case.

Fall Direction

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By cutting a notch into one side of the tree, a lumberjack can carefully fell a tree in a very specific direction. This means that they can avoid things like fences and properties, which in turn makes the whole process a lot less messy and easier in general.

Roof Damage

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If your tree is losing branches regularly and it is starting to damage your home, it might be worth considering the services of a lumberjack. This could be a sign that the tree is on the way out and might be dying, so it's worth getting it sorted before it comes down.


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Once you have had a tree removed, start to consider its replacement. Your lumberjack will be able to recommend the best tree for the space and should be able to give you in depth and accurate care instructions for looking after your new addition to the garden.