30 Reasons Why A Guard Dog Is Better Than An Alarm System

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago


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This is a fairly obvious one, but a dog basically has an in built alarm system known as barking. A dogs bark is a big deterrent for burglars, as they cant see the size or type of dog that is barking, only hear the bark. A barking dog wakes you up instantly, and if they are loud enough they may also alert neighbors to the fact that something is wrong.

Sensitive Hearing

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The hearing that dogs have is hundreds of times better than that of a human. Dogs can hear people whispering and sneaking about, whereas us humans only hear things happening when its too late. Dogs also learn to recognize patterns, so if the same car door closes at a certain time each night they aren't as likely to bark as they will be used to this noise.

Guard Duty

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A dog on guard duty can be a scary sight, especially for criminals. A dog on guard is going to bark at whoever should not be on the property, and may even attack or chase intruders away. Even the sight of a patrolling German Shepherd or Rottweiler is enough to force burglars to look elsewhere, even if they are big soft dogs at heart!


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If specifically trained, provoked or attacked, dogs will attack intruders. This includes biting and scratching potential criminals, forcing them to flee the scene of a break-in. The fact a dog will attack an intruder is great for homeowners, as it provides that split second of decision making time needed whilst the dog handles the burglar, normally with their jaws wrapped around body parts!


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Many break in attempts happen under the cover of darkness, as it is easier for criminals to move around and slip away undetected. At night, dogs like to curl up somewhere warm and hide themselves away for protection. This is bad news for criminals, as many dogs will appear from nowhere and begin to bark, forcing them to leave the scene in a hurry!

Care For Other Pets

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If you have other pets, your dog will care for them like they are their children or siblings. This love comes out in full force when an intruder breaks in, especially if they try to harm or steal the other pets. Dogs will not allow this to happen without a fight, and normally resits attackers for long enough to allow you to come and see whats going on

Night Vision

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A little known fact is that dogs have excellent night vision when compared to humans. Dogs can see far further in the dark and make out tiny details and disturbances that we can not see with the human eye. This means that for night time patrols, dogs are the ultimate night watch staff. They keep an eye on things throughout the night and bark at any disturbances.


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Whilst dogs are protective and potentially aggressive towards intruders, they are also goofy and lovable for the rest of the time with their family. Dogs love nothing more than to play, and do not want to have to deal with someone encroaching on their space. A goofy four legged pal is a great family companion and huggable best friend for you and the little ones.


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Your dog could be the most lovely, kind pet in the world. However, a glowing pair of eyes and a nasty snarl coming from a pitch black room is enough to chill any intruder to the bone, and force a swift exit. Your dog may be the perfect pet, but they can look menacing to the uninitiated and cause a great deal of worry and fear to intruders and criminals.

Protective Of Children

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Dogs have this uncanny ability to know that babies and children are exactly that, babies and children. Dogs know that they need more protection than adults and often treat younger people with more care. Many dogs actually play more gently with young children compared to adults, as they view them as puppies rather than as people. how crazy is that?

Fun Activities

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For the rest of the time that a dog in not on guard duty, they are the perfect companion to take with you on fun activities. Whether it be camping in the woods or a dip in the lake, dogs make for, well, mans best friend. Even the most highly strung guard dogs know when to relax and have some fun, so why not treat them to a nice day at the beach or walk in the woods?


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Cuddles are great, and dogs never really grow out of loving a cuddle. Puppies spend the first months of their lives cuddling and it is how they show us affection. Your dog may cuddle or lie on top of you, bring you toys or try and snuggle in as close as they can get. This is all good and signs that your dog loves you and feels comfortable being with you.


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Walkies are great fun for pups and owners alike. There's nothing better than an early morning stroll with the dog, mist hanging low over the woods and not another soul in sight. Walks are good for our physical and mental health, as well as the health of our dogs. A walk full of sniffing is basically a dogs way of learning about the area, so let them take their time.


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Our fury companions only want to please us, and by doing a good job on guard a dog knows that it will get a reward. Some alarm systems can be temperamental and not go off wen they should, whereas a dog will bark for any sound it hears as it is more likely to get a reward. Dogs view this kind of work as a game really and love it when they get it right.


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Whether running, swimming or just going for a walk, a dog is a perfect excuse to get a bit of exercise. They keep us fit mentally and physically and love being out and about with us for the time that we will have them. Don't tell your friends this, but a dog walk is also the best excuse to get yourself out of that function that you really don't fancy attending!

Run To The Gate

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Most dogs are waiting for their owners to get back from work, the shops or where ever they might have been without the dog. This means that when they hear a car or footsteps they are programmed to run as fast as they can to the gate or door to greet us. This is of course terrifying for criminals as they assume the dog is coming to bite them or attack!

Protective Of Their Environment

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If you have a dog, you'll know that they don't like to give up food or their toys. Because of this, if someone breaks in, the dog is likely to protect their own bed and belongings as well as the occupants of the house. Dogs that are extra protective will bark or even bite is someone gets too close, bad new for criminals but good news for homeowners!


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With sensitive ears and eyes, dogs are made to be alert when something new happens. For this reason, your dog may seem like they are taking a while to settle at night, but they are actually just more in tune with their surrounding than humans. This is beneficial for us, as dogs will pick up on anything out of the ordinary and alert us of incoming danger.


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Dogs were bred down from wolves, making them excellent hunters. A dog will chase down an intruder and alert you as to where they might be hiding. Many police forces around the world actually employ dogs to work for them for this exact reason. The dog does not even know they are working, they just see it as a fun game of hide and seek with a new friend!

Protect Humans

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Your dog loves you more than anything else in the world, and they want to protect you from hurt. Dogs will look after their owners beyond all reasonable grounds and ensure that no harm comes to you. This makes them far better than an alarm, as they can actually do something to protect you straight away rather than having to rely on other people!

Sleep Downstairs

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Most of us keep our dogs out of the bed, but let them have free reign of the lower levels of the house. I know that my dog loves sleeping in the kitchen on his big fluffy blanket, so he is the perfect barrier for any burglars. Letting dogs sleep downstairs means that they can apprehend and put off criminals quickly, giving you more time to formulate a plan.


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Before anyone even see's your dog, a sign lets them know that a dog lives at this address. A sign warning people of a guard dog is a great way to put burglars off, as it is often too much hassle to chance an encounter with a guard dog. A sign is also useful even if you don't have a dog, as criminals just assume that you do and don't bother targeting your house.


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Bigger dogs actually tend to be a lot less aggressive than smaller dogs, but the sheer size of them is enough to put off an intruder from even trying to access your property. Because many traditional guard dogs like German Shepherds and Alsatians are large is size, they carry a large, off-putting bark. Inside a large mouth also comes some pretty sizable teeth!


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A dogs growl is its way of telling people and animals to back away. Its the way that they show aggression, as they often get down low (ready to attack) and show their teeth. This tells humans and other dogs to stay away, as is something that no alarm system in the world can replicate. A growl is so scary that some alarms actually mimic the noise to scare people off!

Sleeping With Us

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Many people like to share their sleep space with the dog, meaning that if someone does break in, the dog is right by your side. This means that if the worst does happen, you will be woken immediately as your dog will begin to bark. The dog will then sprint to where the intruder is and show you their location, meaning having them in the bed is a good option if you're worried.

Do Us Proud

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By alerting us to the presence of a criminal, your dog knows that it has done the right thing. Dogs want to make us proud and seek that positive reinforcement. Your dog will do whatever it can, whether that be barking or growling at burglars, so when they do the right thing make sure to reward them with lots of pats, treats, kisses and cuddles!

No Need For Batteries

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So this is a bit of a stretch, as you do need to feed them. However, a dog will never run out of batteries at the exact WRONG time, or leave you stranded without a working alarm system. This means that all you need to do is feed them and they will do their best to let you know if anyone tried to break in. Seems like a very fair deal if you ask me!

Lazy Days

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Sometimes, even the most active people need a lazy day on the couch or in bed. Granted, you alarm does not need a day off, and sometimes a dog does, but would you rather cuddle a cute puppy or a plastic alarm system? It isn't a contest really, dogs are the best cuddle buddies and are always up for a relax on the couch with their favorite people... their owners!


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The saying goes, give a dog all the love you can, and he'll repay you with all the love he's got. That couldn't be more true, and dogs are the most loyal pets we can get. Unlike a cat that saunters off and comes and goes as it pleases, a dog will always be there for you! Dogs really are our most loyal friends, so don't take them for granted! Go give your dog a pat now!


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They know when we are sick, sad or scared. Dogs are super caring and always know just what to do to put a smile back on our faces. If you've ever been super poorly, you know what i mean when i say that dogs just have an uncanny way of knowing that we aren't right and making us feel better. So although dogs can't read, thank you to all the puppers out there!