AI Imagines These Cities During The Apocalypse

By molly atherton 1 year ago

New York

Image Source: Mid Journey 
New York City is one of the most popular places on the surface of the Earth and perhaps one of the most visited places here in the US when it comes to attracting tourists. Not only that, but it's the most populated city here too! However, this image created by AI shows how this beautiful city could be destroyed when the apocalypse finally comes down on our planet.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Paris is often described as the city of love and that's thanks to it's beautiful décor, gorgeous food options and maybe the symptoms of a couple of glasses of French Wine too. We'd all love to take our partner for a trip to this amazing city, but had the apocalypse hit we might be seeing some more disastrous imagery than that of the wonderous Eiffel Tower instead.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
I suppose the saying Rome Wasn't built in a day might be even more reasonable if you took in to the account that this ancient city might be enveloped with dust and water as this AI image suggests. No longer would you be able to take a peek inside the colosseum but instead you'd have to swim your way through these special streets that have been in place for centuries and centuries.

San Francisco

Image Source: Mid Journey 
San Francisco has long been the cultural centrepiece of the Northern California and its extremely popular across all industries around the world as well as boasting some of the best universities in the country and the world. You wouldn't be going to see the Giants or the Golden State Warriors anymore or even getting to travel across the Golden Gate Bridge ever again.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Although not the capital city of Australia as many people seem to think, Sydney is another of the most popular tourist destinations on many people's travel guides and is known for a number of things. People would love to head out and see the Harbour Bridge or the Opera House, but that might be slightly diminished if there were fireballs and extra-terrestrial objects landing in the area.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Again, although Toronto isn't the capital city of its country, Canada, it is one of the more popular destinations to visit. The skyline is amazing to look at, especially with the CN tower, towering (obviously) over everyone. But as this AI image shows, that skyline could quickly be destroyed and you might want to steer clear of the falling buildings in this huge city.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
LA is really the place to be for young, aspiring stars (and those part of the old school too!). You'll never go a day in LA without seeing something (or someone) that'll blow you out of your socks, from the Walk of Fame to the golden beaches. However, if there's one place you definitely wouldn't want to be when the apocalypse hits it might be by the rising oceans.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
London isn't necessarily known as being one of the most beautiful cities in the world (there are some amazing parts!) but it is one of the most influential and most visited ones. People have long been trapped in the tower of London, but they might be trying to take refuge in the dungeons if they were to visit whilst the world was being destroyed in the apocalypse.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Chicago boasts some incredible culture and architecture across the city, and even that weird looking silver bean. Now, I never want to watch the apocalypse happen but if I had to pick somewhere, it probably wouldn't be next to this! Food is extremely popular in this city, with the famous Chicago-style pizza being recognised around the world as well as a number of other delights.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Milan has, potentially, one of the richest heritages in the entirety of Europe and its architecture is something that is desired all around the world. You'd always want to go and see the Piazza del Duomo, a gorgeous gothic cathedral that you see towering over devastation of the Milanese people in the AI image above. I could think of worse places to watch the world end though!


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Unlike most of the other cities seen to be submerged in some of the AI photographs in this list, Venice, as you probably now, is permanently (partly) submerged in water. That's what makes this gorgeous Italian city so unique, but that uniqueness might be the cities downfall when it comes to the apocalypse causing some rising water levels within the area.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Copenhagen is very much something out of a story come alive, a real life fairy-tale some might say! Denmark's most famous city lies on it's shoe and you'd be mesmerised by the colourful houses and number of vibrant cafes and markets available for you to visit. It might be beautiful then, but I'm not seeing too many vibrant houses in this AI image, are you?

Hong Kong

Image Source: Mid Journey 
If you've never visited or even seen images of Hong Kong before then you might be amazed to see that it pretty much blends the east and the west side of the world in one place. The dim looking streets can often be quite deceiving as they hide tightly packed street food stalls that feed the nation. Don't let the apocalypse ruin this beautiful place before you see it with your own eyes.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Montreal might be the cultural hotspot of Canada, and that might be down to the commonness of the bilingualism nature of the place. Although modernity continues to overrule the old here, you'll still see the old cobblestone roads that are lined with festivals each year. That festivity seems to have been derailed here though as the apocalypse has taken over.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Realistically, when you think of Orlando there's only one thing that springs to mind; that thing is the magical Disney kingdom. You probably never want to imagine that wonderland going up in flames or loud bangs (except for the regular festive fireworks!) so you might want to get away from Orlando if you don't want to watch your childhood dreams go up in smoke!

Rio De Janeiro

Image Source: Mid Journey 
There seems to be a sense of irony to looking at the ginormous Christ the Redeemer statue watching over what appears to be impending doom for the people at the hands of the apocalypse! It might be somewhat calming to see Jesus watching over you, maybe offering a sense of hope that the apocalypse isn't going to ruin everything. I suppose it depends how strong your faith is really.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Many people choose to visit Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, for their range of, erm, medicinal opportunities amongst other questionable features. But you shouldn't overlook the beautiful, winding canals and the quite cosy and historical streets that make this city what it is. It would truly be a devastation to witness the history of Amsterdam be ruined by the apocalypse.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Bangkok is truly an enigmatic and energetic city with bustling streets that can often be counteracted in areas of tranquillity like the many temples you might stumble across too. You'll never go round a street corner without coming across a new whiff of food or the famous tuk-tuks! This AI image shows the citizens terrified of the oncoming apocalypse towards them.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Barcelona is by far one of the most artistic cities you'll come across in the gorgeous country of Spain, it's very much the majestic gem. You might get a bit spooked out within the Gothic Quarter little narrow alleys although that might become pure terror if you witnessed these dark clouds cover Gaudi's popular architecture that's world-renowned as one of the best cathedrals you'll see.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Berlin has been separated in the past as a result of the split between West and East Germany but they finally knocked the wall down that was built between them. The wall, pictured above, would have no chance to remain standing after the apocalypse had its way with it. There might not be anyone left to unite though once the apocalypse has torn its way through the city.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Dubai has only recently become one of the most rapidly improving cities in the world as the once desert oasis is now a vibrant and futuristic skyscraper city that offers more and more luxury at every single turn. It would be something out of a sci-fi novel if the world were to end in a place that had just began its journey to being part of the 'new world'. You wouldn't want to be by the Burj Khalifa either would you!


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Istanbul has quite an odd role to play in the society of the world, it offers itself as a bit of a bridge from the continent of Europe through to the middle east. The blue mosque is a very popular destination for religious followers and the city is covered in bazaars. You wouldn't want the Bosphorus waters flowing through the streets and devastating the city whilst you were there.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Although not quite as popular as it's Spanish counterpart, Barcelona, with the tourists, Madrid still attracts many visitors thanks to the flamenco spirit and passion that runs through the streets. You'll be amazed by the amount of tapas bars nearby, but the Prado museum seems to be the area being destroyed by the apocalypse here in this AI designed image.

Mexico City

Image Source: Mid Journey 
From one city vibrant in it's sense of a fiesta to another, Mexico City is a historic city filled with roots that are reminiscent of its Aztec roots. You won't be able to go a street without running into fruitful and colourful market stalls all tempting you with a variety of delights. This AI image though, seems to show the residents of the city being trapped by the ruined streets and buildings.


Image Source: Mid Journey 
Although Austria isn't commonly visited around the world, Vienna is by far the jewel of the country and definitely a place that they would be permanently looking to try and protect. The streets you see ablaze, as the AI imagines it would be, would be offering a strong whiff of coffee whilst you'd want to pay a visit to one of the many concert halls in the city before they went down.

Washington D.C

Image Source: Mid Journey 
The President of the United States, whoever it is or was at any time period, has been one of the most well-protected people on earth. Therefore, it seems fitting in this AI created image that the White House was able to withstand a lot whilst the rest of the city went down with it. I'm sure that he would've been taken far away from the presidential building before he could be dealt any true damage!

Abu Dhabi

Image Source: Mid Journey 
Just like Dubai, Abu Dhabi has turned from a pretty deserted area of land into a more futuristic world. That doesn't mean that there isn't a huge sense of history and culture in the city too, with many ancient religious buildings still standing. You can see the AI believes that one side of the famous Arabian city would be devastated much more than the other!


Image Source: Mid Journey 
As with many of the lesser visited European countries, Czechia has one major city that holds a lot of historic and important value to the community. The city is famous thanks to it's long standing culture and the cosy nature of the place with a number of pubs lining the streets. You might not want to be hanging around though if the world really was going to end during your time there!


Image Source: Mid Journey  
Budapest is another of those special cities within Europe that just doesn't get it's fair share of plaudits from around the world, it's an enchanting place filled with architecture fit for the finest places on earth. The parliament building might be the highlight although there are some crazy bars too; you wouldn't want to be around either though when the fireballs began to hit.


Image Source: Mid Journey
It's hard to imagine Athens in its full strength, most of us know it as a path into ancient history with some of the most amazing buildings you'll ever come across still half standing thousands of years after they were built. Democracy might have started in the city of Athens, but that would mean nothing when that the apocalypse stormed through this ancient paradise.