A Hard Time On The Toilet

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A few years back, the 911 team in Canada received a phone call regarding a man that they believed must be in severe danger. He had been screaming and shouting and once the cops arrived there was no answer. The reality was much nicer though (kind of) he was just having a bad time on the toilet!
The Butt-Dial

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If there's one thing you don't want to do when engaging in illegal activities it would be letting the police know what you were doing at the time. One unfortunate man, although you might call it karma, accidentally called 911 in the middle of an attempted breakdown.
Scared Burglar

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If a butt-dial wasn't embarrassing enough, a Romanian man took this one step further by actually calling the police, on purpose, on himself! He did this because he was so scared he could hear some strange noises around the home he was burgling and thought something was going to happen to him. It was just a cat though!
A Fire (But Not)

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The Regina fire department in Canada received quite the frantic phone call a few years ago when someone called and suggested there was a huge fire burning at the local football stadium. Yet, when they turned up it turns out that the fire was just a burning log being displayed on the stadium's screen.
A Stolen Car?

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Seemingly, people aren't always as thoughtful as they should be before they call the police sometimes. A Georgia resident once called the police to claim that her van had been stolen. Unfortunately though, it was still there, except it was hidden behind her oversized and overgrown weeds in the yard.
Free Cigarettes

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I'm sure that some of us have felt so lazy that we haven't wanted to leave the home to head out to the store right? Well this man took it a step further as he kept calling 911 without reason, only to on the final call, to ask whether or not they could pick up some smokes on the way to arrest him.
UFO? Or...

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Thankfully, it isn't just us North Americans that call the police for silly ideas, one British man might have made the craziest one of all! He called the police claiming that there was a UFO in the sky! However, eventually he realised he wasn't looking at a spaceship but instead just the moon!
The House's Heart

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I'm sure we all know that some people might have bad neighbours and they can often end up ruining people's days. However, one woman from Montana called the police claiming that their neighbour playing too much music had made her house actually develop a heartbeat. I don't think so!
A Bad Sub

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We all want to make sure that our food comes as we ask for it when we pay good money, but you probably shouldn't get the police involved, right? A Florida man made not one, but two phone calls to the police to make complain that the deli had forgotten to put his sauce on his meal.
Cheating At Cards

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No one likes a cheater right? You can be left feeling so defeated if someone cheats you out of a win or money in all forms of life. However, the Wisconsin police department received a call from a young girl who quickly hung up. Why? Her grandad had been cheating in a fun game of cards.
A Burning Shower

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Moments like this really make you question what's going through some people's heads right? One American woman called the fire department to her trailer as she believed there was a fire burning in her shower. Yet, when they turned up it was just the sunlight reflecting from the shower curtain instead.
I Don't Want To Go To Bed

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We all remember the days don't we? Back in our childhood when we were forced to go to bed and we just didn't want too? (what was going through our minds??). A young boy called 911 in Massachusetts before hanging up; it turned out he just wanted to stay awake whilst his mother wasn't having any of it.
A Bad Haircut

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Over in Scandinavia, one man felt he was compelled to call the police to come to the hair salon. Had there been a fight or an argument? No! He just felt so embarrassed to leave the salon because he hated his haircut so much. Might be one to bring up with the barber instead though right?
The Sun Rise

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One man's girlfriend let the whole internet know about this embarrassing story surrounding her boyfriend. After a long shift through the night he was walking home only to be faced with a raging fire! Or, that's what he thought, instead it was just the sun rising over the hill.
Stuck In The Tree

Image Source: BuzzFeed
I'm sure you've seen a film or TV series where the fire department come out to save a cat stuck in a tree. And this 911 operator believed it was another of them calls until they were informed that a man had tried to save the cat only to then get caught in the tree himself too!
Stuck In The Cupboard

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You can always trust the kids to come out with the best stories in regards to 911 calls can't you? A young boy called 911 in severe distress and was extremely worried because he was stuck in the cupboard even if he pushed and pushed. Might have been useful if he remembered the doors slid and didn't push open though!
Exploding Eggs

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If you've ever had a boiled egg explode in the pan before then you might be able to sympathize with the elderly caller here. She lived alone and called 911 after hearing some loud explosions and thought her home was being shot at, but yes, she'd just forgotten about her eggs.
Corner Store Bribery

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A drunken man once called 911 to claim that he was being discriminated by the convenient store clerk who wouldn't sell him any beer. You might be confused as to why? He actually wasn't 21 yet and he even went on to say that he wouldn't take the bribe that others had in the past!
A Dead Deer

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In the height of rush hour one man made a frantic call to 911 claiming that he had spotted a dead body in the middle of a suburban area. Obviously police began rushing to the scene, however before they got there the man realised it was actually just a deer that had been run over instead.
Merry Christmas!

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Unfortunately for 911 operators, there is no time for a break, there's always incidents to deal with, including on Christmas day too. However, one operator revealed that they actually received a call from a man who just simply wished them a merry Christmas. It wasn't an emergency but at least they were nice.
Blue Legs?

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I'm sure if you woke up and spotted that your legs had a slight blue tint you might be terrified too right? However, this person hadn't quite considered what had happened the night before, her brand new jeans had just washed out slightly on to her skin, she wasn't dying at all.
Machine Gun On The Loose

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I'm sure if you spotted a car with a machine gun mounted on the roof you'd probably be terrified and that would be understandable. However, what this man thought was an armed vehicle was actually just the google maps care picking up some updated images for the site instead.
Alien In The Garden

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I suppose if you've never seen a hedgehog before you could be a little confused if a little spiky creature was walking around the yard. However, an elderly Chinese lady called 911 in distress because there was an unknown creature and she was really freaking out a little.
Snowy Vandalism

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No one wants any of their property to be vandalised right? And rightly so, but there are a few things that you probably can't expect the cops to help out with and this might be one. He called the police after he awoke and found out that snowman he built in his yard had been destroyed.
A Pizza Murder

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I suppose when we order something with specific requests we want them to come just as we asked right? But this man might have gone a step too far, calling the police because mushrooms came on his pizza and he was allergic. His claim? That the pizza company were attempting to murder him!
The Big Spoon

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I suppose this person has never heard of google before and also, who better to call than the police for mini kitchen problems right? It wasn't an emergency they made the call for but instead to try and work out whether a tablespoon was one of the big spoons or one of the little ones... oh dear.
A Tight T-Shirt

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One man somehow managed to pop his shoulder out of place whilst putting an insulated Under Armour shirt on and he now couldn't get it off at all. Embarrassing as it was, he had to get the ambulance to come and rip his shirt off for him (and pop his shoulder back in too).
Satanic Dancing

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A couple were waiting for their train at the station and as they were passing the time, one of them began engaging in a form of dancing where your arms and hands look like liquid. One person one the opposite side of the station became worried they were performing a satanic dance though!
Toilet Panic Alarm

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If you have an elderly relative you might know that some rooms will have a panic switch which looks similar to a light switch. Unfortunately, this person's grandchild paid a visit and wasn't sure why the light hadn't turned on meaning 911 thought there was a huge problem instead!
Bird Rabies

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One man called 911 in a state of distress as his four-legged friend had been bitten by a seagull and had began acting quite strange. This might sound somewhat normal until you find out he felt like his dog had instantly contracted rabies from an animal that couldn't get the disease!