In a world where truth sometimes plays hide and seek, have you ever wondered why you might be dancing with deceit more often than you realize? From the classic white lies to the more elaborate tales spun in the web of everyday life. Join us on this whimsical journey as we unravel the mysteries behind the art of deception, shedding light on the hilarious, unexpected, and downright quirky reasons that might be behind those fibs we encounter. Brace yourself for a truthfully entertaining ride!
They fidget - twiddle their hair
Engaging in behaviors such as playing with one's hair, absentmindedly touching the ears, or rhythmically tapping the feet can be subconscious manifestations of this nervous energy. In particular, the tapping of the feet may convey an underlying desire to escape, as if the individual is contemplating fleeing from the uncomfortable situation. These physical manifestations, while varied in form, collectively underscore the intricate relationship between the mind and body.

Image source/ Botox Capilar
Capilar Fidgeting is very often a clear sign of nervous energy. Even liars who are well practised can worry that you won’t believe them, so they release that nervous energy. They may play with their hair, touch their ears or tap their feet, the feet mainly stating that they want to flee.
Their Eye Pattern Changes - they look down
The intricate dance of ocular expressions can unveil the inner workings of a person's thoughts and intentions, and this phenomenon is often associated with the act of lying. Notably, individuals engaged in the art of deception may inadvertently betray themselves through subtle shifts in eye movement

Image source Skabash!
They say that the eyes can be the 'windows to the soul' and this certainly can refer to lying. Some people look up and to the right when they’re trying to remember information but look down when they’re lying. A change in eye movement can be a strong indicator of lying.
They Get Aggressive - for no reason
Deceptive individuals often exhibit a range of behaviors that can escalate into unwarranted aggression during a conversation. It's not uncommon for liars to adopt a confrontational stance, displaying hostility and even resorting to aggressive gestures such as pointing emphatically in your direction.

Image source/ Den of Geek
Liars can become aggressive in a conversation for no good reason. Sometimes they will become hostile and point aggressively in your direction. At other times, a fibber will maintain excessive eye contact without even blinking, in an attempt to appear truthful.
Words And Body Language Don’t Match - they smile at bad news
Communication is a complex interplay between verbal and non-verbal cues, and the incongruity between words and body language can unveil the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface. While it might be effortless for someone to fabricate a narrative with their words, the body often becomes an involuntary confessor of the genuine emotions and intentions within.

Image source/ Wikipedia
It’s easy to lie with words but our bodies tend to show the truth. A clear sign that someone is lying to you is when their words are saying one thing but their body language is on a completely different page. An example of this is if the fibber is telling you a sad story but smiles and gestures with their hands., then something doesn't add up
Their Breathing Changes - gets heavier
When individuals engage in deception, physiological responses often manifest as noticeable alterations in their respiratory patterns. The act of lying frequently prompts an increase in respiratory rate, leading people to breathe more heavily. This heightened breathing is closely intertwined with changes in heart rate and blood flow, reflecting the intricate connection between the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during moments of dishonesty.

Image source/ Insider
People almost always start to breathe more heavily when they are telling porkies as lying causes changes to heart rate as well as the blood flow. Sometimes liars will even have trouble speaking as the mucous membranes in the mouth become dry as a response to their made up tales.
They Prepare To Escape - and stand upright
When individuals engage in deceptive behavior, their subconscious instincts may manifest in various physical cues, providing subtle clues to their deceit. One common behavioral indicator is the unconscious inclination to position themselves toward an exit, whether seated or standing.

Image source/ Insider
In an unconscious attempt to escape, people who are being untruthful often angle their bodies toward the door if they’re in a sitting position or they will physically move towards the exit if they are standing. Their posture could change from relaxed to upright as they are guarding their bodies.
They Don't Like Silence - fill the time making up more stuff

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Liars do not like silence so they will often try to fill it up by talking more than they need to. They can provide too much information and the longer you stay silent, the more details liars will throw in to support their made-up story , trying to convince you and themselves of their deception.
They Repeat Phrases - over and over again
The repetition of phrases by those attempting to deceive is a strategic maneuver aimed at imbuing their falsehoods with an illusion of truth and authenticity. This tactic hinges on the psychological principle that the more a statement is reiterated, the higher the likelihood it will be perceived as accurate or reliable.

Image source/ Pepperstorm
In an effort to make their lies sound truthful and authentic, a fibber will often repeat the same phrases over and over again. It's a case of the more it is said, the more likely they think the other person will believe them. They also repeat sentences because they are struggling to gather their thoughts.
They Cover Their Mouth - to close off communication
In the world of nonverbal communication, a peculiar phenomenon emerges when fibs and fabrications take center stage: the timeless act of covering one's mouth. It's a spectacle of sly gestures and subtle maneuvers, where truth and deception engage in a clandestine dance.

Image source/ Quora
People often cover their mouths when they are lying. It could be a hand on their mouth or a quick touch of their lips that shows you that they are telling a pack of lies because this unconscious body language represents they want to close off the communication.
They’re Inconsistent - change the story
Navigating the intricate web of human interactions can sometimes feel like deciphering a puzzle, and one key piece to pay attention to is the consistency of the narratives we encounter.

Image source/ Make a Meme
If the untrusted individual keeps altering small details about their story, then that is your clue that not everything they are saying is ringing true. Inconsistencies in their ever changing tale can lead you to the conclusion that they are not being straight with you.
They Cover Up Body Parts - feel vulnerable
The next time you catch someone touching their tummy mid-story, remember, it might just be the charming overture to a theatrical tale of untruths. After all, in the grand play of life, a touch to the abdomen might just be the mischievous wink of a storyteller caught up in the art of fabrication.

Image source Quora
When lying, people also instinctively cover vulnerable body parts including the head, neck or stomach. This is because lying makes them feel exposed and vulnerable, open to attack. Touching the abdomen, in particular, shows they are trying to protect themselves.
They May Stutter - thinking what to say
Navigating a conversation with someone who's stretching the truth like a rubber band can sometimes feel like a comedic performance. Picture this: the storyteller, caught in the act of weaving a web of deception, might find themselves caught in a linguistic tangle, stumbling over their words like a clumsy dancer.

Image source/ Born Realist
When someone is being extremely greedy with the truth, we mean being a downright liar, they may stutter when telling you their story. This is a sign that they are most likely stalling to give themselves some extra precious seconds to come up with a good lie that you will trust is real.
Answering A Question With A Question!
It's like a game of verbal tennis, but instead of volleys, you get cunning redirects. This conversational sleight of hand places the spotlight firmly on you, as if you're the one holding the key to unraveling the perplexing puzzle they've artfully crafted.

Image source/ The Telegraph
Liars can be cunning and manipulative, especially when you ask them a question and they reply with a question of their own, thus putting the focus on you to give the answer. It's all a stalling technique and is something that politicians do when being interviewed with an uncomfortable question.
They Move Objects - create some space
Watch closely for a clever maneuver that deceitful minds often resort to – the strategic placement of inanimate objects. When skepticism creeps in and doubts arise, observe if your conversation partner strategically shuffles a coffee cup, a book, or even a laptop into the space between you two.

Image source Cleveland Clinic
This is a common trait and you can look out for this if you are ever in such a situation. If you aren't believing what you are being told, see if the person moves a coffee cup, a book or a laptop, in front of them, to create distance between the two of you, thus giving them space to relay their lies.
They Overdo Sincerity - far too much
These verbal tip-offs are their attempt to sprinkle a dash of credibility onto their tales, as if a sprinkle of sincerity can magically transform fiction into fact. It's almost endearing how they believe that by uttering these phrases, they can cloak their falsehoods in an invisible cloak of truthiness.

Image source The Denver Post
Liars use verbal tip-offs all the time! They will say things like 'to tell you the truth', 'I swear on the bible' and 'to be perfectly honest'. In their minds they seriously think this will seal their lies and transform them into the truth, because of the false sincerity behind them.
They're Relieved When you Change The Subject
If your internal lie detector is beeping suspiciously, consider steering the conversation ship to a different port and observe the reactions. It's like switching the channel on a reality TV show – the plot takes a turn, and you get a front-row seat to the real drama.

Image source/ Twitter
If you are suspicious that you are being wound up and not being told the real facts of a story or situation, try changing the subject and watch out for the reaction you get. An innocent person will look puzzled and confused but a liar will be relieved and think they are off the hook.
They Give A Little Smirk - think they've fooled you
Ever found yourself on the receiving end of a half-second smirk while someone spills the beans on a supposedly crucial matter? That fleeting micro-expression might just be the gossip grapevine's version of a secret handshake, hinting that there's more to the tale than meets the eye.

Image source/ Reddit
Did you detect a smirk from the person who is filling you in on an important topic? This micro-expression, that may last for half a second, could speak volumes and what it might be shouting out is that you are being kept in the dark regarding the whole truth. It's a nervous sign that what they are concentrating telling you, isn't the real story.
They Leave Themselves Out Of The Story
Have you ever found yourself listening to a friend's wild tale, only to realize that something seems a bit off? Well, it turns out that the subtle art of deception might just lie in the omission of personal pronouns. You know, those trusty 'I' and 'we' words that typically pepper our everyday conversations.

Image source/ Insider
Have you noticed that liars tend to leave themselves out of a story? They avoid identifying words such a 'I' or 'we'. The reasoning behind this according to a recent University of Michigan study, is because 'they’re attempting to distance themselves from an action or narrative that may not be true'.
They Use Different Wording Than Usual
In the whimsical world of fibs and tall tales, liars often find themselves navigating the linguistic labyrinth with a penchant for wordplay. In the land of fibs, every word becomes a potential clue, and deciphering the code of semantics transforms the art of untruths into a linguistic carnival of witticism.

Image source/ Inc. Magazine
Liars have been known to mix up their typical use of vocabulary with different words with the same meaning. For instance, if a person says that they drove their car home but call it a 'vehicle', this could indicate that they are thinking about their wording too carefully - is it because it's not true?
They Can’t Re-Tell The Story
Unraveling the intricate web of deceit is no easy feat, but researchers have stumbled upon a fascinating phenomenon that might just give liars away—the reverse order narrative. Picture this: you're asking someone to spill the details of their escapades. Now, most honest folks would recount events in a straightforward chronological order.

Image source/ Jump into the Word
Liars use what researchers call a reverse order narrative. 'We find that when asking a respondent to tell a story in forward chronological order and then again in reverse chronological order, people who are lying tend to report the facts in different ways than people who are telling the truth,' says Drew Leins, Ph.D., who is a senior scientists at Aptima in Washington, D.C.
Their Complexion Changes - they go white
While it's easy to assume that a sudden lack of rosy cheeks must be a telltale sign of untruthfulness, the reality might be far more amusing than scandalous. Your friend may have just encountered a particularly mind-boggling piece of information, causing their blood to momentarily abandon the facial region and embark on an adventurous journey down the rest of their body.

Image source Reddit
Have you ever noticed a time when someone you're having a conversation with becomes pale when they start speaking. It could be nothing at all but be wary that it's a sign of untruthfulness because the blood starts rushing away from the face, down the body.
They May Get A Sweaty Forehead - it's stressful lying!
Ah, the tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive! As we delved into earlier in this lighthearted exploration, the human nervous system takes center stage in the dramatic play of deception.

Image source Imgflip
As we have mentioned earlier in this article, the nervous system becomes triggered when a person is lying. This can cause liars to sweat on the forehead, above the upper lip, around the mouth and on the chin (the 'T' areas of the face). It can be stressful lying and having to keep it up!
Blinking Excessively - over-thinking
Blinking is a universal human action, a rhythmic dance of eyelids that often goes unnoticed in the tapestry of everyday life. Most of us blink without a second thought, an involuntary reflex as natural as breathing.

Image source Sky News
Many people blink a lot and that's just them - it means nothing. However, if a liar blinks excessively and this, coupled with constantly biting their lip and maybe swallowing hard, are signs that they are concentrating so hard on their story, because it's mainly made up.
They Abruptly End The Conversation - when texting
Navigating a conversation with someone who's mastered the art of text evasion is like playing a game of verbal hide-and-seek. It's as if their fingers are performing a complex dance routine on the keyboard, twirling away from anything remotely resembling a direct answer.

Image source ReviewPro
It’s the text equivalent of not being able to look you in the eye. If you ask them about something specific, they will text you back with a BRB or G2G. They will, of course, have a generic reason why. If you bring up the conversation again, they still won’t want to talk about it.
People That Lie Will Tell You To Verify It's True!
After narrating their fantastical adventures, they slyly encourage you to seek confirmation from their comrades, leaving you with a sense of mystery and curiosity. Yet, in this cleverly concocted world of camaraderie, attempting to unravel the truth becomes an entertaining yet futile pursuit, as the friends are bound together by the unspoken oath of collaborative storytelling.

Image source Bold and Bloom
These people have come up with a story already and will have spoken to friends and convinced them to lie. After they have relayed the story, they'll tell you to confirm with these friends that it's all true but don't bother asking as they're all in it together.
A Person Lying Will Text Back Slower
The hesitation is palpable; their nimble thumbs hesitate over the keys, betraying the inner turmoil of sending a message that veers from their usual straightforwardness. In this technological tango, the delay in response becomes a theatrical interlude, a momentary pause before they plunge into the murky waters of a fib.

Image source Rice Media
When people are being deceitful, they very often text back slower. A person who is usually honest may take some time to get the nerve to send a text that is a lie as it's out of character for them. They may need more time to come up with a believable story as well.
They Accuse You Of Being Dishonest - turn the tables
Identifying deceit in a conversation can be like spotting a neon sign in the dark, and one of the most glaring signals is when the other person starts playing the "you're not being truthful" card. It's almost comical how predictably people resort to this tactic when they're knee-deep in a fib.

Image source Developer Experience Knowledge Base
This red flag is by far the easiest one to spot. If someone is lying to you, they are more likely to accuse you of not telling the truth. For example, if you say that you don’t believe them, they might get back on to you by saying that they remember a time when you weren't honest. It's so they can justify their actions.
Short One Word Answers - yep
In this subtle game of conversational cat and mouse, they've managed to create an air of intrigue without resorting to a lengthy saga or elaborate excuse. It's a clever tactic, leaving you both amused and slightly perplexed, as you find yourself navigating the maze of their short and sweet responses.

Image source The Modern Man
When they can’t get out of a conversation and don't want to try one of the longer tactics, such as a descriptive story, a person might stick to very short answers. Expect them to respond with a quick yes or no which will make you feel like you’re prying for information if you continue the conversation. That's what they want.
They Control Their Emotions - mentally prepared
Whatever the case, one thing is for sure – they've got the emotional remote control firmly in their grasp, and they know how to turn the dial to 'chill' when the heat is on. These emotion maestros possess an uncanny ability to maintain mental equilibrium, even in the face of the most chaotic circumstances.

Image source Reddit
Usually, when you accuse a person of being dishonest, they will get defensive as soon as you point the finger at them. This time, however, the liar is in complete control of their behaviour because they have already prepared themselves for being accused of not telling the truth.
An Over-Complicated Answer - to a simple question
In the realm of human communication, there exists a fascinating dynamic where the simple act of posing a question can unravel a complex tapestry of responses. However, there are instances when the unraveling seems to take an unexpected turn, veering into the realm of perplexity rather than clarity.

Image source Inc. Magazine
When innocently asking someone a question during a conversation with them and getting a long-winded answer which doesn't really make sense, should bring up the red flag as a downright lie. It's that thing of trying so hard to sound honest that you end up doing the exact opposite.
Change In Speech Patterns
Understanding the intricacies of someone's speech pattern goes beyond merely knowing them well; it extends to the art of perceptive communication. When you are intimately acquainted with an individual, you become attuned to the cadence and nuances of their everyday conversations.

Image Source / Maryville Online
When you know someone well, you usually know their normal speech pattern, such as when they're telling a story of how their day has been. Even if it's not someone you know well, you can tell their normal speech pattern by asking how they are and how their day has been. You can then easily recognise when a person's speech pattern changes when they're answering something - which can indicate a lie!
When Their Gestures Don't Match What They're Saying
While individuals adept at the art of deceit may master the art of projecting a strong and confident vocal demeanor, it is in the subtleties of their gestures that the truth may be unwittingly exposed.

Image Source / BBC
Their voice may sound as strong and confident as possible when they're lying, but their gestures might reveal something different. A good example of this is if the person is saying yes while shaking their head, or vice versa. Their body movements may betray them!
No Extra Details Can Be Offered
Deception, particularly in the form of meticulously crafted, elaborate stories, can be a formidable challenge to identify. One prominent indicator of a potentially deceitful narrative lies in the exhaustive level of detail provided by the storyteller.

Image Source / Wikipedia
This can be a big one if someone is telling a huge, well-prepared story that's a full on lie. If the person can tell you every single detail of the story they've planned (because they've planned it, it's a lie!) but can offer no further details because they're lying, it's a sign - someone telling the truth would be able to come up with some other details from memory.
Their Voice Pitch Might Rise And Fall
When a person alters their vocal range, whether dipping into deeper tones or ascending to higher frequencies, it becomes a noteworthy signal. The fascinating realm of pitch modulation during lying is a multifaceted one, where there exists no universal rule for predicting whether a deceiver will lean towards a higher or lower pitch.

Image Source / Mindfully Healing
There's no telling whether a liar will talk in a higher or lower pitch when they're lying, as it can vary from person to person. But a good indicator is when their pitch changes from what it normally is, whether that's deeper or higher, or maybe in the same conversation they go from too high to too low.
They'll Literally Point The Finger

Image Source / Bravo TV
This can very much be because the person wants to take the focus off themselves, so turns the focus on you. If they suddenly start actually pointing a finger at you as a gesture when they've never done that before, they could be lying. And especially if they're pointing aggressively!
They Tell Everyone They're Really Good At Lying
Individuals who excel at deception often reach a point where their proficiency in weaving intricate fabrications becomes a source of pride. This peculiar sense of accomplishment compels them to openly boast about their deceitful prowess, declaring with an air of arrogance, "You'd never know I'm lying - I'm such a good liar!"

Image Source / Reuters
A good liar may get to the point where they actually need to brag about that fact. They've told so many successful little lies over time that they might openly go around telling everyone, 'Oh, you'd never know I'm lying - I'm such a good liar!'. Anyone like this isn't someone to trust!
They Repeat A Question Instead Of Answering It
It becomes a subtle dance of evasion, a strategic pause in the conversation designed to cloak the reality of their actions. Alternatively, the ambiguity could signal a conscious decision to sidestep the question entirely, implying a reluctance to divulge the actual details of their nocturnal activities.

Image Source / Know Your Meme
'Where were you last night?' you ask, and they respond with, 'Where was I last night?'. They might be buying themselves time to think of an answer or just avoiding answering altogether, simply because they're lying, or know they want to lie.
They Speak In Fragmented Sentences
The liar's struggle to seamlessly integrate fabricated information may lead to the inadvertent generation of sentences that appear haphazard and disconnected. Consequently, their speech may resemble a series of random, unrelated fragments, creating an overall impression of incoherence and nonsensical communication.

Image Source / BetterHelp
This could be because the liar is trying to think of too much at once to keep up with, so their sentences come out fragmented and missing a main point. It makes them sound like they're muttering random pieces of sentences which make no sense.
They Don't Know How To Respond When Something They've Said Is Challenged
When individuals find themselves confronted with challenges to their expressed thoughts or ideas, a common phenomenon unfolds—their ability to respond effectively becomes noticeably strained. his challenge-response dynamic exposes a widespread difficulty in navigating intellectual discourse and engaging in constructive dialogue.

Image Source / Pinterest
They've rehearsed a certain story to perfection and it looks like their lie has gone undetected. But then you ask something about their story that doesn't make sense, or challenge the whole thing completely. They don't know how to respond because they didn't plan that far ahead with the lie.
They Gesture With Their Hands After Speaking Rather Than During
Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in human interaction, and one fascinating aspect is the use of gestures while storytelling. While many of us naturally employ hand movements to enhance our narratives, it becomes particularly intriguing when observing individuals who may be less than truthful.

Image Source / Undark Magazine
A lot of us talk with our hands when we're telling a story, but a person who is lying might have so much to think about and so many made-up details to remember that you might find their gesture is delayed until after they've said something, because their mind is working overtime.
Itching Or Scratching
When individuals engage in deceptive behavior, the intricate interplay between their psychological state and physiological responses unveils a compelling narrative. Deception induces a heightened sense of anxiety, setting off a cascade of reactions within the nervous system that manifest in observable behaviors.

Image Source / YouTube
When people are lying, it can make them become nervous, and in turn, the nervous system can make a few things happen in the body which promotes fidgeting and movement. The nervous system might prompt a person to feel itches or tingles in their skin, which could make them scratch and itch at themselves when telling a lie.
Their Palms Are Facing Away From You, Or Hidden
Deceptive individuals may instinctively resort to hiding their palms, adopting behaviors such as shoving hands into pockets, discreetly placing them under the table, or deliberately turning their palms downward on a surface.

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Holding your palms out to someone when you're gesturing or talking is a very open movement, but when someone's lying, you may find their palms are nowhere to be seen. They might shove their hands in their pockets, put their hands under the table, or palms facing down on the table.
Rolling Their Lips Back
One intriguing cue to decipher the truthfulness of someone's statements lies in their lip gestures. When engaged in conversation, pay close attention to subtle movements like the pulling back or pressing together of lips, creating an almost imperceptible vanishing act.

Image Source / English StackExchange
If someone is talking to you and they're pulling their lips back, pressing their lips close together or anything that means their lips are pretty much vanished, it could be a fidget gesture that they're not exactly telling the truth. They could be holding something back, shown through them pressing or rolling their lips to stop from speaking.
They Might Be 'Dried Out'
When attempting to discern the veracity of an individual's statements, it's crucial to recognize that the physiological manifestations of deception are not limited to the stereotypical image of someone nervously sweating.

Image Source / Pinterest
While someone who is lying could be sweating profusely, the opposite can also actually occur. You might find that their eyes or mouth have become dry. It's hard to see that someone is dry just by looking at them, but you can usually tell based on the things they'll do to try and tackle the dryness, such as squint, blink, lick their lips or keep swallowing.
A Sudden Change In The Volume Of Their Voice
In the realm of human communication, unexpected shifts can turn a tranquil exchange into a surprising encounter. Exploring these nuances unveils the intricacies of interpersonal communication, where the spoken word intertwines with the subtleties of emotion and the intricate dance of self-presentation.

Image Source / Twitter
You could be enjoying a pleasant conversation and then ask a question only to find them suddenly shouting at you. Or, they could be telling an untruthful story, get the details wrong and suddenly start speaking louder as though to defend what they're saying.
When They Say 'Honestly' Or 'I'm Telling You The Truth'
An unmistakable sign of overcompensation emerges when an individual engages in excessive verbosity, punctuating their sentences with an abundance of 'honestly' or prefacing their statements with an earnest declaration like 'Let me tell you the truth.' This linguistic phenomenon, while seemingly well-intentioned, paradoxically raises a red flag regarding the speaker's authenticity.

Image Source/ USA Today
Overcompensating much? If someone starts to talk a lot and says 'honestly' between every other word, or says, 'Let me tell you the truth' before they start talking, it's an indication they're trying a little too hard to come across as truthful.
Truth About Things Slips Out At Different Times
Deception can be a complex web woven into the fabric of human interactions, revealing itself in subtle ways that often go unnoticed until the threads begin to unravel. Consider a scenario where someone imparts a tale that appears authentic, only for the truth to unfurl like a hidden tapestry weeks later.

Image Source/ SALTO Educational Tools Portal
A person may have told you a story that's a lie, and it might not be until a few weeks later when the topic comes up again and they casually let the truth slip out only to then backtrack. This is because the lying is in the past and their guard will be down at a different time, so they can easily slip up.
Their Head Might Start To Do Some Weird Things
Observing someone who is about to utter a falsehood may reveal a distinct sequence of gestures—perhaps a sudden, subtle bowing of the head, a subtle tilting motion, or even an involuntary jerk signaling a momentary lapse of control.

Image Source/ Pro Rehab Chiropractic
If you ask someone something and they decide they need to lie in return, you might see their head move a certain way before they answer. They might suddenly bow their head down, they might tilt their head before answering or they might just have an involuntarily jerk of the head in panic. This is more likely if they're taken off guard by a question they need to lie to.
They Might Not Actually Move At All
In a fascinating twist, the manifestation of lying can be diametrically opposite. Engaging the primal instincts of fight or flight, an individual may find themselves frozen in the act of deception. In such instances, the body's response to the stress of dishonesty triggers an involuntary stillness, rendering the liar almost statuesque.

Image Source/ CBS News
When you think of someone who is lying, you might think of someone nervously fidgeting, shuffling their feet and eyes and head moving everywhere. While this is true of many liars, the opposite can also be true. A person's fight or flight instinct might kick in when they're lying, so they might actually 'freeze' and stand very still and not move at all.
Watch Out For Repetition
When confronted with the need to deny their actions, the dishonest individual may find solace in the repetition of specific phrases such as 'I didn't' or 'I would never.' This repetition serves as both a shield and a coping mechanism, a way for the deceiver to convince not only others but also themselves of their falsehoods.

Image Source/ Hunter & Scribe
A lot of the time, when a liar is repeating certain words or ideas, it's because they're trying to convince themselves as much as you. If they're lying when denying they've done something, they may constantly say, 'I didn't' or 'I would never' and keep repeating the same words or phrases.