1. Insulate The Roof

image source: reddit.com
We all know that heat rises, so it's not very economical to have a ceiling through which it can escape. By insulating your roof you are ensuring that any heat that has risen up to it, becomes trapped so that the rest of your house can remain warm. You'll save a lot of money on heating the place if the heat stays put!
2. Double Glaze Your Windows

image source: reddit.com
The best way to save money on heating a home is by making sure that the least amount of heat gets free. There'd be no point in spending loads of money on warmth just for it to seep out of the windows, so it is important to install double glazing throughout your home.
3. Thick Curtains

image source: reddit.com
Another way to ensure the heat stays trapped where it should be, is to invest in some high quality, heavy curtains. They not only look appealing, but they're functional too as they act as a barrier between the warm house and cold windows. Have them closed at nighttime for the best results.
4. Rugs

image source: reddit.com
Rugs are a great addition to any room; they look stylish and they help to keep your house warm. Even if you have carpet throughout your home, rugs act as an extra layer to stop any draught coming from the ground, and we're sure your pet will love them!
5. Keep Window Opening To A Minimum

image source: reddit.com
This probably goes without saying, but if you must open your windows to let out stale air, then try and only open them for a short period. If it is cold outside, the warm air will escape faster than you can say boo! So don't open them fully, and close them as soon as you're satisfied.
6. Install Underfloor Heating

image source: reddit.com
Consider underfloor heating if you're looking to change your house warming system, as it can help you to save money in the long run. Despite the cost of the initial installation fee, underfloor heating can be the cheaper option due to its qualities of heating the people and not the room, so it's definitely worth the investment.
7. Put Foil Behind Your Radiators

image source: youtube.com
There are more expensive products on the market that will achieve the same effect of applying tin foil to the wall behind your radiators, so you might as well go for the cheaper option. It ensures that the heat emitted from the radiators won't get lost into the wall and will instead circulate back through your room, allowing your radiators to work at their highest efficiency.
8. Install A Wood Burner

image source: reddit.com
Having a wood burner will make any room lovely and cozy, as well as providing the potential for free heating into your home. Once installed, you can burn wood which you may not have to pay for, making heating your entire house worth the cost of the initial input.
9. Cover Draughts

image source: reddit.com
Draughts are pesky things that can affect your whole house. You may not even realize where certain draughts are coming from so it's important to inspect every corner and cover them up. You can get draught excluders for your doors which often come in pretty or comical designs.
10. Ensure Your Furniture Is Well Placed

image source: reddit.com
Carefully placed furniture can be a game changer for allowing your home to be heated most efficiently. Make sure there aren't any bulky items near your radiator blocking the heat from spreading into your room, however you don't want them too far as you'll want to feel the radiator's warmth as you cozy down.
11. Bleed Your Radiators

image source: reddit.com
Bleeding your radiators is essentially giving them a good service. This should be done once a year or whenever necessary, to ensure they are working at full capacity. Bleeding your radiators removes any air that has gathered within them, and can be done easily by yourself or your partner.
12. Vinyl Flooring

image source: reddit.com
Although vinyl flooring isn't too fashionable nowadays, it is always a good choice when finding solutions to keep your house warm. Its multi-layered qualities mean that draughts are excluded and it feels rather toasty underfoot. There are stylish designs like the wood effect so you don't have to forfeit on style!
13. Always Lay Underlay

image source: reddit.com
No matter whether you're tiling the floor or applying carpet, it's always good idea to add a layer of underlay. This will ensure that any underground draughts are eliminated and your flooring is protected from damp. It's only one extra step in the redecoration process but it is so, so worth it.
14. Service The Boiler

image source: reddit.com
Having your boiler serviced should be a yearly thing, as it needs to be fully functioning to ensure you have the capability to keep your house warm over winter. Not only that, a regular service will keep you safe from the risks a faulty boiler can pose, so it's crucial you keep on top of it.
15. Open Your Curtains If The Sun's Out

image source: reddit.com
The temperature in your house might resemble that of a greenhouse if the sun decides to shine, so it's a good idea to keep the curtains open during these periods. If there's any chance of free heating then this is it, so make the most of it before it disappears again!
16. Use Timers On Your Radiators

image source: reddit.com
To guarantee a steady warm temperature within your home, then it'd be beneficial to invest in some timers for your radiators. Have them come on at set times during the day so you don't miss the opportunity to turn them on and off. You can easily budget for your bills this way as you'll know exactly how long they've been on for and you won't forget to turn them off.
17. Insulate Your Hot Water Tank

image source: reddit.com
If you have a hot water tank in your home, then make sure it is fully insulated to keep the water warmer for longer. They're very costly to heat up so the longer they can stay warm, the cheaper it will be for your pocket. Insulating water tanks is so simple to do, it'd be crazy not to!
18. Get A Smart Thermostat

image source: reddit.com
Regular thermostats are useful when it comes to keep your home at an ambient temperature, however as with all other modern technology, smart thermostats make it even more efficient. You can easily control your heating system wherever you are, so no need to worry if you turned everything off when you're out and about!
19. Install Blinds

image source: reddit.com
Blinds can look really sleek in your home, and they can help to shut out the outside world whilst keeping your living space bright. They also add an extra layer to your windows so that heat will have an even harder time getting out, allowing for your home to stay nice and warm.
20. Check You Skirting Boards Are Sealed

image source: reddit.com
Unfortunately many people don't seal their skirting boards as they don't realize that heat can actually escape through the small space between the board and the flooring. You can buy specialist tape fit for the job; it's discrete, draught-proof, and doesn't take an expert to lay it!
21. Make Sure Internal Doors Are Closed

image source: reddit.com
Home heating solutions can struggle to provide warmth for larger areas, as the heat generated will escape to cooler areas. If all doors within your home are left open, then you'll find the heaters don't work efficiently as they're only designed to heat a smaller space. Warmth can become concentrated if kept compact so always heat each room separately.
22. Put A Shelf Above Your Radiators

image source: reddit.com
This shelf can be decorative or just practical, it doesn't matter as long as it's not far above your radiator. Doing this will stop any warmth from rising away from the heat source, and instead it'll be pushed out into the room in which it's in. A simple and clever way to keep your home warm.
23. Keep Your Radiators On A Steady Heat

image source: reddit.com
When it's cold outside it can be tempting to put your radiators on full blast for a time, in order to quickly heat you and the room up. This is a really inefficient way of using them however, and can add up to be really costly. Keep your radiators on a steady temperature instead so that your house remains neither too hot or too cold.
24. Fill Any Holes

image source: reddit.com
You may find random holes in and around your home, especially if it's an old house. If you ever find slugs in your space, then these were probably its entrance. Try and fill all the holes you notice as despite their small size, they can make you lose a lot of heat.
25. Use Candles

image source: reddit.com
It may seem quite simple to light a few candles in order to encourage heat into your home, but it is quite an effective solution. They're relaxing, make your home smell beautiful and help to keep your house cozy. Just make sure you're careful when using them and never leave open flames unattended.
26. Insulate Your Walls

image source: reddit.com
It's not only the roof that needs insulating, but also your walls. We always think of heat escaping upwards but did you know it can also escape sideways? With such a large surface area, if your walls aren't warm they will attract the heat from your home and eject it.
27. Cover All Gaps

image source: reddit.com
You might find that there are gaps around your windows or your flooring. Gaps around your doors or under the stairs. Depending on where abouts they reside, it's important that you either fill or cover these gaps so that heat doesn't have the choice of where it'd like to escape!
28. Make Sure All Your Windows Are Closed

image source: reddit.com
It can be easy to forget to close windows, especially if they are small and not used very often. If you feel a breeze then look around to see you haven't left any windows open, as this is one of the biggest reasons why heat may not linger in your house for very long.
29. Use An Electric Blanket
image source: reddit.com
While electric blankets may not be the quickest way to heat a whole room, they certainly play a part. They'll make you super toasty if you put them underneath your bottom bed sheet, and as they radiate heat, they'll heat not only you but some of the room around them too.
30. Soft Furnishings

image source: reddit.com
Shopping for soft furnishings is a wonderful experience; the textures, the colors, the shapes, all amazing! Getting them back to your home and strewn about the place will not only give it a homelier feel, but also a warmer atmosphere. Even if you do get a bit cold, there'll always be something soft to snuggle up to!