1. Edamame:

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Edamame is a delicious snack and they are becoming an increasingly popular choice. But, are they as healthy as we really think? It depends. In terms of fat content, this vegetable actually has a high-fat content in comparison to other veggies. So in terms of calories they would score a lot higher.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Lima beans:

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Lima beans contain something which is called cyanogenic glycosides which is just a naturally occurring compound in the vegetable. And, these compounds can release cyanide if they are consumed in excess. But, if you cook them properly, it does eliminate this risk!
3. Cassava:

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Cassava is very similar in terms of containing these compounds which can be dangerous to eat. So while you may just assume you're being healthy because you're eating veggies, it may not actually be the case. Cassava has to be prepared properly to actually be considered healthy.
4. Potatoes:

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Potatoes are extremely high in carbohydrates, and they are not as packed full of nutrients and vitamins as the majority of other vegetables. In fact, potatoes are often eaten as a carbohydrate, due to them not being as healthy as other vegetables and not the healthiest option.
5. Taro:

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Similarly, Taro is a root. It's not actually as full of nutrients as some vegetables. And, it can be toxic again if it is eaten raw. Taro is definitely not as healthy as we thought, despite being a vegetable. Roots in particular can be unhealthy when eaten raw!
6. Eggplant:

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Eggplants are another vegetable that isn't as healthy as we think. It's essentially got the texture of a sponge, so when we cook it soaks up large quantities of the fat which means we may actually be eating more bad than good. Plus it contains solanine which can cause digestive issues!
7. Sorrel:

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Sorrel is a vegetable that is nutritious in small quantities. It should not be consumed in excess because it can actually trigger kidney stones in certain people who are prone to this particular problem. For this reason, it's better to eat sorrel infrequently.
8. Parsnips:

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Parsnips are one of those veggies that taste too good to be healthy when they're cooked because they're sweet. And the truth is, they may not be as healthy as we think! Parsnips are higher in calories and sugar content (than most other veggies) when they are cooked.
9. Celery:

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Celery as many people know doesn't have a high nutrient or vitamin content which is because the majority of the vegetable is just made up of water, and as the well-known fact goes, you actually use more calories chewing celery than you earn from eating it!
10. Sweet potatoes:

Image source: Reddit
Sweet potatoes are so delicious and they can be super good for you. But when they cook they do gain a higher sugar content. And, often when they are swerved, the method of cooking a sweet potato often takes away the nutritional value of the vegetable.
11. Chinese Cabbage:

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Chinese cabbage is also healthy in small doses, but in large quantities, it may be more damaging than we could assume. A Chinese cabbage is made up of goitrogenic compounds, which essentially means that if it is eaten in large quantities it could interfere with the thyroid's function!
12. Yams:

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A yam is very similar to a sweet potato, it is a starchy vegetable with more carbohydrate content than many other kinds of vegetables meaning it's not deemed as healthy. And again, they are often served in a way that takes away their health benefits - for example, candied yams!
13. Corn:

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Corn is another totally delicious veggie that actually might not be as healthy as we hoped. It contains a lot of natural sugars as well as starch, meaning that eating too much corn may not be good. Eating too much corn could cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
14. Amaranth greens:

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Amaranth greens are healthy, yet they contain something called oxalates. This is fine to eat in moderation and they are naturally occurring. But when you eat too many oxalates they can form crystals in the body which can cause health problems such as kidney stones.
15. Chillies:

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Chilies have proteins that are very good for the body. Yet you have to be cautious when consuming chilies because if you do not know how spicy a chili is, you may not realize how your body will react. It can be very dangerous to consume a chili that is too hot for your body.
16. Watercress:

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Watercress is considered a healthy green, despite its large water content. But again, too much of a good thing can turn bad. Eating too much watercress can actually lead to liver and kidney problems in the body and have the opposite of a healthy effect.
17. Turnip greens:

Image source: Reddit
Turnip greens are another veggie that we need to watch out for when it comes to consuming too much of it. Eating some turnip greens is definitely considered a healthy option, but eating too much can actually impede the body's ability to absorb calcium!
18. Peas:

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Peas are one of the sweeter types of vegetables we eat, which is because they have a higher amount of naturally occurring sugar. The more mature a pea is, the more natural sugar it contains and the sweeter it will taste. While they are healthy, they are higher in calories.
19. Canned veggies:

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Just because it says vegetable on the tin, doesn't mean it's still a healthy option. And while it may be healthier than some options, just be careful as to what has been added to these canned veggies as they often contain preservatives and salt, which reduce their nutritional value.
20. Beets:

Image source: Reddit
Beets in some ways are considered super healthy and they do have multiple health benefits. But, it's also good to consider the fact that they do have a higher sugar content than some other veggie options. And, they do contain oxalates which can damage the liver if eaten too much.
21. Pumpkin:

Image source: Reddit
Pumpkin's so delicious for a reason right? And it is healthy, don't get us wrong. But that sweet flavor is because of all the natural sugars it contains. If you eat too much pumpkin, like anything sugary, it could affect blood sugar levels or cause a spike.
22. Celeriac:

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Celeriac is a starchy root vegetable, meaning that it has a much higher carbohydrate and calorie content than many other vegetables. So, on its own, it's probably not as healthy as we would assume. There are other vegetables with higher nutritional value.
23. Bok Choy:

Image source: Reddit
Bok choy is a deliciously crunchy vegetable with many health advantages. However, its huge fiber content can cause digestive issues in some people if it is eaten in excess. And, it contains vitamin K which is also eaten in excess, which can mean that it could interact badly with blood thinning medication!
24. Rhubarb:

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Often we pull a vegetable from the ground and automatically deem it healthy. But that's not the case. Rhubarb root is a healthy vegetable when it has been cooked, but toxic when it is raw. And, the leaves are so toxic that they cannot be consumed raw OR cooked!
25. Chard:

Image source: Reddit
Before eating too much chard, it may be a good idea to assess whether you have had a history of liver issues or kidney stones. Like some of the other vegetables in this list, chard can aggravate these problems. It can also upset some people's stomachs due to releasing a lot of gas.
26. Collard greens:

Image source: Reddit
Collard green shave a nutrient-dense leaf. But, even good things should be eaten in moderation because if not you may have the opposite effect than you desired. Eating too much may slow down your body's absorption of the important nutrient calcium that we all need.
27. Green peppers:

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Green peppers are a more raw version of a pepper, meaning that it has a lower nutritional value than the red and yellow peppers. And, it can be much harder for the body to digest it, meaning some people may experience bloating or discomfort when they eat green peppers.
28. Spinach:

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Spinach is one of those greens we are all told to eat because it is so good for us. And while this may be true, there are downsides. It has an extremely high water content meaning that when it is cooked, losing this water can lose the nutrients. But, if consumed raw you have to be careful of pesticide on the leaves.
29. Brussels sprouts:

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Brussels sprouts get a bad reputation when it comes to taste, despite them being classed as healthy. But, one of the reasons that people also find them less appealing is because they can cause gas and bloating which can lead to discomfort after eating them!
30. Mustard greens

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Similarly, mustard greens are another case of having to cook them slightly to retain their nutrients and vitamins which are considered healthy. Yet, eating them raw means that you have to wash them thoroughly so that you don't consume harmful pesticides on the leaves.