Hey Beyhive, grab your shades and get ready to witness Queen Bey like you've never seen her before! We all know Beyoncé as the fierce, flawless, and fabulous superstar who slays every stage she graces. But what about those rare moments when the paparazzi catch her off guard? Yes, even the Queen can't escape the relentless lenses of the camera-toting ninjas we call the paparazzi. So, get ready to see Beyoncé in all her unfiltered glory – from accidental funny faces to those "I just woke up like this" moments that have us wondering if she ever has a bad hair day (spoiler alert: she doesn't).
1. Wait... Is it even possible to catch Beyoncé off-guard?
With the wealth of images that are on the internet and beyond of Beyonce, it's probably hard to imagine her ever being caught off-guard by the Paparazzi cameras.

Image Source / Robertshugartca
In reality, there is absolutely no doubt that she has to deal with them every single day of her life, so she's probably got some strategies up her sleeve by now. And it's clear that she also gets plenty of help with this too.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. She always seems ready for the camera
Even when you think she's unaware of the cameras around her, the truth is that she is literally always camera-ready. It's as if she has eyes or sensors all over her that alert her to the Paparazzi cameras lurking nearby,

Image Source / Wmagazine
They are all hoping to get the perfect, or even the worst snap they can get of her. So this might be why she is always looking absolutely flawless almost every time she is snapped. How does she do it?!
3. Maybe it's the sunglasses that help
More often than not though, when you see new photographs of Beyonce, she is generally snapped wearing a stylish pair of designer sunglasses that cleverly disguise and cover her eyes.

Image Source / Vogue
Perhaps this is one of her secrets to always being camera-ready! Your eyes are the windows to your soul and how you truly feel, so if no one can see your eyes, then you're not giving too much of yourself away. Very clever, Bey!
4. It does seem quite rare that she's caught off guard
It does seem really rare that Beyonce is caught off-guard by the paparazzi and it is absolutely no wonder. So she gets plenty of practice avoiding them. It's hard being one of the most well-known faces on earth!

Image Source / Mirror.co.uk
According to sources, in a bid to keep her private life private, she uses her friends as decoys to trick photographers so she can walk through the streets unimpeded!
5. We mean... She's even ready when she's on 'mom duty'
Now everyone's seen the photograph of Beyonce holding her kid's snacks, right? It just shows you that even Beyonce, The Queen of Pop, does not even get away with not being someone's snack lady

Image Source / Eveningstandard
Her daughter, Blue Ivy, honestly looks like she is having the best time. And look, Beyonce still has her trademark sunglasses on! It's all about maintaining that sense of style!
6. And she's even flawless when she's out with her pals
Beyonce is no stranger to sharing her own personal snaps across her social media platforms, such as her Instagram, but she will do this on her terms to give her 313 million followers a little glimpse into her private life.

Image Source / OK!magazine
Not too much, but just enough to keep us interested. There are occasions when a friend will share selfies with 'The Queen' but we assume that they've cleared it with Bey beforehand!
7. But she wasn't expecting the camera here
No, we are only having a joke. The truth is, it's clear that Beyonce is literally always ready for the camera, and it seems that she absolutely loves it as well.

Image Source / Insider.com
From elaborate costumes, to flawless glowing skin, and everything in between, it's obvious that she does enjoy having her photo taken, but only when she's ready for it!
8. In truth, she doesn't always look happy when she sees the Paparazzi
But despite loving having her photograph snapped, it is clear that Beyonce absolutely HATES being furiously pictured by the hungry paparazzi. In fact, sources state that she and Jay Z don't even allow the paparazzi to take their photo if they can help it.

Image Source / Mirror.co.uk
Here, it seems that she is just trying to leave her office, and it resulted in a series of snaps of her pulling a few unimpressed faces... Apparently, she laughed it off though!
9. But at least there's always someone there to clear her path
Being as famous as she is, it is no surprise that Queen Bey has a huge entourage of employees doing just about everything they can. She always needs a little help keeping people away!

Image Source / Radaronline.com
And this even includes clearing her path so she can walk down the street unimpeded. And according to this image, it seems that her security will even manhandle the photographers and get them out of the way!
10. And sometimes even her husband protects her from being snapped
And according to some sources, it seems that even her husband Jay Z will step in to protect her from the Paparazzi when things get too hairy. They're a little too forceful sometimes!

Image Source / Beyoncetribe.it
It was reported that Jay Z once got involved in a bit of a tussle when one of the couple's security was assaulted by the Paparazzi! That's what you call a truly loyal husband!
11. Her publicist even wants certain snaps of her deleted from the internet
Now if you haven't seen this wonderful snap of Queen Bey, you have obviously been living on the moon or in some internet-free paradise. But this photo is so meme-worthy and brilliant that it went viral as soon as it surfaced after the Superbowl.

Image Source / SBNation.com
And did you know that Beyonce's publisher actually tried to get it deleted from the internet for her?! What power! It shows we can all be caught making some odd faces from time to time.
12. Because believe it or not, there are photographs that she wasn't ready for!
It might astonish you to know though, that there are photo opportunities that Bey just wasn't ready for at all. Yes, she didn't even have her designer sunglasses to protect her

Image Source / Twitter
But she is pretty quick on the mark and just uses her arm instead. She certainly seems determined to not give the tabloid press what they want! And you probably understand why!
13. Like do remember the time she got stuck in a fan?
During one of her shows in Montreal in 2013, Beyonce got caught up in a real emergency onstage! According to TMZ.com, Bey got tangled in a fan right in the middle of performing her hit song 'Halo'.

Image Source / Mirror.co.uk
And she didn't even miss a beat! Some say that the emergency was caused by her
biggest fan (we are so not sorry!). That must have been a little bit terrifying for her!
14. And don't get us started on the snot bubbles!
It might comfort you to know that Beyonce isn't some out-of-this-world being. Even though it seems that way, she is a human too, just like you and me, and something that absolutely proves that is that she has been caught blowing snot bubbles on stage.

Image Source / Straightfromthea
In fact, in an interview, she did say that her nose just runs so much when she sings! This proves she is human and also suffers from the general issues we all have problems with.
15. She does get caught off guard when she's performing a lot
Photographers just love to catch Beyonce off-guard whilst she is performing. There are so many golden photographs of Queen Bey live on stage in some of the most passionate-looking poses.

Image Source / OK!Magazine
And some of these have been slated by her publisher, with attempts to get them removed from the public eye! Surely she can handle a few bad ones being caught on the internet right?
16. But it does showcase her passion for performing
To be honest, though, it is absolutely crystal clear that she probably isn't thinking too much about the photographers when she's in the moment during her shows.

Image Source / PageSix
She's much more focussed on her own dynamic performance than when it'll look like in a still photograph. It's all about giving her fans the best show that she possibly can.
17. Paparazzi love to sneak up on her
With Beyonce being such a famous star, public interest has never been higher, and it is probably heightened by her refusal to do interviews and her desire to keep her private life just that:

Image Source / Mirror.co.uk
And with her 'no paparazzi' policies, it's no wonder when the tabloid press and the Paparazzi see this as a challenge that they want to beat! They're always on the hunt for that next big photo!
18. And try to get the worse photographs they possibly can
And photographers obviously need something unique that people haven't necessarily seen before! They might be particularly interested to see Beyonce in a different way, not looking like she's just walked out of a salon or airbrushed by a glossy magazine!

Image Source / Judiciaryreport.com
It's probably a feat trying to get a snap of her not looking like this! The thing is, she doesn't look remotely bad here either, she really does have the naturally beautiful genes!
19. But most of the time, she's way ahead of them anyway
The thing is though, Queen Bey has been in the game long enough to be able to be about ten steps ahead of the press. She always knows how to act in public situations just in case.

Image Source / Heatworld.com
This might include preempting when and where the Paparazzi will appear, and what kind of spin or story they will eventually put onto one of their photographs.
20. And they fail miserably
Beyonce is always way ahead of the game when it comes to what is shared about her with the public, including her photographs. She wants to keep a very specific image!

Image Source / Pagesix.com
So it's no wonder when the Paparazzi fail miserably to try to catch her off-guard. In fact, here she is on vacation looking glamorous in a floral costume one the beach!
21. They even snap at her when she's with her kids
There are lots of photographs of Beyonce with her kids and her husband online, even though they have this 'non-paparazzi' rule. Even trying to keep her private life private is a huge challenge!

Image Source / Hollywoodlife.com
Even for someone so powerful! However, check out this snap of Bey and Blue Ivy wearing matching outfits for a shopping date in NYC! This is further proof of her being ready.
22. And again...
The internet and the tabloid media are certainly not short of images of Beyonce with her kids. And it seems that she can't even board a plane with a tired child without gaining quite a lot of attention!

Image Source / Baddiebeyfashion
Imagine your mundane activities becoming a spectacle for public interest! I'm sure she would much prefer being able to spend time with her kids without being watched by the paps.
23. Bey and Jay Z always look pretty happy together
To the public eye, photographs of Beyonce and Jay Z show them as a happy couple. But they don't often display their affection in public. They aren't one of those PDA type couples.

Image Source / Dailymail.co.uk
However, they were snapped off-guard at the airport in a sweet series of photographs holding hands... And oranges! Proof that we all have those little sweet moments with our partners.
24. But there has been speculation about this
However, although it was never officially confirmed, they have been through a rocky period with them being rumored to have split for a period. It seems to have been put to bed now.

Image Source / SkyNews
Speculation, according to some sources questions whether this was to do with the 'Rhianna drama', or whether it was down to Beyonce being too focussed on her career. Either way, they have been pictured together recently.
25. And she was caught off guard by the 'Becky with the good hair' drama
When she released 'Lemonade' back in 2016, it became clear to the Beyhive that she was chronicling the ups and downs in her marriage to Jay Z. It happens to the best of us!

Image Source / OK!Magazine
But despite making it all public, she was reportedly caught off guard, as were other celebs who the public accused of being 'Becky', including Rita Ora, and Rachel Roy.
26. There were rumors that Lena Dunham bit her...
Now if you're craving an epic story about Beyonce being caught off guard, then look no further than 'The Girls' creator, Lena Dunham! It seems that it's not just the Paparazzi that are hungry for a piece of Beyonce.

Image Source / Dailymail.co.uk
In fact, there were real and shocking rumors that Lena had bitten Beyonce at a Jay Z after party in LA! This obviously created the mystery that generated the hashtag #WhoBitBeyonce.
27. The 'Patron Saint of She Would Do That!'
The rumor spread like wildfire after comedian, Tiffany Haddish shared the story of the aftermath of the so-called bite. It seems like quite an odd thing to lie about though right?

Image Source / Time
Obviously, Lena Dunham denied it in the best way possible, though, Tweeting: "As the patron saint of I Would Do That... I didn't". That sounds about the only way she could do so!
28. We bet you've never seen Beyoncé look like this before...
And just for a treat for the eyes, we've sourced this wonderful image for you! We're not really sure what's actually going on here but sources suggest that she is in the middle of a high-energy performance!

Image Source / Judiciaryreport.com
And she's clearly demonically happy about it! Does anyone want to place any bets on what it was that caught Queen Bey's eyes to make her get her gnashers out like that?
29. She's pretty private when it comes to her personal life
Despite being able to find the odd image of Beyonce with her guard down, the truth is, it does take quite a lot of digging around the internet! And that's the way she'll want to keep it.

Image Source / Bet.com
It seems that she is pretty successful in keeping her private life behind closed doors and only seems to let her guard down when she is in the midst of a passionate performance!
30. But doesn't mind sharing cute family snaps once in a while
But Beyonce never leaves us empty handed and she will choose to share cute and elaborate family snaps and more intimate moments from her life over on her Instagram.

Image Source / Instagram
And you know people want to see it because she actually has over 313 million engaged and dedicated followers! These are the moments she feels comfortable sharing with the world.
31. Beyoncé's best fashion moments of all time: Destiny's Child's matching leather outfits
Before she was one of the best performing solo artists in the world, Beyoncé was of course part of the iconic threesome, Destiny's Child. In terms of fashion, as well as they're awesome song list, they always made sure to match their outfits to each other for that extra pizzazz!

image source: glamour.com
This has to be one of the best examples of this, in this stunning fitted black leather with the rose gold stud detailing. These girls definitely had a ton of sex appeal that they showed off with their music performances and their outfits!
32. Casual denim
Beyonce has always been a prime example of how you can look good in a dress, a sparkling stage outfit, or just casual jeans. Granted, some of her casual outfits have always been a bit questionable but they always seem to look good on her,

image source: glamour.com
This denim outfit with the Yankees baseball cap became a famous look for her, and even her husband commented about how she managed to make the Yankees cap a more in-demand fashion item just because she'd worn it! We wonder if she still has it...
33. This black and white gown
This particular dress wasn't even the star of the show in terms of her outfit for the evening! You'd think this was her chosen dress to a red carpet event or party, but nope, this was actually a second outfit when she did a 'quick change' after performing.
image source: glamour.com
If this is the second-thought dress, then we have to wonder what the main outfit looked like! While she definitely rocks bright colors, she also looks good in classic black and white, and this strapless option with the trailing hem is looking amazing on her silhouette!
34. Beyonce channelling her Goldmember performance
If you're a fan of the Austin Powers movies - which of course you are - you'll remember that Beyonce was added to the movie for the role of Foxy Cleopatra, who had a very 60s era vibe with her amazing afro and outfit choices.
image source: glamour.com
And it seems that even outside of the movie, Beyonce was channelling this, as she shows off this outfit after being cast in the movie, as well as starting out in her long and successful solo career. She's showing off the afro hair as well as choosing gold for her dress.
35. This pink side slit dress
Over the years, Beyonce has definitely been hit and miss when it comes to her dress choices - she either gets it very very right, or very very wrong (we're looking at you skin-colored latex Met Gala dress!).

image source: glamour.com
But she's definitely had more wins than losses with dresses, and this stunning pink number gives a throwback to when she wore a few more bright colors! The shape is super flattering, the slit is perfect and we also need to talk about that natural hair because we love it when she embraces her curls!
36. Sequinned success
Hitting the MTV music awards carpet in 2003, Beyonce showed how she could very much do both when it came to either dresses or suits. She unveiled this tailored suit dress in the style of a blazer, with a shimmering finish and some huge earrings to match.
image source: glamour.com
We definitely think she rocks the all-over-sequin look compared to whatever the studs were on that latex dress she wore for the Met Gala... but we digress. She also looks great with her lighter shade of hair color for this dress.
37. Classic black velvet
Beyonce is not usually known for any classicly plain outfits because she's usually going for the biggest and brightest sequins or colors that pop. That's why it's a surprise to see her in a plain black velvet dress,
image source: glamour.com
The dress was still very much Beyonce in terms of the strapless corset, and she showed off this vintage velvet dress when she attended the 77th Annual Academy Awards back in 2005. Also a great choice for the hair up to show off that neckline!
38. Pretty in blush!
When Beyonce attended the premiere of the movie she'd starred in, Dream Girls, back in 2006, she also premiered this beautiful blush pink dress. While she can rock a black dress or a leather look, she also looks beautiful in the more delicate outfits,
image source: glamour.com
She had her hair a lighter tone (on her way to the blonder look we know her for these days) with a layered chiffon material in mermaid's tail design with little sequin accents - once again showing that sequins really should be Beyonce's default look!
39. A classic white look
It's actually very rare to see Beyonce in clean white, and she's so iconic you can still tell it's her even with the huge hat and big sunglasses. There's no hiding that noticeable style!
image source: glamour.com
This clean look, which definitely makes you think of Marilyn Monroe vibes, came with Beyonce's role in The Pink Panther movie, where she was playing the pop star, Xania (and if you haven't see the movie, you should go watch it - at least for this outfit in action!).
40. Matching her Grammy awards!
Was it just a coincidence that Beyonce chose to look like a Grammy statue herself? She must've known she was going to win one... or five. Gold is most definitely Beyonce's color, and definitely when she's out at an award show looking like a million bucks.
image source: glamour.com
This snap - and dress - comes from her 2004 amazing Grammy win, and we don't know how she managed to carry all those home! We love the fitted gold satin dress with the neck bling, and it's also rare to see her with her hair back from her face like that.
41. This gold dress!
Showing once again that she nails any sort of gold look, it's fitting that she should wear this on the red carpet to a Golden Globes event. Beyonce goes for a more casual hairstyle this time!
image source: glamour.com
The Elie Saab dress was worn by the pop superstar for the 63th Annual Golden Globes that she attended in 2007, and she wasn't just a guest - she was nominated for her role in Dream Girls, as well as for best original song for the movie.
42. A delicate pink look
Back to showing how she can definitely pull off a more delicate blush princess look as well as a shimmering sequinned gold goddess, here Beyonce debuted this beautiful pink satin gown when she attended her very first Met Gala back in 2008!

image source: glamour.com
The theme for 2008 was Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy, so we're not really sure how this dress gives off that impression - maybe Beyonce knows something we don't - but still, she looks amazing in it, and with the delicately pinned back hair, too, it's a winner!
43. Blue and blonde
Beyonce really does suit any color, and it's always great to see her doing something the polar opposite of what we usually see from her - that's why this blue dress with blonde hair is a stunning look in contrast to her gold or black dresses from other events.
image source: glamour.com
She looks great in pastel blue as much as she suits blush pink, and the blonde hair really brings it all together! She opted for sequinned silver this time for the top corset of the dress, instead of gold sequins. This was another Elie Saab creation the singer showed off.
44. Back to gold!
That isn't to say she doesn't look amazing in a more sophisticated combination of black and gold, because as we've established so far, she most definitely does.
image source: glamour.com
It's rare we see her with the two shades paired together - usually shimmering gold or a plain black dress separately - which makes this gown all the more exciting!
45. Giving off casual rock vibes
Beyonce, as we know, isn't always serving sequinned goddess - she has to have down time too, but even then in her more casual outfits she definitely nails it. Sometimes she'll wear the epitome of casual with the baseball caps and denim jeans, but this one is a little more smart casual!

image source: glamour.com
She has the tight black pants and heels - red soles, of course - showing off her figure, and a casual jacket style with black leather and pops of blue. She also went through an iconic hair stage of having bangs, and we're here for it!
46. Continuing the trend of wearing gold for Grammy wins!
She definitely must do it on purpose at this point when deciding her outfit of choice for Grammy shows! And by this point she probably knows she's going to win at least one, too, so she knows she has to wear something gold to shimmer on stage!
image source: glamour.com
For this outfit, she opted for a more simple dress with a shorter hemline than the billowing mermaid gowns we've seen her in before. She's also gone OTT on the shoulder pads with this one, but it's okay, because she's Beyonce so she can pull it off!
47. Playful summer style
We already know Beyonce rocks those really bright colors, but this is maybe one of the brightest outfits we've seen her wear - and one of the most fun and casual! She looks happy in it, anyway.
image source: glamour.com
Back in 2010, Beyonce was spotted in this romper outfit while she was making the rounds in Brazil. Paired with a casual pair of flip flops and a loose, natural-curl hair do, she looks more relaxed than she does on the Grammy's stage!
48. Tulle beauty
You may not be surprised to see we're back to the stunning black and gold gowns, but this one definitely deserved a mention - it's too glorious not to! This one was unveiled on the red Met Gala carpet back in 2011, for which the theme was "Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty".
image source: glamour.com
What do you think - do you think she pulled it off? Whether or not you think she nailed the specific theme, there's no denying this is a truly standout dress in terms of regal sophistication.
49. Switching to maternity outfits
And then, of course, Beyonce unveiled a whole new range of 'wow look at this outfit' when she had to start wearing maternity clothes! She definitely made being pregnant look beautiful and fashionable.
image source: glamour.com
She wore this stunningly bright dress to the 2010 MTV music awards and revealing the fact she's pregnant. The beautiful (and rather casual) red dress was a draping one-shouldered option that definitely allowed her enough room to let her baby bump shine!
50. It's time for the 'naked' dress look
As Beyonce began to attend more and more Met Galas over the years, it was clear that see-through dress trend of an almost naked look was definitely one of her faves.
image source: glamour.com
This particular dress was actually hit and miss with some people, as some thought it was stunning, while others thought it wasn't very impressive! But the best kind of fashion moments are the ones that get people talking - and there's no denying the pops of purple in the feathered train look good!