1. They visit you in your dreams

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Seeing people you love in your dreams is quite common, but if you're having a visitation or psychic dream, there's an easy tell. You dream approximately 4-10 times a night, and you don't remember most of them. If you have a very vivid and memorable dream of a loved one, it's most likely them trying to communicate with you.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. You're often losing or misplacing things

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Sometimes your loved one tries to get your attention by misplacing things that belong to you. So if you feel like you're positive you left your favorite necklace in a certain spot and it's not there, but then you go back later and find it, it might be a loved one communicating with you. You might notice it happening more frequently until you receive the message.
3. You notice an orb of light

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We'll discuss later the ability of deceased loved ones to channel electric energy. However, your loved one may also appear as an orb of light. Many believe that these balls of energy are spirits, and a clear sign that a loved one is making themself known. The spirit is able to draw upon physical light energy to be seen in a very real way.
4. They make their presence known

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You can feel the difference when you're truly in a room alone, and when your loved one's spirit is with you. They are sending a signal to every fiber of your being that they are with you. Some people even say that they can feel their loved one's emotions in these moments.
5. A psychic can read the energy

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Psychics are able to clarify the meanings in electrical currents that you may be feeling. Spirits use electrical currents to communicate. So if you feel a shift in energy, this may be a loved one communicating with you. Whether it's a light flicker, an out-of-place song coming on the radio or random phone calls, these are all signs.
6. They call you

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Similar to the electrical energy mentioned above, loved ones can use phones to relay messages. These can take place in dreams or in the physical realm. The call will sound far away and feel like an actual call even though it's not. You likely aren't able to converse with the person, it's just to receive a message from them.
7. You keep seeing butterflies

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We'll talk about various animals and insects that you might encounter when a loved one is trying to communicate. But butterflies are actually the top most common sign reported globally. This might be because butterflies are considered a representation of the human soul in a lot of societies. They bring hope to many people. If a butterfly lands on your shoulder or allows you to hold it, it's possible that a loved one is connecting with you!
8. You randomly find their belongings

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Even more so than them sending a random sign or symbol, you might find the person's actual belongings in a strange spot. This is a sure sign that a loved one is reaching out. If you go into the kitchen and find a pair of glasses or their favorite scarf that you KNOW shouldn't be there, it's a pretty clear indication. Take some time to tune in with their energy.
9. Their voice is almost audible

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It's very common for your loved one to communicate you via auditory mechanisms. People have said this can be external and audible, and others have felt it internally as if their voice is not their own, but a completely separate entity. Either way, if you experience this, it's a sign that they're reaching out.
10. They send you signs and symbols

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Sometimes, our loved ones will send us signs or symbols from the beyond, because they know that we love and miss them. This will often happen repetitively. So take note of synchronicities where it feels things are beyond just coincidence. If you're seeing the same thing over and over and it's of significance, take note!
11. They help guide your life

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When you're going through a rough time or need help from the Spirit world, your loved one can actually send you signs or moments or people to help show you that you're on the right path. This may come in validation of choices or learning something new or taking a leap of faith through a major change.
12. They send you repeating numbers

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Beyond the signs and symbols we discussed, there are repeating numbers that loved ones use to communicate from the Spirit world. These are known as angel numbers. So if you're constantly seeing 111 or 222 on your clock or in phone numbers or license plates, it could be your loved one sending you a sign. These numbers each have a unique vibration and meaning.
13. Your children mention it

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This is kinda freaky when it happens, but it's also very endearing. Many people have reported that a sure sign a loved one was trying to communicate was because their children noticed their presence. Kids are able to access the spirit world more easily. So if your kid says they had a conversation with grandma, or you notice them talking to an empty corner of a room, your loved one might be reaching out!
14. They visibly show themselves to you

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Loved ones who have passed have been known to make partial or full appearances to loved ones. This can appear in a mist-like form or in a full-body apparition. It's said that the person appears healthy and luminous, as if they are at peace. Most people say they experience this when they're in those moments of awake and asleep.
15. Their scent lingers in rooms

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Everyone has a distinct scent that you probably associate with that person. Maybe it's the smell of your grandma's perfume mixed with peppermint. If you enter a room and catch a waft of a scent associated with a deceased loved one, it's likely that they are visiting you and trying to communicate.
16. They show themselves through nature

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If you see a hummingbird, or their favorite creature lingering near you, it could very well be a manifestation of your loved one coming to look after you. When you're in nature, your energy and vibrations are aligning with the earth and elements, which allows you connect more deeply to your loved one.
17. You're taking more notice of wildlife

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Perhaps you're on your daily walk and you become acutely more alert of creatures like squirrels or deer. This is a common sign that someone is trying to communicate with you. This is especially true if the person who passed had an affinity for nature, and especially if you see said creature in an obscure place.
18. Your pet senses their presence

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Did you know that your fluffy-faced dog is actually really attuned to the spirit world? If you notice your pet randomly perk up or start whining, it might be a loved one's presence making them take notice. People report that dogs will often wag their tails and act as if they're greeting someone who isn't there.
19. They come to you in visions

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This is different than the person appearing to you or speaking to you. This feels more like a vision you're given of the great beyond. Perhaps it comes to you almost as more of a projection type image when you close your eyes. The person is likely showing you themselves in their afterlife so you can be at peace.
20. They reach out and touch you

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Similar to being able to physically smell their scent, departed loved ones can show their presence through energy shifts. This can include touch where you almost feel as if they're hugging you or touching your shoulder or hand. While it can be unnerving at first, this is meant to bring peace to you that everything is okay.
21. They leave you little gifts

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If your loved one is trying to contact you, they might leave little gifts or objects in obvious places to get your attention. This could be small things like seashells or feathers or coins. Your gut will probably make it clear that it's a gift, because it will be something that makes you think of them. It could just be their way of letting you know they're with you.
22. Let's break that down a little more

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Did you know that coins are considered to be a special sign from a loved one who is no longer with us? There have been MANY people who report finding pennies in strange places that they feel is representative of their loved one. Dimes are also considered to be a sign of someone trying to communicate with you. This could be an individual coin or a unique grouping of them. Some people have even said a coin fell out of the sky and hit them on the head!
23. And a little more on feathers too

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Aside from coins, feathers are considered one of the strongest signs that a loved one is trying to connect with you. It's said that it can also represent the presence of an angel. Perhaps you find a feather in a place it shouldn't be, like in a pocket or a cupboard. If this happens, perhaps spend some time in meditation to hear more clearly from the spirit world.
24. They encounter you while meditating

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When you're spending time in meditation or prayer, this is called an "alpha state" of consciousness. It means that in your relaxed state, it's easier for your loved ones to communicate with you. This can be either verbal or nonverbal. It's often a way for your loved one to let you know it's okay to move forward without them.
25. They send you a cardinal

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This is a very specific sign that a loved one might show you. There's a saying that "Cardinals appear when angels are near." So if you see a Cardinal, it's a visitor from the afterlife. Many people see these birds after someone passes, and it's a way of getting your attention and showing you that you're not alone.
26. They refocus you on the present

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When you get too caught up in looking for signs of your loved one, this can actually limit your ability to receive them. You must allow the universe time to respond and not focus too overtly on a specific idea. This is you trying to control the narrative. If you feel yourself refocusing on your present life, this is your way of your loved one helping you open up to receive.
27. You have a conversation with them

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We already talked about someone visiting you in a dream or communicating with you via a dream. But there's also a chance that you find yourself also in the dream and having a full conversation with the person who has passed. Maybe you see your dream self entering the bedroom and chatting with them while they're getting ready.
28. They show you a special stone

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This maybe sounds weird, but there are people who have said that their loved one has presented themselves through a stone or pebble. It's similar to the other objects and animals we're discussing throughout, but this small stone is usually found in a weird spot. For example, maybe you open your drawer, and it's laying on top of your favorite sweater. It's considered a wishing stone.
29. You see a dragonfly

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We've talked a bit about various animals and insects that you might see as a representation of your loved one. This is also true of dragonflies. Many have said that when a loved one who has passed on was trying to make themselves known, they would reveal themselves through a dragonfly. These insects represent light and wisdom.
30. You have an out-of-body experience

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There are studies that show that some people have an out-of-body experience where you're separated from your physical body in order to communicate more clearly with your loved one who has passed on. It's almost like a near death experience. These are uncommon and usually occur in people who know how to direct themselves and go into a liminal space.
31. Signs you have a guardian angel: finding feathers
image source: reddit.com
Your guardian angel may be a passed loved one themselves, or another angel watching over you. So what are the signs to look for? Feathers are one of the most common signs of angels, and especially white feathers. If you're finding white feathers in places you shouldn't, and especially if all of a sudden, it could be a sign your guardian angel is with you. Any feather can still be a sign even if it's not a white one, and even if you're in a place with birds, the feathers themselves appearing to you can still be a firm sign your angel is there.
32. You have a sensation of warmth
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As long as you don't have cranked up heating or a log fire to explain away the sudden influx of heat! We're talking more a subtle sensation of warmth against your skin, sort of when you get a chill down your back but the opposite! This can be a sign that your angel is near because they're giving off warm light energy that's going to touch your skin. You may also just have a general feeling of 'warmth' and contentment come across you as you're sat there, rather than something directly warm or physical on your skin.
33. Or even a tingling sensation
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If you're getting sensations on your skin, you might also get a 'tingling' sensation rather than any temperature changes. This tingling sensation can be very much associated with a strong guardian angel presence near you. This is because energy from angels can often manifest as 'tingling' on the skin, whether your bare arms, the back of your neck or anywhere, really. It might seem a bit weird at first, or make you jump if you suddenly get these tingles, but it's nothing to be afraid of! This can be an angel validating that they're there with you.
34. Lights are flickering
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Flickering lights are always associated from signs from the 'other side' no matter what the sense - angels, ghosts, passed love ones - because their powerful energy can often interfere with the electrics in your home, or they could actually be manipulating a light pattern to try and send a message to you. If you have flickering lights, especially in a certain spot over and over again, it could be a sign there's a presence of angels. You might also experience a light turning itself on, or off, as opposed to flickering, which can also be a sign (as long as you don't have ghosts!).
35. You see signs in the clouds
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Cloud watching and trying to make shapes out of the clouds is a great pastime on a sunny day! And if you happen to notice anything angel-shaped up there, this is a huge sign. This could be the full shape of an angel, or it might be something you would relate to them, like a halo, or a feathered wing. There's also the possibility that your angel is trying to send a message through the clouds, in which case you might see other things related to you, like a love heart during times of struggle, or anything that has meaning to you personally.
36. You feel a breeze
image source: reddit.com
Just like that feeling of warmth, or the tingling on your skin, you might also get a sense of a breeze around you (during a time that can't be explained away by the wind). This could be the gentlest, ticking of air around you, and as long as you're not standing by an open window, this could be a guardian angel trying to make their presence known. You might just get a feeling in your gut that you're getting the sensation of air moving differently around you, either when you're sitting still, or moving from room to room. It might also be that the breeze is warm.
37. You've noticed pleasant scents
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When it comes to anything supernatural or paranormal, certain smells are often huge indicators. Bad smells are related to bad omens or spirits, while very pleasant smells can be related to angelic presences - and you might get the smell of a loved one's perfume, or something related to them, if it's a passed loved one trying to communicate. The main sign here is if you suddenly catch a very pleasant scent where there's no other explanation for it, and nothing else causing it. It could be something like a floral smell, or even your favorite smell, like chocolate or sweet treats!
38. You've seen pets or babies looking at something
image source: reddit.com
We've all had that weird moment at least once when our pet has stared at something across the room and we wonder what they're looking at. Ghosts might be the first thing that pops to mind, and while it's true that animals - and babies - are attuned to supernatural presences like ghosts, they're also attuned to positive angel presences. This is because animals and babies have a more open mind when it comes to energies like that, because they don't have the barriers that adult minds do when trying to explain things away. So if a baby is looking at something and smiling, or your pet is taking notice of something and doesn't look troubled, it could be a positive angel presence!
39. You can hear angelic music
image source: reddit.com
Music is also something hugely connected with 'the other side', just like all our other senses, are. For passed loved ones, this could be a particular song used to try and communicate with you, but with guardian angels, angelic music in particular is a big sign. This could be angelic music popping into your head, without being played in the environment around you. You could also experience music being played to you directly through the radio, or on television, if you keep coming across choir pieces or angel-related music.
40. Finding coins in your path
image source: reddit.com
If you keep finding coins on the street in the path in front of you, you might have been thinking you're just lucky, and promised yourself you'd start saving them all for a bit extra cash! Actually, continuously finding coins and currency in your path can also be a sign of your guardian angel. This can be their way of trying to guide you, or offer support. You might want to look closely at the coin to see if it has any meaning to you - like the type of currency, or the date on it - or maybe it could be in response to you asking your spirit guides for financial aid.
41. Glimmers of light
image source: reddit.com
Guardian angels in themselves are beings of positivity, warmth and light - so if you're seeing glimmers and shimmers of light around you, even just a few, or maybe in the corner of your eye, this might be a sign of one being in your presence, too. They might usually try to catch your eye with this glimmers of light, and you may not be able to otherwise explain where the light is coming from (with their being no other light sources around you). A good way to test, too, is to close your eyes when you spot the light and see if the light stays with you in your vision.
42. Spotting orbs

image source: reddit.com
A bigger source of light is of course the orb, which a lot of people associate with ghost or spirits. Orbs of light can also be angels in your presence if they want to make themselves known to you, and you may even have cases of only noticing orbs after the fact when you spot them on a photograph you took, for example. This can all depend on whether you knew your camera lense was free of dust, or the environment was free of dust, so seeing one with your naked eye can sometimes be better at telling what could be an angel or not.
43. Seeing light or energy when meditating
image source: reddit.com
Another good way of spotting light from angels is during meditation, which is actually when guardian angels might want to make their presence most known to you due to the fact that this is the time your mind is open, your barriers are down and you're in a state of total relaxation. Some people reach out for their guardian angels or spirit guides during meditation for this reason. You can have your eyes closed during meditation and still have an influx of light that you might see in your mind's eyes, or you might even see something clearer like geometric shapes.
44. Tingles at the top of your head
image source: reddit.com
The top of your head is where your crown chakra lies, and this is where you can most experience tingling sensations, or other sensations, from your guardian angel if they're trying to connect with you. You might feel a warmth radiating from the top of your head or just get a tickle on the top of your hair there. The reason the crown chakra, or this part of the head, is targeted by guardian angels is because they could be trying to open up this chakra to a 'higher' understanding of their realm, as well as focusing their energy down from above.
45. You see a lot of rainbows
image source: reddit.com
Rainbows are often associated with 'the beyond' and the divine, and in a very positive way. Rainbows are usually a good way for angels to communicate if you have been reaching out to your guardian angel, asking them questions or asking for a message. If you then see a rainbow afterwards, it could be a sign they're answering back to you. If you've asked for a general sign, you may also spot a rainbow as a response if your guardian angel is there with you. This is more likely if you see a rainbow when you shouldn't (when it hasn't been raining).
46. Big changes in temperature
image source: reddit.com
We mentioned about the smaller sensations of feeling warm and tingly, but you may also notice huge changes in the temperature of the room around you, or your home in general. Or maybe even just wherever you are in public, like a coffee shop or the cinema! Being in the presence of angels could cause the room temperature to drop in a significant way, and then go really warm again - maybe even too hot. Being connected to your guardian angel will likely show through big temperature drops so that you get the 'chills' and feel more heightened tingles.
47. Physical touch
image source: reddit.com
Nobody is going to react well to the feeling of something they can't see touching them, because your first instinct can be a ghost! But you can usually tell when the energy is positive energy from a guardian spirit or angel, because it will be gentle and not meant to frighten you or make you jump. This physical touch could be a light brush across your hair, or the back of your neck, or might be a very gentle brush against the skin on your arm. This can happen if they really want to reach out to you or are trying to send you peaceful energy.
48. You feel a sense of happiness and joy
image source: reddit.com
Guardian angels are there to try to protect you, guide you and offer you peace and comfort, which is why a big sign you might have a guardian angel is if you have periods of inexplicable joy or feelings of peace wash over you out of nowhere. You might have been going through something difficult only to suddenly feel like everything is going to be okay. This could be your guardian angel fulfilling its job in trying to comfort you and making you feel unconditionally loved. Your guardian angel will know how best to send you warmth and joy.
49. You've spotted messages on signs
image source: reddit.com
There are many signs you can look out for when it comes to guardian angels, and many angelic signs you might spot, including angel numbers. Signs and billboards in public places are one of the ways you might spot these messages or signs. This can most likely be after you've openly spoken out asking if you have a guardian angel presence, or asking for guidance. This can be their way of responding to you, by showing you thinks you'll notice on signs or billboards. It can be a direct solution, word or message you've been looking for.
50. You just feel it

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When it all comes down to it, sometimes you just know. If you've just had this feeling that something is watching over you, or something is guiding you and filling you with warmth, it could be that you have a guardian angel close to you. You might just have a feeling in your gut - such as when you're feeling tingles, hearing a certain song or seeing a certain sign on the street - that it's someone trying to reach out for you. Always trust your gut in this matter, and if you have a feeling about it, you can always reach out further through meditation if you wanted to.