Get The Temperature Right

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Getting the temperature right is imperative to enjoying your shower. You do not want to end up burning yourself, or spend your time shivering. Make sure people know that you are showering too, so they don't flush the toilet or turn on a tap as it might burn you!
Wash Thoroughly

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When you are in the shower, really take your time to have a proper scrub and clean. There isn't any point doing half a job, as it will leave you feeling gross for the rest of the day. Do it right first time and you'll be good to go and feeling fresh!
Wash Your Face Last

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After washing your hair, all of the grease, grime and dirt is left to wash down your body. This means that all of the dirt gets into your pores, which are left open due to the warm water and steam of the shower. To avoid this, wash your face last, or at least after your hair.
Get Good Shampoo

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A good quality shampoo is much better for your hair in the short term and over the long term too! A good shampoo will leave your hair feeling soft and bouncy, and should not contain too many harsh chemicals. Try and go for natural ingredients if possible.
Rinse Properly

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Making sure to properly rinse off is something that is often overlooked. Get all the excess soap and dirt off your skin and your shower game will change for good. Just take an extra 30 seconds to have an extra rinse and you'll feel a world of difference.

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Moisturizing with either a moisturizing body wash whilst in the shower, or as soon as you step out will do wonders for your skin. The heat from the warm water opens your pores up, which allows the moisturizers to seep deep into the skin and work effectively.
Shave Your Legs

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Shaving your legs in the shower is super common for a lot of us, but it is not the most common knowledge. By shaving your legs in the shower, you save yourself all of the hassle and mess of cleaning up. Many razor blades are also shower specific and moisturize as they go.
Brush Your Teeth

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For those of us who spend our mornings in a frantic rush, this one will be familiar. You can save a bit of time every day by brushing your teeth in the shower, and it doesn't make a mess of your sink! Just spit out the excess toothpaste right down into the plug.
Clean Your Shower

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Of course, every so often, you will need to give your shower a proper deep clean. However, if you clean your shower glass and give the base of the shower a quick wipe down after every use, the shower will stay a lot cleaner for an awful lot longer! If your shower carries bacteria, you're never going to be that clean!
Throw Out Empty Bottles

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Keeping empty bottles of shower gel, shampoo and conditioner is something that we have all be guilty of at one stage or another. When you're in the shower and you run out, throw them out of the shower straight away, so you don't end up keeping them in there.
Skip Washing Your Hair?

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Do not wash your hair everyday. Getting it wet on the daily is fine, but the chemicals in shampoo dry out your scalp, causing unsightly and itchy dandruff to form. By washing less frequently, your hair gets chance to build up its natural oils again. Once a week is fine!
Get Some Music On

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A shower time boogie and singing session is the best way to start your day or finish an evening. Many companies now even make waterproof speakers, meaning you can take the music right into the shower. Plus, bathroom acoustics are great for turning it up loud!
Water The Plants

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If you keep any plants in the bathroom or close by, maybe in your bedroom, take them with you into the shower every once in a while. This way, you can water the plants with the runoff from your shower, saving the environment and a bit of money too! The humidity is also amazing for your plants!
Shave Your Face

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To do this, make sure you have a good quality waterproof mirror. Shaving your face in the shower reduced irritation and is more likely to prompt you to moisturize as soon as you step out. It really is a win win situation for your skin, and it saves you time.
Get Your Towel Warm

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There are few nicer feeling than stepping out of the shower into a warm fluffy towel. Get your towel warm before you jump into the shower, as who doesn't like to wrap up warm afterwards. Us a towel rack with a built in heater or just put it onto a towel radiator.
Pat Yourself Dry

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Patting yourself dry is better for your skin and hair. It allows your skin flakes to fall off naturally, meaning you end up less red and with skin that is not irritated. It is also better for your hair, as rubbing your head causes friction which can make hair fall out.
Use A Shower Melt

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A shower melt is similar to a bath bomb, but it releases aromas and scents rather than changing the color of the water. Scents like lavender are perfect for helping you get to sleep after a hard day, and it generally makes for a nicer and more relaxing experience.
Light A Candle

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Lighting a candle is the best way to create a relaxing ambiance when you are taking some time to relax in the shower. Try using a scented candle too, as the hot steam from the shower helps to enhance the smell and spread it around the bathroom easier.
Give Yourself A Facial

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Grab all of your facial specific products and take a few minutes to really give your face a good massage and clean. This will do wonders for your skin, but is also great for your mental health, as it really helps you to de-stress and unwind properly.
Dim The Lights

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Dimming the lights in the bathroom is another great way to relax and unwind in the evenings. It is also a helpful tip if you are a morning shower kind of person, as lets be honest, nobody likes the harsh, white bathroom lights at stupid o'clock in the morning!
Prepare Your Space

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Taking a little time to get the bathroom nice and clean, relaxing and ready for your shower makes the whole experience less mundane and a little more special. This is a great tip if you are showing with a partner or just want to make yourself feel special.
Do The Dishes

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This is a bit unorthodox, but doing the washing up in the shower has been a well used tip for the frugal among us for many years now. Just take some washing up liquid in there and hey presto! Make sure you don't get the bottles confused whatever you do!
Condition Your Hair

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Taking your time with the conditioner is something that many of us simple overlook. Taking a while to really get into your roots with the conditioner is something that your hair will thank you for. It gives you loads of time to chill out, and leaves you with super soft hair.
Bring A Snack

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So obviously don't try and bring a burrito or a peanut butter sandwich into the shower... that is a recipe for disaster. However, why not try taking something like an ice pop or an orange into the shower. That way you can eat it and not worry about sticky fingers.
Shower With A Partner

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Showing with your partner is a great way to spice up a relationship, and it is beneficial for the planet as you end up using half as much water. Granted, one of you may be cold for a little while, but this is a small price considering the payoff really!
Get A New Bath Matt

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This is something that many of us forget to change as frequently as we probably should. Your bath mat is there to absorb water and germs, so it needs replacing frequently. Treat yourself to a nice new one, why not go for a super soft or even memory foam mat?
Have A Shower Beer

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For some reason, a beer in the shower just hits different (I also feel like they get you drunk quicker, like an plane beer)! A beer in the shower is a great way to chill out after work, or a perfect excuse to get some pre-drinks in before a night out.
Wash Your Pet

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Washing your pet in the shower makes it so much easier than putting them into a bathtub or a big bucket outside. If you have a dog anything like mine, you will know that his only goal is to escape the shower, so keeping him contained in the cubicle for a wash is perfect.
Take A Cold Shower

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Cold showers have actually proven to be good for our physical and mental health, especially if you turn the water cold after every shower. Studies suggest they lead to a longer and more healthy life, so why not give it a go next time you're taking a shower?
Don't Stay In Too Long

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Prune fingers... That's is the bodies way of telling you that shower time is over and it is time to return to being a normal human again, not some semi aquatic crossover. Don't stay in longer than you need, it's a waste of water and of your time too!