Finding A Spot

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Whenever our protagonist is in a hurry, the parking lot is always empty and the perfect space appears at just the right moment. Need to hide from bad guys, just like in real life, the parking lot is absolutely rammed full, making it a nightmare to move around!
Ever Available Taxi's

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'TAXI' our star shouts... Cue a taxi turning the corner, right in time. How often does this ever actually happen? The star of the show having psychic abilities to hail a taxi is something we only ever see in the movies, but when it happens to you it does feel impressive.
Personal News Bulletins

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When they turn on the television, the channel juts happens to be a major news network. What is the new channel covering at that specific moment in time? Exactly the plot of the film. This never happens in normal life, we end up sitting through mountains of adverts.
Creepy Noises

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Whats that you can hear? A creepy noise coming from that pitch black graveyard? Better go and investigate! Forget that, no one with half an ounce of sense would walk towards a suspicious noise coming from the cemetery, let alone do it with the glee our protagonists do!
Flash mobs

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but high school is not anything like high school musical. Instead of dance battles and sing offs, people get punched and robbed of lunch money. Also, no one in real life just knows all the steps to elaborate dance...
Credit Card Lock Pick

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Another myth we see portrayed a lot on the silver screen is that you can open any locked door with nothing but a credit card and a good, well placed wiggle. Unfortunately for burglars, lock manufacturers are slightly more switched on than this most of the time.
Bomb Disposal

Image Source: Pond5
For the most part, you can not just cut a special wire and deactivate a bomb. The police and bomb disposal teams usually blow the device up in a controlled manner, rather than send someone in to break it down. It is far safer and less costly this way.
English Speaking Foreign Soldiers

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A lot of movies show our hero in disguise as a foreign soldier, kind of like a super soldier spy type character. Unfortunately, putting on a fake accent and stealing a uniform is only a thing seen in movies, and actual spies need to employ better techniques than this to gain information.
Perfect Makeup

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How many times do we see someone go swimming, or a long run, or even go skydiving, then appear back on screen with perfect makeup and beautifully bouncy hair? We all have bad hair days, but movie stars employ a whole team of hair and makeup artists to ensure they don't.
Always Visible Landmarks

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If you are watching a film set in a foreign city, say Paris or New York, out of every window you will see some recognizable landmark. The reality is that many of us just live in a house that looks at other houses. Not very exciting, but that's just how it is!
And It Was His Last Day...

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Is it part of the contract for every American police officer to be shot and killed on their last day of active duty? Because that is what the movies would have us believe. Maybe it's best for coppers to just leave one day, and hand in their notice once they are safe.
The Get Away Car

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The get away car is always the coolest. Unfortunately, it always either develops a mechanical fault, runs out of fuel or gets into a horrendous wreck. Maybe the people trying to escape should consider taking the bus instead, it would save a lot in repair costs.
Haunted House

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Our protagonist needs a place to spend the night. Where better to get some shut eye than a clearly haunted house. If the protagonist is a young woman, then you best believe she is investigating every single noise is nothing but some skimpy nightwear!
Police Snipers

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The sniper and watch guard hired by the police never takes their eye off the ball. And for some strange reason, they always have a box of Chinese takeout ready to eat. Does this come with the job, or is it just a stereotype? Who knows, only the Chinese take away and the police I guess?
Brown Paper Bags

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Maybe it is just a common thing from a bygone time, but surely no one goes to work or school with lunch in a brown paper bag any more? And as for grocery shopping, it's guaranteed for our protagonist to leave the shops only for the bags to split and throw food everywhere.
Never Running Out Of Fuel

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Even in movies like The Fast and The Furious, how often do you ever see them stopping at a gas station for some fuel and a quick snack? Unless these celebrities have a backyard petrol pump, how are they doing it? Seems very suspicious to be honest...
Fight Scenes

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Caught in a fight in real life. If you are anything like me, then you're going to be praying for an easy exit at best, and not to get your head kicked in too much at worst. In the movies, this never seems to happen, and opponents seem to come in convenient waves.
Microphone Feedback

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Every time a microphone gets turned on in a film it does that horrible feedback high pitched squeal. You would have thought that with the progression of microphone technology and people becoming more tech literate this would have stopped, but apparently not.
Everlasting Ammunition

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This one only applies to the hero of the story, but you may have noticed that in a gun fight they never ever run out of bullets. In the rare occasion that they do, their weapon is simply tossed to one side as they can just grab a conveniently placed on from the floor.
Single Women

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We've seen this in classic movies like Bridget Jones' Diary and countless other similar (rip off) films. Single women are always portrayed as loser-ish in the beginning, longing for a man and usually cat owning. This couldn't be further from the truth!

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In reality if a bullet hits something like a car, a bus or a house, it normally leaves a bullet hole in one side and causes a bit of damage as it goes on its path. In the movies, no matter what a bullet hits, a large and fiery explosion comes soon after.
Hiding In A Crowd

Image Source: NBC News
The movie stars would have you think that anyone, no matter how wanted they are, can simply slip into a large enough crowd and disappear. Now although this does happen occasionally, thanks to modern CCTV, it is quite difficult to hide in plain sight.
Hiding In Air Vents

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Unlike Die Hard, the air vents in real life are made from flimsy sheet metal and very very tight. You know, tight enough to allow air through but not a ripped Bruce Willis. You can't actually hide in them without doing damage to yourself or the vent. Or both.
A Wallet Photo

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If you are anything like me, your wallet is full or card and useless receipts. An empty wallet that contains a crisp $20 and photo of your high school sweetheart is kind of creepy, and to be totally honest i'm glad that it is purely a movie trope and not the norm.
Women Of The Night

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Again, sorry to burst your bubble, but the reality is that prostitution is anything but glamorous. Most prostitutes do not look like Julia Roberts and have to answer to a controlling pimp. Unlike in the movies, this isn't a choice but a forced career for many women.
Super Bright Candles

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You will notice that in the movies, a group of people can light a candle in a pitch black location and it lights up the space like a second sun. Obviously this is done for the viewers benefit, but the reality is that candles are normally a pretty poor light source.
Good Guy Always Wins

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So I know the reason this happens in movies, they would never be very long if the star was killed within the first ten minutes. In most films however, our big star can sustain multiple life threatening injuries and appear unscathed and have no lasting implications.
Glasses Hide Everything

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We see this so often, glasses really do not change your face that much, so why are they treated like the people who wear them have had a bin bag over their face. How Clark Ken was never caught out as Superman will always remain a mystery, his work colleagues should pay more attention!
Anyone Can Land A Plane

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Film and television would have everyone believe that they could land a Boeing 747. You just need a little help from the control tower right? I think this might be more of a male trait, as every man I have ever spoken to believes (incorrectly) that they could.
Splitting Up

Image Source: NBC News
I wholeheartedly blame Fred of Scooby Doo for this. In his everlasting quest to get some alone time with Daphne, he always forces the gang into perilous situations by telling them to split up! Stop chasing skirt Fred and get your damn priorities straight!