Talk About The Deceased

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When we mourn a death, the most common thing to do is to talk about the deceased, from sharing funny stories about them, or simply reflecting on their life. Reflecting on these memories keeps the memory of the them alive, and ultimately becomes a source of solace.
Feel The Need To Cry

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One thing we almost always do is cry. Shedding tears for the deceased is a natural part of the grieving process and offers a way of coming to terms with reality. Crying can act as a channel to release the pain and anguish that comes with losing a loved one. Often the first thing that happens, crying should be encouraged.
Isolating Oneself

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While isolating oneself is concerning at times, it is important that you deal with a loss in your own way. Isolating yourself is a good way to do this, because the grieving process is overwhelming, it is okay to sometimes allow yourself to sit by alone, although you should look for support when you are ready.
Create A Memorial

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A memorial can come in many forms offering a tangible way to pay a lasting tribute to the deceased. This can be carried out in a large group for a famous person or done individually, it allows the person grieving to look back and remember the good times spent with the deceased.
Listen To Songs

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Songs have the ability to evoke emotion and memories. They allow individuals to discovered meanings within the lyrics and melodies, or maybe they just remind you of the one you lost. Music becomes therefore comforting and happens after you lose a deceased.
Read Books

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Books are another way of dealing with grief, a non-fiction book allows people to escape reality. Other books you may read could be on grief, and loss. These types of books might help us navigate the journey of mourning with a greater clarity. Reading a book allows for escape and advice.
Look Back At Photos

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Looking back at photos after the death of a loved one is a natural thing to do and can help with the grieving process by allowing us to think back to happier times. Physical albums or digital galleries both allows us to revisit memories frozen in time, allowing us to come back to them whenever we feel emotional.
Spend Time In Nature

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The healing powers of nature are experienced when we are mourning, you could visit the forests or the hills. Places of natural beauty are perfect for contemplation or revisiting old memories. Just by sitting we find ourselves healing our heart and minds, not dwelling on the death but grateful we knew the person.

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Physical activity such as running or just high intensity activity can be a useful tool for dealing with grief. Exercise releases endorphins, which help us improve our mood and reduces stress. It can also be an amazing way to releases any pent up emotions, improving your overall well-being.
Pray For The Dead

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For those who have religious beliefs, a simple pray can be a good release of anguish. Praying acts as a way of communication to the deceased, allowing you to express the love you had for them. Praying for good health in the afterlife also acts as a comfortable way to deal with death.
Take Time Off Work

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Taking time off work is a good way to deal with the loss of a loved one and maybe the first initial step in recovering. Time off work clears you to carry on with your days without the stress and daily responsibility of work. Even a few days would help to heal your heart.
Create A Memory Box

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A creative way to remember someone who has passed is through a memory box. Not limiting yourself to only photos, a memory box is assembled with carefully chosen objects. After a box is made you are able to store it knowing you are able to revisit the memories whenever you want.
Practice Self-Care

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A simple thing carried out by all in a moment of grief is self-care. Self-care differs from person to person, but is needed in the mourning period. Self-care does not only concern the physical but the mental as well so it is important you turn off social media and allow yourself to breath, meditation is a good option for this.
Seek Professional Help

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Sometimes, the grief process is very overwhelming, and you may need someone to help deal with your sadness. Professional help is readily available , grief counsellors and therapists can offer valuable professional support and guidance. This advice allows you to process the loss and grow.
Visit The Grave

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One thing that often helps with grief is visiting the grave of the deceased, this can have a range of benefits. People often talk to the grave offering a sense of communication with the dead. Another thing people often do is place items on the grave, again this expression helps in feeling like the deceased is still ever present.
Engage In Creative Means

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Creative expressions may help process the death of a loved one. Creative outlets could be painting, music, or crafting. These allow us to convey emotions in our own unique way, something that is curated by oneself gives a sense of accomplishment. With the mind distracted it is a good way to ease grief.
Honor Their Birthdays or Anniversaries

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A unique step in the easing of grief is celebrating the birthdays of those who have passed. Often only happening once a year, it allows mourners to not forget the dead but also help with people who are still suffering. Family and friends may join you in this or you may wish to simply visit a resting place.
Release Balloons or Lanterns

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Often associated with religion. The releasing of balloons or lanterns in a ritual or group consists of symbolism, which signifies letting go while sending messages of love and remembrance. This is significant because while it is important that we let go but also send love as they float up to the atmosphere.
Visit Special Places

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Visiting significant places, can be a good way of remembering the deceased. A loved one's favorite place like a park, restaurant, or building, you are able to quietly contemplate. These significant places tend to evoke cherished emotions, allowing to remember every so often.
Set Goals

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Setting a goal is a good way to process emotions. Although it is important to give yourself time to grieve. Setting a goal allows you to focus how to look towards the future and figure out a time in which have moved passed the death. This may be done later as the mourning period is long.
Practice Forgiveness

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The mourning period often take a toll on one's empathy. Often the gathering of family members and friends adds to experience. The loss of a loved one lets you come to the realization that life is too short. Reflecting on those we have lost, we often find it in our hearts to forgive and heal old wounds.
Read Poetry

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In the quietness of mourning, reading poetry can provide a solace and resonance to the complex emotions we grapple with. Poetry can often capture human experience, offering words of sadness and realness of how people feel during this time. Equally, poetry can act as a form of escapism through different stories!
Gathering Of Distanced Family

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A large gathering of family who may have grown apart can act as a somber moment. With family members around we can share the sadness we feel, remembering loved ones by telling stories. This often helps share the grief and allow one to feel like they are not alone in their suffering.
Accepting Help

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Similar to gathering family. Grief is best shared with others, opening up and realising that you need others around to help you cope with the pain is the hardest part of the journey. No matter how big the crowd, maybe one person or a few, it allows us to share the burden of grief further letting us grow.
Take Up A New Hobby

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Grief often offers a prompt for a new distraction. If you find yourself feeling lost and caught in a rut. A new hobby can allow you to feel distracted by focusing on something new and interesting. This channels the emotions out instead of keeping them built up. allowing the brain to reflect and react in its own time.
Question The Deep Meanings Of Life

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In the face of death we tend to find ourselves in a state of reflection and contemplation. We often question the meaning of life at first but then maybe you would discover more profound questions that remain a unsolved. In doing so you mind becomes distracted by the unknown, taking away from the feeling of grief.
Carry a Memento

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A small way we are able to feel a source of comfort is to carry a tangible item, a picture a coin a button. No matter how small, these items we carry allow us to feel like we are still with the loved ones we have lost. More often than not we find rings and jewellery to honor and remember the deceased.
Write a Letter To The Deceased

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If you feel like you can not express how your feeling through words, maybe the best method is writing a letter. A letter allows the mourner to feel like they have spoken to the dead even though the words have not been spoken. the letter can be kept and used in a need of comfort when feeling down.
Light A Candle

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Often associated with the christian faith. The lighting of a candle can offer relief, it represents the hope that the light will guide the departed to peace and acts as a beacon of remembrance. Lighting a candle allows us to communicate with the dead, wishing the good in the afterlife through the glow of a candle.
Planting Flowers Or Trees

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Another Symbolic gesture that is often carried out is the planting of a tree or flower. As time goes on the plant will continue to grow and stand in honor of the person who has died. This often help as you can take care of it and spend time near it, just as you would a loved one.