1. Practice for American Idol

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We all do it, you're stuck on the highway, no exit in sight and suddenly your vehicle magically transforms into a recording booth... or at least that's what we tell ourselves. There's nothing like being stuck bumper to bumper to get your vocal cords working, so turn that radio up and sing out!
2. People Watch

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Nothing feels more intimate than looking into someone's vehicle in a traffic jam. It's like a window into a whole other life. Arguments, romance even the occasional dance routine; who needs reality TV when you can just make your way through the backlog of automobiles on the highway?
3. Become A Pod-Cat

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Since 2020 the popularity of podcasts has skyrocketed and there's no better time than being stuck in traffic to engage with some good old fashioned chit-chat! Whether that's a history lesson, a grizzly true-crime or just two women gossiping in their kitchen - there's a podcast out there for everyone.
4. Finally Read That Book

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If you are lucky enough to be the passenger in this scenario, now would be a good time to reach into your tote and find that book. You know the one, you picked it up at the store months ago thinking 'I will love reading this!' but now it has sat at the bottom of your bag ever since... well now is the perfect time to finally get started!
5. Daydream

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When it looks like you won't be moving anytime soon, it's time to engage in a good old-fashioned daydream. Enter a world where you have the courage to confront your annoying co-worker, where your presentation warrants a round of applause from your boss and your crush tells you your feelings are reciprocated. What a dream.
6. Phone A Friend

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Modern life is busy, what with our careers, home life, staying healthy and being present on social media, it can be all too easy to neglect our friendships. Take this time to have proper chat with an old friend, I promise both of you will feel better for it.
7. Mental To-Do Lists

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It can feel frustrating when you have a million things to do, but you are stuck in the car. It's only natural then that most of us find ourselves making mental to-do lists whilst in traffic. If you have a passenger with you, get them to write your list down so you have it on hand as soon as you can finally leave your vehicle!
8. Snack time

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There is no feeling better than being stuck in the car and suddenly remembering you have snacks in the glove compartment. When there is nothing better to do, an in-vehicle picnic of your favorite chips, candies and fizzy pop is a traffic jam pastime we all enjoy!
9. DMCs

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Sometimes it takes being trapped in traffic to prompt them, but deep meaningful chats are always worth it. Who knows, your morning stuck on the freeway might be the conflict resolution you and your sister need or maybe even the start of a blossoming romance between you and your work crush...
10. Doom Scroll

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It's a term penned in the pandemic for the hours we all spent making our way through hundreds of posts, videos and news articles. Now 'Doom Scrolling' has become a part of our everyday. When there is nothing better to do, it is all too easy to pick up your phone and get scrolling.
11. Find the Perfect Temperature

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If there is no way to change out of your work clothes and into your comfy loungewear, the next best thing is finding the perfect temperature for maximum coziness. However, if you have a long way to go before you get home, blasting the cool air to keep you alert might be a safer bet!
12. I-Spy

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I spy with my little eye: Someone who is bored out of their mind. Only entering your second hour stuck between work and home can revitalise your love of childhood car games. Whether it's 'I Spy', 'Word Association' or 'The Number Plate Game', they are the perfect way to pass the next thirty minutes.
13. Find A Quicker Route

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We all know the feeling of realising you have unwittingly joined the end of an ever growing queue. Back in the day we would have reached for the map in our glove compartment, but now we are straight on our maps app, recalculating our route. Who knows? Miracles might happen.
14. Plan Your New Life Here

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If you are lucky, you are stuck on a road in the countryside or a beautiful residential area. I could happily spend hours planning my new life in an area I am unfamiliar with; what house I would buy, what I would do for work, what pot-plants I would grow on my porch etc. Hours of entertainment.
15. Count Red Cars

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You know you have lost hours of your life to this traffic jam when you reach the 'how many red cars can I count' stage. This game is best played on a highway where you can see the lanes of cars moving in the opposite direction - remember, double points if there are two next to each other!
16. Clean Up!

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When we are jumping in and out of our vehicle all day to pop to the shops or to collect the kids from school, we can easily ignore the build of clutter and dirt. Use this time to do a bit of reorganisation and make a mental note to get the vacuum cleaner out when you get home!
17. Meditate

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When we are constantly on the move it can be easy to ignore the things we are stressed about, but when we are stuck for hours behind the wheel, it's not so easy. Get a meditation app up on your phone and take the time to unwind and find that illusive 'inner peace'.
18. Plan A Vacation

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When you are thinking 'GET ME OUT OF THIS CAR', the perfect distraction is planning a trip far, far away. Why not start organizing your next vacay to somewhere warm and sunny, where all you need to do is sit beside the pool, sip your frozen margarita and forget that traffic jams are even a thing.
19. Stretch Out

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One of the worst parts about being stuck still is the effect it has on your circulation. Combat any negative side-effects by having a good old-fashioned stretch. If you are the passenger in this scenario, try reclining your chair to give you optimum space for stretching out.
20.Discuss the Weather

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It's the number one conversation starter all over the world for a good reason - there is always something to comment on with the weather! Colder than usual? Too hot for fall? The most rain you have seen in the spring since childhood? The conversation possibilities are endless!
21. Time to Reflect

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There is no better time to reconsider your life, I mean, what else are you going to do for the next 45 minutes? It's a great opportunity to ask yourself whether you are happy in your job or home life and if the answer is no, to make some traffic jam resolutions to change things up!
22. Phone Games

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Digital gaming has advanced way beyond phone games in recent years but when there is nothing better to do, you can't beat a classic game of snake or solitaire to pass time stuck in traffic. There's a good reason the classic games are still available in the app store!
23. Power Nap

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Now, sadly this is only an option available to the passengers in this scenario but if your driver is happy with you taking 20 minutes, get the eye mask on, earplugs in and have a nice refreshing power nap to prepare for the rest of the journey ahead.
24. Answer Your 'Left on Read' List

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We all have one, a long list of texts and emails we need to reply to but can never seem to find the time. Well... the time is now! get your phone out, your thumbs at the ready and get replying! Your work and social life will both benefit, now start typing.
25. Card Games

Image Source: Reddit
It's time to dig deep in your glove compartment and find that deck of cards you packed away for a rainy day. If you have a car full of friends, it's time to bring out the classics. If you are travelling alone, why not polish up those card tricks ahead of your next dinner party!
26. Catch Up with Work

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As much as you would ideally use this forced break from reality to relax, sometimes other things are just too pressing. Obviously if your work is purely active, it's going to be hard to complete any tasks, but if you work from home and have your laptop on hand, you could use this time to get ahead.
27. Complain Some More

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If there is one thing being stuck in traffic teaches us, it's just how brilliant we are at complaining. You may feel like you have grumbled enough about being stuck here but it might just lift your spirits to turn to your partner and complain a bit more!
28. Think About Dinner

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Noodles maybe? Or something meatier? Or fish, yeah fish would be nice, with a lovely herby sauce. If you need to pass time, nothing will distract your mind quicker than daydreaming about food. Start making your mental shopping list aisle by aisle and watch the minutes tick away!
29. Clock Watch

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How can it still be 6:25? It was 6:25 when I checked my watch like ten minutes ago! If there is a national pastime we all partake in on a daily basis it is watching the clock. You watched it all afternoon at work and now here you are, watching the seconds tick down in your vehicle.
30. Wish You Had Taken That Earlier Exit

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Well, the truth is, none of these habits and time-wasting techniques would have been necessary if you had just taken that earlier exit... why didn't you just take that exit?! Finally it is time to sit back, relax and ask yourself that question over and over until the traffic finally starts moving.