Caring For Someone Ill

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When someone is feeling sick, it is our natural instinct to care for them the best we can. When it comes down to the crunch time and you are told that someone may never get better, it is enough to bring a tear to the eye of any many, and this is a totally normal reaction.
Dogs In Pain

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Seeing our four legged friends in pain is never nice, but what makes it worse most of the time is either not knowing how we can help, or not knowing if what we are doing is actually helping. Keeping your pets calm and comfortable is always the best bet.

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Having your own kids with someone special or caring for children is a real privilege. Many men say that the most important day of their lives is getting to see the birth of their children, so its little wonder that this miracle of nature brings a tear to the eye.
Opening Up

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Opening up to someone when you are feeling down is a tricky thing to do. It can feel uncomfortable, like you are making yourself weak and vulnerable. It is actually a great way to relive stress and dramatically improves men's mental health in the future.
Reflecting On The Past

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Reflecting on the past can go one way or the other. If you make good future proof choices, looking back can bring a tear of happiness. However if things have not gone how you expected, then the thought of the past can make you said and longing for them days.

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We invest so much of our lives into watching and playing football, is it any wonder that this massive part of our lives makes us cry every once in a while? Tears of elation or disappointment are frequent sights after a big game, and more common than you think.
Being Single

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Being single can feel a little depressing, like there will never be the perfect person out there for you. Rest assured that there is someone for everyone and one day you will find the person to spend your life with, after all, crying wont help the situation!

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Thinking about death is a bit like thinking about outer space, it is a little too much to think about and can overwhelm you in an instant. Thinking about death can make us upset, but it will happen to us all at one stage or another, so no point worrying!
Hurting Someone

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Hurting someone physically or emotionally by mistake is a gut wrenching feeling. The feeling of causing someone pain by accident makes men feel like they are brutish and not careful enough, it plays over and over in their mind making men feel awful and guilty.
Old Friends

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Thinking of old friends we no longer speak with is enough to make anyone upset. Similarly, meeting up with a friend you haven't seen for years is enough to bring a tear of joy to anyone's eye. This is normal, and can actually be a great feeling of satisfaction.
Putting Down A Pet

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Having to put your pet to sleep is a horrible decision to make, but ultimately it is the choice that every pet owner needs to make at one point in their pets lifetime. Saying goodbye is awful, but remember that your pet got to spend their whole life with you!

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The thought of war, your friends at war or even heading to war yourself is daunting. Speaking about your worries with people in similar situations is the best way to deal with this, but it is key to remember that this is a very tense and stressful situation.
The Same Things As Women

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It is true, men cry at the same things as women. This could be anything, from seemingly trivial things right up to the big life changing events. Just because you are a man, doesn't mean you loose the right to cry, so let it out and don't worry about it!

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Politics is a minefield (sometimes literally). It can separate families, break up couples and cause lifelong friends to fall out. To be honest, unless you are super passionate, this subject is best avoided to limit any fights or potential tears and upset.

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Music is written to evoke our emotions, and in some cases it is pretty much designed to make us cry. Crying to an emotional or deep song is what they are designed for, so if you find yourself shedding a tear to a bit of Adele, don't blame yourself, blame Adele!
Getting Old

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We are all getting old, even as you read this the clock is ticking. It happens to us all and there is no way to slow it down, so it really isn't worth crying over. It is best to make the most from every day and try and enjoy the time and people you have.
Becoming A Dad

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Childbirth is a spectacular sight. When you become a dad, be prepared to cry tears of joy and cry out of pure exhaustion. It is one of the most challenging yet rewarding things we can put ourselves through, so prepare yourself for a lot of tears along the way.
Sentimental Objects

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A sentimental object is exactly what it says on the tin, sentimental. There is a reason that some objects mean a lot to us, it could be that you have had them since you were a child or that they have been passed down, so shedding a tear over them is rational.
Physical Irritants

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Sometimes a physical irritant like an insect sting, or an allergic reaction is enough to make us get upset. After a while, the constant nagging pain can just get to you and having a cry is the only way to deal with the pain and discomfort you are feeling.

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Some memories literally shape who we become, so it is any surprise that sometimes we cry about the memories that are special and mean the most to us? Crying about your good or bad memories is the best way to process them and grow as a person in later life.
Emotional Movies

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An emotional movie always make us cry, and men are no different. Marley and Me? You best believe i am crying at that bad boy. These kind of movies are made to bring out our emotions, so there is actually no reason not to let yourself cry at a movie like this.
Your Dad Passing Away

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For many men, your dad is your role model throughout your childhood all the way until you reach middle age in some cases. When you dad passes away, it is like a little bit of yourself dies with them, so it is understandable to shed a tear over such a significant person.
Aging Pets

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Just like the human friends in our lives, our fury and four legged friends are aging too. What makes it a little more hard to stomach is the fact that we can see them aging almost before our eyes, and we know roughly how long they have left with us.

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A baseball game can go on for hours and hours, and with that much time invested it is normal for men to cry at the result, be it in their favor or not. Baseball is also the sport we all played in preschool, so holds a lot of memories for many of us too.

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Sometimes a man will not feel as much compassion in their life as their female counterparts. When someone shows them some compassion, it can be a little overwhelming and makes us tear up. This is a common reaction and is nothing to be embarrassed about.
Cutting Onions

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Ahhh, the perfect excuse. 'I am just crying because of these onions i'm cutting'. This classic excuse is one that we have all used, but lets be honest, some of these onions are toxic, i am surprised they don't strip the paint off the walls around them!
His Favorite TV Show

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When you get invested in a television show, you can be on that train for years and years, seasons and seasons. When the show ends, it usually wraps up in a neat ending and this is normally written to make the viewers break down and shed a little tear.
Caring For His Mum

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Your mum brings you into the world, and without her a lot of men would be very different people. Caring for your mum, maybe as she ages or gets ill, can be heart wrenching. Remember, she did the same for you when you were a kid, time to repay the favor.
Physical Pain

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Breaking a bone or dislocating a collar bone is an awful way to spend a day. The pain can be overwhelming, and even the toughest men need to cry to cope with the pain. This is a human reaction, and has been seen thousands of times by the nurses and doctors.
Loosing A Sports Final

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A major sporting event final like the world cup or the Superbowl is a huge event in the lifetime of many people watching. Seeing your team win or alternatively get pipped at the post can be the best or the worst feeling in the world retrospectively.