1. Art

image source: reddit.com
Art is so subjective, it's sometimes difficult to know how a piece will be received. When a respected art buyer shows an interest in an item, then its worth immediately goes up, and will only ascend if it is sold on. It's value is likely to appreciate should the artist die, and so it is worth more in the hands of the purchaser, than it was in the hands of the creator.
2. Celebrity Clothes

image source: museum.wa.gov.au
Second hand clothing is always a great thing to purchase; it's usually cheaper, it's great for the planet, and you can find more unusual items. These aren't usually the reasons that make the second hand clothes of your idol valuable, as they become somewhat of a collectors item. Even better if they're unwashed...
3. Jewelry

image source: reddit.com
Vintage jewelry can sell for a lot of money, but its worth isn't always financial. Certain pieces may be priceless family heirlooms, passed down for generations, so their worth comes from familial love and tradition. The more generations that they're past through, the more they are treasured.
4. Vintage Sewing Machines

image source: reddit.com
There is a trend at the moment for vintage sewing machines as ornamental items. Despite them not being used how they once were, they are worth more to the people who now buy them. They're not just for repairing an old dress, they are a heritage piece of furniture.
5. Musical Instruments

image source: reddit.com
Depending on who previously owned them, musical instruments can be worth way more second hand. They may be collectors items, pieces of history, a bit of excitement for an enthusiast. Either way, people buying second hand instruments are doing it for the love of music, and that's priceless.
6. Crystal Ware

image source: reddit.com
Crystal ware is often found at auctions, where they can sell for a lot of money! The people who enthusiastically bid on such items show that they're worth more than when they were new, as they fight to outbid one another to win the piece they so desire.
7. Handmade Clothes

image source: reddit.com
Lots of time and effort goes into making clothes, so one would have to take this into account when selling it on. Once it is out of the first owners hands however, the unique piece holds a certain charm that only something crafted by hand can emit. The love gone into the fabric makes it worth way more second hand!
8. Stamps

image source: reddit.com
Most people don't think twice when buying postage stamps, as they stick it to their letter and send it away. This isn't the case for a stamp collector, who will get excited over ones which are very old and often quite rare. So next time you stick one to an envelope, just think how cherished it may be in 50 years' time.
9. Vinyl Records

image source: reddit.com
With the resurgence of listening to vinyl records, and many DJs now only mixing vinyl, the storage discs have become worth more second time round. With the onslaught of modern technology, many people are longing for the past and so would rather to stick with the classics.
10. Old Newspapers

image source: reddit.com
In the age of the internet, newspapers aren't as popular as they used to be, with the news being so immediate and readily available at our fingertips. Old newspapers however, are great to look back on. It's interesting to see what happened "on this day" many moons ago.
11. Houses

image source: reddit.com
Houses crises worldwide mean that the price of houses often goes up every time they're sold on, provided they are looked after adequately. Many people will upgrade their homes too, with extensions, makeovers, better insulation etc., which will only add to the value.
12. Antiques

image source: reddit.com
Antiques can be worth more if they have aged well, as they may not only be beautiful items, but also pieces of history. Due to how manufacturing has changed over the years, antique items are often rare and unavailable to purchase which makes their worth increase.
13. Tupperware

image source: reddit.com
It might surprise you that regular homeware may be worth a lot now, however vintage Tupperware seems to be selling really well online and at garage sales. People just seem to get excited over it, which is understandable as they are great things to have in the cupboard!
14. Vintage Cars

image source: reddit.com
Cars built before 1930 are classed as vintage, so you can image why having an almost 100 year old vehicle is desirable for an enthusiast! Their rarity will make their value increase, and the fact that they may bring back memories or align with a love for the past, makes them worth more than the price you pay.
15. Historic Artefacts

image source: reddit.com
What were once a regular daily items for someone, are now worth lots to the modern person. They reveal how people lived a long time ago, what their routines and pleasures were, and also what was made well enough to survive for so long. Just take a look in a history museum, you'll find all sorts of combs and purses!
16. Watches

image source: reddit.com
Those who find worth in second hand watches are usually those with a passion for understanding the past. They'll want to discover where the watch came from, who wore it and wear, and what significance they played in history. Sometimes buyers will wear them and sometimes they won't, it's their stories that make them so valuable.
17. Cassette Tapes

image source: reddit.com
Us humans have such an affection for nostalgia. If you are old enough to remember cassette tapes, then you'll probably remember which ones you owned, and where you were when you listened to them. Owning cassette tapes now is likely to bring you joy worth a lot more than you paid for them the first time round!
18. Vintage Clothes

image source: reddit.com
Vintage clothes tend to be much better quality than the modern garments we adorn today. The overproduction of cheap materials makes today's clothing less durable, so spending that bit extra is worth it to get a lot more wears. There's something that speaks of high-fashion when it comes to vintage clothes, which is invaluable!
19. Photos

image source: reddit.com
Photographs that have just been take are great; they've captured a moment and it's lovely to see. However photos from the past are so much more interesting than remembering something that happened five minutes ago! They're nostalgic, and tell stories of people of perhaps are no longer around. More than anything they're memories that can't be repeated.
20. China Plates

image source: reddit.com
The manufacturing process of creating Bone China requires a lot of skill, expensive material, and the correct machinery to make it a success. Many items will fail during production, which makes the surviving pieces even more valuable. They're often passed down as family heirlooms or sold on as collector's items, making them worth more than when they were first sold.
21. Vintage Furniture

image source: reddit.com
Another favorite of the avid collector is vintage furniture. Many pieces are seen as iconic and increase in value as fashions of past decades regain popularity. They can be nostalgic for many people, as they remember their grandmother owning a sofa of the same style. They become worth more as buyers relive their childhood by owning said pieces.
22. Autographs

image source: reddit.com
Getting an autograph is a fantastic way to get some valuable memorabilia from your idols, and you might find that you could make a bit of money if you do decide to sell it on! People collect autographs and so actively seek out certain ones. So you could find that that signature on a scrap piece of paper is worth more to the next person!
23. Vintage Toys

image source: reddit.com
It seems a lots of items' worth comes from the effect that nostalgia has on a person. Many toys just aren't made anymore, so being able to get your hands on things you played with as a child is invaluable. Remembering all the great times and happiness you had with the playthings all those years ago, is worth a lot indeed.
24. Glasses

image source: reddit.com
Not all glasses are worth more secondhand, but there are some rare gems that are. Many glasses have been made to commemorate certain times in history, so act as a historical artifact to recognize the event. They can be worth a lot after many years have passed, as a nod to a significant moment.
25. Old Money

image source: reddit.com
Current currency is obviously only worth as much as it states on the coin or paper, however money that has been long out of circulation may be worth a lot more to a collector or enthusiast. The rarity of these items is what makes their value increase, as people are willing to trade new money for old!
26. Corning Ware

image source: reddit.com
Corning Ware dishes are quite common, not always pricey and very fashionable to have in your kitchen, however certain pieces can be worth a fortune. A lot of it is classed as vintage and there are certain indications which can tell you if it's worth something or not. Have a look in the cupboards and see if you can make some money!
27. Video Tapes

image source: reddit.com
Most people had a favorite video tape when they were young; they often bring back warm memories. So owning them again now you're grown and they're not commonly seen anymore, is worth more than the money you pay. You can't put a price on that sweet nostalgia!
28. Old Magazines

image source: reddit.com
Whether they're magazines from your childhood or magazines from times gone by, owning secondhand prints years after publication is enough to fill anyone with pride. They're artefacts of the past that remind us of how far we have developed as a society, and are definitely worth filing away!
29. Baby Clothes

image source: reddit.com
Baby clothes are great items that are passed on time and time again. Parenthood unites people like nothing else does and being able to donate outgrown clothes is quite special. Receiving the clothes secondhand is not only good for the babies, but is an offering of support from a fellow parent, which is beyond any price!
30. Vintage Cameras

image source: reddit.com
With cameras, as long as they are in perfect working order, it seems to be the older the better! Vintage-looking photos are best taken on a vintage camera, and the fact that they can be quite rare makes them even more expensive. Vintage cameras are also collectors items so they'll only appreciate in value.