30 Things That Are Never The Same After Winning The Lottery

By Tom Pearson 12 months ago

Your Home Gets An Upgrade!

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It is only natural to want to upgrade your home arrangements when you come into a vast amount of money. Average house prices tend to top out at a few hundred dollars, maybe half a million. It is common to see lottery winners buy a house worth ten times this amount.

... So Do Your Vehicles

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One of the first things you want to upgrade when you win millions of dollars on the lottery is what car you drive. Lots of winners go all out and buy themselves their dream Ferrari or Lamborghini. You may go the other way however, and continue to drive around in old faithful!

You Will See Who Your Friends Really Are

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There is an old saying that goes, you never actually realize how many friend you have until you win the lottery. Everyone who finds out will be begging to be friendly with you, and you will need to be careful to ensure people don't take advantage of you for your money.

How You Treat People... Some People Lose Their Way

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You may start to notice that you have been treating people differently since you won a life changing sum of cash. You should not treat people worse than you would have before your circumstances changed, so try and keep this in check and don't get big headed.

Grocery Shopping Becomes A Luxury Instead Of A Chore

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Once you have the money securely in your account, you can begin to think about where you are going to pick up your groceries from. Granted, you may eat out and order food for a while, but you will be able to buy food from yourself from nicer stores too.

If You're Sensible Then Your Savings Will Show For It

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Many of us would go from having a few hundred or thousand dollars in savings, to millions. This is something you will undoubtedly keep looking at, as the figure will be amazingly high. You will be likely to keep a lot in your savings account and make a lot on the interest.

How You View Yourself... Money Changes People!

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You might find that winning a massive sum of money changes you as a person, and subsequently you might view yourself in a different light. This may make you feel more like yourself, or you might not even recognize yourself any more. It will take a while to get used to it either way.

Where You Eat WIll Become More Luxurious!

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I know for a fact that if i won a substantial amount of money, then i would hit the fancy restaurants hard. Experiencing all the foods you can't usually justify paying for normally is something that many aspire to, and it is for sure where lots of us would spend a chunk of cash.

Happiness - Does Money Really Buy Happiness?

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Of course, as soon as you realize that you have won the lottery, your happiness is going to go through the roof. The amount of money solves a lot of life's issues, but you know what they say... more money, more problems. Money can't buy you happiness.

Vacations That You Could Have Only Dreamt Of Will Will Become A Reality

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Everyone dreams of the perfect vacation. White sandy beaches and pina coladas all day long might be what you long for. Perhaps you would prefer that skiing holiday you have always dreamed about. Either way, you will be able to go on your dream trip now.

Your Relationship Might Suffer...

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If you have been with your partner for many years, then you are likely to spend the money together. It is however well documented that a long of people split up after a lottery win in favor of a newer (and usually a lot younger) life partner... Suspicious...

Parties - Have More Extravagant Ones!

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We have read about the lavish parties held by wealthy celebrities, from Elton John to Katy Perry. The parties often last all night, sometimes days, and all of the booze, food and entertainment you could ever need will be easily affordable thanks to the lottery.


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A great use of some of the lottery winnings is investing in your own personal financial adviser. They are likely to manage your wealth for you, and will normally be able to invest the funds in stocks to help you earn more money on top of your winnings.


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A perfect way to help lighten your pockets after a lottery win, is to invest in some properties. You can have a main home that you live in most of the time, a holiday home in the mountains and a few different places to stay abroad whenever you need to.

Money Worries

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Money worries can now be a distant memory thanks to your lottery winnings. Unless you spend it all that is. To avoid actually running out of money, speaking with a financial advisor before you do anything with the money is a really sound piece of advice.

A Lot Seems Like A Little

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One of the (minimal) downsides to winning a large amount of money is that a lot now seems like a little. Where lots of us save up for months or even years to spend a few thousand dollars on something like a car, you can now do it like the money is worth less!

How You View The World

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You can now look at the world differently in two different ways. In one way, you can physically see what amazing sites the world has to offer. On the other hand, you are likely to see the uglier side of humanity, as people start to treat you differently.

Caring For Your Parents

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Your parents care for you for around 18 years of your life at least, so now you have the means to make sure they are taken care of for the rest of their lives. You can buy them a nice house, or if they are old, get them into a really fancy nursing home.

How You Are Treated

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Old friends might start treating you differently, and a large win might show you who they really are. The general public are also likely to treat you differently, as you may have upgraded your car or wardrobe. Either way, expect different treatment from others.

Where You Go Out

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You might start choosing to go out in more high class places now you have substantial wealth, or even start hiring out places entirely just for you. You are likely to go to more expensive restaurants, fancier car dealerships and better hotels as well.

Sights You See

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Thanks to your wealth, and likely more free time due to no longer needing to work, you have the opportunity to go and explore the seven wonders of the world. You are now free to go to every destination you want, and can see all of the best sights in the world.

What You Eat

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Caviar. Wagyu Beef. Unlimited flamin' hot cheetos. The world of fine dining and food is now at your feet, and you can try pretty much anything you want. Go and experience Michelin star restaurants and you can try everything on the menu that intrigues you.

How You Travel

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You can now travel around in pure luxury. You no longer need to worry about driving yourself around in a fifteen year old hatchback. In fact, you can hire a driver, so don't need to worry about driving at all. Why not treat yourself to something comfy, like a Rolls Royce?

How You Treat Friends

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We all like to think that we would treat our friend to anything they could ever want, but no one actually knows how they will start to act when the money lands in their bank account. Everyone would love to buy a big house and fancy car for all their close friends.

Clothing Choice

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Many people in America long to have all of the finest and fanciest clothing brand littering the closet, so why not splash out and treat yourself to some fancy clothes with your winnings. You can also upgrade to stuff that will last a lot longer, costing you less in the long run!

Holiday Homes

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A holiday home is something that 99% of us can only dream about, but how sweet would it be to go away and have your own little home from home. Thanks to a lottery win, you can afford to buy yourself holiday homes in multiple destinations and always feel at home.


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Once you have enough money to afford not working for the rest of your life, there is nothing really stopping you from waking up and getting straight onto the beers. This is a slippery slope however, as many people drink themselves to an early grave. Please avoid this if you're a big winner!


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Not only can you now afford to fly first class everywhere you go now, you can also upgrade your airport experience. No one likes the airport, its busy, sweaty and stressful. Now you can treat yourself to the first class lounge and fly in real luxury.

How You Look At Partners

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You might find your partner changes after you win a life changing sum of money, and sometimes this can be for the worse. A partner might start treating you differently, and spending money frivolously. This is something you should keep a close eye on.


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Money can't buy you happiness, and a lot of previous lottery winners know that this is true. Depression can actually take hold quickly, as many people feel that they lose all sense of drive in their life, as if their time on earth becomes pointless. Speak to a professional if this is the case.